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Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by Delroy*
Travis took a sip of water as he listened to the beginning of the announcements. A bunch of kids had died, and many new names popped up. He supposed desperation was getting to them. And of course, Hansel had been at it again. The cowboy was a pure beast. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to manage defeating him as he was now. Travis desperately needed to find a gun before the non-danger area got so small that people like Hansel would be around every corner.

He was surprised that Cammy was dead. Last he'd seen her he hadn't been sure what way she'd go after his little lecture. He'd hoped she would end up eliminating a couple of kids before being taken out. But hey... At least that was one less person to worry about now.

He calmly took another sip, subduing a slight smile as his name yet again showed up in the announcements. The game was almost over. Soon enough, he would be going home.

Not that there was much there for him now anyway... But at least he'd be alive.

Benjamin Ward found himself having a harder time with someone who actually fought back...

Another player taken out, it seemed. Less and less of the more dangerous students remai-...

"... and lost his life to Joe Carrasco."

Water violently spurted from his mouth. Who in the fucking what now!? He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was boiling!

"That fucking hypocrite", he growled silently.

That motherfucker... He betrayed his best friend for playing this goddamn game... And then he killed someone only a little while later! That goddamn fucking asshole!

He violently began punching the wall of the schoolbus, over and over again.


I'm going to kill him. I'm going to fucking kill him, I swear. That ASSHOLE thinks he has the right to judge me and then go off and play this game on his own? I don't fucking think so!

He looked down on his bloody hand with a scowl. He was so close. A few more days was all it would take.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by Skraal
Damn it!

He knew this would happen if they split up! Why the heck did Corey just go and run away like that? If he had stuck with the group like they had planned, then he would be alive right now.  It just wasn't fair. They were going to stick together and wait for help to arrive. It would have been so easy. All that they had done together was for nothing.

As he stood still, staring at the ground in shock, an unwelcome thought burst into his head. Maybe help wasn't come at all this time.

Timothy swallowed as he fought to regain his composure. Hopelessness wasn't going to do him any good here. Besides, Rosemary was panicked enough already, and he didn't want to further antagonise the situation. He spoke in a husky voice, trying to conceal his emotions as he answered her question.

"Yeah, I knew one of the guys. We weren't really too close, but- "

His speech was soon interrupted by shouting and banging coming from a nearby school bus. His heart was beating fast in his chest as he stared in the direction of the noise, frozen in fear.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
The scream broke whatever peace they had. Rosemary dragged her shotgun next to her. Was it always this heavy. Goddammit.

She pulled it up, aiming the barrel toward the bus where the screaming had erupted. "You! COME OUT. NOW!"

Rosemary hacked up another round of coughs, but ignored the spittle that ran down they side of her chin. She was not going to another crazy person. The crazy would have to come to her.

"I-I said now!"

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by Delroy*
Of course he'd made too much noice. Of course, Joe would inadvertedly FUCK him over again.

He peered outside, and saw the shotgun that she had pointed at the entrance of the bus. After a few short moments of observation, he realized the girl was not feeling too well. But then, neither was he. All she had to do would be pull the trigger. He'd have to bridge the gap between them and somehow disarm her before he could do anything. Which, in his current state of affairs, felt impossible.

And so, having weighed in the other options, he came to a conclusion, and calmly began stepping out of the bus, hands over his head, ready to bolt at a moments notice.

".... Hey guys. Didn't see you out here."

He needed to get the girl to lower her weapon. He smiled as reassuringly as he possibly could. Even though it all just felt hollow at this point.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary's eyes narrowed. She could just make out certain features. She had seen him before. With Joey Caputo in the hallway...

"Travis Webster," she did not say his name with disgust or fear, only as a statement. "...You've killed three people."

Her arms hurt from holding the gun, but she kept it firmly pointed. The last person who screamed like that in her presence ended up killing the only friend she had left. Travis, whether in control or not, was not going to get her or Timothy.

"I met Joe, on the fourth day. He's looking for you." she let out and uncovered cough. Why was she still making herself talk when her throat hurt this much?

"I-it was at the Hotel. But... as you heard in the announcements, he's still alive."

A jolt of sadness came to her then. Joe was in the lists of killers once more. He hadn't been able to stay off the announcements, like they had both hoped for each other.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by Delroy*
"So I have", he said as carelessly as he could. "It's kinda part of the game, hun."

He even gave her a casual shrug, as if to say "no biggie". He needed to act cool and not make any sudden movements. It felt obvious to him that this weak girl would only shoot at him if he forced her hand. If he didn't show any aggression towards her, she wouldn't hurt him. He wouldn't be returning that kindness.

But at the mention of Joe's name this facade was quickly dropped, if only for a few seconds, and anger flared over his sharp features. A few deep breaths, and he was back to normal.

"Yeah... Yeah he is. We met yesterday."

He shrugged.

"He's doing a lot better as compared to some people."

That little rat...

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"Don't call me h-hun." Rosemary answered. It was only a moment, but she saw it. What had happened there, on Travis's face?

"D-don't try to act calm when you're not. I've been in front of a three-time killer before... and your not even a fraction like him." she didn't mean for that to sound demeaning, but it was true. Joachim was different from Travis. They both killed three people, but that didn't make them belong to the same club.

"Why didn't you stay with him, then? He was looking for you, and for- for Marcus. He wanted to find you guys, his friends." she asked. Joe's name had been on the announcements again, but she couldn't... she didn't want to think about how or why he killed Benjamin Ward.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 am
by Delroy*
He gave a casual snicker as she informed him he was unlike the other killer she'd met. It wasn't a genuine laugh, of course. But he could not let his anger show, despite being insulted by this weak, sickly bitch in front of him.

"We do what we do for different reasons, I suppose."

He shrugged again, tilting his head a little bit as he inspected the two in front of him with ill intent in mind. The biggest concern was of course the girl with the shotgun. But if he could get close enough, getting the shotgun out of her hands wouldn't be too difficult. But if he underestimated the boy that was with her, things could quickly go sour.

At the mention of Joe, he quickly looked up at her again.

"Pfft, some friend. He attacked me. Hit me in the back of the head with a chair. Decided I was past redemption, I guess... That hypocrite."

He motioned towards his skull. Then he stretched his back out a bit and smiled pitifully.

"Anyway... I'm wounded, and would very much like to put my hands down, if you don't mind."

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"Was this before or after you killed Aileen?" Rosemary asked, copying the light tone Travis had take with a mocking edge. She tightened the grip on her gun until she felt her hands sweat and drip down the metal. She had enough with games. She inspected Travis, his injuries. He was injured, enough to hurt, but not fatal. If he hadn't died in his sleep from a concussion already, then he wasn't going to die from the wound on his head.

"You can rest somewhere else. I'm not going to shoot you while your back is turned, if that's what you're worried about." Rosemary responded before clearing her throat. She hoped Timothy agreed with her. He was nice... maybe far too nice for his own good. Though he gave her water and helped her, she didn't trust Travis as far as she could throw him. If Joe had tried to kill him.... good lord, Joe who stuttered and made amazing fucking brownies tried to hit Travis with a fucking chair, then he must have had a reason. Any reason.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by Delroy*
He gave her a slight grin.

"After. But don't worry about it. I don't hurt innocent people."

He didn't honestly think she'd believe him. But he needed to win time. Because just like Rosemary was spending time sizing Travis up, he was in the middle of figuring out how she ticked. What would she be capable off. What could he get away with. She wasn't like him, he quickly figured. She wasn't a monster. And most importantly, unless he made sudden and dangerous movements, she wouldn't kill him. It wasn't her style. And that would be her biggest mistake.

"Well, at least my back is safe. That'd be reassuring if you weren't aiming straight at my chest..."

He laughed at his own stupid joke. He slightly lowered his hands, albeit keeping them clearly in her sight.

"But fine, I'll leave."

He smiled a kind and soothing smile. And he took a step forward.

"I'll need to gather my stuff if that's okay..."

Another step.

"And then I'll be off, I promise."

Almost there.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"Then go get it," Rosemary replied. "It's in the bus."

Too close. He's too close, he's too close-

"Get the fuck back." she growled.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by Delroy*
It's too late.

He smiled maliciously as he took another step. And another. He kept his eyes fixed on her, brilliant and cold as ice.

He pushed the barrel aside and threw himself at her.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
(GM Approved.)

Her red rimmed blue met his. It might have been her fever talking, but she swore in that moment everything had slowed down. Travis' savage lunge, his look of terrible glee she could see shot by shot as he fell.

The barrel was pushed. He was too close.


In that moment, she pushed back. Her arms swung, and Travis' head collided with the barrel with a definitive noise.

Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by Delroy*
He was about to go crazy again. Go back to that feverish ragefilled place he'd gone to when he'd butchered Edgar. And when he'd stuck Aileen like a pig. He didn't care about the consequences. He needed the gun to be abl-...




Like most men who have a loaded shotgun pointed at them, Travis had forgotten a very basic element to the weapon. What he had failed to realize was that even without the ability to fire bullets at an adversary, the heavy, blunt metal object was quite good at.... well, knocking people out.

His head felt like it had exploded. Before he knew what happened he was on the ground with another open headwound, this time on his forehead. It took him several seconds to waken, and even then, everything was blurry. He was face down on the ground. And standing right next to him was....


Re: Hortensius

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:52 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary shuddered. She gazed down at Travis and at the brand new wound on Travis' head, and in that moment wanted to vomit. But after that, rational thought came back to her: run.

"R-run! RUN, TIM!" she screeched back at Timothy. This was where people died because of her stopped. She tried to follow him as he ran, but something grabbed her ankle with a rough twist that made her trip, and sent her to the ground.

No, no, no, no.