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Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g*
Relieved that Calvert didn't think she was retarded for asking a mother like question, the short brunette was happy to answer. Only, she didn't really have an answer...

"Well..." She bagan, "To be honest, I'm not sure. My dad wants me to go into the army like everyone else in our family. I thought I'd be a cop, but umm... have you looked at me? I'm not a hard physical labour kind of person. So I was thinking between fashion and theater."

Fashion had always been something Tori loved, and it was shown in what ever she was wearing at the time. Fashion, to Tori, was a way of expression. Also, she loved theater, simply because she loved getting into different charactors and was convincing in each one.

"A cook eh?" She mustered. "That's pretty cool, I never really thought of you as the cooking type. What would you make? Every cook has got to have their own special meal. What's yours?"

Tori, turned her head away from Calvert for a moment as she waited for his reply. She couldn't help but blush slightly to herself. Oh, and I'm not doing anything after school...

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by Cyco*
"Well...I can make a mean toast," he offered. "To be honest, I haven't gotten into the actual cooking part of the cook deal..." He looked her up and down. "Yeah, I don't think you'd be much of an asset on the force. No offense."

Bryan decided it might be a good idea to change the subject. "So your dad's in the army, eh? That's cool." He glanced around the empty hallway occasionally at the odd detail that caught his eye. He wasn't very good at paying attention, that is unless it was something that he was genuinely interested in. "" he grasped for some kind of conversational material. "Do you like music?" This would suffice. Bryan loved music. He wasn't musically adept whatsoever; he'd never learned to play an instrument. But he could always get into a fast, hard, energetic song. He couldn't explain it, but it always put him in a good mood.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g*
Music, the age old question that was for sure to be asked sooner or later. Everyone wants to know about what kind of music you're into. It was kind of their way of messuring you on the 'cool' scale. See, if you listen to country, you're definetly Out of the loop. Unless its one of those cool country songs that are being played on the usual stations. If you 'claimed' to listen to 'punk' music you were a 'poser'. The list goes on, but what's the point in explaining it.

"Um, well, I listen to alot of stuff. Usually just old rock and roll, you know, the 80's stuff. Some SKA music, and um. yea, what ever floats my boat I guess. I'm not picky." Tori figured she'd covered what she needed too.

"What about you?" She continued.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by Cyco*
"That's cool," he nodded. "I am picky though. I like Motörhead (this was no surprise, it was on his damn shirt), Suicidal Tendencies..." he started listing. "...Iron Maiden...Pantera...uh, Primus..." he figured that was enough, so he concluded "I listen to what I like, too. I don't think you should stick to just" the word was on the tip of his tongue. "...whatsit...genre!" he snapped his fingers. "Genre."

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g*
"Nice," Tori said, agreeing with him. "Those bands sound okay. I've listened to a few of their songs here and there. What about your family? I know this is a change in topic, but hey, oh well. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

It seemed like Tori couldn't really ask him many more questions about music, he was pretty specific with the stuff he liked. Moving on to the family seemed like a good idea she thought. She just figured that if he asked her the same question back, she'd just skip over the embarrassing parts.

As Tori waited for Calvert to answer, she couldn't help but just look at him. Hoping that he wasn't noticing, Tori couldn't help but 'analize' him. He wasn't bad looking, thats for sure. There was a scar left from when he got his eyebrow ring torn out she guessed. He looked fairly built, and he had facial hair. Tori's last boyfriend couldn't grow hair anywhere to save his life. Stupid chump.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by Cyco*
He scratched the scar where his eyebrow ring had been ripped out. It kind of interrupted his eyebrow in a sense, because the little strip of hair had never grown back on the scar tissue. There was pretty much no evidence left that there had ever been a piercing there.

"Yeah, I've got a younger brother and a younger sister. They're both still in gradeschool though. My sister will be going here next year though." He wasn't too interested in the subject, but decided to be polite and return the question. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g*
"No," Tori began, "I'm the only child in my family. It's cool though, I'm my daddy's little girl."

Tori was getting kind of fed up with the 'small talk', so she decided that she was going to more straight forward.

"Do you think I'm attractive?"

There, she said it. She put him on the spot, right where she wanted him. He couldn't pretend he didn't hear her, because she'd just ask him again. Basically he has to answer, and his answer she waited for. She could wait all day. The point was that she thought he was cute, and kind of nice, and she wanted to know what he thought of her. Was that so hard to ask for?

Calm down! Tori thought to herself.

"I mean, I know I'm putting you on the spot and all, but really now, it's just a simple question."

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by Cyco*
'Great,' Bryan thought to himself. 'Another chick obsessed with her looks.' He rolled his eyes subtley enough that he was sure Tori couldn't see, and replied, "yeah, you look fine."

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g*
"You're not really good at this whole honest answer thing are you?" She asked, somewhat annoyed with his answer.

"I mean, I was asking you what you thought of me. Not if what I was wearing was cool. Simply what you thought of me. So," She continued, "What do you think of me?"

Was it just in the male gene for men to be ... not very ... aware of what is going on? Maybe Tori was pushing it alittle fast, but then again, what was she pushing? All she asked was what he thought about her. It's not like she was leaning in to kiss him or anything.

Sure I like my risks, and being straight forward, but I'm not stupid. She thought to herself. Maybe he'll actually answer me.

Tori stuck out her tounge, revealing her tounge studd. She often did this when she was thinking about something, or over annolizing things as she usually did. Why was talking to Calvert so complicated? Tori never had it this hard with guys. They usually were the ones that came to her.

This is one Crazy school. What the hell am I doing here?

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by Cyco*
"I think you're nice," he said. "That's a very rare thing at this school. Everyone here is a prick." He paused and thought for a second. " prickette." This wasn't neccessarily true; there were one or two people who weren't totally stuck up. But the point was, almost everyone there was a prick. Or prickette. Whatever. "I'd avoid that Grayston chick like the plague. She might rub off on you. Then you're screwed." He didn't like the feeling he got from that daddy's little girl remark of hers. Too similar to...

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by baby_g*
Some what more pleased with his answer than the last one, Tori glanced up at him. She'd never heard that she was nice before. Though, she had always tried to be nice to everyone, all she ever got was 'Hey, nice ass' or 'You're hot', some stupid stuff like that.

"So," She once again continued, "Is there anything to do around this place?"

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:53 am
by Cyco*
"Uhh..." he looked around and wrinkled his nose. "There's like...there's,"

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:54 am
by baby_g*
"Well," Discouraged again, "What do You do?"

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:54 am
by Cyco*
"I don't do a lot around here," he said, scratching the back of his head. "Except help CJ." They came to a hallway door and he held it open for her. He didn't think about it; it was just a reflex.

Re: The Ropes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:54 am
by baby_g*
Wow, he's opening the door for me? Probably just a reflex, but it was sweet none the less.

"So, where would you like to go now?" She asked. Tori figured that guys here, or at least this one, liked walking around, so she was going to let him decide where to go.

Maybe he just doesn't know what to do with all this attention? Maybe he's just not used to a pretty girl talking to him? Maybe he's just not used to someone being nice to him all together?

It was pretty sad that Tori could come up with a million and one reasons why he could be being like this to her. In all fairness, she felt like he was being somewhat jerkish. All she wanted was a conversation. Someone to talk to, and maybe even get along with. Basically she was just bitter about the whole ex-boyfriend thing and having to move AGAIN. Maybe she was trying to take things to fast with Calvert because he was the first boy who actually started talking to her when she got here. Maybe she was trying to get over the dickless idiot to try and forget the pain he put her though.

Relationships are something that God made so that he could laugh at something. Like it's his own personal sit-com or something. Tori thought. It would have to be something she'd take up with him one day.

In all honesty, Tori couldn't tell if she'd ever really get over him. His name was Evan, and she thought he was the man of her dreams. More so, he turned out to be the man of her nightmears. A year and a half was a really long time for Tori, considering that all her other relationships only lasted a couple months or so. They were more like flings, just fun things to do between working out and school.

Bastard... She thought, but the memory of him, the good times and the bad, sent Tori into tears. She quickly put her hands to her face to hide the redness, but it was obvious that she was crying. She quickly wiped her face, appogized and looked down at the floor, to embarrassed to look at Calvert.

Probably thinks I'm stupid for randomly crying, who wouldn't? fuck...