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Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Kris*
"Umm....No....Thats ok..." he said a little confused by this situation. He was a little nervous because this is something Paris has never seen before, it was scary and for some reason it felt kind of nice.. Nice? Paris wasn't nice! He was popular! If Paris started to have some type of caring kind of feelings he'd be a good two shoes.

Thats the last thing Paris wanted to have on his mind. Love? Love was for ninnies who fall in love with The Notebook. It wasn't for people who were popular, popular people didn't needd love. You can't be popular if your in love! It just wasn't right, at least that what he htought after years of being popular...

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Snipes*
"Thought so."

Brendan stopped beside the bed again, hands in the pockets of his $120 jeans. He glanced down at his feet. What was he supposed to do? He was alone with Paris and all he wanted to do was stay there. Didnt he have placed to go? Why didnt they matter anymore? There could not possibly be feelings growing inside a Popular. And if so, as if there'd be any chance Paris would respond.

They were Popular, Paris the crowned prince of gossip and Brendan the million-dollar-teen. They were incapable of feeling werent they?
Perhaps one of the loopholes that come with popularity. Fucking suprises.

Brendan glanced back at Paris and found himself unable to look away. Even in that bed, bruised and roughed up, Paris still glowed to Snipes.
Tired of standing, Brendan sat himself on the edge of the hospital bed.


Brendan came so close to leaning down and kissing Paris, however he held himself. Paris would probibly punch him in the face too.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Kris*
Paris was too scared and just looked at brendan with eyes of innocence. After all when it came to love Paris was innocent. He has never done anything sexual before, ever. He had better things to do like find out the latest secret, and how dumped and chated on who. That was important; It seems the only person who knows what it means to be Popular is Brendan and Paris.

Being popular was not about feelings. It was all about being ruthless to those who opposed you. Being a star was just a perk, you can't be a popular if you have feelings. otherwise your popular status will be easily replaced by someone else who actually wants to be popular. Thats what Paris came to be, of course he had feelings but the type of feelings populars can't have are those of love and care. Otherwise you'd be sidetracked from being the best, its a full time job when everyone likes.

The whole thing was confusing but it made sense to Paris. Although being popular can also be just a perk that comes with your good looks and charm. Point is, popular people can't be nice otherwise they wouldn't be popular. Why do you think people like Paris so much?

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Snipes*
Brendan glanced up to catch a look at those innocent eyes.
He took a breath and stood up, possibly the most ungraceful way he'd ever done anything. He was thrown. Thrown by these feelings.

He took a shakey step away from the bed and turned around and shoved his hands back in his pockets and looked around the room before looking back at Paris.

"Maybe...I should go? I mean..."

He couldnt even finish! When did this happen!? NEVER had Brendan Snipes gone without compleating what he started.
Of course the last thing Brendan found himself wanting...was to go. He wanted to stay, stay with Pairis.

"Unless of course you need the company in this little....cell of yours."

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Kris*
Paris shook his head. "You can stay..." he managed out. Ugh, why was this happening? Being trumped by his feelings? Disgusting! Just then the nurse walked in. "Whats wrong?" she asked. Paris snapped out of his dream like puzzled sequence and turnedh is head toward the nurse.

"Nurse, I want to know when the hell I'm etting out of here." he said bluntly. The nurse was a bit stratled but shook her head. "Well the doctor has done x-rays and you have nothing broken, well your nose broke but the bone wasn't badly splintered. It was a minor break it should be healed soon." said the nurse checking her clipboard.

"Your not in bad condition, your going to be as good as new in a week. A few bruises, but they will slowly go away in time." she said with a small smile. "You have no answered by question, when am I getting out of here?!" he demanded. "Uhhh....Well in a couple days....Your legs would have healed by then and you'd be able to walk..."

"One more thing, why isn't that oaf in jail?" he asked. The nurse looked at him strangley. "What do you mean? The man who brought you in said an armed robber attacked you...." the rage in Paris's viens slowly started to boil."Fine, your dismissed." he said glancing at the wall as then urse left. "Ugh, at least it isn't permenant....."

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Snipes*
"Alright, I'll stay." It'd be a lie to say Brendan wasnt happy to get that answer from Paris.

Brendan watched the chat between nurse and Paris. The nurse annoyed him. Then again anyone with a yearly sallary the same as his weekly alowance anoyed him. After the nurse left Brendan turned back to Paris and sat himself on the bed again.

"Of course its not permenant, relax. You heard clipboard, out in a few days."
Brendan often did that, refered to 'the help' by what they wore or what they used in their job. He never knew the name of 'Driver' or 'Cook' or 'Apron' from his home. Nor did he find their names worthy of his memory.

Fuck, his feelings, those acursed feelings. They had him. Fuck!

"Dont worry, I'll come and visit you. Let you in on what I hear at school so you can keep up on whos shagging who and to save you from the...people here."

He almost had a disgusted look as he refered to the low-life hospital staff.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Kris*
"T-Thanks..." he said. This happy go lucky feeling made him positivley sick.  Paris liked it but the other half of him wanted to vomit. Why was he feeling this way? This wasn't fair! This is definatly the worst day of Paris's life, it positivley revolting. Although paris was very very lucky Brendan was his friend. I mean where did Paris's wardrobe come from? Brendans pocket of course, it was fabulous to have someone as rich as Brendan on his side. WHich gave him an idea....

"Brendan, can you do me a favor?" he asked. "I would like you to get ahold of a bottle of poison. I don't care what type of poison, but make sure its not too strong to kill in one take." he asked with a hoping smile. "My revenge has to start as soon as possible, I must be prepared, when I get out of this damn loony bin."

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Snipes*
Brendan nodded. He didnt need to ask what it was for. He knew.
He smiled.

"I know just the thing."

He made a mental note. It was quite easy for Brendan to get a hold of nearly anything he wanted. With his parent's contacts, his vast knowlage of how to contact them, and of course his endless pockets of cash, provided useful in any task.

"I'll have it by the time you get out of here. Which will hopfully be soon. I cant stand places like this."

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:42 am
by Kris*
Paris slumped on the pillows that propped him up. "I need some freakin rest..." he said with a sigh. Paris ignored these buried feelings and just decided that he needed to focus on recooperating so he can get back at the monstrosity. Hopefully Brendan will follow through and get him the goods. People like Garry needed to be taken downfrom the inside out, and thats exactly what paris intended to do.

"I also would like to know who that bastard is....." he said to brendan as he shut his eyes. Paris needed some sleep, how else was he going to recover? The doctor said he'd be as good as new in about a week, but it already feels like its been forever that he's been condemed to this white room. "Thank Brendan, I appreciate it." he said without opening his eyes. Just be patient.....Be patient...

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 am
by Snipes*
Brendan watched as Paris rocked back and closed his eyes.
Snipes half smiled and rolled his eyes.

He slipped his cell phone from his jeans pocket and flipped it open.
Obviously the cell phone was probibly more advanced than some of NASA's latest technology. he punched in  few buttons with ease to mark down a reminded to call 'Fish' once he was done here.

he glanced up at Paris and slipped the cell away again.

"Youre welcome. And dont worry. By tonight I'll have the blighter's full story."

The rich boy turned sharply on his heel and headed for the room door. He stopped and glanced back at Paris in the bed. He screamed at himself to leave but he couldnt help notice how adoarble Paris looked. He swore internaly at himself and shook his head.

"See you tomarrow, Paris."

He exited the room and closed the door behind him.
He quickly made his way past any nurses or doctors and made his way back to his car. He quickly climbed in and shut the door. Then his head dropped and hit the stearing wheel.

"Fucking hell...Bloody FUCKING HELL!"

Emotions were a horrible thing to have.

((Continued in: A Meeting with the Man Who Doesn't Exist))

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 am
by Kris*
Paris sighed as brendan left and waved him off. This was very different. Paris has never had a love intrest in his life, his main goal was to find out the lastest scoop. He never really thought about love, he dosn't know why its just something that he's never digged on about. And as for liking Brendan? Paris couldn't stand why he thought boys were hot. It just didn't make sense to him why these feeligns were present in his body.

With all that aside the pretty boy was tired, tired of coping with these blasted feelings and this new understanding of his sexuality. It was too much, Paris had feelings but nothing to much into the love and careing  department. The point is he didn't want to deal with it right now, and so with that he forced himself to go to sleep. The thought of revenge was alone comofrting enough.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 am
by Kris*
The image of Garry hanging from the celing fan flashed as Paris awoke once again with a small start. With a sigh he layed back on his pillows, he was already feeling better. He wanted to get out of this infernal hospital; Paris knew that he would have to commence his plans for revenge as soon as possible or these dreams will; be haunting him forever.

The Prince decided to try to walk today, and removed the sheets as he made an attempt to stand up. No more pain shot thorugh him, it just felt a little heavey since he hasn't walked in a while. His skin started to go back to its normal light tan color, however the bruises there still hurt when pressure is applied.

Just as Paris got a grip the Nurse walked in and made her way over to him. "Ah, I'm glad to see your upand about today." Paris sighed "What else is new.." he said with a tired sigh as he sat back down. The Nurse kneeled down at his feet and started to remove the bandages from his knees and legs.

"I'm glad to see that your legs have almost healed..." she looked up to Paris's face. His nose was in pretty good position, it was severley broken, thankfully it was a minor fraction. Theskin around his used to be black eye had no blended with his light tan skin making him look almost normal once again.

"...Same goes for you face, I beleive that your almost ready to be released." she said as she then started removing the bandages from his head. The gash was not bleeding naymore and all had closed up and returned to normal. A week seemed to last an eternity when your stuck in a single white room with absolutly no entertainment.

"Your parents visited you last night but you were fast asleep." Paris would be now the center of attention of the family which was one good thing that came out of this humilation. "When will I be released?" he asked in a non-patient tone. The Nurse looked at him sympathetically. "Well today's possible, your parents will have to come and sign you out though." Paris said nothing in return.  

When the Nurse left Paris put his hand to his head and breathed. His beauty was once again blossoming. But he would wait until Brendan delivered the poison, the thing that will prove to be Paris's salvation. Once Brendan came he would get out of this damned hospital and start to inflict a Prince's wrath upon Garry.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 am
by Snipes*
After nearly three hours of phone calls, traveling across town and allowing a body-guard to beat the shit out of some drug dealer, Brendan had gotten the poison.

He entered Paris' room a few minutes after the nurse had left. He didnt even bother to greet Paris, even though he wanted to. Paris wouldnt have cared anyway. Insted Brendan held up a brown paper bag. Another large bad was slung over his shoulder.

"Atropine. Over dose on this stuff and it'll kill you if not winde you up in this room."

He tossed Paris the bag.

"You induce it through ether pill or grind it into water. It has no taste nor smell nor appearnace in water. It starts on your brain, breaking down the ability to control your muscles, making it hard to move or even swollow. It the nmoves to your optics, turning your vision into meaningless blurs which leads to nausia and often vomiting. After an hour or so of vomiting and stmbling, if not taken to the hospital this overdose will kill you. The cure must also be injected through the thigh or the arse."

Brendan put on a smirk of pure satisfaction, he'd found the best possible poison. He folded his arms.

"It was a bitch to get a hold of, but I did it. Oh and this too."

Brendan removed the other large bag from his shoulder and set it down.
"New threads. You need to get out of those gaudy hospital rags as soon as possible mate. The sickly look does not work for you."

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 am
by Kris*
Paris looked and just smiled, and evil smile. "Thank you Brendan.." he said taking out a small bottle filled with the powder. Turning it, he notiched how the light of the sun reflected off its crystal surface. In other words its beautiful. The boy grabbed the bag of cloths and went off to the bathroom. Brendan always did nice things for Paris, Paris thanked him everytime. But this time he truly appreciated it, although he didn't show it much he was very glad that Brendan was on his sides.

"How do I look?" said the Prince as he turned around. He worse lovley jeans that had already predetermined rips in them. A large black belt were thorugh its loops meeting with a silver buckle. His shirt was a buttoned up midnight blue, he easily wash his hair and dried it with a towl from the bathrooms. The calm black hair looked surferish, and ontop of it were these tinted light blue aviator glasses. Lastly his shoes were navy blue converse.  

The boy smiled at his restored beautiful look. Sure he still ached but those pains were no match for his thoughts on revenge. Paris's dream flashed through his mind which gave him another satisfying smile.

Re: A Prince's Recovery*

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:43 am
by Snipes*
Brendan smiled, happy to know Paris was happy with his work.
He would hate to be the person who didnt have Brendan Snipes on their side in time of need.

He waited for Paris to change, knowing the boy would look good anyway. He had shopped for Paris since the day he met him and knew his sizes and what the prince of gossip looked good in. He glanced up as Paris exited the bathroom and flashed a half smile.

"Smashing, of course."

Brendan lowered his own slick, Guccie sunglasses over his eyes and removed his velvet gloves from his hands.