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Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
(Sorry I broke post order before, I finally realize how it works now though, shouldn't happen again!)

Conflict was everywhere. Cody and Adonis were either teasing each other, or arguing. It was difficult to tell. Joey didn't really care.

"So, you dudes likin' this gym, or what?"

He didn't think much of it. There were two girls in the room though. He remembered that in Spanish 1 they learned that multiple men was "ellos," multiple chicks was "ellas," and "ellos" meant mix. Italian was similar. Dudes probably could just refer to everyone.

"Stick a ref's whistle up your ass, Alba!"

Or not.

"I was going to start with a bench press and then do some shoulders. You?"

So much just happened. Joey looked back at his buddy. Shoulders and chest sound like a good start.

"Yeah bud, you grab a bench, I'll get the dumbbells." He left to get the 70s for shoulders, not expecting Micheal to be able to lift the same, and looking forward to showing off a bit.

He waddle walked back with them, grinning and ready to lift.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by KamiKaze
The antagonism, for lack of a better word, continued. Lana couldn't help but bite her lip a bit as she overheard Alba mention "chicks and parties". That's right, he was a womanizer too, wasn't he? And not only a womanizer, but one who bragged about all the women he had slept with. That... yeah. That was kind of a disgusting habit. It's one thing to have an unconventional sex life. It's another to treat women like trading cards. And now he was bragging about it here too? Really?

No. Try not to let it get on her nerves too much. He can have fun bragging and making people roll his eyes at him. If she reacted, well, she knew how he'd react back. Not well, she'd imagine.

At least Cody had teased him a bit more by saying that at least he threw the ball.

With that, a bit more quietness. There was a bit more chit-chat in the gym, but Lana didn't pay too much mind. If anything, she was still, as always, focused on the treadmill. She stared straight ahead as she exercised, until-

A shout. Mallory?

Lana hastily turned off the treadmill and looked, the belt slowly coming to a stop. Yes, Alba must had said something to set her off. She didn't pick up what, but it was enough to make her tell him to shove a referee's whistle in a certain place. Lana then remembered why exactly he wasn't on the football team anymore. It wasn't because of skill. No no. According to the stories she had heard, Alba had harassed both his team mates and the ref, and was generally a pain. With this in mind... he could easily start trouble again.

Her eyes examined the room. If it didn't get worse, she'd go back to her treadmill. If it did, surely she could find a teacher and tell them what's up. For now, though, she had to make sure it stopped there. Hopefully it didn't. Lana prayed it didn't.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by Aura
Adonis figured that he had some time to kill before Mallory figured out what he had said, so he wondered what he should do.  Lifting weights sounded like too much work, but it would help him look like the perfect specimen that he was.  Same deal with the exercise bikes.  He could go back to messing around with Patton and seeing who could one-up the other the most.  Or maybe he could watch the wrestler chick run.  Girls on treadmills were always fun.  Yeah, that sounds-

"Stick a ref's whistle up your ass, Alba!"

Oh, so Manly Mallory wants to play.

Mallory had caught on quicker that Adonis thought she would, and he really didn't expect what she had just said.  He had to think up a comeback, he just had to!  Adonis put on his trademark nasty grin as he came up with one.

Stick a ref's whistle up my ass, huh?

"Well, I don't know about you,  but I've never had anything stuck up my ass, and I don't want anything up there anytime soon."

C'mon, keep going!  Think of something better!

"Why don't you stick a ref's whistle up YOUR ass!"

Eh...not my best work, but it'll do.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Left, right, left, right...

Cody's feet pounded against the treadmill and his whole body rocked in motion with his strides. It didn't matter how much he talked a big game; if he couldn't actually give a performance to match all his talk, what good was he to the team? One severely botched game would probably be all it took to make him take a dive, falling out of good graces with the upper crust of the student body.

Shit, when he thought about it that way, the geeks at this school had it easy. They could always be counted on to be not cool, but the students like him? They always had something to lose. The girls who carried their popularity with their money were screwed if Daddy's bank or restaurant chain tanked, the social butterflies were always walking on a wire between arrogance and irrelevance, and the athletes were only popular if they did well. Well, it wasn't the <i>only</i> thing keeping him where he was, but Cody couldn't deny that it certainly helped. When the team brought home victories again this year, he could walk down the hall with confidence in his step and a smile on his face. From there, the rest of high school life just came naturally.

He had to work hard to be where he was, naysayers be damned, and that's what pushed Cody during his workouts as he continued staring straight ahead, his earlier thoughts about sneaking a peek or two at his jogging 'partner' all but washed away by a more serious focus. It wasn't like his parents were rich... well, his father might be relatively set at this point given the low cost of living in fuckin' Alaska, but his mom definitely had her hands full. Being popular actually took effort, and that was effort he was willing to pay. If Eliza could just get her head out of her ass and stop hanging with those losers she always hung out with, maybe he could dare to look her in the eyes in the halls.

Cody's near-monolithic concentration was shaken by somebody yelling... something about a ref's whistle, an ass, and 'Alba'. Yep. That wouldn't be the first time he's heard something like that. Turning down the speed of the treadmill so he could at least listen and also run when less than 100% of his mind was on running, Cody wondered if good ol' Greek would come up with something halfway decent.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've never had anything stuck up my ass, and I don't want anything up there anytime soon."

Ha... yeah, that ain't ba-

"Why don't you stick a ref's whistle up YOUR ass!"

Cody nearly fell off the treadmill from how bad that one was.

God. Damn it. Alba.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by Serpico*
Yoshio wasn't exactly used to watching arguments unfold, but it wasn't like he hadn't seen them back in his old school. Apparently he missed something because he didn't quite understand why they were confronting each other.

Mallory had told Adonis to shove a ref's whistle up his ass.

Why a whistle? Yoshio wondered as he didn't understand why that specific object would be chosen.

For now Yoshio would assume that he wasn't in the loop and that there was some history behind this. That's the thing about transferring into a new school; it's difficult to know why things happen sometimes.

It was then that Adonis would respond to Mallory's outburst. The first few words sounded like they were leading up to a really good insult, but then Adonis failed to deliver a witty taunt back. Even though English wasn't his first language, Yoshio felt that Adonis' response was particularly bad.

Yoshio tried to hide the fact that he was kind of smiling by covering his mouth with his hand, he found the insult so bad that it was kind of funny. He tried to suppress a chuckle and instead made an odd exhaling sort of noise. He hoped that it wasn't noticeable. He would have gone ahead and laughed if he was familiar with these people.

He waited awkwardly for the next few moments to unfold.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by ViolentMedic
Mallory regretted snapping at Adonis as soon as he got that mean grin on his face. Once again, she felt the urge to run. Also, the yell had attracted awkward looks from many of the other people in the gym. Dammit, not again. Stupid awkward looks.

Thankfully, Adonis didn't punch her in the face. Instead, he just kept on with that mean-ass grin and spoke.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've never had anything stuck up my ass, and I don't want anything up there anytime soon."

Is that a gay joke? No, wait... that'd only work on actual guys. ...So I'm a gay dude? This insult is confused.

"Why don't you stick a ref's whistle up YOUR ass!"

And that was just ridiculous. Mallory didn't even know what to say at first. What did you say to something that... dumb?

"...What the fuck?" It was all she could manage.

There was a wheezing sound from behind her. It came from Yoshio. Mallory was momentarily distracted from Adonis' 'comeback.'

Wheezing? Oh my god, he has asthma! He's worked out too hard! Wait, he hasn't worked out at all. Oh my god, it's so bad that he only has to look at gym equipment to set it off!

Already, Mallory's mind had completely jumped to this new concern. She spun around, looking for signs that Yoshio was about to stop breathing, fall over and die.

"Yoshio, are you having an asthma attack?! Do you need to go to the nurse's office?" Mallory shoved three fingers an inch from Yoshio's face. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:09 am
by Sean*
((Mark Kent start.))

One. Mark pushed the 285-pound barbell up, laying under it, then brought it back down.

Two. He repeated the action.


"Stick a ref's whistle up your ass, Alba!" he heard Mallory, a girl he was somewhat acquainted with, yell. She seemed pretty friendly to him, so the outburst surprised him, though its target explained things somewhat.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've never had anything stuck up my ass, and I don't want anything up there anytime soon. Why don't you stick a ref's whistle up YOUR ass?" he heard Adonis Alba, the school's resident raging asshole, yell back.

Mark set the barbell back down, slid under it, and sat up on the end of the bench. He could finish his set after this.

"Alba, don't be a dick," he said loudly. "I know it's a little hard for you, but you're not doing yourself any favors by pissing everyone off."

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by decoy73
"Yeah bud, you grab a bench, I'll get the dumbbells." Joey went to get some dumbbells as Mike stretched his shoulders and chest a little.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've never had anything stuck up my ass, and I don't want anything up there anytime soon ... Why don't you stick a ref's whistle up YOUR ass!"

Mike just stared at Adonis.

What the ... did he ... that comeback sucked.

"Uhh ... " For a second, Mike tried to wrap his head around the insult, ignoring Yoshio's cough, as well as some other guy chewing out Adonis. "Yeah. I'm just going to ignore this."

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joey was getting annoyed. He just wanted to get a good workout in before he went home. His eyes rolled in a huge arc as he approached the weight rack. His thick fingers wrapped around two dumbbells, he inhaled as he prepared to lift them.

One, two, and...the fuck? HE lowered them both back down. One had a block print "55" and the other "50."

He looked to his left to see that all of the dumbbells were shifted one position to the right from where they should have been.

And now these lightweights are putting the weights back wrong?

He grunted and hauled up the two correct weights, waddle-walking them over to the adjustable weight bench where Mike waited. He gestured toward the drama. "We really outta join a real gym, I'm tired of clowns crowding this place up."

Joey plugged in his headphones while swinging a stout leg over the bench and leaned back. The weights swung up to his chest as heavy metal drowned out the sucky insults. He took deep breaths in and out, shifting his shoulders and legs around while he awaited his spot to take his place.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by KamiKaze

It was now a contest about who can apparently shove referee's whistles up each others' rear ends. It wasn't even a good comeback, it was like... god, Lana didn't know. Elementary school kids, she guessed. Seriously, people were trying to exercise, and he... yeah. He was being disruptive. Couldn't he and Patton at least to back to mock-arguing at each other or something? That was relatively normal, for one thing. And another? Well, no one was telling each other to stick whistles inside themselves then.

Lana's eyes continued scanning the classroom for a teacher. Come on... where were they... surely Lomelli and Sanders would notice the commotion? Generally they were good teachers. Could they be strict? Certainly, especially Sanders. But they would notice, and it would not go unpunished, at the very least. Even if they weren't here, there could at least be a student aide, or another teacher, or something.

That's when she noticed Mark Kent. Now Kent, he was another athlete, of course. Specifically, another wrestler. So yes, she knew him. But now he was doing what you'd expect of him; standing up to Alba. Really, it was nice of him, even if he was only going to direct his attention at him and Mallory.

Okay, so she probably couldn't run up to Alba herself as well. So the best option was to find that teacher, and-

She spotted him. There we go. Lomelli. He was further off to the other side of the gym and dealing with a freshman that had just walked in, but surely she could get him. Sure, people might call her a "snitch" or something, but honestly. Alba, Alba had a history, and it looked like said history was repeating itself.

Lana hopped off the treadmill. Okay, even if he didn't see or hear that, the minute he found out Alba was causing a ruckus again he wouldn't allow it. She was sure of that.

With that, Lana walked over to where he was. Lomelli could help with the situation, she was sure.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by Aura
Adonis's smug grin faded when he noticed the reactions of the other students after his comment.  He could have sworn that he heard some stifled chuckles coming from somewhere in the gym.

Who the hell's laughing at me?  Adonis looked around the room to find the perpetrator of the chuckles.  While he looked around, a voice reached his ears.

"Alba, don't be a dick."

Adonis jerked his head toward the direction of the voice.  Mark Kent was the source.  He didn't even pay attention to what Mark said afterwards.  He just walked towards the weightlifting bench that Mark was sitting on.

What's with this guy?

"Oh, you're calling me a dick?"  Adonis shot back, jabbing his finger towards Mark, "Well, what kind of dick just goes around butting into other people's business?"  His finger jabbed forward again, now only inches from the wrestler's chest.  Averting his attention for a moment, Adonis looked at the huge amount of weight on the bench.

"And what's with all the weight?  You tryin' to impress someone?  Let me tell you something.  No one cares.  No girl's gonna come running just because you can bench a car or something."

Adonis looked Mark straight in the eye, his smug expression returning to his face.  He wasn't playing around any more.  Now, it was serious.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by MK Kilmarnock
There was a difference between a little bit of interesting ruckus and a whole world of shit just waiting to happen, and Cody was watching the line being drawn in real-time. He had hoped that Alba's backfiring insult would've been so laughable that maybe things would cool down, or maybe the gym would be filled with such a long awkward silence that the situation would defuse itself. He had also hoped that Alba might just leave and make things a little easier. Unfortunately, after watching his approach towards Mark, it looked like neither one of those things was going to happen.

Mark was a pretty tough dude himself, which was one of the many thoughts running through Cody's mind more than once. As much of an assclown as Alba could be at times, he was still an alright guy at times where he could be kept calm. All in all, he could even be considered a friend. Cody hoped that he could spare him the possible humiliation of getting his ass kicked right in front of everybody after making an ass out of himself. Even if he ended up trashing Mark, how was that going to look when a teacher finally got here? Lana had already headed out, no doubt to get somebody.

"Woah. Alba."

Cody had cut the treadmill and was already stepping off of it, wiping a few beads of sweat off of his brow. "Why don't we get out of here and run a few laps or something? It's starting to get a little crowded in here." He had to work fast if he wanted to get him out of here before things just got more complicated. Fuck, they were complicated enough.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by Serpico*
Yoshio was surprised by Mallory's sudden outburst, and a little perplexed as to why she was behaving with such concern. With the way she was acting people would think that he had a concussion or something.

"I am fine. There is no reason to worry." He muttered, but his attention was drawn away from Mallory as he focused on Adonis Alba, who at the time was behaving quite unpleasantly to say the least.

At this point Yoshio figured that he would likely not be able to exercise in peace at the gym that day. Yoshio had just developed a strong dislike for Alba thanks to his behaviour, thinking that he was a jerk among other less pleasant things. Yoshio frowned as Adonis reacted aggressively to Mark, but he was relieved to see that Cody was attempting to defuse the situation.

Maybe he would be able to exercise in peace after all. Yoshio's opinion of Cody was now a very positive one, he made a mental note that he seemed to be an alright guy and he waited to see if the situation in the gym would calm down.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by ViolentMedic
Yoshio said he wasn't having an asthma attack and that he was fine. But he also didn't say how many fingers she was holding up. Maybe he was faking being fine.

Mallory's attention was, once again, pulled in a different direction when the muscly guy with the goopy hair (his name was definitely something that started with M, maybe Marcus or Michelle) stopped exercising with his ginormous weighs-as-much-as-a-bulldozer barbell and tell off Adonis for being a dick.

Mallory had to admire him for that, because he told Adonis off without any bit of scardiness, something that Mallory could never quite keep suppressed whenever she charged in to tell off a jerkwad. And if Adonis had turned to her with that so-ready-to-smack-a-bitch expression, Mallory would have cowered. You know, a little.

Even with how bitch-smacking-ready Adonis looked, and despite the fact that Cody had attempted to calm him down (the smart thing to do, but smart was not something Mallory was good at) she replied to his derogatory comments about Goopy-Haired-Guy's giant barbell without really thinking.

"Oh yeah, Alba, and you're just so very, very impressive and attractive to girls, aren't you? I'm sure talking how you were so fucking stupid as to insult the ref multiple times and spend your free time insulting people for being better weight-lifters than you just makes chicks fling their underwear at you. At least he's doing something better than bragging about being the old star. ...Also, he's not a dick."

Mallory's rant had gotten particularly heated during the part about Adonis and his infamous ref incident. Not so much because of any urge to focus on that event--it didn't annoy her more than anything else about Adonis--but because she recalled that she'd done something rather similar in junior high. Though in that case, it had been for actually assaulting a teammate. But with the same result. And it was similar enough to make her cringe.

She hated finding similarities between herself and dickbags like Adonis.

Also, she'd just ranted at him. When he was already mad. ...Oh god, why did I do that?

Mallory spoke again, this time in a much shakier voice. "Uh. I mean... erm. Yeah. What Patton said. Laps. That's a good idea. You should do that."

Good save.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:10 am
by SOTF_Help
Coach Lomelli stalked into the weight room as some girl mouthed off to the bane of his existence, Adonis Alba.  So much potential and absolutely no discipline.  God, that boy was a waste of a God-given talent.  He'd deal with Alba in a minute.  First, he wanted to hear  what the girl was going to say.  She seemed to have built up a good head of steam.

It took him a moment to put a name with the face since the girls' teams were generally Vee's domain. He thought she might be one of the soccer players.  The one with the unusual last name. Mac-something.  Mac…McCormick.  That was it.  McCormick, like the spice brand.  

With a snort, he shook his head as he listened as her fit petered out to nothing.   Between Alba and McCormick, this looked like it had been shaping up to be a real battle of wits. At least Torres had had the common sense to come and get him rather than to fight in the middle of his weight room.  Better to let his little brain trust know he was here.

"What in hell is going on in here?!" he bellowed as he strode into the center of the room.  Planting his hands on his hips, he leveled a glare at the assembled athletes to let them know he was not pleased by today's events.  He was pretty certain that the tendons in his neck were standing out, but then again, athletes like Alba had a tendency to bring that out in him.  

Before anyone could say anything , Lomelli raised a hand to forestall any comments.  "You know what, I don't want to hear it.  Whatever it is, knock it off.  Now."  

He pointed at McCormick.  "You.  Either get back to work or go get cleaned up."  The finality in his tone hopefully let the assembled students know how not in the mood for any foolishness he was.  

"And you, Alba."  Lomelli rocked back on his heels as he looked over at the interloper.  "Extra weight room time is a privilege that is extended to Aurora High athletes.  That hasn't applied to you in a long time.  I won't have you coming in here and harassing my athletes.  Get out of my weight room.  You want extra time on some equipment outside of PE, go get a gym membership."

If Alba was smart, he would just go and not force Lomelli into doing something they would both regret.  Drumming his fingers on his pockets, he again addressed the assembled athletes.  "All of you, get back to work or else we'll be heading outside for some all-fours.  Unless 100 yards sounds good to you, the only sounds I'd better hear coming from this room are the sounds of dedicated athletes pushing their levels.  Got it?"