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Re: The New Constitution

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:37 am
by Little Boy*
[No worries! Sorry this is rather late. And a bit on the shorter side.]

Mike nodded his head, eagerly scrounging for his wallet.

"Yeah, let's get some grub." Mike said, pulling out his loose change.

"Shit," He hissed under his breath, counting the small coins as fast as he could. Food was expensive- and a trip to the cafe usually left him empty of any change on him.

Why does it cost so much to eat? Why do I have to pay to avoid starving? Okay, so it isn't like I'm an African child. I won't starve if I forgo lunch for a day. But still. So much food in this world- and such silly rules.

Plus, I'm ten cents short. I'll have to pass on the soup side. Motherfuckers!

"Sleepy? Late night?" Mike asked as he began to walk toward the lunch-line, slow enough to make sure Tim could catch up. "Yeah, same deal with me. Parents had me sweeping up late last night- shop was a mess. I wanted to fix my sleep schedule, but I just made it worse, heheh!"

Continued in A Casual Question

Re: The New Constitution

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:37 am
by Super Llama*
{{continued from The Magical Mystery Tour}}

"Oh, what the hell?"

Hiro watched with frustration as the bag of chips stopped just short of falling to the bottom of the vending machine. Figures. She probably should've paid better attention to the fact that it wasn't in any real position to be gotten. She didn't have enough change to try again, either. Just her luck, wasn't i-


Suddenly the metal coil started spinning again, and the bag of chips fell down, soon followed by a second one.

"Since when did vending machines do THAT?" The school put in new ones not too long ago. Maybe the manufacturers caught on that it kind of sucks when their products steal your money.

Hiro picked up the two bags of chips and turned around, heading on over to the tables, passing by the lunch line in the process. She didn't need to stop there, as she always brought her own lunch from home. At the moment, though, that lunch simply consisted of a ham sandwich (and now two bags of chips.) She looked down at the second bag of chips, wondering what to do with it. She didn't really feel like eating a second bag, though someone would probably encourage her to, as she could really stand to put on some weight, being a skinny stick girl and all. Not that it would matter, though. No matter what she ate, she never seemed to be able to put on any significant amount of weight. Some girls would probably kill to have a problem like that.

"Probably why he ditched you, huh?


Hiro shook her head as she sat down at a vacant table, not paying much attention to the stuff on the table suggesting that the table wasn't really vacant a moment ago. It'd been a couple days ago, but she was still feeling a bit sore about having been stood up. She never did hear back from that guy. Probably just came to his senses, huh?

Hiro sighed, pulling out her sandwich from the brown paper bag it was contained in, while her other hand held her Harry Potter book-in-progress as she tried to distract herself.

Re: The New Constitution

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:37 am
by Super Llama*
And then Hiro ate her food and left.


{{continued elsewhere}}