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Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by KamiKaze
Carlon had gestured for her to sit down, but Alex didn't need to. Her leg still hurt, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't her leg that was tensing her up, after all. He had invited Kam into the group, and while Alex would normally let that happen, something still made her wonder about Kam.

It seemed as if Eliza wasn't threatening, but was unfriendly. Interesting. Well, then. Perhaps Eliza was showing certain early signs, like she had killing on her mind, but didn't find a spot to kill. It was possible, at least. Very possible, indeed.

Wait a sec... did she just talk about threatening people?

Did she do that a lot?

Didn't help she mentioned following through.

Alex's face slightly changed as she asked, her voice turning quiet:

"And have you been threatening people?"

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:19 am
by Imehal*
The idea of threatening people was distasteful, but Carlon was not naive enough to expect the mere appearance of force to scare off those who had proven a penchant for violence since waking up on the island for whatever reason. The potential to make good on those threats had not occurred to him until Makatala had declared it a possibility, his attention shifting to Alexandria as he finally realised that perhaps it was not her leg that had invoked the change in her demeanour. Questions of morality and justice and the niggling feeling that something was not quite right resurfaced. For the first time Carlon found himself eyeing the gun at Makatala's side, shaking his head slowly at the insinuation that threats had been made. Hadn't she already said that she had not had to use the gun yet?

"Alexandria," he started haltingly, smile all but gone. He was still stood beside her, and now not too faraway from Makatala since she had moved to continue their discussion at a conversational volume. "She said earlier that she has not used the gun before. She's just looking for information about her... girlfriend."

He had not commented earlier when Makatala had mentioned who she was looking for, not because he had had no information (but that was true too) but because his throat had gone stubbornly dry. Carlon swallowed hard, stiffening ever so slightly as he tried to tell himself that a person's sexuality really should not matter to him, but he found that now he could not meet the other girl's eye.

It did matter, but rather than voice his discomfort, Carlon looked away to Alexandria – deflected his attention as had worked so well so far on the island – into her and her wellbeing. "You should sit down," he said, his voice placating and soft in tone.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by Namira
Kam's head tilted to the side. There was an obvious... edge in the question from Alex. It was pointed, probing. Not quite an accusation but near enough to make her hesitate for a second time before shaking her head. Kammy wasn't totally sure how to respond. The straightforward response was that no, she hadn't threatened anyone, because it was true. The more complicated specifics were that she hadn't threatened anyone because it hadn't been necessary. Really, she didn't like thinking about that type of possibility - on the other hand, ignore the possibility and then what would happen?

She opted for the full truth. "I haven't needed to," Kammy looked down at the gun. She still wasn't used to its weight on her hip, and the conversation wasn't doing much to make her forget about it. "If I had to, I would, but yeah, I'm not going around brandishing the thing, I just... it pays to be careful. Lot of killers out there. I can't look after someone I care about if I can't look after myself, first."

Kam was beginning to feel uncomfortable. It was probably saying all of this out loud. She'd thought an awful lot of it but hadn't actually vocalised until just now. It was a very harsh reality, and seeing the response of the other two was making it clear enough that they found it unpalatable. What was she supposed to do if attacked though? Just run? That didn't sit too well with her. In any case, better to be upfront than lie, otherwise, if Kam DID start travelling with these guys, how'd they react to her being aggressive?

Carlon was being a little off too. He wasn't looking straight at her, as if Kammy had said something that he found difficult to swallow. But then... oh. Oh.

Yeah. The slight hesitation when he'd referred to Michelle, and the sudden cooling in his demeanour. Kam didn't let it show on her face, but inwardly it felt like a punch to the gut. Even someplace like this and she couldn't get away from people having a problem. Urgh. Whatever. More important things to worry about, and it wasn't like Carlon had openly insulted her. Just gone a bit... unsettled.

Even so, it was starting to seem like striking out on her own again might not be such a bad idea. Hopefully this, in both cases, was just a slight hiccup and they could stick together. Four heads were better than one. Maybe other Cammy would smooth things over when she woke up.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by KamiKaze
Carlon had reminded her that she said she hadn't used it, and was just looking for information on Michelle. Alex frowned harder. She was blatantly going on about the idea of threatening people with guns. Just because she hadn't used it for that intended purpose yet didn't mean she wasn't thinking about it.

"Shhhh", she said to Carlon.

Her leg was fine. It still hurt, but she still felt like standing. Well, more like standing emotionally. It felt a bit like her leg was going to collapse underneath her if someone took the crutch away. But that wasn't what she needed right now.

What she needed was to know if Kam was safe. If she wasn't, it wouldn't just be her. It would be Carlon, and other Cammy. It would be everyone else still alive. She failed to save Daniel from Hansel, wasn't able to find Chuck or Jason, and was forced to watch Davidge get shot to pieces. She couldn't live with herself if she couldn't stop one person. One person. The less players there were, the better.

If it meant getting everyone she could off the island, it meant a bit of sacrifice.

Kam had looked uncomfortable at her question. Alex wanted to probe further.

"So what you are saying is, you haven't found a chance, but you would if you could?"

Her voice still came out quiet.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by Imehal*
The idea of threatening people was distasteful, but Carlon was not naive enough to expect the mere appearance of force to scare off those who had proven a penchant for violence since waking up on the island for whatever reason. The potential to make good on those threats had not occurred to him until Makatala had declared it a possibility, his attention shifting to Alexandria as he finally realised that perhaps it was not her leg that had invoked the change in her demeanour. Questions of morality and justice and the niggling feeling that something was not quite right resurfaced. For the first time Carlon found himself eyeing the gun at Makatala's side, shaking his head slowly at the insinuation that threats had been made. Hadn't she already said that she had not had to use the gun yet?

"Alexandria," he started haltingly, smile all but gone. He was still stood beside her, and now not too faraway from Makatala since she had moved to continue their discussion at a conversational volume. "She said earlier that she has not used the gun before. She's just looking for information about her... girlfriend."

He had not commented earlier when Makatala had mentioned who she was looking for, not because he had had no information (but that was true too) but because his throat had gone stubbornly dry. Carlon swallowed hard, stiffening ever so slightly as he tried to tell himself that a person's sexuality really should not matter to him, but he found that now he could not meet the other girl's eye.

It did matter, but rather than voice his discomfort, Carlon looked away to Alexandria – deflected his attention as had worked so well so far on the island – into her and her wellbeing. "You should sit down," he said, his voice placating and soft in tone.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by Namira
Alex was beginning to get under her skin. Kam could understand starting to side-eye someone who had a gun and said that they'd use it if necessary, but at this point, the other girl was straight up twisting what Kammy was saying. Reminded her of being on student council actually... a few of the group's members had made a habit of trying to be clever and sneaky by doing that type of thing.

"Alex I understand you're antsy, but you're reading things from what I'm saying that I'm not saying. You're acting like I'm looking for an opportunity. I said that I would if I HAD to, not that I would if I COULD. Those are two very, very different things. Got it?"

Holy hell. Kam had sympathy for distrust on the island, she really did. However, surely there came a point where you had to accept that someone was just telling the truth? If Kammy had meant them harm, she could've lied through her teeth and claimed pretty much anything she wanted, never brought up the gun at all. Surely her mentioning that she was aware that it MIGHT be necessary to use it was a show of faith in of itself?

Christ. Diplomacy was failing her. It was like trying to push through a brick wall.

The hospital's doors slammed. Kammy jumped and whirled, heart in her throat and... nothing. The wind had blown them shut. Good lord that had been scary.

"False alarm I guess. Jeez that was-"

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by KamiKaze
Alex gritted her teeth.

The pressure was boiling up inside her now. Carlon had frustratedly told her to trust Kam. The way he worded it somehow... hurt. Like she was disappointing him or something. It stung, very hard. She knew that something was going to give, given what she had been thinking about, what she had been trying to suppress until she had almost gave in yesterday and how she was about to give in now. But now that things were bubbling to the surface? She knew that they were going to have a big long talk about this sort of thing once this was dealt with. One of them was probably going to bring it up. But it still hurt, the way he had told her that.

Alex almost wanted to back down, just because of how he said it. She really didn't want to do this.

But oh. Kam had to pitch in as well.

She felt everything build up further. The abduction, the slaughtering of Davidge and likely Lomelli, her seeing Daniel's corpse, him hurting her, her being so helpless and unable to save anyone or make something better, Chuck's death, the evil thoughts passing through her head, and now? And now? This was just icing on the cake. Carlon was now frustrated at her, and Kam was...

This wasn't just about saving people anymore. This was about one thing: Alex's anger. At everything.

Her face turned bright red, as Kam had been distracted by something.

There was one thing on her mind.

Alex allowed it to happen.

The crutch was now swung towards Kam's head.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by Imehal*
The loud sound echoed through the lobby, and Carlon met Makatala's surprised but relieved expression with one of embarrassed awareness. It was the doors; not a gun, not anything remotely resembling a threat. It was almost a perfect moment to break the tension, and he felt some of the tension in him seep away as the sheer silliness of being frightened by a door took precedent. Except that out of the corner of his vision he saw movement. A crutch.

Shouting out was an idea that only crossed his mind as he stepped between attacker and would-be victim, one arm outstretched to halt the arc of the makeshift weapon with an open hand, whilst his left arm bent around Alexandria's waist, clutching her to him to take some of the weight off her wounded leg. What was she doing – what was she thinking, attacking Makatala?

Carlon glared across at her, bewildered by her actions and desperate to understand them before it was too late. "Alexandria-"

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by Namira
It was only a glancing blow, but the fact that it had been attempted at all was what threw Kammy for a loop. She needed a couple of seconds to parse what had happened - Alex had swung for her but Carlon had intervened- ...and then didn't get those seconds.

Alex tore loose from Carlon, seeming to just brush him aside effortlessly. She was hurt, yet it wasn't slowing her down as she closed the short distance with another swing of the crutch. Kam threw up an arm and yelped as the blow caught her in the forearm with a resounding crack, jarring her, sending her stumbling back a step from the force of it. Christ her arm.

"Alex what the fuck are you-"

Time, Kammy just needed time. To slow things down, to get an explanation, she COULD calm this down, it didn't need to be a fight - it shouldn't HAVE to be a fight. Alex had been tense obviously but coming after her- did she think Kammy was a player and lying all this-

The other girl was swinging again. Kam tried to duck away to her right, and-THWACK- stars exploded in front of her eyes as it caught her on the front of the head, just below the hairline so hard that Kammy thought that she was going to throw up. She stumbled back, fell. She could feel wetness on her head, and in a moment, the blood was running into her left eye, making it hard to see.

Not so difficult that she couldn't see Alex approaching again.

She just needed-

The gun was out of its holster. Thinking warding away, thinking forcing Alex to stop, thinking... Kam didn't know.

- time.

Repeated gunshots echoed through the lobby.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:20 am
by Imehal*
On day one he had seen a corpse of a friend, treated a bullet wound and prayed on his knees for a killer that he once might have claimed to understand. On day two they had made progress, found an ally – things had been looking up. No, he realised, eyes transfixed on Alexandria's enactment of what she surely thought was justice. He had just wanted to believe that, and ignored the signs that something was unbalanced. She could call it whatever she wanted, but nothing good would come from the way that crutch came down and struck Makatala across the forehead. 

Move, he told himself, flinching as the second blow came down, finding his feet again after being thrown aside in the wake of anger. Once more he was at Alexandria's side, scared and confused and trying with all his mental might not to look at the red streak along the crutch that he had given her yesterday. With a vicelike grip, his hands held the improvised weapon firm as she tried to swing down again. He held his ground, stilling the curve of the intended blow with a grunt of effort and a glare of warning. Somewhere in front of him he thought he saw Camilla stir, a smear on clarity that gave him a near flawless focus upon Alexandria, trusting the girl at his back whom Alexandria had made her victim.

"This isn't just, Alexandria. This isn't any-"

The first shot sounded, and then all the words that Carlon might have said were meaningless. It was alien, bewildering and, to him, tantamount to an explosion. One, two. There might have been more, but by then Carlon was aware of nothing but the fact that fire had erupted within him, searing agony piercing through his left leg and back as if he had been set alight. His grip on the weapon tightened, then slackened as the fire became a comfort; a warm embrace that took away the fear, pain and left him with nothing with peace.

Gracelessly Carlon's body collapsed, leaving him on his knees beside Alexandria, the blood from his leg smearing on the dirty tiles. His mouth moved as if he meant to speak, a look of disbelief as if he had just realised he had fallen. So many questions, and yet none of them seemed all that important as his whole chest became enveloped by the comforting warmth, his leg stubbornly unresponsive.

Alex. He fell forward, his last conscious thought an unspoken plea to the girl he had given his last days to protect. Don't do it.

[B052 Carlon Wheeler, deceased]

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by KamiKaze
Just as Alex went for another blow, Carlon had grabbed her from behind, trying to stop her. Alex felt herself tangle and struggle against his arms. Her leg hurt really badly, but she tried to ignore it. A million thoughts passed through her head, and not one of them pleasant. Even with her leg flaring up she fought and struggled.

It didn't take long before she tore herself away.

Once again she raised the crutch, and with her eyes moistening she swung it again. This time it connected with her arm, causing Kam to cry out. Alex didn't give a proper response to that. She couldn't be bothered. Instead she struck once more.

She attempted to duck, but the next managed to get her in the head. Alex continued swinging, only for a hand to grip it. She turned her head, confusion in her eyes. It was Carlon, he was still trying to stop her. A glare had filled his eyes. Why? Not... just... maybe it was Carlon. What if she did something? What then? Or what if she did something like... a lot of things continued going through her head. Alex continued tugging at the crutch, her eyes flaring. She needed him to let go of her, things would be-

A series of gunshots ran out.

She felt her heart leap into her throat and back again, as a familiar pain rang through her body, this time in her stomach. Her eyes widened, trying to focus on what was going on.

Dimly, she noticed that Carlon had tightened his grip, then loosened. He slid to his knees, and Alex noticed that he was bleeding in his leg and chest. Alex felt like she could barely move, herself. The pain in her stomach overwhelmed her in a very real and very familiar way.

He fell to the ground, no longer moving.

Alex felt her legs buckle, and she fell next.

She landed on her side, her heart attempting to pump but in vain. For a moment, her thoughts stopped, only to start racing again. Instinctively, her hand lowered to her stomach, only to notice that the spot where it hurt was wet. It wasn't a good sign.

Carlon was still very close to her. He laid face down, unmoving, only an inch away. He wasn't making it. He... he was... no. He was another person she had failed to save or protect. The list just kept getting longer and longer. She was helping, saving, protecting, no one. She didn't make things better for anyone after all. In fact, what happened to Carlon was probably her own fault. Maybe if she went about this differently...

She knew what was happening to her. Not only did she fail, but she wasn't going to come out safe, not like this. It was clear what the pain and wetness in her stomach meant, and it wasn't good. Once again, Alex was scared of what would happen after she got shot. This time, though, the fear was more extreme. She knew that things weren't going to be okay.

This was it, then. Alex's vision had begun to darken. She didn't feel like screaming, saying something, or panicking. Fear was there, but she didn't want to react physically.

Was this how it would end for her? There were still many other things she wanted to do, things she hadn't experienced yet. She was going to bleed to death here. One shot in the leg was bad enough, but with one like this it wasn't going to be too long. She knew it. Her entire time here, and she hadn't accomplished a thing. She only got her and Carlon murdered, and Daniel before that.

Maybe Kam was a killer after all.

Maybe everything she tried up until this point did nothing.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by jimmydalad
The sound of shots unceremoniously woke Cammy up as she jolted upwards. The harsh sound rung in her ears as she looked around. Her mouth dropped as she saw the body of Carlon, one of the two people she saw alive before she fell asleep, sprawled on the floor with blood leaking from his chest and leg. Did he just die? What was going on? Her mind was reeling from everything that happened. She looked towards Alex for an explanation, but it seemed like something was wrong with her as well.

"Alex...?" Cammy called out inquisitively, before she realized that Alex was dying as well. Immediately, Cammy stood up and ran towards her. What was she supposed to do? She had never had to deal with someone dying before her. On her time on the island, all she had encountered people who were wholly alive or dead. Now, Cammy looked flustered as she knelt over her dying classmate.

"Don't die on me Alex. You can't die on me Alex!" Cammy yelled, trying to find the wound. Once she found the bullet wound on the chest, she tried pushing hard on the wound to prevent the blood from coming out. However, all that served to do was get her hands covered with blood as she tried hard to push against the wound. She was panicking due to her lack of knowledge and inability to do anything. While she tried doing this for a moment, Cammy realized that it was hopeless. She had no experience. She couldn't do anything to stop the wound.

Looking around, she saw the sight of a familiar classmate. The other Kammy. The person she shared jokes with in school about their similar names. One of her classmates. One of her friends. Yet, there was a gun in her hand and judging from what she heard and the situation that they were in now, Cammy was able to put two and two together. Her eyes narrowed in rage as she withdrew her crossbow and aimed it at Kammy.

"Why did you do this Kammy?" She screamed, standing up and adjusting her aim so that it was pointed right at Kammy's chest. The killer was right there Cammy, all she needed to do was pull the trigger. However, right now, she wanted answers. She wanted them fast and she wanted them now.

"Answer me Kammy! Unless you want a hole through your chest, why did you shoot them?" Cammy continued to yell, her eyes piercing into Kammy's eyes. There were no more niceties that could be held on the island. Not with her killing her classmates. Not with the whole Travis debacle. Especially not with how students were falling towards suicide to get out of this game. It was far too late for that.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by KamiKaze
She heard someone calling her name.

Through the flickering dimness, Alex saw a figure rush towards her. As she squinted her eyes and the figure knelt down, she saw it was Cammy, the other one. Again, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't. Her mouth formed silent, shapeless words, but nothing coherent. With what seemed to be what strength she had left she turned her head towards her.

Cammy was now pressing her hands against the wound, continuing to say her name. Say? No, yell. It was very faint, but she could hear her.

And this was going to be her last moments.

Funny thing was, Alex always pictured it turning out much different. Before the island, Alex knew that law enforcement was an often dangerous job, and her worst case scenarios for her own death would be getting hurt on the job. Her best case scenario was living a long and happy life, and dying of old age. Heck, even here, before the first gunshot wound, she pictured herself dying heroically. But that was, of course, a daydream, or something she wanted, but was never going to get from the very beginning.

Really, she should have expected it to be the case from the very beginning. The first gunshot had given her a basic idea of that.

But she still wasn't ready.

She tried to keep her eyes open, her lungs breathing. It only helped a little bit. Breathing only got harder with each moment, while her vision continued to dim and blur. Everything felt cold. It was coming at any moment now, and yet it was still hard to accept. There were so many things she would never get to know. She would never see her baby brother grow up, she would never have a proper work, she would never truly be an adult, she would never have her eighteenth birthday, or...

Carlon wouldn't have that either. Because of her. No, because of Kam. Maybe because of both of them.

Did it matter?

Cammy, the one pressing her hands against her, had stopped. Alex saw her stand up, and very dimly she heard her shout at the other one. She had given up on her.

Alex felt herself slip farther and farther away. The pain had lessened majorly; even the wound on her leg had stopped hurting. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't prevent herself from going.

She could have done much better.

Female Student #002 Alexandria Ripley- ELIMINATED

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by randomness
((Stephanie Wright continued from Fluffytown))

Stephanie didn't know how long she had run.

It had been far longer than she had expected. It was supposed to be a mile. Maybe a bit longer.  But with Mallory on her back, it had seemed like so much more.

But she was almost there now, standing right outside the building, taking a few seconds to catch her breath. The bandage on Mallory's leg was soaked, and Stephanie was sure that her skirt must be covered in blood.

It was only now that Stephanie realised Mallory wasn't breathing anymore. How long had she not been breathing? Stephanie hadn't thought to check before she left.  She felt like a right fool. It might have been too late even before she had started.

But she took the last few steps towards the hospital right in front of her anyway.

That was when the gunshots went off.

Stephanie stood at the door for a moment. Obviously it wasn't just someone firing a warning shot. She was tired, the world was spinning, her friend was dying or dead and now there was a psycho with a gun in the hospital. Another gun nut. She wasn't going to stand for this.

She flung the doors open, attempting for dramatic, but couldn't quite manage it with Mallory on her back. She was about to shout. Try to tell them to stop. But she recognised the person standing before her.

"Kam? What's- What are you doing?"

Kammy was holding a gun. And she was pointing it at another girl. And the other girl was pointing a crossbow back.

It was far too late that Stephanie realised that she had chosen the wrong party to crash.

Re: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:21 am
by Namira
Kammy just needed time. To think of something to say to her, to think of a way to shout Alex down, make this right, diffuse it all.

The sound of the gunshots seemed to reverberate around the room for an eternity, ringing in her ears. Her vision was obscured, constantly blinking involuntarily and christ, the pain shooting through her head... yet all of those things seemed to just fade into the background. Kammy had fired - jesus fuck why had she fired?

Someone was yelling behind the buzzing in her ears. Kam straightened up, struggling to get her hand underneath her to lever herself into a sitting position. Alex had knocked her down hard, and she was dizzy, her balance thrown completely. The shouting... was it Alex? Carlon? It seemed like a girl's voice but-

Looking just confirmed what Kam had already known the moment she'd pulled the trigger, and then so much worse.

Carlon was on the ground, unmoving. Alex was down too, Cammy hunched over her body- form, hunched over her form because body meant she was definitely dead and Kam didn't KNOW that she was definitely dead.

Cause if she clung to that then maybe, just maybe, that faint glimmer of hope would come true, reveal that Alex - and Carlon - had just gone down out of surprise and shock, or just been grazed, and Kammy wouldn't have to admit that all she'd thought of when holding that gun out was to stop Alex swinging, stop her hurting her in any way she could.

Including lethally.

Kammy got to an unsteady knee, then gained her feet, swayed a moment, but stayed up. She could feel the stream of blood all the way down the side of her face... dripping from her jaw. A look from this angle told her everything she needed to know, condemned her. Kam had actually truly done it. They were both dead.

Other Cammy was soon leaping up, yelling at her, accusations, demands. The gun was still in Kam's hand, but down, loose, not wanting to hold it, not wanting to let it go.

"I just- she hit me and I panicked, all right!? I didn't mean to- I wasn't trying to kill anyone- it just- I had no time to react! What was I supposed to do, let her cave in my head!?"