
According to the mural on the concrete wall near the botanical garden, this place was once a project for the island's school children. It's quite well taken care of and is overflowing and flourishing with life. Of course, just like anywhere else, the worms here need their food. Perhaps you can provide?
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Post by riserugu »

((Sure, why not – they can know one another.))

Elias listened at the short given answer to his question that the girl near him gave, frowning slightly at the lack of any detail what so ever but figured that this probably wasn't the time or place now to be worried about it, whether he was almost killed by that said person or not. Though sitting there he couldn't get his mind to function, he didn't know where he could run to if he decided it would be the best thing to do – and he couldn't just leave these two behind, could he? That one had just saved his life… but what could he do?

I never been scared truly before in my life… my first thought is I wish this wasn't happening, but I know that this isn't some nightmare, I'm not just going to wake up in my bed.

Though now that I realize that I can't escape this, another thought is running through my mind – that I've got to get away, from here… I've got to find Ben, I just can't sit here, but I feel as thought I can't move… I can't stand…

Just two thoughts…

Running through my miserable, terror-stricken brain.

He watched as the harsh words, and mind games between the two males continued to be played between them, listening as the other put the other off as what had been happening as none of his business, hell as far as Eli was concerned that was business at all.

The words made toward him seemed to strike a cord somewhere, unable to understand what it was he had done to provoke, though the other still continued to hold the other off from through simple words alone  – that is until the one named Eric was it? Made a comment that seemed to set the other off into a sudden, and rather surprising rage as it seemed he had been the one to have the majority of the control throughout this confrontation.

This was getting to be too much for him, all this fighting and now the threat of someone else entering the fray. Though in the time since the yell he hadn't heard much of anything from whoever had screamed the name out moments before, his eyes casting glances between the raging fight between the two other males, and then back to the voice had arose from. After a moment, turning toward the girl at his side, opening his mouth in an attempt to voice any concern in perhaps getting her, and him at least put at a distance between the two fighting.

Or perhaps even trying to stop them in some fashion…

Though as he went to speak the thing that had screamed from the bushes earlier erupted from the said place spinning what seemed to be a shield of some type outward toward the two that where fighting, a slight look of confusion pressing over Elias's features as he watch this. But what caught his attention the most was the fact that the other person was wearing a familiar uniform, the same as his – that meant he was from Gilroy. Might even had seen Ben or something…

The boy, who he recognized once he got a decent view, as a classmate in one or two classes at Gilroy, who's name he remembered being Damien… he blinking at the at this as he seemed to can't note that the person he had been going to attack didn't seem to have been who he had been looking for, and looked rather disheveled and rather confused as will.

I don't know anything anymore…

Except this is dangerous, this place is dangerous and this guy is a prime example of what's waiting for all of us around every corner. Or even worse…

I've got to get out of here… I've got to find Ben…

Frowning slightly, he tried to force a smile of some sorts... "Damien?" He questioned out likely, perhaps Damien hadn't lost his mind yet either like this Eric person clearly had -- hoping for any form of familiarity from school to help him through this time; through anything.
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Post by Megami* »

((Sorry!  I haven't had a lot of time lately, in case you all haven't noticed. >_<))

Matthias's hand thrust toward his face in one quick instant, and Eric Silvstedt had no time to react as the force of the shorter boy knocked him backward a few feet.  To add confusion to the chaos, as Eric stumbled backward toward the nearby shrubbery, the audience who had been watching them from the shadows lunged at Eric, nearly connecting with him and causing Eric to fall completely to the ground.  A gurgled groan escaped his lips as he wiped his mouth, the anger and hatred that eminated from his eyes only moments before having dissolved into pure confusion at the strength of the Kovalenko boy.

Slowly but steadily, Eric once again rose to his feet.  His arm rose and he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth.  The confusion quickly receded from his face and a stern and serious look formulated.  Readjusting the ballcap on his head, Eric looked on at Matthias, still assuming the almost mocking stance he had taken on earlier, despite the fact that the younger boy had thoroughly surprised him by his strength.

"What's wrong, Kovalenko?  I hit a nerve?  I thought you were Mister Cool.  But you know what, man?  It's okay, I know why you're pissed.  You're pissed because I'm right, and you damned well know that.  You're wasting your time here, but you just can't let it go, can you?  You wanna hit me.  You wanna take me down.  Look at you, you're just like me."

Before Eric could once again charge at Matthias, he was taken completely offguard by the booming music that echoed from the loudspeaker placed above them.  Stopping completely in his tracks, a wide smile formed on his lips as Mr. Danya's voice crackled to life on the speaker and broadcast itself across the island.  Twelve dead, in a twenty-four hour span, no less.  He was almost saddened to hear that the younger Kovalenko sibling was not among the dead, as that would've gotten to the dark-headed boy in front of him more than anything else, but beggers can't be choosers.

"Twelve dead, Kovalenko," Eric recited as Danya continued to speak, "She ain't there yet, but she could be next."

He continued to press, to pursue the topic, to antagonize Matthias.  He wanted Matthias to stoop down to his own level.  He wanted him to get mad, to attack blindly, to lose all sense of serenity and composure he might've had.  He wanted Matthias to go primal and rely on basic instinct to try to take Eric down.  He wanted that, because the more irrational he was, the more likely it was that Matthias would find himself injured -- the more likely it was that the blonde he'd been dragging around the island would see past the confidence Matthias exuded and see him for being just as callous and ruthless as everyone else on the island.

Eric wanted Whitney to see Matthias as a monster.  He wanted Elias to see him as a monster, and he wanted the schizophrenic in the bushes to see him as a monster.  In a way, Eric was intent on driving a wedge between the would-be team that stood before him... intent on driving a wedge between Matthias and his friends.  As Danya announced the dangerzones before finally ending the announcement, Eric charged toward Matthias, swinging his left arm, then his right, hoping the punches could connect with his would-be target.


The words that slurred from Eric Silvstedt's mouth were vile, cruel, and simply meant to deter Matthias's thoughts from the current scene.  Whitney knew all this, but still, she could only look on as Eric blurted them out so coldly.  The student she currently knelt beside had all but gone silent, making her rather nervous.  The more moments that passed, it became extremely apparent that Eric, not Eli, had been the aggressor of the fight, but something just felt wrong about this entire scenario.

And that was when Matthias lost it and shoved Eric.

Whitney's eyes widened in surprise at the maneuver.  It was not something that the Matthias she had met several months prior would even consider doing.  No, he had been provoked to that point with all the banter concerning his sister.  Whitney had known that he was concerned he was for Jodeen, but it was at exactly that moment that the severity of his concern finally reached her, and she finally understood.  This realization might've given way to other thoughts, had it had time, but the intense moment that was unfolding before her wouldn't allow those realizations to come just yet.


Her words would go unheeded, she knew that much.  Still, this needed to stop, and now.  In some sick, twisted way, Eric was right.  They were just wasting their time here, on a fight that couldn't be won.  Eric Silvstedt was just trying to get into Matthias's head, to deter him from finding his sister, which is exactly what they should be doing.  The symphonic music that blared from the loudspeaker as it burst into life caught Whitney offguard, and she momentarily looked up at the speaker.

Danya's voice echoed out next, and Whitney couldn't help but find herself being thoroughly sickened by it.  The man laughed and joked and taunted as he cruelly announced the names of those who had died, including classmate Jaime Dibenidetti, as if he were reading off a grocery list.  It was nauseating and absolutely disgusting to listen to, and she felt her stomach churning at the mere thought of it.  Although, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he finally finished the list of the dead, she now knowing for certainty that the people she cared about on the island were still among the living.

Danya's announcement gave way to more of Eric's taunting, and at that point, Whitney Acosta could take the words spewing from Eric's mouth anymore.  Fighting against him was futile, and this was going nowhere fast.  The first rays of sunlight were beginning to peak over the horizon, and exhaustion would be overtaking them all soon.  This little scuffle with Eric needed to end now, and they needed to get out of here by whatever means necessary.  Turning to Elias, she smiled lightly, her head shaking somewhat.

"We need to get him, and we need to get out of here... we're wasting time."
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Post by laZardo* »

((If he caused Elias to fall to the ground with his blow then he could've actually been hit, though not full-on enough to officially "connect."))

Damien could feel a good degree of impact from his pot-lid's slight collision with the larger boy, and the feeling shot up his arm rather badly. Still, the feeling was familiar enough that it didn't seem that much more significant...like a squirt of lighter fluid to a raging flame. As he got a better look at the boy he also felt rather disappointed that he didn't turn out to be Marvin...only someone much bigger and threatening.

That the man he'd thought was Marvin was actually busy with the kid that actually looked like Marvin was his only relief. Of course, thoughts of what to do next were quickly dissipated when at once he heard his own name called out by the Gilroyal he spotted earlier. He turned his head quickly to get a good look at the face, whom he recognized.

Elias McConnell was, to Damien's knowledge anyway, not a part of Reneé's gang, nor had he ever taken part in any abuse, verbal or physical. However, his silence was 24-carat gold to enrich the egos of his tormentors. In the words of a person Damien secretly looked up to, he was a Stormtrooper of the Empire, individually innocent but collectively guilty. It was a wonder that Damien was now so busy with going after Reneé and friends that he'd forgotten about everyone else.

For the first split second, Elias would probably be able to see a look on complete shock. But that seemed to quickly morph into a smile. A friendly, innocent, child-like smile. The key word being...smile. Something Elias would have probably never seen if the classmate had even followed Damien about the entire day. The first part of the announcement from Danya did little to change his smile.

((So it's an FMA shot. I'm trying to make you feel it, peoplez!))

The only thing that caused any part of his face to change was the mention of the name Marvin Hendrick, which caused his closed eyes seemed to twitch. It wasn't nearly as much that he was killed off by another of his list; on the contrary, that they were fighting each other would make this game a little more fun. Rather, it was that he didn't kill Marvin himself. That Marvin very likely didn't have a weapon when he was killed by that super-snob Franco would certainly not make it easier on the boy, who was also unarmed. And the confidence that Franco could gain would actually make the boy harder to defeat, especially now that he found a posse, of sorts. Not even his pot lid or his stealth skills would be able to defend against them...


Damien opened his eyes just a bit, and spotted Elias' bag. He also took visual note of the fact that his fellow Gilroyal's hands were bloody, not likely from the blunt force trauma that this kid who he could now confirm was NOT Marvin. There was a chance that it would be something he could use. Of course, he wouldn't get to that right away, as his rumbling stomach clearly re-arranged his priorities. Then again, he could use those new priorities to his advantage. His natural disadvantages suddenly turned into a tool that if used judiciously could work very much to his benefit.

Damien moved toward Elias while the larger boy was busy with the kid formerly thought of as Marvin. He stooped next to him, with the girl on the other side, and his shield-hand facing the two brawlers.

"Are you hurt?" Damien's voice sounded like it always had: timid, worried, but "sincerely" concerned.

In the time he took to move around the shrubbery to the less-injured boy, he didn't drop his smile.
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Post by Croco* »

((Continued from Well... isn't this fucking great?!))


Peter ran.

He didn't care where he ended up, nor did he care about the extra burden on his shoulders in the form of Kristey Burrowell...all he wanted was to get to safety as both of their collars beeped an ominous warning.  As soon as the beeping stopped, he helped Kristey down and fell to the ground from the sudden, continuous...and unplanned exertion.  Reaching for his pack, he grabbed the half-empty bottle of water he had and quickly finished it before tossing it aside.  Looking in what little light was left, he could see the silhouette of a building in the near distance.  "Could this be the hotel she was talking about?" he thought to himself as he continued to get his bearings back.

"That was close," he panted, sitting up, "too close.  If I have to do that again, I might as well kiss my head...and my ass goodbye."  He looked around, hearing the voices...familiar voices.  "Do you hear that?"

Reaching into his pocket, Peter pulled out the razorblade he had been issued and smiled.  "He's here...I know it..." he thought to himself, "and if I have to choke the very life out of him, I will.  I saw your list, Damien...and I will protect Andi with my life if I have to."  Then he put the blade back in his pocket and turned to see where Kristey was.  "Are you okay?  I hope I didn't hurt you..."
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Matthias felt the pace of his breathing rising sharply as Eric was thrown back into the nearby brush, his fists clenched tightly.  The very anger and indignation that he felt left him deaf to Whitney, who was calling out to him.  All he could do was allow his attention to be taken by the one before him, a petty, disgusting bully who would dare to stoop to new lows at every turn to further himself...the very scum of society, and the very worst of his kind.  Simply the very presence and existence of this boy vexed Matthias to no end.

It was all that he could do just to shut Eric up himself, yet it felt just so gratifying, lashing out against Eric Silvstedt for even daring to touch on such a personal subject with cruel and vile words.  It was all Matthias could do to protect himself, along with his pride, already hurt in the past incidences in which he'd encountered Eric.  But seeing Eric in a state of momentary pain and confusion produced a feeling of satisfaction reminiscent to what Matthias felt when he'd hurled his saxophone case into Eric's head at the bar and grill.  After all, it was a self-delivered retribution.  Why should Matthias be denied the gratification of shutting up Eric himself after all the pains he'd been caused by the older boy?

I wonder if he'll ever know how it feels.

It was then that all of the pains Eric had dealt him resurfaced-the loss of his saxophone, the injuries from the brawl that resulted, and the humiliation Matthias had felt in the aftermath of the events at the bar and grill.  It was something that Matthias had struggled to no end to keep at the back of his mind, though underneath that ever calm, ever composed and good natured demeanor, there was something underlying that Matthias only barely registered.

If it were not for the fact that it was a concept foreign and despicable to Matthias, he would have recognized that underlying, subconscious feeling as hate.

It was the quick recovery of the object of his hatred and resentment that caused a frown to grace the lips of Matthias, though a surprised expression came to his face as an unknown figure burst from the shrubbery, lashing out at Eric with a pot-lid in what appeared to be an action of self-defense.  Not that Matthias would have any sympathy for Eric.  He stepped back slightly as Eric rose to his feet.  Registering the sight of that disgustingly mocking expression, taunting him, Matthias felt his expression harden further into one of indignation and defiance.  He waited coldly for the inevitable taunt that was to come next.

"It's okay, I know why you're pissed. You're pissed because I'm right, and you damned well know that. You're wasting your time here, but you just can't let it go, can you? You wanna hit me. You wanna take me down. Look at you, you're just like me."

It was something that Matthias could have never seen coming within a 100-mile distance, and once again it hit him fully, taking him off guard and causing him to flinch slightly.  Though this time, whatever feeling of anger and even resentment he'd felt towards Eric suddenly dissolved into an expression of stunned silence.  

It was then that Matthias realized what he had done...or rather, considered doing only a moment before.

Only a second before Eric continued to taunt him had Matthias been so worked up on how much he despised Eric, just how much he wanted to hurt him more as Matthias himself had been hurt, to take him down and shut him up himself.  Why, it had only been a moment prior had Matthias been speculating...just how it would feel to be the one to wrap his hands around Eric's throat...

In an instant, Matthias' perception suddenly change, and in the moment at followed, whatever hatred he'd felt towards Eric suddenly transformed into a hatred towards himself.  He was the one who'd attacked Eric.  He was the one who'd let himself become so consumed with hate and anger at Eric's words as to retaliate through violence, just as he had done during the brawl at Benson's Bar and grill.

It was exactly the same.  And Matthias couldn't bear to speculate the very idea that he may have sunk to Eric's level.  

Mercifully, he was momentarily spared the regression into his own thoughts as the electronically distorted blare of symphonic music filled the air.  It wasn't long until Matthias registered the hideously familiar voice of Danya, not wasting anytime cheerfully making the first announcement.

Listening to the names of the fallen dead and their killers, Matthias felt his blood run cold.

So many... So many dead, already...

Death had long since started its reign over the island.  And Matthias knew that the next few days, everything would be mercilessly governed by nothing but death, violence, suffering, and fear.  It was then that the very reality of it all began to sink in, of the very circumstances they were put in.  

The count of the fallen amounted to so much that Matthias would not have been surprised to hear his sister's name on the list, though that was not saying that he wouldn't have been completely devastated should that be the case.  Thus, there was nothing could be done to hold back the sharp exhale that exclaimed his relief and utter gladness.  The very feeling, contrasted against the feeling of dread and apprehension, caused his head to spin, making him feel momentarily light-headed and cold.

She's still alive...

Even with Eric there to taunt him, nothing could stem the relief that Matthias felt.  If anything, all it did was remind Matthias that he had been offered another chance to save his sister, and that he must not mess it up.  He knew that more than anything that it was up to him to protect and look after the well-being and safety of his sister.

It was this realization, as well as the announcement of the danger zones that left Matthias with nothing to protect himself, nor anticipate Eric's sudden and abrupt attack.  

The thought of his sister simply alive, though possibly hurt or alone, was suddenly cut off by a sudden feeling of utter numbness as Matthias felt a hard and sudden impact collide with mind-rending force into the area below his ribs, sending his entire body into a stunned, momentarily paralyzed state.

The feeling of air being knocked out of his lungs caused Matthias to inhale sharply, and in the instant that followed, the numbness in his chest was suddenly replaced by a dull, staggering pain.  Matthias flinched and stepped back slightly at the impact of Eric's attack.  As the level of adrenaline in his blood peaked, he saw Eric's fist merely half a second before it connected.  That split-second was enough for Matthias' reflexes to take over.  

His arm lifted, palm held up to meet the full impact of Eric's fist directly, while at the same time absorbing it as Matthias allowed the momentum of Eric's fist to push his arm back to reduce the force of the impact.  At the same time, Matthias moved away from the path of the swinging punch, though he hissed slightly at the pain in his stomach.

From the defensive stance that Matthias had taken, it looked as though the dark-haired boy was about to retaliate with an attack of his own.  But Matthias refrained, and instead allowed himself to relax as much as his new injury would allow, calmly letting go of Eric's palm before stepping back, though with a slight stagger.

"I should've known....that you would have resorted to that," Matthias said with an expression that was a half-smile, half-grimace.  

"You know what, Silvstedt? I find it funny that you amuse yourself on the fact that you think you know me that well.  Now, look, normally I'd find it flattering, but at least I'll give it to you that you're half right.   And you're right that I'm wasting my time.  Every second that I spend listening to you blather is a second wasted from the time I need to find Jodeen.  I'll admit it, I'd like nothing more than to simply knock the living phlegm out of you along with what words you spit out on a daily basis."

"Thing is, though you seem to take pleasure in tempting me to do so, I'll have to pass the opportunity.  And the reason lies in the very fact that you are wrong about one thing."

Despite the pain that he felt in his stomach right now, Matthias somehow mustered the strength to stand upright.  

"I'm not like you, Eric.  I don't need to smash people up nor try and strangle someone to remind me that I'm worth every breath I take.  I don't have to resort to petty insults and taunts in a confrontation.  Nor am I a bully who wastes his time venting all of his anger on a grudge that he can't let go of.  And for that matter, nor am I someone who would stoop as low as to attempt murder in order to prove my worth."

Matthias smiled, in spite of the agony he was in right now, in spite of the very effort it took for him to stay standing.

"So...sorry to disappoint you.  But there aren't really as much that we have in common as you had hoped.  If there's any way that I'm like you at all… It's nothing that I would be aware of, that's for sure."

"But there's something I ought to thank you for, and that's reminding what I should be doing instead of listening to the ramblings of a Neanderthal like you. You know what about what you said earlier? You're right.  Right now, Jodeen might be alone, or hurt, or on the verge of dying.  And here I am, wasting eight minutes of my life with you when I could be out there looking for her.  But thank God you were there to bring me back to my senses.  

He smirked calmly before adding, "You're a real pal, Silvstedt.  That's another one I owe you right there."

With an ironic salute to the taller, red-headed boy before him, he turned back towards Whitney.  While a hand was still placed over the area where Eric had punched him, he had recovered enough to move more or less normally, though to be honest, the newly formed contusion was quite sore, the pain making him feel somewhat ill.

Nonetheless, he kept his composure as he looked towards Whitney.

"Did I worry you? Sorry…"  he told her, a slightly strained smile on his face.  Looking about his surroundings, first towards the one Eric had attacked with a look of slight concern, then towards the two newcomers who had just appeared, one of which had been the one to smack Eric with the pot-lid as what Matthias assumed had been an act of self defense.  

He blinked in surprise, coughing slightly from the somewhat ill sensation in his chest.  "Did all these people just…suddenly appear or something?"
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Post by Megami* »

He had expected Matthias Kovalenko to counter his words with words of his own.  What Eric Silvstedt hadn't counted on, however, was for Matthias to counter his attack as well.  Although he felt a chill of pleasure go up his spine as the first punch he threw connected with Matthias's stomach, his happiness suddenly turned into surprise as Matthias's palm thrust upward, catching and disengaging his second attack.  Matthias stepped back as if preparing for a strike of his own, and Eric readied himself in anticipation.  However, it was a strike that wouldn't come physically, but instead, a perhaps even more detremental blow -- verbally.

Matthias's schpeil about self-worth, power, and importance struck a nerve with Eric Silvstedt, mostly because the words coming from the mouth of the one person he held a relentless grudge against rang out clear and true.  That in and of itself was what cut Eric to the core.  Matthias Kovalenko seemed to know the deepest, darkest, most private aspects of Eric's personality.  He seemed to know how Eric craved the feel of power -- a feeling he never seemed to be able to get.  He seemed to know to what lengths Eric would go to prove his self-worth.  In a way, Matthias seemed to know Eric's inner workings as if he had designed them himself, and it made Eric sick.

He doesn't know anything.  Nobody knows anything.  They know nothing about me.  They don't know what it's like.  How could somebody like Matthias Kovalenko, who lives in his perfect little existence, know my pain?  Maybe I am greedy... powerhungry... but even if I was, I have good reason to be.  This is my right, I've earned this!  I've earned the right to be a big dog in this game, to go home and set right all the wrongs that... woman... has committed against me.  This is my time to shine, not his, and I won't let him take that away from me... no matter what.

It was at that point that Eric finally withdrew himself from the intense situation he found himself in for just a moment and took the time to look around.  The botanical garden he had come into in search of a prey had quickly filled to the bursting point with said prey.  Now, the self-proclaimed predator found himself at a loss.  At this point, all the people in the botanical garden could easily find some form of camaraderie just long enough to take him down and eliminate him from the game.  Eric had to make sure that something like that didn't happen, no matter what he had to do.

As they say, there's no shame in running from a pointless battle.

"Well, Kovalenko," Eric growled, slowly backing away from the brigade of people that seemed to be popping out of the woodwork, "I believe the correct expression is that you might've won the battle, but you haven't won the war.  We'll meet again, my friend.  You can bank on that.  And when we do, when you're not surrounded with your so-called friends, then we'll see who the better man is.  Until then... I just have a bit of parting advice for you, Kovalenko.  Pray that you find her before I do."

Having said his last words, Eric Silvstedt thought it high past time to bid the crew that had developed in the gardens adieu, more for his own personal safety than that of anyone else.  Turning around and retrieving the pack he had thrust aside during the beginning of the fight, Eric bounded away from the gardens, never once looking back at the crowd that had formulated.  The game was far from over.  Fighting against all those people, who surely would've ganged up on him, was a suicide mission, and Eric Silvstedt, as they say, wanted to live to fight another day.

((Continued in ... And They Say That a Hero Can Save Us...))


Whitney Acosta felt helpless.  There was no other way to describe the feeling that had overtaken her during her time in the gardens.  It seemed as if her words were going completely unheeded by both Matthias and Elias, and the banter between the former and Eric Silvstedt continued on as if it would never end.  Now, the boy who had been lurking in the bushes only moments before seemed to want to come to their aid.  The chaos was getting to her, and more than anything, she just wanted to detach herself from the entire environment.

I don't want your help... whoever you are.  I have it under control.  Just go away!

It was unlike someone of Whitney's disposition to think such harsh thoughts toward others, but at this precise moment, she just wanted it all to end.  She wanted the lurker who seemed to show some sort of compassion toward Eli to go away and leave them be.  If anything, he was just another body in the way to seeing to Eli's well-being.  Besides, it wasn't as if Whitney wanted to see to the boy's well-being in the first place.  She didn't even know him, after all.  It had just been instinct to check up on the boy, just like it had always been in her nature to reach out her hand to someone who had fallen.

The blonde-headed girl sighed forlornely as more and more people seemed to flood into the gardens directly after daybreak.  The rustling of nearby foliage let her know that now, someone else was lurking.  It was all too much, and she found herself getting swept away in the chaos.  She just wanted to stand up and yell at the top of her lungs, just for a moment, to return the area to the sense of normalcy it had had before they'd ever encountered Eric Silvstedt attempting to strangle the life out of Eli McConnell.

And what of Matthias?

Part of her worried as Eric's fist impacted with Matthias's stomach, causing him to gasp out in pain.  Matthias, however, proved easily able to defend himself from the remainder of Eric's onslaught.  He readied himself, and Whitney could only assume that he would attack again and prolong this fight even more.  Much to her surprise, Matthias kept his cool under the pressure and intensity of the situation and remained stoic.  It was Eric who finally fled the scene, commenting something along the lines of too many people jumping in to interrupt the apparent "fight to the death" that he had planned.

Matthias's voice rang out in her head as he responded, as if just now noticing the distinct expression of worry that had overtaken her features.  She being an easily readible person, she could only assume that he picked up the sense of anger that dwelled in the back of her mind as well.  She bit her tongue, trying desperately to refrain from verbally lashing out at the entire situation.  It was all too much to handle.  Whitney had always been a person who liked to be in control of the situation, and now, the situation was becoming more and more uncontrollable.  Matthias's second inquisition brought her out of her thoughts once again.

"Apparently," she muttered lightly, "and there are too many for my tastes.  We need to go, Matt.  We're wasting daylight, and we need to look for... for Jodeen."

More than anything, Whitney Acosta just needed to get out of there.
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Post by Xaldien* »

((Continued from Well... Isn't this Fucking Great?!))

Beep. Beep. Beep.

BLOODY HELL, would someone shut this thing the fuck up?!
It's the sound she kept hearing as she continued to walk away from the Pagoda that she and Peter were at a while back.

Kristey made quick note that the Hotel might be the best place to be, as since hotels usually means beds to sleep in.
It wasn't until they were quite a ways away that the collar stopped it's infernal beeping.

She never really felt scared for her life when it started beeping, just rather annoyed. Like an alarm clock that likes to give you a BIG surprise if you decide not to heed it's advice.

Peter started asking her if she was okay.
"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
He had that razor with him, and seemed to be thinking of something...
You can lead me to Andi... this is just great... of course I'm gonna be okay.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Though it looked as though Matthias had regained his familiar composure through little to no effort at all, the slightly strained expression on his face was more than hint enough that keeping his level-headedness in a situation like this was far from easy, even for one like Matthias.  In truth, stress had long since started to take its effect, though normally for Matthias, such a feeling remained well hidden behind layers and masks of composure, level-headedness, and confidence.  People in general, peers and adults alike, often took Matthias to be the last person to feel the effect of stress, the last person to lose confidence, and the last person to lose their train of thought to the effect of panic.

But Matthias was sure that knew himself better than anyone else.  Putting on that mask of confidence, giving off an all around impression of self control and composure, it was all he could do to simply reassure himself that everything would be alright.  Putting up barriers to hide his true emotions was simply a way of protecting the side of himself that was always on the verge of losing it completely when things go wrong.  

And especially now was Matthias able to see...no, feel the situation deteriorate significantly.  Newcomers were popping left and right from all directions, several of which he did not recognize, the reason likely being that they hailed from a different school.  For now there was little way of discerning their true intentions, whether they intended to attack outright or not.  The possibility alone was enough to put him on edge and on his toes.  He had Whitney to worry about, and as much as he hated to admit it, to become libertine in his trust before these complete strangers may as well be a risk to himself...and Whitney.

Worse yet, his stomach was still plagued with a dull ache from the punch Eric had delivered, causing his stance to weaken significantly.  It seemed to drain yet more of his strength, physical and mental, simply to hide the pain and prevent himself from grimacing.  To be honest, he felt sickened.  The bruise in his abdomen courtesy of one Eric Silvstedt was enough to put a stagger in his gait as he made his way closer to Whitney, determined to stay ever by her side in the approach of these strangers.  

Once again, it was the voice of the one who had been the source of the better part of his troubles that continued to plague him once more.  Gritting his teeth slightly, more out of the pain in his stomach than out of general irritation, Matthias turned towards Eric, reassuming his defensive stance.

But as a result of what appeared to be Eric's better judgement, all that came from the older boy was the typical speech of an adversary turning tail at the face of a losing fight.  At first, all Matthias did was simply frown in silence as a response to Eric's final words before he fled the scene.  However, what he said in the end was all the more reason for the slightly troubled expression on the face of Matthias to deepen severely.  In truth, he had flinched on the inside, for now it gave him all the more reason to worry and fear for the safety of the person most important to him.

He wouldn't...

Saying it to himself was all Matthias could do to convince himself that there was no way that Eric would go through with what he had implied.  But Matthias knew better.  He had seen for himself what Eric was capable of, even as to attempt to murder another.  Matthias himself had never seen Eric go through and actually murder someone, thanks the fact that he was there to prevent Eric from choking a younger student to death.  However, it was only a situational factor that prevented Eric from going through with the murder, rather than one of moral conscience.

Either way, it meant now that he had all the more reason to hasten his search for Jodeen, for he just had to find her before someone else...possibly Eric, did.  

Turning back to Whitney, it seemed almost impossible to remain smiling calmly while his worst fears were now augmented significantly.  Still, he managed to retain his composure while surveying the situation around him.

"You're right, Whit," he told her quietly, his hand still lying gingerly over the contusion in his abdomen.  "We'd better go, and quickly.  I just..."

He bit his lip, trying not to think about the possibility that Eric may have found Jodeen by now.

"...I just have to get to her.  Quickly. Before anything happens."

((Continued in Blood Sport))
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Post by Croco* »

Peter stopped for a moment to look at his map; the hotel was close by and he was sure that he could make it with what little strength he had left.  He smiled and nodded once to Kristey as he finally set her down and stretched his arms out.  "The hotel should be a little bit off to the south," he said, "It should be...uhh...that way..."  He pointed off to his right, but then his attention was grabbed when he saw the conflict between Matthias and Eric...which proved to be a welcome distraction as it allowed him to catch his breath while he watched the fight.  He was kind of expecting the larger, more athletic boy to win but was pleasantly surprised to see Eric walking off in defeat.

After the conflict ended, Peter took a sip from the bottle of water he opened earlier and thought about whether or not to seek out Matthias' help.  "Hey, do you think that kid could help us out?" he asked Kristey after gently nudging her arm, "Think he may know where Andi is..."  Another thought came to his mind as he looked around, knowing that he was still around.  "...or do you think he may know where Damien is?  I still think we should take him out before he hurts Andi or one of us...so whaddya say, Kristey?"
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Post by Xaldien* »

Why the hell is he so worried about Andi?
"No, we're not getting ourselves involved with anyone else, it may prove to be an unwelcome gesture, but if you're willing to bring us, or Andi, into harm's way, be my beloved guest."

She then had a quick passing thought.
"What do you say we change destination? The hospital might be of more help than a hotel... although, if you need to rest for the night, we can still go."

It's tough pretending that I care...
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Post by Croco* »

Something was beginning to tell Peter that Kristey shouldn't be trusted for much longer...whether it was by her actions or something instinctive, he was beginning to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.  Maybe it was because he hadn't had anything to eat in the past two days, so he set his pack down and exchanged the map for the loaf of bread that was given to him at the beginning of the game.  He pulled off about half of the loaf before putting the rest back in the pack, his eyes darting between Kristey and Matthias alternately before coming back to Kristey again in a scowl.

"Something tells me that we can trust this fella," he said softly, "Then again, you may be right...we don't know what kind of weapon he's got and we don't know who he's associated with."  But Peter started looking around again as the uneasy feeling began to come back.  "But there's one more problem...and his name is Damien...we need to either get to Andi before he does, or take him out on the way.  Which should we do?"  Then he began thinking about where this...hospital was and whether or not it was a good idea to scrap the original plan to stop at the hotel...the decision was his and he thought about it some more while continuing to eye Matthias.
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Post by Xaldien* »

She felt as if the jeapordy theme were playing itself just for her. She was waiting on Peter's decision of whether they should go to the hospital or the hotel. She was leaving it up to him, since if anyone knew where they could find her precious big brother, Andi, it would be Peter.

But, she still wished for him to tell her why he cared so much about Andi.
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Post by riserugu »

[[ Guys, ya'll don't know how sorry I am for this being so late but I have learned something; being an adult and having a life kind of sucks ass in a way at times. Image Mail-carriers namely.]]

Elias watched lightly with uncertain, and unsure eyes as the fight between the two boys seemed to grow as Matthias began to fight back against the taunts, and mind-games that Eric seemed to what to try and play against him. Though the before mentioned one seemed to be slightly taken off guard as the other launched out against his words, and with a fury of punches knocked the other boy back into one of the bushes that lined the pathway of that they had been in for some time since this had all started. Watching the scene that folded over after slightly made the boy pause and simply watch -- he found it oddly… hollow the way that Eric could play off anything and everything that could be said and thrown against him and turn it against the person, though at the same time it had almost seemed as though Matthias had calmed down to a certain degree, though with Eric continuing to talk he could only wonder how long that would last. Though as quickly as the fight had started, it had died down to the degree of Eric's simply taunting words though even that was soon overcast by the before, least to him, unknown intercom system came alive and a rather loud, semi-familiar voice flooded over all of them on the island.

He had known first hand the horrors of what awaited many people, including himself and those around him at this very moment, on this island - yet for some reason he had still been holding onto the faith that this was just all some sick nightmare, and there was a chance he'd up from it. Though the burning that flared every time he breathed from where his throat had been partly, least what felt like, crushed between the other boy's massive hands, and the tinted slightly there smell of something metallic brought his eyes to the closing wound on his hand whose blood had long since begun to dry, but left his hand feeling sticky and slightly cold. But sitting there on the ground close the blonde-haired Whitney, he couldn't help but feel as his heart slightly dropped within his chest as he tried hard to not just block out all of the voice that was reading off the list of the dead, some even slightly sounding a slight bit familiar but he couldn't bring himself to search his mind to locate the face that the name belonged to, far to focused in searching out one single name.

An almost sigh of relief left the boy as the list of names ended, and he began with that of the soon-to-be danger zones that would be popping up soon --

Ben wasn't on there.

That brought a slight amount of warmth back to him, the feeling of dread releasing him slightly though still, though his cousin hadn't been mentioned on the announcements there was still the issue of dealing with Eric was still at hand though a glance about told him that the other boy was slightly outnumbered, really how long was he going to keep it up. Though whatever he seemed to be doing, was seemed to work against Matthias, though caught up in watching he almost missed the comments toward him mentioned by both Whitney and Damien, though he slowly removed his attention from what was happening to the two boys and focused himself on the blonde-haired girl near him, going over her words in his head with a slow nod. "That sounds rather… like a good idea."

He didn't mean to sound as if he didn't care what the girl had to say, he just felt almost as if his mind was turning a million thoughts and ideas a minute, she had cared enough to question his well-being, it would be rude of him not to listen. And it was true, they needed to leave here and get else where. Mostly away from this large, and no doubt apparently lacking a indeed number of hugs as a child, boy that seemed to be the stem of a lot of this interesting group's problems it seemed. Once again lost in the inner thoughts of his own mind, only returning when the question of his condition was brought up by the form of his fellow school-mate Damien came up, hazy-colored blue eyes turning on the other boy, noting the slight tinge of worry laced in his voice that he just couldn't understand. True they where school mates, but the ties ended there - perhaps Benjamin and him knew one another, or something to that manner.

Forcing a faux smile to his lips, he nodded slowly. "I'm sure I'll be fine." He muttered back.

Though in this time it had seemed as though Matthias had turned the tides on the other boy, almost taking control of the scene playing out before them -- though faintly he found himself being caught off guard by the sound of what sounded to be beeping, but the sound seemed to die down within a second of when he heard it, allowing him to focus back on the retreating Eric who with a final bit of spoken words darted off away from the gardens, Elias eyeing this likely - wishing somewhere deep within him that he had been granted some type of weapon other than the one he had been granted, able to put an end to that boy while he ran before he was given the chance to hurt another, like he had done to him. Shaking his head, Eli slowly moved to get up from his position that he had been half sitting, half laying in for the time that had passed since the forms of Matthias and Whitney had bounded into the gardens and saved him from a fate far harsher than the fact that he had been thrown into this blood bath.

An over look of his person, and he couldn't help but slightly sigh at the staining the blood from his hand done to his sweater-vest, more than likely shirt as well, and uniform pants. The once crimson hue now fading into a far duller shade of brown, he not watching though likely listening to the words that Matthias and Whitney spoke between one another, it seeming as if that they too where looking for someone. He too needed to get moving he wanted to get out this area by sun down, glancing over his issued gear with a bit of a shake of his head, chewing thoughtfully on his bottom lip unsure of where he should head next. Though a passing thought pressed into the back of his mind as he glanced around for where all his stuff had fallen.


He wasn't sure how to go about doing this, it wasn't a everyday thing after all -- having to thank someone how just saved your life from a demented kid only a few years older than yourself.

"Thank… thank you, for saving me. I -- I don't really know how to thank you other than…" Eli began, bowing his head slightly as he turned back to face where the other two teenagers where standing, searching for the right words that could work along his sentence. ""It's just… thanks really, I'm looking for someone myself. And, you saving me allowed me to do so." He mused slightly, smiling.
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Post by laZardo* »

((Hopefully I haven't said anything redundant here. It's been shitlong. X.=.x))

At first, Damien was relieved that the announcement had come and gone, and named the Pagoda he was just at as one of those Danger Zones. That certainly helped him concentrate. It also helped him relax that Elias thanked him for helping to save him, and it was somehow expected that the thanks (and rebuffing, though I'll have to find some way to turn that around soon...) he received was as proportionate as Damien's own efforts.

This was almost compensated for by the sole female present appearing to regard him with disdain, but then again this was a last-man-standing game where nobody could really be trusted (a lesson Damien learned so long ago even he couldn't remember). It certainly got him to realize that his very innocent smile would arouse more suspicion than trust. Still, he had been thanked, and those thanks could've made Elias an intermediary for trust with the girl.

The Marvin-lookalike that had been beating Cap-boy down could wait, though clearly not for long.

But as Damien turned his head away a bit (to appear humble, of course!) he caught sight of someone - no, two people - barely visible due to concealment by, and wandering about, the flora a good distance away. One of them was a tall, quite rotund fellow, and from what else Damien could see, the big guy was following someone with blonde hair. The resulting conclusion made Damien flinch, this time not ever so slightly albeit not like he was taken completely off guard, but definitely wiping his smile clear off his face.

That fat guy...and KRISTEY!?

Damien now looked predictably shocked.

As far as he knew, the fact that she was still alive and accompanied meant that not only did they escape the pagoda before their collars detonated, they were also still carrying their weapons. Damien couldn't quite remember what Peter carried, but a fat guy wielding it had nothing on a busty-sadistic blonde with a Louisville Slugger. The fact that she had threatened him so visibly before his own departure meant only one thing.

It's that Most Dangerous Game...she gave me a head-start before she decided to hunt me down...
But if she sees you with these people...
She might leave me alone...or...
Come right over and convince Elias that he's on your list?

((Something is wrong with the forum that the color scheme of the above in-head conversation isn't turning out the way it should despite correct(?) formatting. We apologize for the inconvenience.))

Damien was now torn whether to expose his little list to Elias. It would work to his advantage that he hadn't listed Elias' name on it like Kristey, Peter, and the Valenti Syndicate, but the gap between Reneé's and Kristey's name might be incriminating enough. He could possibly evade that by saying that Elias wouldn't have made it onto his list by his lack of aggression toward Damien, but he could not discount that Elias might not be in the dark about Damien's famous paranoia.

The one thing Damien was certain of was that he was quite thankful this particular thought mill was temporarily shelved by another, more audible internal machination.

At this moment, his stomach started to grumble again, arousing a variety of emotion that arrived easier thanks to his temporary instability. He had literally been running on empty for the last two or three days, and he was surprised that his emaciated form had not even elicited some form of concern from the others in the area (not expected of the "psycho" he had beaned with the edge of his pot lid, of course.) The fact that it also triggered another cycle of aching and stinging across his currently-battered body definitely worried Damien that he might naturally kill himself before a baseball-bat brandishing blonde (the next 'b' word in this phrase was logical) or even innocent little Elias could. But like Pandora's Box, the last thing he felt in sequence was reiterated hope, as above all, he could use it as a base to eventually get what he desired most.

Of course, what he desired right now was to defend himself in case Kristey came over...

((And I don't know if she should come over. @.=.@;;;;

This would technically be the ending of the post, the following represents a potential plot device and could be deleted by me at poster's request.))

Damien quickly turned back to face Elias, but visually overshot him, his gaze returning to a backpack that lay within easy access to him. This time, he could take a better look at it, if only to help him cope. Compared to his own backpack, it was thicker - meaning it hadn't been stripped of anything considered immediately vital, such as food and first-aid. A quick return-visual inspection of Elias revealed that he did not appear to have a weapon on his person, meaning that the fellow Gilroyal's weapon was very likely in there...though it was also probable that Cap-boy could've taken it from Elias.


Damien gestured toward the backpack with his hands, as if offering to pick it up for him. He also did so with a look on his face that meant he clearly didn't know if there was a weapon inside or not if he was even concerned about it at all.

((Continued in Damien Broke In))
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Post by Croco* »

It took Peter a while to think about where he wanted to go; fortunately for Kristey, that while took no more than five seconds as he remembered the last announcement.  There was no way in hell that he wanted to go to the hotel after hearing about the demise of Brittany Ashworth and Marvin Hendrick in Danya's announcement.  He wanted to survive long enough to find Andi and reunite with him...hopefully while they were both still alive as he turned back to Kristey.

"I'd feel a lot better if we went to the hospital...did you hear what happened there?  I don't know about you, but I'd rather rest in a place where I didn't have to worry about someone stabbing me in the back while I was asleep.  You can do what you want, but I..."

And then he saw him...

He could see through the foliage the smallish boy from the pagoda...the midnight black hair...the peering brown eyes...the villainous grin, which could be seen for a brief moment before their eyes crossed and the grin disappeared.  "Shit, it's him..." he thought to himself, "He'd be a fool to come after us right now...but somehow I think he'd be crazy enough to do it."  Peter felt his heart skip a beat before he instinctively put his hand on Kristey's chest to hold her back from charging out.

"It's him, Kristey" he whispered sharply, "Stay close to me...if he comes after us, I'll step aside so you can drop him if you can."  He felt more like a tiger in the brush scouting out potential prey than a kid running for his life in a game that will most likely end in his death...and then he remembered something.  "Kristey, the list!  Do you still have it?"
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