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Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:32 am
by Laurels
((Mild GMing Approved))

Timothy sighed as he read the Michael's note. The last thing that they needed were more people. Hell, they had already gotten involved with too many others. It wasn't like they could justify just leaving Miles to die, but this was different. They had to be pragmatic here. Expanding the group would cause more problems than benefits. Aside from the difficulties of movement, it would be nearly impossible to ensure unity in decision making. In large groups, factions were nearly inevitable, and they couldn't afford to bicker with each other. Of course he would love to save everyone, but the fact remained that he couldn't. He wouldn't risk losing the whole group just for the sake of emotion.

Timothy closed his eyes for a moment. Their best bet would be for what remained of the original group to set off on their own, maybe after Corey. He knew that he could trust Michael and Rachael, and he hadn't had any problems with Corey, but he just couldn't justify sticking with the others. He had to get out of here before the others got too attached to the newcomers.

There. That was a plan, at least. Now he just needed to put it into action. He took the notepad from Michael and wrote in it before handing it back.

We can't afford to deal with any more new people. You, me and Rachael should go after Corey, make sure he's okay. The others here look like they can take care of themselves.

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:32 am
by Will*
Miles hobbled over to Rachael and Michael and read out the note before adding in a sarcastic comment aimed towards Stacy. It seemed that his injury had no effect on his attitude. Stacy screwed her face up and took in a deep breath in order to keep herself calm. She had to remember that Miles had just woken up after being unconscious for two days as a result of being almost fatally stabbed. It was his get out of jail free card, he could pretty much be as much as a dick as he could and Stacy would still have to be nice to him, or at the least be civil to him.

"It was an open question, Miles, anyone could answer it." Stacy said through grated teeth.

So Corey had deserted them. Ran off without even telling the group where he was going. Why would he do that? It was a bit of a strange thing to do. Maybe he'd seen something the rest of the group hadn't, something dangerous, or possibly it was as a result of something said in the announcement.

After Miles suggested someone should go after Corey, Michael began to write something down on his notepad. Stacy peered over and read what it said. The note said that there were people outside and in response Stacy's eyes widened.


Stacy hastily made her way over to the window and made a small gap between the blinds to look out of. Straight away Stacy located the people Michael had written about. She cursed and took a step away from the window then turned back to the rest of the group. Rachael, Michael and Timothy were huddled together a few feet away from her and Miles which she thought was slightly odd but didn't question it. Stacy ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to come up with a plan.

"Umm, do you think if we just keep quiet they won't notice us? Or should we barricade the doors or something?"

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:32 am
by Cake
"So there are people outside. Big deal."

Miles shrugged.

"Stacy you have that beastly shotgun, I have dynamite and that Hunga Munga thing wherever it is, that helps. What about you lot?"

His eyes followed Stacy's who was looking over at the other three who were basically ignoring them, trading notes with each other in secrecy. They were being excluded from the group, could they be any more obvious with their intentions? Miles was quite familiar with these tactics.

"Um. Excuse me." Miles marched up to where they were huddled, carefully, to avoid the dizziness he had just gone through. The short rest he had at the windowsill while still standing had gotten him a little used to being upright again. It seems he was still considerably groggy, but he was at least steadily recovering enough to walk a bit, albeit with some pain, of course.

That's when Miles saw the big letters Rachel wrote on the paper. These kids were planning to ditch him and Stacy too.

"Wait a minute; you're all going to just leave me-us, me and Stacy here? That's it. Corey ditched you and now you're just going to do the same thing to us." Miles stood aghast and spoke with the same emotion he'd expressed minutes earlier regarding Corey's disappearance.

"Alright, well, thanks for helping me, I guess." He looked at Tim in particular when he said that. "If you find Corey. Tell him I said thanks too.... oh an keep and eye out for my cousin, Naomi, alright?"

He wasn't even annoyed anymore. He sat back down on the same sofa he'd been on for days and slouched, actually disappointed.

"By the way, where are my clothes?" he asked bringing back a bit of that earlier tone with a raised eyebrow. "And where is the washroom? I really need to go."

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:32 am
by dmboogie
Tim appeared to be deep in concentration for a moment, probably formulating some sort of genius plan. Which was good, because Michael really didn't know how the fuck to handle the situation. It would have been easy to deal with some sort of blatantly evil monster of the week that had a stupid costume and cackled maniacally for easy identification, but as far as Michael could tell they were just a couple more ordinary dudes.

Shit, we don't have any more room in our party. Adding Miles and Stacy was kind of stretching it, but we really shouldn't be hanging out with more people that we don't know.

What were their options, then? Hiding out and hoping that the two just casually passed by and miraculously avoided tripping over everyone? Run outside, wave the shotgun around a lot, and hope they get scared off? Shit, that didn't sound like something that was even approaching being a good idea.

Thankfully, Tim was his usual "not suggesting incredibly suicidal ideas" self, and Michael found himself agreeing with the dude. It still sucked to abandoned Miles and Stacy, but since Miles had mostly recovered and both were armed, he could do it with a relatively clean conscience if he had to. If they could track Corey down and find out what the fuck his deal was, all the better.

After being waved over, Rachael seemed to have doubts about their plan, but Michael didn't really have anything to say in response, for once in his life. It was Tim's plan, so it was probably for the best that Tim elaborate on it.

Wait, shit, Miles is heading over here, shit shit shit-

Not that Michael was planning to abandon the dude behind his back or anything, but it still probably wasn't a good thing for him to catch a glimpse of their plans before they had even been fully fleshed out or agreed on. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be too pissed, but Michael couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.

He wrote, I'm fine with going after Corey, but should we really just be abandoning Miles and Stacy? No way we could take them along or anything?

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:32 am
by Laurels
((I'm at 12 days, so I'm skipping))

Rachael waited for a response, but it looked like Miles didn't have much concern about who was outside. It might have been his attempt to calm them down, but she wasn't sure if they should just ignore the issue. They were four days in, and there were no doubt that some of their classmates were killing. Could one of the major players be out there?

That's when Rachael realized: Miles probably didn't know who was playing or not. He didn't even know that Naomi was dead. He might have assumed that the people outside were harmless. Rachael would have to worry about that later. Miles had walked over and saw what they were writing on Michael's notepad.

He didn't sound that happy that they were thinking of leaving. He sounded really passive-aggressive about it. Rachael began to scratch the back of her head. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for them to all leave yet. They could go find Corey, but maybe they should keep their group together a little longer.

Michael seemed to agree from what he wrote. Rachael turned to Miles and Stacy.

"Um...we don't have to leave if you don't want..." she said, tapping her fingers together

She hoped they made a decision soon. The longer they waited, the further away Corey could get. She just wanted someone to make a decision.

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by LordB*
((I'm afraid that I've got to skip as I've gone 15 days without a post.))

James smiled awkwardly after asking the girl for her name, eyeing the tire iron she carried. He was still rather nervous after yesterday's incident, but at least he hadn't frozen with another panic attack. For the first time, he began thinking of how he might defend himself should she attack him. It wasn't like before, where he faced a couple of girls intent on murdering others. His Clue box could probably take a couple of whacks; more than enough time to get a few good punches in. It was a horrible thought, but an option at least.

But could I do it?

It was the same question he'd asked himself repeatedly last night as he'd slept on a frigging golf course. Of course, it all turned out as a great big 'maybe' in his head. He'd just have to see what happened. As he pondered what to do next, James was sure he could hear voices coming from the nearby building. He turned away from the girl before she could answer him and shouted.

"Hey, if you're in there you can come out, I'm not looking for trouble!"

James felt proud of himself for about a nanosecond, then realised what he might have done. Okay, if she doesn't murder me then maybe this lot will.

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Aster
((Same reason for skipping, thanks for someone who tipped me off))

The conversation with the boy was going smoothly enough for her to let down her guard slightly. Her grip on the tire iron loosened, and she felt a little more safer. More normal. The kid looked fairly harmless, not to mention that he wasn't armed. Despite his height advantage, she had a weapon and stamina to waste. This was a good time as ever to relax.

...that was her train of thought, though. After the boy turned around and yelled in the general direction of the group she had heard earlier, her guard went straight back up.

Veronica raised the tire iron to her chest, looking around to make sure nobody else had heard him. Nobody was nearby, thankfully, but the big group with a hell of a lot more manpower and probably a bigger arsenal than Veronica and the boy combined certainly did. And that was troublesome.

The boy himself also appeared to have realized the weight of his actions. Without wanting to back up the kid's signal, Veronica simply said it bluntly.

"You're a real fucking idiot, aren't you?"

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Skraal
Timothy's face began to redden as he heard rejection to his plan come from every side. He thought that maybe the others would be capable of seeing the bigger picture here. He was wrong. What was Miles' problem anyway?

He began to speak, his voice betraying the agitation that he felt.

"W-well, it's much easier to move around with small groups in terms of logistics and things like that... a-and it would be more practical if we split into two groups rather than remain in one of such an unwieldy size. With a group like this, you just know that it will be forced to split up eventually, so we should do it cleanly now rather than have some disaster scatter us all over the place."

Timothy let out a sigh as he finished speaking. He hoped that they would at least see his point of view, even if they didn't agree. He wasn't the bad guy here.

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Will*
Stacy gave a sigh of defeat after Miles responded to her suggestions. She didn't even want the confrontation with the people outside happen, let alone shoot them if it came down to it. She'd much rather try and keep it peaceful with them, or better yet not have any contact with them at all. Stacy had experienced enough drama over the past couple of days so she hoped that the rest of the group would agree with her or come up with a better plan that involved avoiding the people outside.

Before Stacy could protest, Miles seemed to have noticed the private party the rest of the group were having and was storming off towards them. Stacy bit her bottom lip as Miles engaged the other three; it probably wasn't going to end well.

After Miles had revealed Tim, Michael and Rachael's plan to leave them, Stacy felt a sense of betrayal come over her. They'd spent the past two days together and now at the slightest glimpse of trouble they were going to jump ship and run off. Not only was this a very unchivalrous and cowardly thing to do, it was also very stupid. They were safer in large numbers, if they were to split up and be in smaller groups, they were more likely to be attacked than they would be if they stayed together.

The feeling of betrayal was then replaced by guilt as Miles told the group to look out for Naomi. Stacy looked away briefly so Miles couldn't see the expression on Stacy's face. She needed to tell him about Naomi soon, but today wouldn't exactly be the best day, especially in their current situation. She'd tell him tomorrow after he had rested some more, she just hoped she'd have enough courage to tell him when the time came.

As the rest of the group tried to come up with solutions with what to do next, Stacy heard a voice from outside telling them to come out. This wasn't good, the people outside knew they were in the building and it was only a matter of time before they came in looking for them. They didn't have time to faff around any longer, the more time they wasted, the further Corey was getting away and the closer the people from outside were to coming in.

"How about one or two of us go after Corey and the rest of us stay here? I'm not going to be able to look after Miles by myself, especially with those guys out there, but whatever we're doing we need to decide quick if you're planning on finding Corey."

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Cake
Has Timothy here not watched horror movies, apparently ever?

What happens when you split up instead of sticking together as a group?

You get killed. Plain and simple.

Plus was he paying attention to anything. Were any of them paying attention to anything? Anything he said?

In Stacy's case he didn't even understand why she looked so annoyed by him. He was merely implying that he wasn't scared and they shouldn't be too worried, because they were well-armed and had quite the numbers advantage over the two outside as long as they all stuck together. He wasn't suggesting actually shooting or harming any of those people or anything. After the lagoon incident with Chuck, Miles didn't think he wanted to kill another person, not again.

That one was too many as it were.

Then there was Tim and the rest of them. Why the heck was this kid getting red in the face anyway?

Miles said his thanks, it was sincere, of course he didn't agree with this very idiotic plan they had or "abandonment" rather, but he had pretty much just given them permission to leave if that's what they really wanted to do. He just wanted them to keep an eye out for Naomi Bell and say thanks to Corey for him, for helping, but nobody said a thing in response about that or even noticed the gratitude he had given them.

Not one of them even answered or pointed him out to the location of his clothing or where the darn washroom was. He felt totally and utterly ignored. Miles Strickland was never ignored this badly before when talking to people and it bothered him a bit.

On the other hand, they heard everything they wanted to get angry at. Selective hearing, that's what it had to be.

"Here I thought it was just Michael who was deaf," Miles muttered to himself as he held the armrests of the sofa to lift himself up carefully, instead of one quick motion so he wouldn't feel light-headed again.

If these Hall Rats weren't going to assist him, Miles supposed he'd have to go ahead and do some things himself then.

While the others talked, Miles wandered around the teacher's lounge, until he found his bag which happened to have his clothing folded nicely and placed on top of it. He knew it was his because of the blood.

How quaint.

From listening to the group's discussion, it seemed that Stacy and at least Rachel had some common sense by their statements and suggestions. Maybe that deaf kid---err Michael too, but Miles couldn't hear what he was thinking, so who knew with that guy. The point was: Stacy had a very good plan.

"Hey Stacy, I didn't know you were smart." Miles flashed a smile at her. He was kidding. She should know him by now. He could kiss her right now for her plan, but he'd already done that before. They used to date.

Miles strutted back as best he could to the chatting group despite the painful and groggy sensations he fought back that continually flared up, with his found daypack over his shoulders, and a hand over his bandaged wound. That wound still felt strange. So it was probably a good idea to find that washroom to get dressed and cover himself up, not to mention the uncomfortably full bladder he had.

"Think about it."

That was all Miles said as he looked at the group, tapping an index finger to his temple with one eyebrow raised and a mild sneer on his face.

Not all of them had to go.

Before leaving the room, Miles froze in place. He'd seen some office paper to the side of the lounge and limped himself in that direction. He grabbed a pen and began writing, but flicked it weakly onto the wall where it dropped back onto the table before rolling off onto the room's carpeting.

Looks like the place had been deserted for quite some time then, with most of the ink dried out and such, so he grabbed a good old fashioned number two pencil instead. Hopefully the tip of the utensil wouldn't break or something equally unlucky. Then he began writing his own note to communicate with his hearing challenged classmates. Hopefully communicating in their method with the visual help would make things more clearly for them.

[font=Harrington]Thank you for the help. I mean it.
If you must go, keep an eye out for my cousin Naomi, please.
Say thank you to Corey for me if you find him.[/font]

"I'm going to find a washroom to pretty myself up and change. There's some guy out there calling out to all of us in here by the way — better make your decisions soon. Be sure to say hello on your way out."

That's when those gray clouds from earlier started to rain drizzle. He was right. Too bad for Corey.

Miles gave a small grin and dropped the note nearest to Michael in the center of where they were all talking.

Now to find that porcelain throne.

[[Miles Strickland Continued To: Affluenza.]]

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by dmboogie
More conversation that apparently no one felt Michael needed to be a part of. He could pretty much get the gist of it all anyway, though. Tim looked pissed, Stacy looked pissed, Miles looked pissed, Rachael looked mildly distressed. So, with a tiny splash of assumption, it was clear that the others' reaction to Tim's plan wasn't exactly positive. Hell, even Michael was beginning to have his doubts.

Before he had any real time to debate, though, Miles had already apparently decided to go off on his own and do... something. At least he'd been enough of a bro to actually take some time to write up a note. Michael bent over and picked it up. His feelings of happiness and goodwill towards all mankind slowly dissipated as he read the rest of the note, though.

Shit, no one's told him about Naomi yet? Not that there's been much of an opportunity, with all the "oh god I am dying" shit, but still. Damn.

Michael couldn't even imagine how shitty it'd be, thinking that someone close to you was still alive when they were actually dead. He really didn't want to be in the general area when the news was broken to Miles. Far too painful for all parties involved.

Well, regardless of all that clusterfuckery, there was still the matter of the people outside. Probably best to just try and slip away without catching their evil eyes. Michael confirmed their plans with the rest of the group, then headed out.

((Michael Mitchellson: Continued in If I had known this, I would have put that patch on 35 years ago..))

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Laurels
((All was approved))

Rachael stood silently as the others in the room talked. They needed to figure out exactly what they were doing. Tim suggested they split into two groups, although Stacy had the point that Miles would need someone else to watch after him. Miles seemed fine with whatever they did, and left to go change his clothes in the bathroom.

Rachael held a fist to her chin. She needed to think about what she should so. Two stay with Miles, two go after Corey. Stacy was in the Miles camp, so someone else needed to stay. The others would go after Corey and hopefully bring him back. Corey. He was the first person she saw when she woke up on the island. If he wasn't there, she could have really hurt herself from falling through the hayloft. He helped keep their quartet together for the first two days and was someone she could place a lot of faith in.

At the same time, going after him meant going into the island. Trying to chase Corey ran the risk of finding Hansel or Summer or whoever else was going around killing people. If they ran into danger, what could Rachael do? She had a calculator and not a whole lot of physical strength to go with it. Michael still had that gun, and Tim had the fake flamethrower that could probably scare people off. It seemed obvious what she had to do.

"I'll stay with Miles and Stacy," she said, meekly raising her hand.

Parting with Tim and Michael was harder than she thought. Michael still didn't know about Daniel, and she still couldn't say a thing about it to him. Tim probably could reel him in if needed. Once they were gone, Rachael felt a bit woozy. She needed to take her medication soon, and like Miles, she wanted to clean up a bit.

"I, um, need to go to the bathroom. Y-you should check on Miles," she said to Stacy.

Rachael grabbed her bag and hurried to the nearest girls restroom. She got in before Stacy could see her crying.

((Rachael Langdon continued in ... Into the Fire))

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Aster
((I'm sorry, what's the posting order again? People began skipping and ehh))

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by LordB*
((Since we've had a few characters leaving, I think the posting order (Starting with this one) is LordB, leAloha, Skraal and Will.))

James couldn't exactly respond to that insult. He'd gone and done something so unbelievably stupid, and for what? It was just like outside that parking garage, where he'd decided to play the white knight and announce loudly that he didn't want to kill anyone. To a bunch of players. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

On the bright side, someone hadn't walked out and shot them either, so that was a definite plus.

Sighing, James pushed some hair out of his face and turned back to the girl. He had no intentions of being beaten to death with a tire iron, but at the same time he didn't want to spend another night sleeping in a field. He'd have to keep being friendly here.

"Sorry about that, it was really, really stupid of me."

Oddly, James felt pretty calm about his current situation. He also felt that there was still some chance of teaming up after his monumental fuck up. Still clutching the Clue box in one hand, he tried to sound confident as he spoke.

"It looks like they're not coming out. What do you want to do from here?"

Re: The Best Part Of Waking Up

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:33 am
by Aster
Veronica nodded at his retort and stayed silent as the other boy tried to make a plan. He seemed awfully friendly and quick to treat her as an ally, which was a fairly easy thing to do in this sort of situation; most of her classmates probably would buddy up with anyone that treated them with some form of decency. Veronica herself preferred not to think this way, but whatever floated his boat was fine.

At least he was observant, the group inside seemed to have quieted down since his outburst. They made no  action against them either, so that was a big plus. It looked like they were all in the same boat, one where each crew didn't have the gall to provoke the other.

But either way, one of them is going to grow a pair and attack. The best way to defuse the situation was to run, which was exactly Veronica's prime choice.

The problem, though, was that she was tired. She hadn't rested normally since getting on this island; either she was resting the entire day or running a marathon around the island. She was exhausted, and needed a break from wandering or resting. Her best option was staying with this guy.

"I think that I, or we, should retreat. I mean, they won't hurt us if we leave, so we're fine." Veronica replied. Looks like she was staying with this kid for a while.