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Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by Ciel*
Darren looked at Tim for a very long moment. When it came apparent that the air was quickly becoming stale and uncomfortable, Darren turned his head to look at Marcus, teeth pressed deep against his lip. He figured he wasn't the only one who was feeling the tension.
"He's probably just as nervous," he said, looking at Michael and Phoebe. "Those two seem excited. I didn't know Phoebe knew sign language though."
Trying not to look at Tim and his gun, Darren focused his attention on Phoebe and Michael. Really, there were so many things he didn't know about Phoebe, or Marcus, Michael and even Tim for that matter. Maybe this whole experience was actually an improvement, in small ways. Phoebe and Michael were talking, err, signaling frantically. Despite not being able to really understand what they were saying, Darren could see they were excited!
Phoebe quickly turned to Marcus and said they had to make daisy-chains. Darren beamed. Yes yes yes! The wedding was really happening! Darren sat up, clapping his hands together.
"Great! Maybe " Darren paused, his smile turning lukewarm. "Aah, Phoebe, n-not to distract you but maybe you could tell me how to make these rings?"
The Deacon's new, give him some slack.
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by backslash
"I dunno about daisy chains either, but I can try." Marcus knelt and plucked a few flowers, trying to wind the stems together to make an acceptable ring. "I didn't know Pheobe could sign either. I'm getting a talented husband." He laughed.
"Tim, man, you wanna sit down? You're awfully tense..." Marcus gestured at Tim with one of the flowers. "Come on, you can be the ring bearer."
If this kept up, they'd have a proper wedding party. Maybe they ought to wait around and see if any bridesmaids showed up. Marcus held up one of the daisy chains. "What do you think, Phoebe? Acceptable?"
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by Mimi
"Oh, duh," Phoebe said breezily, glancing away from Michael for a moment when Darren and Marcus expressed their confusion with the daisy chains. She spent many afternoons in her backyard growing up making them for herself and her brothers and instilling the Queendom of Cho and just assumed the boys had, obviously, done the same.
"It's easy, I promise. Gather round, kids," She said, flagging them in before picking a couple flowers from the bed, "You can either just tie the stems together, like this, or, if you wanna get super fancy," She eyed Marcus expectantly, "You can poke a hole through the stem and tie them together that way."
She tied together a couple more, slowly so the boys could follow, before handing the incomplete chain to Tim, whom had kept mostly to himself within the group. She was like that too with strangers, never quite one to spark up the conversation, but always appreciating when someone else did it. Hopefully he was the same way and wanted to get immersed. Or maybe he just didn't have time for their games. That was okay too.
"You can give it to someone special," She teased, before Marcus called her attention and forced a shriek from her, "Marcus! You can't show me! It's bad luck!" Although the damage was already done and she'd glimpsed part of her crown, she quickly shot a hand to the side of her face, cupping it to shield her from further glimpses as she rejoined Michael at a separate flower bed a couple feet from the rest of the boys.
We've been... good, I guess. Marcus and I have been together since the first day and found Darren the day after in the reactors. Since then, we've just been avoiding everything the best we can. What about you?
She watched thoughtfully as Michael told his story, absently picking at the flowers just so she'd have something to do in the meantime. Everything was fine, normal even, which was a relief. Up until he asked about Daniel. Phoebe had never been close to Daniel, but she, well, everyone really, knew how close he was with Michael. And nobody had told him. The color drained from her face in an instant and she quickly diverted her gaze to the flowers, letting her long ponytail fall forward to, hopefully, hide her features.
There had already been so much sadness, so much mourning. It was what the people behind the cameras wanted. But this was their little pocket of happiness and Phoebe wasn't ready to give it up, not yet. If they could just forget everything for a little while, just a little, and be happy and healthy and hopeful, it'd make everything else so much easier to handle.
She retreated with a smile from her sheath of hair, pulling Darren's hoodie tighter around her as a light gust of wind rattled the area.
Neither of them have been on the announcements, so they're around somewhere. We can look for them after the wedding. Darren wants to go to the beach, anyway, so two birds with one stone, yeah?
Her smile stung at the corners, protesting the force, and she felt as though someone had punched her directly in the gut. She knew it was wrong and that when he found out, he'd be angry. And she'd tell him. She would.
But right now lying was easier than the alternative.
She just wanted everyone to be happy for awhile.
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by dmboogie
Phoebe broke from their conversation for a minute to apparently instruct the poor ignorant bastards off to the side on how to properly construct a daisy chain. Man, what sort of pathetic sap did you have to be to not even be able to construct a fucking flower crown? Some people, honestly. Tim seemed to be hella tense, which was kind of weird considering a wedding was pretty much the chillest thing that could ever happen on MurderDeathJaywalking island, but whatever. Soon enough, he'd have to chill and just roll with the beauty of nature.
Soon enough, Phoebe returned, and their conversation continued. Her crew had apparently been doing a-okay, which was always a good thing to hear. Phoebe was good people, the dudes she was with seemed decent sorts, and every relatively intact person was another huge middle finger poking the terrorists in the eye. Fuck you, assholes, they were getting along just fine, even on this shitty doubleplusungood piece of earth that was casually in the middle of the ocean somewhere!
Phoebe did seem taken aback for a second when he brought up Daniel, which was kinda weird and not anything worth thinking about for more than a second, but that second soon passed, Phoebe was smiling again, and everything was just fine. Sweet! he signed back at Phoebe. It wouldn't be a proper after-wedding party without a few more guests of honor, after all!
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by Skraal
Michael and Pheobe's conversation seemed to drag on for ages. Timothy clenched his jaw as he waited for the fallout that would surely come after Daniel was mentioned.
As the seconds ticked by, he became more and more confused. Why were they still smiling and laughing? Surely Michael cared enough about his best friend to ask about him. Maybe Pheobe and the others weren't paying attention to the announcements? He took a few steps away, keeping his eyes on them the whole time.
He knew that his best choice would be to get out of there before things went south, but could he really bring himself to abandon the only friend he had left here? Of course, Michael would probably turn on him once his lie was revealed, but who else could he turn to? Joachim the serial killer?
Timothy sighed. He had to make a decision. It was time to accept that the group that he made had completely fallen apart. Michael would probably be better off with these people anyway.
He dropped Michael's shotgun and started running in the other direction, huffing and puffing as he lugged his flamethrower over the grassy hills.
(Timothy Abrams continued in
Relationship Status: Single))
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by Ciel*
Phoebe had been nice enough to show them the ropes with using plant life to make rings. Despite how ordinary, Darren felt equally amazed and immersed in the work, and he started smiling again soon enough. But then Tim dropped everything, turned and ran off. Darren sat on the ground, stems between his fingers, his mouth hanging open in a look of unassuredness.
"Was it something we said?" Darren asked, looking at Phoebe, then at Marcus. He frowned. "I... What just happened? I don't understand."
The severity of the situation occurred to Darren in that moment, and his body went cold. He would have considered going after Tim. Darren wanted to find him and bring him back, if only to placate his of the danger away from the little bubble they inhabited. The suddenness of it all made him freeze, however, and no matter how much he tried he could not will himself to get up.
"Should we go after him?" He blinked at Marcus, turning his head towards Phoebe's friend, who was looking the other way. "Phoe - Phoebe, did Michael see that?"
Tim could have been annoyed. Where Phoebe, Marcus and him saw light, he could have seen a dead end. But then why did he drop his shotgun? Darren didn't know what to think, and that troubled him.
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by backslash
"I... don't know." Marcus followed Darren's gaze in the direction that Tim had just taken off. "I guess he thought of something to do?" He glanced around the area. Nothing out of the ordinary that seemed like it would make Tim run off. Still, Marcus didn't quite feel like popping their little bubble of safety just to go chasing after him.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe he'll come back later or we can go looking..." Marcus put the finishing touches on the flower chain meant for Phoebe, careful to keep it more or less out of her sight.
He smiled and patted Darren's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, man. Besides, everything's just about ready to get the show on the road." He sat back, satisfied with their work. "Are you guys all set?"
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:07 am
by dmboogie
((Skipping because Michael is way too close to inactive))
Oh, for the motherfucking love of shit Tim, not you, too!
What the fuck was his problem? Michael scowled at Tim as the kid ran off, apparently decided that Corey was the greatest role model ever. Everyone else was still okay and cool, so there obviously wasn't some dick shooting at them or anything, so why did he feel the need to abandon Michael? He thought that he and Tim were bros, goddammit! Friends to the end! Comrades in weathering the slings and arrows of bullshit!
Michael sighed. Fuck it. As much as he would have liked to chase after Tim and slap the asshole, because seriously, what the fuck, he wasn't gonna risk losing track of Phoebe after only just finding her. He'd gotten somewhat used to having to slip notes whenever he wanted to say anything, but holy hell it was good to be able to actually talk to someone again.
Tim hadn't been enough of a dick to take Michael's gun with him, at least, considering it seemed to be the only weapon their little group had. He picked the gun up and gently lay it down on top of his bag before returning to Phoebe. I guess Tim was just too overwhelmed by the beauty of this joyous union to stay. He signed. I bet he'll be back soon, after he's done crying his eyes out because of how proud he is of you glorious bastards.
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:08 am
by dmboogie
There was an awkward pause. Michael fidgeted, glancing up at the sky. Shit, why couldn't there be some hella convenient helicopter of deus ex machina that miraculously happened to fly over the island, so everyone could perform a fucking glorious live-action re-enactment of when the Terminator yelled "GET TO THE CHOPPER" while shielding a kindergarten class from a rampaging T-Rex?
Michael was not a man who gave many shits about movies.
Seriously, though, did the terrorists have fucking missiles? Lasers? Did they hack into, like, the flight paths of every airplane to say "THERE BE DRAGONS HERE. SPOOKY SKELETON DRAGONS. THAT ARE ALSO ON FIRE." If so, why the hell hadn't anyone come to check it out yet? That shit was metal as hell.
Michael could picture it. Him, riding atop his glorious flaming steed, flying straight at the terrorist's faces to fuck them up real good. Then he could give his dragon a nice meal, teach it a few tricks, name is something suitably kickass like Binky. Maybe get one for Daniel, too. He liked that Iron Maiden type shit a lot.
Another moment passed. Michael stretched. He got the distinct feeling that, somewhere, some asshole was yelling at them to "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST." What a dick. The Mitchellson moved at his own pace, baby, whether that be slow as molasses going uphill in January on crutches, to quote the worst coach ever, or fast as the majestic fucking railgun of justice, ready to send any evildoers straight to the abyss.
Without a map.
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:08 am
by Un-Persona*
((Adopted Marcus))
Marcus adjusted his cap as he looked towards the sun. Seemingly surrounded by a dark sky, that made it only shine all the more brighter. He could feel the gooesbumps growing on his arms and calves. There was not much for him to do, his one and only job was to be here, right now at this moment. Just be.
It was easy for Marcus to tell that the other boys were concerned due to Tim leaving, if not necessarily about him leaving. What the case may be did not matter, but there was something that was affecting them to varying levels. However, four out of five were still here, and that was a good enough reason to him to not act or react. Abiding by majority rules was a simple and easy way to live, but it had not let him wrong on anything truly important.
So Marcus simply sat there, flower chain on one side and the sword on his other, neither really significant to him. The flower chain did have more value to a degree, if only because he had figured it was more valued by the others, but he knew that was for right now and not necessarily in a future he could see. Would be a shame if something were to happen to the happiness they had.
Another slight adjustment of the cap. Marcus simply sat there. Just being.
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:08 am
by Ciel*
This wasn't right though. It just wasn't. Darren tried his best just to forget about it. Even a few minutes later, instead of moving on, it just continued to nag at him.
Why would someone just... leave? Was he worried they were going to pull some prank on him? It didn't make any sense!
Darren sat up. He glanced at Marcus, smoothing his lips into a straight line. He got up and started walking. He wasn't thinking properly, mind consumed only with the thought of finding Tim.
(Darren Fox continued in
Last Stop Château de Vincennes.)
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:08 am
by Un-Persona*
((Breaking post order to do things))
Marcus saw Darren walk away without a word. Troublesome...this was quite the pickle. He was in the majority still, but yet, deep inside him, he knew he was in a completely different kind of minority. Those who had been left unscathed, who were happy. Even over the past few days, the dark circles around his eyes had begun to fade. He had been sleeping soundly, eating right, quenching his thirst properly.
Nothing had changed. If anything, things seemed better. The island itself was beautiful, maybe another time, a paradise. This didn't feel right. Not for him. Phoebe and Micheal, sure. He didn't need to be here. He wasn't special. He turned his hat around, letting the sun shine full form into his eyes.
Time to see what it was really like out there, crude as it was for a bride to leave his wedding. Flower chain left behind and sword in hand now, Marcus ventured to something new.
((Marcus Leung: B047 - V5 - Continued In Last Stop Château de Vincennes))
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:08 am
by dmboogie
What the actual
fuck? Was it douche-o-clock or something? Tim deciding to just go and fuck off was bad enough, but now the reverend and the lovely bride? Michael just stared blankly at the empty space left by the two for a minute, thinking up as many different ways to think "WHAT THE FUCK" as he could. Because seriously, hadn't those three dudes been hella tight? Hadn't they been together ever since shit had initially gone down? Shit, it didn't seem right for this group to go down with a fucking whimper.
He shuffled his feet awkwardly, unsure of what to do next. For a while, Michael thought everything was gonna be alright, for a while. He'd found the super rad Phoebe and two chill dudes, just having fun and pretending to hold a wedding. Now everything had gone to shit in the blink of a super slow eye, and Michael was completely clueless. Before, he'd always had
some sorta plan, some vague idea of what to do.
"Find Daniel, that jerk!" "Okay, no Daniel, but take care of this guy who got fucked up, that's cool too!" "Alright, you left all your friends behind except Tim, but you can totes track down Corey and have a glorious reunion!" "All your friends except Phoebe are gone! Good job, asshole!"
Michael couldn't just leave it at that. Unable to keep the frown of his face, he signed to Phoebe for one last time.
I don't know what the fuck their problem is, but I swear on the honor bestowed upon me as flower girl, I will track those asswipes down and get back here, and we will hold the most glorious wedding this shithole has ever seen. He made a fist over his heart for emphasis. Before he could give himself time to reconsider, Michael hurriedly scooped up his shotgun and bag and started jogging in roughly the direction he had seen Darren and Marcus heading last.
((Michael Mitchellson: Continued in
Maybe You're a Joker, Maybe You Deserve to Die))
Re: Adam & Eve & Steve
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:08 am
by SOTF_Help
So Phoebe was alone, all of a sudden. Just like that, and the wedding was off, at least for now. She waited for a time, in case they came back—or even just one of them, just one of them would have worked—but that didn't happen.
After a couple hours, she left too.
((Phoebe Cho continued in
A Fine, Fine Line))