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Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Cyco*
Jana's eyes looked as if they were glass as they moved slowly from the fresh corpse and finally met with Matt's. Her mouth hung open, and her lip trembled. She had screamed the moment she saw Kayla's face cave in, but the big wet knot in her throat had prevented any sound from coming out.

"N-no," she stammered in response, loose tears breaking free of her eyes as she shook her head. She was terrified to realize that she was now holding the crossbow up with shaking hands, aiming it squarely at Matt's chest. She'd crossed the point of no return; now she was just as fair game as Kayla had been. His previous reply to her voice of reason rang in her head over and over again until she felt like her proverbial dam was about to burst. That "no" had been the result of a miniscule bullet hole punched in the floodgates, which was now tearing and growing exponentially by the second. "You fuck off, Matt."

"You fucking! Fuck! Off!' she suddenly screamed at him, stamping her foot with each word that came out of her mouth as if they needed extra force to get through to his brain. Her hair had gotten in her face, and she tossed her head subconsciously to the side to get it out of the way. She glared at him. "Don't you fucking come near me or I'll turn you into a shit-kabab you fucking asshole!"

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Megami*
Sera let out an audible sigh.  Matt was screaming threats, Jana was pleading for him to put the gun down, and this girl, this Kayla girl, all she was doing was standing there, not heeding any of their words.  Sera would've been fine to let her walk away from their little encounter unscathed at first, but the longer the girl stood there, deliberately disrespecting their wishes for her to leave, the more it made Sera angry.  She closed her eyes for just a second, trying to suppress the aggravated twitching that her eyelids seemed to keep doing.  A moment was all it took.


Sera's eyes jolted open again, but Kayla Ravoy was no longer standing before her.  Instead, a body resembling Kayla with a large hole square in the middle of her head stood before her for just an instant before it fell with a loud thud onto the overgrown grass at her feet.  Her eyes trailed down to the corpse of the girl lying in front of her, and she simply stared at it for a moment.  She didn't feel bad for her.  In fact, she didn't really feel anything.

Matt instructed the two that they were heading into the building below the hill and grasped her hand as if to lead her away from the corpse.  She was all for leaving the area.  They'd been there for far too long.  Jana, however, seemed to have other ideas, not that Sera was really in the mood to hear them.  The whole encounter with Kayla had put her in a rather foul mood anyway, and her friend was slowly grinding on her nerves, even moreso when she raised her crossbow toward Matt's chest.

"Jana," she stated flatly, "Put the crossbow down and come on."

She just wasn't in the mood for this.  Still, from Jana's point of view, Matt probably looked like a force to be reckoned with.  Jana was young and most importantly, naive.  She didn't seem to understand that there were things you simply had to do in this game in order to survive it.  At the moment, Matt was Sera's way of ensuring her own survival without getting her hands dirty.  She wanted to explain that concept to her redheaded companion, but simply didn't think she'd understand.

"Listen, Jana..." she started again, the tone in her voice a lot less harsh than it had been before, "We asked her to leave.  She didn't.  You may not realize it, but that girl was a threat to us.  To... all of us.  She wasn't looking for allies, Jana.  If she had been, she would've taken off when Matt made it clear that she wasn't welcome.  Why would you want to be with people who didn't want you there?  Something just wasn't quite right, and I don't know if you caught that or not, but that girl wasn't all there.  You've got to be more careful.  It's people like that who kill you in your sleep... and we've come way too far to die now."

She hoped Jana would listen.  She didn't want to have to shoot the ally she'd had since the beginning of the game... but she'd do whatever she had to.  She was going to survive, and if the time had finally come that Jana had to be eliminated, she wouldn't hesitate to do it... even if she didn't want to.

"We had no choice."

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Cyco*
"Bullshit!" Jana snapped at Sera, whose calm justification of Matt's actions seemed like it was straight out of an episode of The Twilight Zone, one where everyone had this haunting inability to listen to what the main character had to say. She continued anyway.

"Don't give me that, you had a choice!" It hurt to acknowledge it but she was finally beginning to question Sera's integrity as well, as was indicated by her tone. "You're both playing, and I am not! Fucking! Playing!" Once again she stomped her foot on the ground, taking a deep breath afterwards. She was getting a headache. "Just go away, both of you! Leave me alone!"

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by baby_g*
"You're right I'm playing. You think I want to die out here? Open your fucking eyes Jana! You're playing by sticking your fucking cross bow in my face!"

Matthew didn't bother raising his gun to Jana, knowing she wouldn't do anything anyways. Still holding Sera's hand, he leaned in close to her ear.

"I know you guys are friends. Do you want to go or not?"

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Megami*
Sera sighed and looked at Jana with incredulity.  She was starting to question whether or not aligning herself with Jana had been a good idea.  At times, it had been nice to have her company, but more often than not, it seemed like Jana wasn't pulling her own weight, or worse, that she was holding Sera back.  Still, parting ways with an ally that she'd had since the beginning of the game was a hard thing to do, even if their entire alliance had been based on the lies Sera had spoon-fed her since they first met.

"You're being a hipocrite," she retorted, nodding toward the crossbow that Jana couldn't seem to put down, "If you weren't playing, you wouldn't be pointing that thing around trying to get your way.  You're making a fool out of yourself."

Jana ordered them to leave, and Sera was almost glad to hear the command.  She almost felt a tinge of guilt for leaving Jana alone.  Almost.  She had this feeling that the younger girl standing in front of her wouldn't last more then ten seconds alone before being killed off by some ambitious player.  This far into the game, there wasn't any room for "not playing".  You were either fighting to survive or you were going for the win.  The people who "weren't playing" were just sheep being lead to the slaughter.

"Fine," Sera muttered under her breath, "I hope you find your brother, if that's what you intend to do.  We're heading to the school.  You're welcome to join us when you cool down, I suppose.  Until then, though... we're getting out of here."

I don't feel like babysitting you, kiddo.  You've made your own bed here.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Cyco*
Matt and Sera were getting on her last nerve. The latter of which actually had the balls to call her a hipocrite. Now it was really sinking in that the two of them were just kidding themselves so that they wouldn't feel any guilt about killing anyone they chose. How convenient that must've been. As far as Jana was concerned, she had every right to point the crossbow at Matt; the asshole would probably have come up with some other bullshit excuse and shot her if she'd just tried to leave.

Jana scoffed indignantly. "That's ok," she replied at Sera's offer as she took a few steps backward, "I'd rather go it alone than listen to either of you shit outta your mouths any more...

She backed towards the rear entrance to the school perimeter fence and stopped for a moment. "I can't believe I didn't see through you from the beginning," she added. She said nothing else as she finally turned her back and retreated beyond the chainlink fence, but her final glance at the both of them did: "fuck you."

((continued in Never In Anger))

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by baby_g*
Still holding Sera's hand, Matthew led the two of them into the school building mumbling under his breath about how stupid the other girl was. They walked through the doors of the side of the building that was remaining after the huge explosion that had occured. He led the two of them into the first class room he saw making sure to lock the door behind them and close the blinds on the windows. Returning to Sera, he sat on the edge of the desk taking out his water bottle and a piece of bread. He'd been starving for far to long and yet ate each bite slowly as to take in the bland taste trying to imagine it was something else.

"You should eat something."

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:57 am
by Megami*
She could hear Matt muttering under his breath during the short trek from the small hill down to the school building.  Every once in a while, she'd catch a word about how ignorant Jana was.  She couldn't help but grin smugly in response.  It seemed Matt had finally managed to peg Jana for exactly what she was.  Sera could only think that it was about time.  She'd seen the girl for the fool that she was from the moment she met her back in the barn onward.

The double-doors to the school building creaked open and Sera's nose was assaulted by the smell of ash and metal.  The part of the school they had entered was still standing, but it didn't change the fact that half of the building had blown up, and it was painfully obvious even this far away from ground zero of the explosion.  She still thought it would've been best to go to the gym, but as long as Matt was willing to stick his neck out and play protector, she wasn't going to argue.

He found the nearest classroom and led her inside, shutting the door behind them, locking it security, and proceeding to close the blinds for extra security.  Couldn't afford to get sloppy this far into the game and die because of it.  Maybe he was smarter than she was giving him credit for... but probably not.  Guys like him, they were all about one thing and one thing only.  Sera had keyed in on that from the moment she met him, and she fully intended to exploit that to its fullest extent.

Matt propped himself up on a nearby desk and proceeded to dig into his daypack.  She scrunched up her nose at the thought of eating the probably stale bread that he started to ingest.  Still, it was better than nothing, she supposed.  It had been quite a while since she'd last eaten anything.  She'd been picking at the rations from her own, Brandon's, and Adam's daypacks, and thankfully, she didn't eat much anyway, but her rations were running pretty low.

"We should probably check the cafeteria in the morning," she suggested offhandedly, "Not a big fan of cafeteria food, myself, but I bet there's plenty of it."

She gave him a light grin and leaned on the edge of the teacher's desk directly behind her.  She was starving, but she just didn't feel like eating.  She'd eat later.

"I'd say that my 'friend' doesn't like you too much," she stated teasingly.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by baby_g*
Matthew took a break from his half stale bread to look up at Sera. She was a knock out, standing there all calm and what not. He hadn't really cared at this point about Jana. It was her own fault that she couldn't understand what was really going on. She chose to leave and now it was up to her. It was sad almost how she'd be out there thinking she was going to survive and then meet her fate just like everyone else on the island.

He considered Sera offer of going to the cafe, and though his belly was screaming for anything, his head was telling him it might not be a good idea. The girl wanted food though, so maybe it might work out.

"Alright." He said, getting up packing his bag and leading the two to the door. Before they reached it, he reconsidered his choice turning to Sera. Stepping close to her, he put her palm to her cheek like he had done with other girls so many times before. He placed his other hand on her hip, and just like routine he pressed his lips against hers kissing her passionately.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by Megami*
Matt seemed all too eager to head to the school cafeteria.  Maybe he was hungrier than she'd figured.  After all, she'd planned on waiting until morning to journey through the school.  It seemed like a much safer bet.  Still, if he wanted to go now, she'd follow him.  It was better than being stuck in the classroom by herself.

Even better, she could just send him to get food and bring back for the both of them while she stood guard here.  That way, he'd be the one sticking his neck out there while she sat in comfort in the classroom.  The shotgun in her daypack that she still hadn't revealed to her companion was certainly an equalizer on her part.  It made her feel absolutely invincible, even though statistically speaking, it'd be hard for someone her size to fire.  It didn't matter.  Power was power, and intimidation made normally bold people cower down.

Before they got out the door, Matt seemed to decide he had other plans, though.  His rough palm brushed against her delicate cheek and his other arm seemed to slip comfortably around her waist.  It was in that instant, right before his lips pressed passionately up against hers, that Sera Wingfield realized something.  Matthew Drew had made a terrible mistake on his part.

He'd allowed himself to become completely ensnared in her spider web.  She smiled wickedly to herself as Matt seemed to fall into his kiss.  She found herself reciprocating the kiss with a renewed fervor.  Secretly, she wondered if Matt was smart enough to knew what happened when an unwitting victim became trapped in a spider's web.  She wanted to tell him... they got devoured.

Sera's arms wrapped around his neck and she allowed her body to push up against his.  She had to admit, he was a good looking guy.  It was a pity that he'd allowed himself to fall into her game.  Matt seemed fixated on her.  It was something she'd picked up on a while back, immediately after his buddy Rob had killed Kevin.  Her tongue slipped into his mouth for just a moment, fluttering against his own.  Inevitably, she pulled away just slightly, her eyes focusing intently on his own.

"We really should wait until tomorrow to head out," she mused, "... We could die tomorrow, you know.  Might as well make the most of it."

She glanced back to the desk she had been leaning against before Matt led her toward the door and a mischevious grin overtook her features.  Grabbing Matt by the hands, she led him back toward the desk, walking backwards so as not to break the line of vision between himself and her.  She released one of his hands just long enough to knock a few of the former teacher's personal effects to the floor before hopping onto the desk and pulling the boy close to her.  Her fingers trailed up the back of his neck and she pulled him in for another kiss.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by baby_g*
The feeling of Sera's arm going around his neck and the sensation of her tounge pressing against his for that slight moment reminded him of all the other girls he had been with thus far on the island. He had lost count but figured it was about four or five... Sera being the fifth. He couldn't complain because so far all the girls have been just as good looking as the next.

He was to wrapped up in the moment of her pressing her body against his and the feeling whinding throughout him to realize what she was saying. He kept her gaze as she brought him to the desk. He liked her way of thinking as he pulled him in by the neck once again to kiss him. He allowed their tounges to tangle as he dropped a hand to adjust himself to be more comfortable. As he brought his hand back up, he led it up Sera's leg up to her hips. With both hands now at her hips Matthew pulled her close like before wrapping her legs around his waist.

Once she was wrapped around him, Matthew let his hands explore as they moved up her shirt, around to the back to undo the bra and back to feel her breasts. Pausing for a moment, Matthew broke their lip lock quick enough to take off his own shirt and throw it in the corner before resuming said actions. He was proud of his body and knew Sera would probably be also. He couldn't help but be completely taken by her. She was different from the other girls attitude and personality wise... that and he was actually going to go all the way this time with her.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by Megami*
Matt seemed completely taken in by everything that was going on.  Not that Sera could blame him, really.  The male mind wasn't a complex thing.  It worked around basic, primal needs... food, water, shelter... and sex.  She'd learned this fact long ago.  Men were easily manipulated by the promise of sex, and the allure of it enticed them so much that many of them would go to drastic lengths to get what they wanted.  She could tell exactly how bad he wanted it, too, from the rapidness of his movements.  His fingers trailed up her sides, pulling her hips up against his own.  She let her legs wrap themselves around his waist tightly, her main focus never waivering from his lips.

He didn't hesitate at all to slide his hands up her shirt and around to her bra, and just as quickly as it had been fastened, it was unhooked and his hands were back around front, caressing, squeezing, exploring the places he hadn't yet seen.  He pulled away from her just long enough to remove his own shirt and toss it to the other side of the room.  The moment his chest was bare, she pulled him back, interlocking her tongue with his once again.  Her fingers slowly trailed up his defined chest, and she couldn't help but think to herself that she'd managed to find the pick of the litter.

The fingertips on her left hand trailed back up to his neck.  From there, she had the advantage of basically being able to control the movements of his head.  That was the nice thing about boys.  They were all trainable, you just had to know how to do it.  Most of them liked to be controlled.  At the same time, she had to admit to herself that she was probably enjoying this a little too much as well.  Her right hand grabbed ahold of his own, guiding it back up underneath her shirt and to the bare skin that it covered.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by baby_g*
While it would have seemed that they were taking things to fast outside this hell hole, while they were on it, it appeared they were going just fine. The door was locked, the shades were pulled and it wasn't likely that someone would try coming to a building that had already been half blown up. The night was their and they could do whatever it was they wanted.

Matthew had to admit that he enjoyed being 'told' what to do by Sera's soft hands. He had many ideas of what the two of them could do, but he was pretty sure they didn't have enough time for that. Needless to say Matthew was getting excited. Undoing his belt buckle but leave the pants themself for Sera he began to undo the button and zipper of her jeans. Once again, he left the deciding to remove them to her. There wasn't anything he found hotter than when a girl did it herself.

Replacing his hands to her torso where she had originally placed them he moved from kissing her lips to nibbling down her neck, around her collar bone back up the other side and then back to her lips.

'Thank god Jana left...'

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by Megami*
Perhaps she, too, was becoming a little too taken in by the whole ordeal.  Still, Sera had to admit that she was thoroughly enjoying the attention.  She was used to getting attention from boys.  In fact, although she'd never admit it, she almost needed this kind of attention.  It was like a drug, and it was a horribly addictive one, at that.  Really, it was the only thing boys were good for.  Most of them were obnoxious and pig-headed, but it seemed like she could always pick the ones that managed to please her.  It made them worth keeping around... for a while, at least.

Matt seemed all too eager to get the party started, undoing her jeans along with his belt buckle in the flash of an eye.  As soon as he restrained himself and started focusing on her neck instead, she immediately knew what he wanted her to do.  It was pretty easy to guess, most guys were into that sort of thing, or so she'd learned in her experience.

Sera undid the button and zipper on Matt's pants, a slight grin coming across her features as she pushed him away long enough to completely remove the confining shirt she had on.  She lifted herself up off the desk just enough to slide off her jeans and kick them to the floor, revealing the delicate black lace panties underneath.  It didn't matter who the guy was, or where it was, or how it happened.  Sera loved sex, especially when it involved the thrill of danger, and there was no greater high than knowing that not only could someone burst into the room at any given moment, but also knowing that the entire world was watching their performance.

She practically drooled at the thought of it.

Re: Schoolhouse Rock [[CONTENT WARNING]]

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:58 am
by baby_g*
Sera did everything Matthew wanted her to do. She got rid of her shirt and pants and it was clear he was over joyed to find she was wearing lace. Since the strap of her bra was already undone, Matthew lended a hand by removing that as well. Kicking his pants off one leg at a time, leaving him with his blue plaid boxers, Matthew gently pushed Sera back so that he too could make his way on the table. He used his one knee to prop himself up, then crawled forward on the large desk so that his body layed uptop hers.

He allowed his hand to caress her body as they travelled from her thighs over her tight stomache and across her breasts. With his other hand, he undid the button on his boxers, allowing himself to slip through the faberic. He used both hands at the top of the desk to pull himself up tight against her, so that their hips locked together. He continued to kiss her, placing her arms beneith her shoulders, cupping the back of her head in his hands. The only thing between them now the thin peice of faberic from her underwear, and if she was smart, she'd know what to do about that as well.