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Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:19 am
by riserugu*
“But like I said – you’ve got to tell me, and probably remind me a time or two as too when and where it is. Because knowing me, I’d probably forget – like I do everything and make a ton of other plans and be in a complete mess. Though I’m rather good at that kind of thing, huh?” It happened more often than not, causing Gregg to sometimes wonder as to how he became gifted in his academics, athletics, and in the arts let in the area of common life he could be so lacking. Though a majority of the time he usually didn’t have to think that much, only when he was around Ali it seemed that a majority of his thinking process that had to deal with decision happened. Perhaps his lack of real decision making came from not wanting to disappoint anyone – it was a small piece of him he had grown up with, when he had been small it had been something he set in place namely around his father, and so when his father died he couldn’t think but in some way, the toddler at the time figured in some way it was his fault.

He fringed a small smile as he caught sight of his companion’s own smile, moving a small bit of his food about on his plate before going about to finish said meal. Pondering lightly over the choices of movies that where out, trying to think of what would be a good one to watch – he never had been one for movies know that he thought about it, probably the main reason he continued think of anything at this moment. His mind simply running blanks, perhaps he should consider phoning his mother and questioning her on what would be something good. Though as soon as that idea passed through his inner thoughts, he quickly threw it back out remembering the inner rant he had just had with himself a few moments before about his mother and her choice of movies worth watching – least in opinion. And he personally didn’t want to be rude to Ali if she wanted to watch something like that, but she’d have to not care when he drowned himself in the nearest source of water he could locate in a short amount of time.

Gregg really hadn’t noticed he had finished his food, least not till the small clinks he was making against his plate brought him away from his thoughts and brought him back into the real world, at least for a short moment anyway. Glancing downward at said plate before moving to place the piece of silverware along with the others. Bringing one of the extra napkins up, rubbing around his mouth for a brief moment. Before placing the used piece of cloth down alongside the plate. Glancing upward briefly at the girl that sat across from him. Smiling once more, this time for an unknown reason as he took another long drink from his soda, smiling still when he placed the glass back along the table, trying to figure out what had gotten him so oddly giddy all of a sudden.

Suppose it was just that it was because he was in the company of someone he thoroughly enjoyed, not saying he didn’t enjoy the baseball team or his classmates, it was just – Ali was different, perhaps it was because they had known one another for the time that they had. She was one of the main reasons he enjoyed the move to New Jersey from Georgia as much as he did. True, he was leaving a hell of lot behind when he had left the little states some hundreds miles south, but certain people had made it all the better for him, truly letting him know that he’d be able to start new here. And started new he did, though he knew in the back of his mind his real family – least what was left of them where always down there, as was where his mother and father, least where they had been buried. It wasn’t as if he didn’t accepted the family that had taken him in and adopted him close to seven years ago, he called them mom and dad – but he knew that these where his true parents.

Leaning back he watched lightly a bit as Ali went about finishing her dinner, once again, truthfully not enjoying the silence thickening out in the air, but it wasn’t as if he had anything to say or talk about. Hopefully though his lack of speech didn’t get Ali to thinking it was because he wasn’t enjoying himself or because he didn’t want to talk to her at all. Greggory finding himself musing once again though, watching still as she lied her silverware down atop her halfway empty plate, glancing upward toward him, which caused a large grin to break across his lips as he took another sip of his partly emptied drink, placing the glass back down along the tabletop. Glancing over his shoulder, and over where Ali sit, glancing about for the waitress that had taken Cole’s place as their little server for the night, hoping she’d bring the check along.

“Let me pay for this, and we’ll be gone. Then we can go and see if we can find a movie – then I’ll have to go by my house to get my things, and I could meet you back at your house seeing as we don’t live that far apart from one another.”

Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:22 am
by Megami*
[+] Alternate version of posts to this point as ported to the V2 board by Megami
((To read the entirety of this post, see Ali Grayston's "Past" topic.))

Posted by: riserugu Aug 31 2006, 09:58 PM
Focusing his attention downward on to the somewhat small, and lightly fashioned text of the menu placed before him by the waitress that had left some moments before. Gregg eyeing the contents with a slightly withdrawn expression, personally he was never much for food like this – true both his parents where really well off, they liked in a great house on the right side of town, and seen he had been adopted he had been offered all the good things in life and then some, though he be damned if he acted like a majority of the kids that where in the same shoes as him. Perhaps it was because he had grown up being on such a different level, being shuffled from one family to the next for so long – actually having concerning, loving parents was a bit of a shock for him for lack of a better way of putting it.

Simply put some mac' n' cheese would do him over well, though remembering he was here more or less for Ali – he simply allowed himself to smile the thought away.

Flipping over to another side of the menu, Gregg lightly lifted his attention away as the question from Ali came – he looking at the younger female for a brief moment before smiling with a shrug and returning his attention downward too the menu. "Not really – mostly just working on applications and the like, for college and all. Trying to work out all my classes for next year, least trying to work it all around so I can at least do baseball without it being a burden on anything."

He sighed lightly, flipping the page back; "What about you? You never seem to talk about your school with me?"

For a moment he wondered if the other girl was going to open up and actually talk, or if this was going to turn into a one-sided conversation like it usually did sometimes. Though before Gregg had a chance to think any harder on the subject, a grip on his shoulder and a odd greeting for such a place made him take his attention away from what he had been so focused on and turn to look on the features of one of his fellow classmates and teammates at school, a rather odd expression between shock and confusion spreading across his features. "Colt?"

He knew he probably shouldn't be surprised to see his teammate, because he knew somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered Colt making some mention of his work-place, he knew they pretty much all knew he worked in the at the cinema – then again like with making choices remembering bits of information about people, like birthdays and the name of their cat's wasn't something he usually kept on top priority; heck he had a time usually remembering names he wasn't going to bother remembering all this other stuff. Though as he smiled at the other male, he found himself blinking slightly, eyeing the odd glance over he seemed to be giving Ali – the shake of his head made the question form at an even faster pace.

Turning his head away from Colt he glanced toward Ali and nothing other than a look of indifference seemed to don the features of her face, Gregg lightly chewing down on his bottom lip with his teeth – a horrid habit he performed when slightly, or in this case, overwhelmingly confused about a situation. Though still – it was odd.

But with a shrug he allowed himself to push the thought away and back, returning to his menu though continuing to lightly chew on his lip. By the look on Ali's face they didn't seem to know one another, which was what his mind was telling him was going on. Though if they did they had done a grand job of never mentioning the other around him. Maybe this was something he also didn't know about Ali too add to slightly growing list, a sigh escaping him as he just simply shook his head of the thought, it really wasn't his place to wonder. If Colt and Ali knew one another, they seemed to not care to acknowledge it, or perhaps his thoughts where just getting the better of himself, and things weren't as big as he was portraying them.

He was starting to become convinced, though – that life was more difficult to figure out than a majority of his math homework a lot of the time.

Flipping the page of the menu over again, not even sure what he was looking for – he hardly understood a majority of it truth be told. It all sounded weird, and looked pricey, too things that never should go together in his humble opinion.

At Ali's voice commenting out on leaving for the bathroom, Gregg tilted his head up nodding lightly and smiling a bit and glancing back downward as Ali wondered away from the table. Sitting there alone now he couldn't help when he began to drum his finger lightly against the table, propping an elbow atop the wooden table and resting his cheek down against an open palm. Eyes wondering over the dishes, upon dishes that this place offered, casting his attention over to his drumming fingers, narrowing them at once again the sight of a spray splatter of paint along his wrist this time.

Really – he was going to have to start funding into paint that washes off easier, that or buy a pair of gloves or something. He thought, lifting his head and licking at one of his fingers, scrubbing at the area once more to try and rid it of the reddish hue that was staining the somewhat tanned skin.

By the time the last remnants of the paint left skin was when Ali returned, he glancing up at his friend with a return smile as he lowered his finger away from his wrist. Watching her lightly for a minute as she went back to looking over her own menu, something he had given up quite sometime ago – simply going with the easiest thing to understand on there. Least it had chicken in the title, most of these things made no sense what so ever to him and he really didn't feel like playing lucky in order to find out what he could be getting with tonight's meal.

The question allowed the smile to stay as he shrugged, "I really don't know – anything that I know what's in it, that's always good for me."  

Posted by: Megami Sep 2 2006, 08:10 PM
A noticeable frown, though it more resembled a pout than a full-on disappointed look, formed across the features of the vivacious brunette who sat across from Gregg Archer as he commented vaguely on the large variety of platters offered at the restaurant. More than anything, Gregg seemed more than a little disinterested, if not a bit turned off, by the restaurant she had chosen to eat at, and that more than anything disheartened the bronze complected girl that sat horizontal from him. This was exactly why she had wanted Gregg to pick the restaurant, she hadn't wanted to drag him somewhere he wasn't interested in going and force him to sit through a meal that he didn't even want. Why did boys have to be so difficult?

"Gregg..." Ali stated coyly, her eyes fixated on her companion as she spoke, "Do you not like the restaurant? We can go somewhere else, you know. We don't have to eat here if you don't want to... really."

Although he probably hadn't intentionally conveyed his distaste for the restaurant she had chosen, it was rather noticeable on Gregg's features as he stared idly at the menu that he wasn't all that impressed with this place. Then again, she'd more than given him ample opportunity to select an establishment of his own accord, so now he had more or less gotten stuck with what Ali wanted, and Ali simply wanted a place where she could be rid of the nuisances that plagued her throughout her time in the compulsory education they call high school. Of course, things had taken a potential turn for the worst when she had run into someone who rivaled even the plebians she was forced to share a classroom with here.

Casting her companion a warm smile, she couldn't help but notice the tall, built physique that was once again approaching their table, this time with drinks in hand. Colt smiled awkwardly, the metal braces that encompassed his teeth gleaming in the dim lighting as he did so. Ali couldn't help but smile half-heartedly as well. Although it would probably just come off to everyone else as her vain attempt at being polite, she really did appreciate Colt's cooperation in withholding a certain bit of information concerning her past -- their past -- from the sandy-haired baseball player sitting across the table for him. She really did owe him, though it was a debt Ali wrongly assumed that she would never be forced to repay.

As Colt slid the drinks down on the table in front of the couple, Ali couldn't help but notice the sidelong glance he cast her from the corner of his eye. Choosing to disregard it, she simply gave him a curt nod in thanks, and Colt seemed to take the hint. The tanned boy had found himself in a lot of situations over past relationships and the choices he had made, and truth be told, this was no exception. Things would have been weird, if not completely uncomfortable, if either himself or Ali had chosen to blow things out of the water in front of their third party, and Colt was actually rather grateful that the brunette hadn't verbally assaulted him on sight.

"So Gregg," he mused casually enough, causing Ali's stomach to knot up inwardly in apprehension at the words that might be uttered next. Her fear seemed unnecessary, however, as Colt's next statements were a direct attempt at pulling Gregg into the conversation and thus making the situation less awkward between himself and Ali. "I've got to know, man. Where've you been hidin' this beautiful lady friend of yours? How come you never introduced us to her?"

Inwardly, Ali let out a sigh of relief. She'd been holding her breath since Colt had addressed him directly, feeling apprehensive at the thought of Colton announcing their prior connections on a whim. When he'd actually gone out of his way to ensure that Gregg didn't get the wrong idea about anything, however, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She'd have to get ahold of him later and thank him for being so cooperative in the matter. She certainly hadn't expected so much from him.

"And you," he addressed Ali casually, as though he'd met her only moments before. Truth be told, Colt's acting at this point in time was Oscar-worthy. Then again, he'd probably found himself in quite awkward situations many times, so he'd probably had a lot of practice at this sort of thing, "What're you doing with this loser here?"

Ali couldn't help but laugh, a genuine laugh, at Colton's comment. In a way, she couldn't help but contend that many other people had probably asked that question as well -- not that Gregg was a loser by any means -- but the pair just seemed so wrong for one another. They were polar opposites in almost, if not every aspect. Still, Ali couldn't help her growing infatuation with someone who could easily be considered her best friend, but in truth she never knew whether or not her infatuation was requited. Had it been any other boy -- any at all -- she probably wouldn't have been so concerned about it. Around anyone else, Ali didn't just think she was the epitomé of hotness, she knew it. Her unfathomable confidence and entrancing demeanor could have easily won over just about any guy her heart desired... any guy except the one that she truly wanted.

The thought was rather disheartening. Honestly, she didn't know how Gregg felt about her, or if he even thought of her in that way. She secretly hoped that he did, but the signals he threw her were all over the place, and she could never seem to read the other boy's actions or understand his intentions to the fullest. More often than not, trying to understand Gregg simply left Ali confused and frustrated. With anybody else, she probably would have been a lot more assertive and simply came onto them, and for the most part, any of the guys she had dated had reacted very positively to that dominating and somewhat overbearing aspect of her personality. Ali had always remained somewhat placid with Gregg, however. Compliant. The truth was, Ali was almost afraid to assert herself with her counterpart for fear of ruining the deep and trusting friendship that they had established throughout the years.

Better a friend than nothing at all, I guess.

Of course, the thought of using Colton to extract information from her companion only then occurred to the brunette. Of course, the way Colt was poking and prodding now, it could probably be done, and relatively easily. The problem was, Ali wasn't sure if she really wanted to know. For all she knew, Gregg could have a long-time girlfriend at Franklyn or something that he never mentioned around her. Or worse. Girlfriends were one thing, more often than not they were easily removable and simply a minor inconvenience that had to be overcome in order for Ali to get what she wanted. What could possibly be worse than Gregg seeing someone else was the fact that Gregg might honestly be oblivious to her feelings toward him, or, dare she even think it, simply think of her as a kid sister of sorts. That fact in itself would decimate the brunette beyond compare, and Ali wasn't sure if it was something she was willing to find out.

She was quickly burst from her reverie by the sound of Colt's voice ringing out, "So are you guys ready to order yet, or do you need a few more minutes?"

"Oh..." Ali started, shrugging her shoulders lightly, "I'm ready, I suppose... if you are." The last statement was, of course, directed toward the sandy-haired boy who occupied the table alongside her. Having realized that all the tension and nervousness from earlier had erased the majority of her appetite, Ali settled for ordering a small meal consisting of a small steak and a shrimp skewer. As Gregg ordered and Colton retreated from their table and toward the back to give the orders to the chef that awaited in the kitchen, Ali eyed her companion up and down once again.

"Gregg..." she mused quietly, "What do you want to do after this?"

Now was the prime opportunity for the proposition she'd been reiterating in her mind all evening. If all went well, they'd head back to the Grayston household in beautiful Kensington Heights, maybe go swimming in the private pool that sat secluded by a privacy fence behind the Grayston residence, and perhaps hang out and watch movies. Since nobody was at the house aside from her, it wouldn't matter how late Gregg stayed over, or even if he were to crash out on the couch for the evening -- something Ali secretly hoped would come to pass. In her mind, it was the perfect evening... or rather, it would be, if he was up for it. Part of her braced herself for the disappointment that had the possibility of following, but she couldn't help but remain hopeful and optimistic that she would, at the very least, be able to spend the rest of the evening with him.

Colton, meanwhile, had just delivered their orders to the chef. He might have been playing it cool on the outside, but the fact of the matter was the Colt was in a situation where he really didn't feel comfortable. If he'd have had any idea that his classmate was out having dinner with his ex-girlfriend, then he probably would've made Regina wait that table after all. His prayers came in the form of the vivacious blonde who had just clocked in and made her way to the front. She was his ticket out of here, and fast. Colt had had all he could take of this place, and quite frankly, he was tired of putting himself in an awkward situation.

"Kallie baby!" Colt cooed, getting a grin from the blonde-headed girl, "I need a favor."

Kallie's smile turned into a skeptical look as Colt attempted to proposition her. The blonde gave him a bit of a condescending smile before replying, "Colt, you know I have a boyfriend."

Much to her surprise, the dark-headed boy standing before her seemed confused for a moment. Within an instant, though, he burst into a fit of laughter, finally recalling what sort of proposition he'd made for the girl a few weeks prior, "Not that, Kal. I've got a lot of homework to get done babe, I need to split. Think you can take Table 23 for me? I've already taken their order to the back, you'd basically just be on maintenance patrol. You can even have the tip."

"Are you sure?" Kallie inquired lightly, the skeptical look still on her face.

"Yeah babe, I just really gotta go. I've got a big history exam to study for. You know how it is. Truth is, I completely forgot about it 'til my buddy said something."

Okay, so maybe he hadn't completely forgotten about it. He'd never really planned on studying for it anyway, but at the moment, it seemed better than the alternative of continuing to put himself in this awkward situation. Kallie nodded slightly and smiled, even though a puzzled look still remained on her features. Colt smiled lightly and embraced the girl before she ever really had time to respond. At that point, Kallie melted, and the deal was pretty much sealed.

"Thanks hun, I appreciate this. You don't even know," he stated simply, receiving simply another nod from Kallie for his words. Taking that as his cue to exit, Colton hightailed it to the back, clocked out, and made a bee-line for the exit of the restaurant. He'd see Gregg at school, no doubt, and despite himself, he couldn't help but think that he was in store for an interesting conversation. Perhaps it was wrong to lie to his friend, especially for an ex, but it was the easiest way around things. Besides, Gregg probably wouldn't want his left-overs. Smirking at the thought, Colt exited the mall and headed out to the crotchrocket he had taken to riding around town.

((Colt continued elsewhere.))  

Posted by: riserugu Sep 24 2006, 02:32 AM
Gregg found himself blinking in an alarmed manner as Ali spoke out, absorbing each word as it was voiced, and he soon found himself lifting his head in a manner of slight panic shaking it as if to try and shake of Ali's spoken words that where currently dancing about his mind – doing a tap dance of sheer elimination. The frown wasn't helping anyone; namely him as he rose his hands. "No, no. This is fine, really Ali. It's just… hmm, I'm not used to this is all. I'm so used to fending for myself, and being able to tell what I was about to eat by the name alone instead of playing a horrible game of musical chairs with my stomach, that's all. As long as you've known me, really you should know by now not to take anything I say into a higher train of thought."

He smiled lightly, musing a bit as glanced down at his menu with a light sigh. He really didn't mean to make her upset or mad; really it was the furthest thing from his mind. He'd seen his friend express both emotions to their fullest extent, and personally – he wasn't interested in being on the receiving end of either of those this evening. Glancing over the menu in placid expression deciding on his meal for the night, he closed the small menu up. Leaning back in the booth a bit as he returned his eyes on the girl sitting in the booth across from him. Tilting his head somewhat as he opened his mouth to speak –

Though before he was able to put his thoughts into words, the sudden reappearance of his fellow teammate and friend bringing them their drinks caused him to turn his attention upward at him. Giving the other boy a small nod as he lifted his drink, taking a sip, hardly noticing any of the tension that was seemed to practically screaming at him in with a giant neon sign lighting the background in a grand demeanor with fireworks and the whole sa-bang too go along with it.

And Gregg couldn't be any the wiser.

And the sound of his name being called, he placed the cup back down on the table glancing out the corner of his eye at Colton. Smiling a bit at the question as he pressed a smile toward Ali, though at the next statement that left Colton's mouth – this time directed toward the before mentioned Ali made him blink for a moment or so before shooting a glance at the other male. Ali's laughter didn't help the matters either as the smile faded into glance that clearly read ‘You're supposed to be on my side' kind of look. Frowning slightly with a small pout forming along his bottom lip. Though somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn't help but slightly agree to the spoken words.

Least in the presence of Ali he probably looked like quite the loser. Today was a good day of dress; because this was something special though on usual terms he'd simply be dressed in something that was usually spotted and sprinkled in paint. It was his passion after all, painting – though he had scholarships lined up for him for baseball and even basketball, both of which he was an excellent player at. Though it wasn't something he wanted to pursue after high school instead it was painting, something he hadn't been noticed for as much as his athletic or academic career. The passion of it came from what he remembered from his childhood, what little was fresh of the time he lived with his father. His father painted, taught him some things before he died… the things that had been taught disappearing from thought for the longest time.

That is till probably around the time he moved up here and met Ali did he start painting truly, though he be damned if he ever admit it his friend had been the inspiration for a number of the paintings he had done throughout the years. He never had been sure what had drawn him to the girl currently sitting across from him, or what kept them friends – be it wanting to keep this good friendship or perhaps something more he hadn't fully come to terms with yet, be whatever he just knew he was enjoying this part of life more than any other part he had been through already – early life was nice, before his father killed himself, and life was but a simple blur before he moved to New Jersey and begun living with his new family.

He blinked out of his thoughts at Colt's voice, and Ali muttering something back, he glancing up with a nod of his head once the words had time to sink in. He waiting until Ali finished his order before he gave his, watching as Colton walked off before returning and taking another small sip of his drink. Perhaps it was time for the awkward silence portion of the night, Gregg had always been good at bringing those on. After all, that's how his last few dates had ended.

In complete silence.
He enjoyed it, though the girls he asked out didn't seem so keen on the idea, it seemed too most – if they weren't talking about something, and using like every other word, than the world as they knew it would cease to exist and mass chaos and destruction would reign supreme.

Gregg had a hard time picturing such ever happening, but to some of these girls – well they had to have something going on in their heads in place of a brain. That's why he was glad to have Ali – she wasn't like most of the girls that flock about campus, smearing on lip gloss every two minutes, and chatting at such a speed and pitch that he was sure at times only dogs could translate. Even then, it would probably be hard.

Least Ali wasn't like that around him – he hadn't idea of what she was like at school, though he hoped not any different from now. It was rather hard to see her acting any differently than what he was to, the thought just rattled him a bit. It was a bit weird too, trying to picture Ali taking like that – as well as being somewhat scary. Though shrugging off the thought before it got too out of hand, Gregg glanced toward Ali once she started speaking, questioning him on what he was going to do after their dinner. Personally, he hadn't thought about it. Though probably he would just return home and finish up that painting he had been working on when Ali's called.

He shrugged a bit, smiling in the end though. "I hadn't really thought about, I don't have any plans or anything to do, so is there something you'd like to do?"  

Posted by: Megami Sep 24 2006, 10:29 PM
At Gregg's confirmation that he was indeed free for the remainder of the evening, Ali inwardly jumped for joy. She had been so nervous that he might've made previous plans, or that he might've had homework stacked up, or that he might've just not wanted to go anywhere else after their little "dinner date", but those fears were quickly put to rest. However, she couldn't help but feel some sort of fear and apprehension about propositioning Gregg to head back to the house with her after this. It wasn't like Gregg and Ali didn't hang out quite often anyway, but it was something she'd noticed about herself in recent years -- the more she was around Gregg, the more nervous she felt about opening up to him, or asking him to do simple things. Inwardly, she couldn't help but think that maybe she was too obvious in that aspect.

But surely he would've said something if he knew... anything...

Ali's eyes absent-mindedly fixated on the table separating the two, and her finger traced an undefinable pattern in the dark mahogany of the structure. Ali Grayston was not a shy person by nature, and she never had been. She had always been aggressive, dominating, and to several people, quite intimidating. She was a very self-confident individual and conveyed that message to virtually everyone around her. So then why did she have so many problems with this one person? Truthfully, Ali hated this side of herself, but it wasn't something she had learned to overcome. Her eyes slowly moved from their spot fixated on the table up to her companion once again. She was sure he hadn't noticed the awkward tone she'd taken within the past few moments, Gregg didn't normally seem to notice those sort of things anyway.

Just ask him and get it over with.

"I actually, well, there is," she stumbled, inwardly kicking herself for the uncouth demeanor in which she was presenting herself. It was so uncharacteristic of her to be reduced to a bumbling idiot, and by no means did she want Gregg to get that impression from her... then again, maybe she was just reading into her own actions far too much. "I thought maybe we could go rent a movie... or go back to my house and go swimming... or both... or just whatever, you know?"

Smooth, Ali...

Perhaps it hadn't come out as articulately as she had first hoped, at least the question was out in the open now. In a way, that sort of took the pressure off of her shoulders. Of course, at this point, it was completely out of her hands, and solely on Gregg as to what his next course of action would be. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blonde-headed girl approaching with the food they had recently ordered, and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. At least now that the food was here, this conversation wouldn't turn into an awkward or unberable one. Inevitably, Gregg always seemed to ask about Ali and school, and that wasn't something she particularly wanted to discuss with her companion, because in truth, she wasn't particularly proud of some of the actions she had taken during her time at Bathurst High.

As the waitress approached and slid their respective plates in front of them, she offered up an apologetic smile before stating simply, "Hey guys, I'm Kallie. Colt had to skip out early today... unforeseen issues, you know how it goes. I'm gonna be finishing up your meal for you today, if you need anything, just holler."

Giving them a curt nod, the blonde turned and walked off, and Ali couldn't help but smirk a bit. It was so like Colt to skip out on the situation, especially knowing that she was more or less stuck there answering all the questions her companion might have to offer up about their engagement earlier in the evening. Simply put, it figured. Colton Valero was one of those people who breezed through life, and who seemed to know just how to get away scott-free in every little thing he ever did. She couldn't help but muse over the fact that he'd conned the blonde waitress into working his table for him, and couldn't help but ponder what sort of relationship the two had that she'd so willingly overtake his job for him. Her mind quickly snapped back into the present, however, and her gaze returned to her companion.

"I just thought that, you know, it's been a really long time since we've spent any real time together."

Although the comment might have sounded like something a whiney girlfriend would say to her significant other, it was true. With her cheerleading schedule, her work on the dance committee, and now her Homecoming nomination, among other things, Ali had been quite busy. Gregg too always seemed to be slammed with stuff, from baseball and practice to painting to basketball to scholarship forms and everything in between. It seemed like ages ago that the two had spent more than a few hours together, and it was something that quite bothered Ali. A warm smile was cast at her sandy-haired companion in an almost vain attempt to seal the deal, though the fact was that she had no control over it. Awaiting his response, Ali half gazed over the food that had been offered up, her appetite almost non-existent due to all the tension and apprehension the evening had had to offer. Truth be told, she was more than ready to go home and just relax.  

Posted by: riserugu Sep 25 2006, 09:49 PM
He eyed her again, once she began to speak – though if found it odd that he voice stumbled somewhat, Ali was a rather forward person by nature so seeing her in such a state was a bit shocking to witness. Even when they where young, Gregg had always tried to take on the older, more protective, brother figure to Ali; though she proved time and time again, and if bruises didn't fade he have those as evidence, that she could very well stand up for herself. So this was just – slightly different from what he had become so used to seeing when they where around one another. But he returned to listening, focusing in as she slowly drew out the question, he blinking slightly though allowed a smile to pass in the end.

"That sounds good, been awhile since I've seen a movie and swimming doesn't sound have bad either."

He mused a bit, though he wasn't one to do it as a sport, he enjoyed a swim every now and again. Though as of late, and lacking a pool at his house currently trying to use the bathtub as a substitute pool had turned out some interesting causes, as well as a completely wet floor that he went on to slip upon as he exited said bathtub. That and this would be the first time that him and Ali could actually spend time together, instead of in the company of others like at a mall – or simply just speaking over the phone, he had a habit of falling asleep during such on more than one occasion, this would just be a bit better.

Though out the corner or his eye the approaching blond, food in hand, caught his attention – Gregg lightly wondering somewhere in the back of his mind as too where Colton had run off too. Though as the waitress, Kallie, placed their food down before them she went on to explain Colt's sudden leave of absence. Gregg looking slightly amused because truth be told, it sounded like something Colt would do, though somewhere in the back of his mind something just wasn't fitting into the puzzle, and no matter how much he tried the piece he had come to let be what he believed just wasn't going to wait in.

Turning again he let his attention swift to his food – least it looked better than what they had decided to name it. That was always plus in his book, he glanced toward Ali as she pretty much spoke his earlier thoughts. Musing a smile once as he went about removing his fork from it's napkin entrapment. "That's just what I was thinking – even though we talk on the phone a lot its been a real long while since we've actually just done something together, something simple least like watching a movie and swimming." He poked at his food a bit, before lifting up a bite and chewing thoughtfully.

Tasted better than it looked and what they decided to call it, another plus.

Swallowing, he glanced at Ali simply musing a smile. "I'm sure it'll be great, course that means there has too be a great movie involved too. Anything you want to see, because I haven't really had the chance to check out all that's open to see – though nothing fairy-tale-princess-happy-ending, you know? I have to suffer enough of that when my mom is home."

Well after almost six years of being forced to watch any movie with romance in the genre, be it comedy, tragedy, whatever his mother had seen it and so had he. She didn't like watching movies alone, said it was rather ‘boring' and because his dad wasn't at home a majority of the time – following Ali's father around to make sure he remained in his Senator position kept him on the road all the time, so that meant only Gregg was left to face the wrath of the tear-jerking, love-sick movies – well you'd be a bit sick of it was well.

Though shrugging it off, he sighed, "Course it doesn't really matter, it up to you what we watch." He said lightly, taking another bite of his food.

Posted by: Megami Sep 25 2006, 10:24 PM
A genuine smile spread across the brunette's lips as Gregg agreed to her offer of swimming and a movie. Perhaps it wasn't the most romantic of things to be spending a Friday night doing, but the plain truth was that there was virtually no time for any sense of solitude between the two. The truth about Ali was that she was a very materialistic person in many aspects, not someone who truly enjoyed the simple aspects of life. When he was around, though, it was so much different. It didn't matter if they were just sitting on the couch watching a movie, Ali felt a sense of completion around her counterpart, although she'd be far too embarrassed to ever tell him that. As Gregg commented about renting a movie, a smile played on the other girl's features.

"Any movie is great, as long as you're watching it with me," she mused playfully, "You're disappointing me, Greggory. I wanted to watch a chick flick."

A light smile once again played across the brunette's features. By now, the nervousness and anticipation had subsided and the deal was pretty much sealed. Ali could almost feel her sense of confidence once again blossoming. She had to admit, that bumbling nature she took on anytime she had to address Gregg about such trivial matters annoyed her to no end, especially given the fact that once he agreed to whatever endeavor she was about to set the boy upon, her flirtacious and ambitious nature once again flared up. Eyeing the food in front of her a moment before unwrapping her silverware and lightly picking at it, she chewed momentarily on a morsel before once again gazing across the table at her counterpart.

"Gregg Archer," she mused in an almost nagging tone, "I picked the restaurant. You pick the movie."

Of course, this comment ensured that the two of them would spend probably an hour browsing through the movies at the local video rental store stationed below the Kensington Heights subdivision, but that didn't matter. Of course, the Graystons had quite a movie collection anyway, simply due to the sheer amount of time Ali spent at the house by herself and her vain attempts at providing some sort of amusement to herself. Continuing to pick lightly at her food, although her appetite had long since subsided, she couldn't help but allow a mysterious grin to remain fixated across her well-defined features. The truth was, there was no other way she'd rather spend a Friday night.

And besides that, seeing her companion in swim trunks always made for a good night.

Ali was all but thrown from her daydreaming as the shrill sound of her cell phone ringing from within the confines of her designer purse echoed out across the restaurant. Letting out a forelorn sigh before reaching into the purse and extracting the phone, Ali glanced warily down at the caller ID. Of course, it would have to be one of the Sisterhood girls on the other line. This night was going to have as many complications as possible, Ali reckoned. Regardless, it was all worth it. Shrugging her shoulders lightly, she tapped the "ignore" button on the display before shutting the phone off completely and tossing it back into her purse. No more distractions, not tonight.

"Did I tell you I got nominated to walk in Homecoming?" Ali stated nonchalantly in an attempt to keep a conversation going on between herself and her generally silent counterpart.

What if he heard the rumors?

"I'm excited about it," she mused, a smile playing across her features, "It's already caused a lot of trouble though. Somebody got jealous and spread this nasty rumor about me around campus. But... who cares, right? It's really sort of juvenile, to say the things she did out of jealousy and spite. I still don't know who did it, either."

Realizing that the topic of conversation could easily turn into a one-sided rant of angriness on Ali's part, she quickly decided that no more angsting over whoever started that vicious rumor was needed. She had just wanted to get that out there in case word had spread to Franklyn and Gregg had already heard about what she supposedly did to earn her nomination. Stuff like that seemed to be a big deal to the general consensus of the high school population, though in truth, Ali found it quite juvenile and childish. Even if he had heard it, he wouldn't have believed it. She was confident of that much. Gregg knew her far too well to believe something so horrid about her.

"You're coming to watch me walk, right?" she inquired after a moment.  

Posted by: riserugu Sep 26 2006, 09:45 PM
He took another bite of his food, grinning slightly as he pointed his fork at the female sitting across from him with his fork. "Oh, wow – disappoint must be large then if your using my full name. And no, I'll put my foot down to chick-flicks – you and my mother should spend more time together then."

Gregg still couldn't help the grin, namely because he was happy that Ali – however slowly – was starting to return to her normal, open personality. A shy and withdrawn Ali he didn't know what to with, because he was used to being able to usually read what his friend was thinking, usually being the key term, because when she got like this that little ability flew out the window, smacked into a telephone pole before sliding into the ground and being ran over by a car.

Sad mental image indeed, but these are the ever-internal workings of Greggory Archer.

And as said name was being called upon, eyes casting upward from his meal as he took another bit of his food, though somewhere in the back of his mind found himself slightly shuddering at the odd tone of nagging that was fluttering about Ali's voice. Though the statement wasn't as bad as he figured it too be, which allowed his brain to stop going over the closet exits, he frowned a slight bit pondering over the future of the night being spent at the video rental store. Gregg's inability to make a decision on the spot was probably one of the many reasons he couldn't do any field of work involving such – like being a bomb technician.

Oh, the humanity if he ever landed a position to the likes of that.

Though none the less he was snapped out of his thoughts by the shrill ringing of a nearby phone, he glancing toward Ali as he watched the girl go about removing her cell phone from her purse and going over as too who it was that was calling her, and with a simple click of a button the said issue had been, more or less, taken care of – allowing Gregg to play a smile against his features again. "Alright I'll pick the movie as long as you promise we don't need up spending the night in the rental place doing such."

Her next question caught his attention a slight bit, course he hadn't heard Ali had been nominated for Homecoming – that would require speaking of said school in common conversation, something Ali didn't do often. So with a shake of his head was all he gave for the answer as Ali went on to explain about what had happened in the aftermath of the nomination – she only wondering as too what said rumor could be about, and who would spread it, though rumor hadn't reached Franklyn – they where far to busy talking about themselves to worry about the working of what was happening at another school.

Gregg looked thoughtful though, as she pressed the question as too if he was coming to watch her walk for the said Homecoming, he nodding once more. "Sure, I'll come – you just got to tell me when and where and I'll make sure too make it."

Posted by: Megami Sep 27 2006, 07:53 PM
A slight smile played over the features of Ali Grayston as Gregg all but stated the fact that she had silently contemplated just moments prior -- the fact being that if she forced Gregg into choosing a movie, they'd spend the better portion of their evening in the nearest Blockbuster. It made for an exciting night, right? Well, it shouldn't be too hard to keep from spending the entire evening within the confines of the video store... so long as she made sure to usher Gregg out the door after he grabbed the first movie with shiny lettering that seemed to have caught his eye. And hey, even if it sucked, who really cared? The simply truth was that Ali's attention would be far too focused on certain other things, namely, certain other individuals, to put too much interest into what was playing on the DVD player.

"That, I can do," she assured him, grinning lightly.

Ali could easily recall the last time she had taken Gregg shopping and what a disaster it had turned into. Well, disaster wasn't the right word, though the sad part was that Ali had pretty much been forced to pick out the entire contents of the wardrobe the boy had bought for himself that day on account of his blatant indecisiveness. Lord help them all if and when the boy ever had to make a serious decision -- proposing to a girlfriend, naming his children, and God forbid, writing a will. Those would all be interesting points in the life of Mr. Archer for certain. Ali couldn't help but smile inwardly at the almost ridiculous thought as she continued to absent-mindedly chew at her food.

Gregg agreeing to come to Bathurst's Football Homecoming to watch her walk made her inwardly dance with glee, although a simple smile was all the gratitude shown outwardly. Come to think of it, she really didn't understand Gregg. He could make an impromptu decision like that in the blink of an eye, but when it came to something else as simple as choosing what to eat for dinner or picking out a movie to rent, the boy could spend hours upon hours pondering over such trivial and fickle things. At the very least, he was amusing. But really, he was so much more than that, at least to the vivacious brunette that occupied the seat across from him.

"Great," she mused, "I'd better see you there."

As her eyes momentarily interlocked with her companion's, she cast him a light smile before returning to her dinner. He was so much more. Despite all his faults and flaws, despite the fact that they were on completely opposite ends of the spectrum concerning a wide variety of daily things, despite all their differences and oddities, Ali couldn't help but inwardly think that despite it all, Gregg was perfect. The thought was bittersweet, as it was a perfection that the Grayston girl assumed she would never have the pleasure of obtaining. It's so funny how someone who seems so close to you can seem to be the furthest one from reach.

If only she could just tell him, things might be so much different.

The fact of the matter was, though, that Ali simply couldn't tell him. She was far too afraid of the aftermath of such a decision. After all, having grown so close to the individual sitting across from her over the period of their friendship, she couldn't imagine it being ruined by her futile and probably fruitless attempt at obtaining something she'd probably never have. Despite it all, she couldn't help but have hope that maybe one day, she'd at least be able to tell him how she felt about him, even if it wasn't reciprocated. It had been on Ali's mind a lot lately, Gregg's Senior year coming fast upon the both of them.

He was a smart boy, sharp as a tack in terms of academics, quite talented in the field of sports, and from what she had seen of his artwork, quite the incredible artist to boot. So what happened after high school? Gregg would surely get a scholarship, that much was pretty evident. He'd go off to some big school somewhere, and where would that leave them? Would it leave them anywhere at all? She'd considered telling him on graduation night, because then, what did it matter? But what if her insecurities were baseless and there really could have been more -- a more that she was currently missing out on? Since when was it cool for a college freshman to be involved with a high school senior?

Inwardly groaning at the thought, Ali returned to the remainder of her dinner, trying to push the cluttered and scrambled thoughts out of her mind. It wasn't worth thinking about, no point in worrying about it right now. For now, it seemed like she had all the time in the world. Sighing almost inaudibly, Ali inevitably rested her utensils on the semi-empty plate lying in front of her and glanced up toward her counterpart. After this, she assumed she'd wind up following Gregg back to his house so he could grab his swimming gear, then to the video store, then back to Ali's house. Unless, of course, her companion had other ideas. Rather than inquiring, however, she kept the thoughts to herself, rather enjoying the unspoken understanding between the two. Sometimes, silence is nice -- especially when even the presence of a special somebody can make you smile.  

Posted by: riserugu Oct 5 2006, 11:32 PM
"But like I said – you've got to tell me, and probably remind me a time or two as too when and where it is. Because knowing me, I'd probably forget – like I do everything and make a ton of other plans and be in a complete mess. Though I'm rather good at that kind of thing, huh?" It happened more often than not, causing Gregg to sometimes wonder as to how he became gifted in his academics, athletics, and in the arts let in the area of common life he could be so lacking. Though a majority of the time he usually didn't have to think that much, only when he was around Ali it seemed that a majority of his thinking process that had to deal with decision happened. Perhaps his lack of real decision making came from not wanting to disappoint anyone – it was a small piece of him he had grown up with, when he had been small it had been something he set in place namely around his father, and so when his father died he couldn't think but in some way, the toddler at the time figured in some way it was his fault.

He fringed a small smile as he caught sight of his companion's own smile, moving a small bit of his food about on his plate before going about to finish said meal. Pondering lightly over the choices of movies that where out, trying to think of what would be a good one to watch – he never had been one for movies know that he thought about it, probably the main reason he continued think of anything at this moment. His mind simply running blanks, perhaps he should consider phoning his mother and questioning her on what would be something good. Though as soon as that idea passed through his inner thoughts, he quickly threw it back out remembering the inner rant he had just had with himself a few moments before about his mother and her choice of movies worth watching – least in opinion. And he personally didn't want to be rude to Ali if she wanted to watch something like that, but she'd have to not care when he drowned himself in the nearest source of water he could locate in a short amount of time.

Gregg really hadn't noticed he had finished his food, least not till the small clinks he was making against his plate brought him away from his thoughts and brought him back into the real world, at least for a short moment anyway. Glancing downward at said plate before moving to place the piece of silverware along with the others. Bringing one of the extra napkins up, rubbing around his mouth for a brief moment. Before placing the used piece of cloth down alongside the plate. Glancing upward briefly at the girl that sat across from him. Smiling once more, this time for an unknown reason as he took another long drink from his soda, smiling still when he placed the glass back along the table, trying to figure out what had gotten him so oddly giddy all of a sudden.

Suppose it was just that it was because he was in the company of someone he thoroughly enjoyed, not saying he didn't enjoy the baseball team or his classmates, it was just – Ali was different, perhaps it was because they had known one another for the time that they had. She was one of the main reasons he enjoyed the move to New Jersey from Georgia as much as he did. True, he was leaving a hell of lot behind when he had left the little states some hundreds miles south, but certain people had made it all the better for him, truly letting him know that he'd be able to start new here. And started new he did, though he knew in the back of his mind his real family – least what was left of them where always down there, as was where his mother and father, least where they had been buried. It wasn't as if he didn't accepted the family that had taken him in and adopted him close to seven years ago, he called them mom and dad – but he knew that these where his true parents.

Leaning back he watched lightly a bit as Ali went about finishing her dinner, once again, truthfully not enjoying the silence thickening out in the air, but it wasn't as if he had anything to say or talk about. Hopefully though his lack of speech didn't get Ali to thinking it was because he wasn't enjoying himself or because he didn't want to talk to her at all. Greggory finding himself musing once again though, watching still as she lied her silverware down atop her halfway empty plate, glancing upward toward him, which caused a large grin to break across his lips as he took another sip of his partly emptied drink, placing the glass back down along the tabletop. Glancing over his shoulder, and over where Ali sit, glancing about for the waitress that had taken Cole's place as their little server for the night, hoping she'd bring the check along.

"Let me pay for this, and we'll be gone. Then we can go and see if we can find a movie – then I'll have to go by my house to get my things, and I could meet you back at your house seeing as we don't live that far apart from one another."
Ali couldn't help but forcibly fight back a small frown that began to outline her lips as Gregg acknowledged his bad memory and the fact that more likely than not, he'd completely forget about Ali's homecoming... repeatedly.  She had to admit to herself that Gregg's inability to remember things concerning her -- nevermind the fact that he had a bad memory in particular, she always had to make things a bit more personal than intended -- was a bit of a downer.

Gregg Archer was quickly gaining a bit of notoriety for sending mixed signals.  The worst part about it was Gregg's apparent obliviousness to what he was doing.  First he'd agreed to go eat with her, alone, at a quite private and secluded restaurant.  Then he'd agreed to head back to her house with her -- alone -- for a bit of quality time, so to speak.  Swimming and movies.  Since when do you go to your friends' house when their parents are away without other intentions?  But now, the icing on the cake was that Gregg conveniently brought up the fact that he'd probably forget her homecoming, something that by all rights he should remember.

She held in the sigh threatening to escape her lips.

She couldn't help but notice the almost out-of-place grin that seemed to spread across Gregg's features now and then, but Ali simply cast aside the thought.  If there was one thing she had learned in the several years that she had known the young man sitting across from her, it was that most things that Gregg Archer did or said should be taken at face value only.  It was almost humorous how someone with such high marks in academics could seem like such a shallow person.  Gregg never seemed to have any sort of subconscious thought going on, just that ridiculous -- but cute -- smile plastered to his expression the majority of the time.

Her thoughts were broken as her companion mused about plans for the rest of the evening.  Ali nodded absent-mindedly as she vaguely listened to what Gregg was saying.  He was basically just reiterating the things that she'd already had planned out in her mind, if not in a bit different order.  As he finished, however, a sly smile graced her features.

"There's only one thing wrong with that," she retorted, "Who said you were paying?"

It was right about that time that the blonde-headed waitress who had taken Colt's place tottered over to the duo, check in hand.  Ali couldn't help but smirk at the fact that it was almost on cue.  Without giving Gregg time to react, Ali all but snatched the check from Kallie's hand before virtually shoving a silver credit card -- written out in Mr. Grayston's name, of course -- into the blonde's hand.  Kallie headed back toward the check-out podium, and Ali couldn't help but flash her counterpart a playful grin.

"You really should know better by now, Greggory," she mused, "It's pretty rude to invite somebody out and then expect them to pay for your meal."

As Kallie came back, check in hand, Ali accepted the pen the blonde offered her and sloppily scribbled a signature on the dinner receipt.  Nodding in approval, Kallie quickly thanked the two before heading off toward the back.  Ali hastily stood up, tossing a few dollars on the table to cover a tip for the blonde that had just tottered off once again, before anxiously tugging on her companion's arm to get him up from his seated position.

"Let's go, Gregg," she mused lightly, "The more time we have to waste our lives away in the video store, the better off we'll be... knowing you."

A playful smile once again graced her features as she awaited her companion to exit the chair.

Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:23 am
by riserugu*
Gregg found himself blinking – if not in a slight shock expression as Ali went on to explain about how she – though by the looks of it more or less her father, but as if he'd say anything against – would be paying for the meal, Gregg simply relaxing back into his seat with a smile watching with a amused look as soon as the young waitress began to pass the check over toward them Ali made quick work it before handing over the silver credit card to which Kallie simply blinked before turning where she should and returning toward the front of the restaurant.

He really should have learned right now that he shouldn't treat Ali like any other girl – she would probably hang him by his toes if she ever heard him thinking like this, but that's where he came off lucky, Ali couldn't mind minds. Least… he thought she couldn't… it really would be awkward if she could. Frowning a bit at this silly thought, he glanced back toward Ali with a simple shrug. "I'll make sure you invite me out to dinner more often then."

It was around that time when Kallie returned from the front, handing Ali both the card and a receipt for her little credit card purchase. Thanking them, Gregg returning his own thanks rather quickly as she made her way back toward the back – Gregg glancing toward his watch with a light look. It wasn't late yet, though if what he thought, and what Ali liked to remind him of, of how long he might take at the video store they where going to depart too.

"Mm. I promise to try and not to take that long – but ha, why try I'm just lying to myself there."

The blonde didn't stay sitting long as Ali began to pull against his arm in an attempt to get him up, he following shortly, standing a moment in order to brush away any spare crumbs of any sort that might have got out his partly decent dress clothes. Musing and draping the arm that Ali had been tugging out about her shoulders a bit, using the free hand to point out toward the exit. "Come along, next stop – what'll probably be where we live out the rest of our lives if my indecisiveness kicks into full gear."

He flashed another smile, removing his arm and starting a walk toward the exit, sighing a bit as he remembered in full where he had parked. Well at least he was going down the stairs this time instead of having to run up them, which was almost worse than a lot exercises that he had done for baseball and basketball in these past three years of high school.

Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:23 am
by Megami*
Fighting back the threat of crimson overtaking her cheeks as Gregg's arm fell loosely around her shoulders, Ali turned en suite and headed toward the exit of Garfields.  She could almost swear that she felt the prying eyes of certain nearby waitresses bearing a hole into her back as the couple exited the restaurant.  Of course, the semi-imagined spitefulness Ali couldn't help but feel from the Garfields waitstaff only made her want to parade herself around even more.  As Gregg muttered another comment about the video store and the fact that the two would probably grow old and gray together inside with his horrible decision-making skills, she couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Well," she mused, "I don't think we'll grow old and gray inside... I think they'll shove you out about midnight when they decide they're ready to close."

She absent-mindedly trailed behind her companion toward the exit of Garfields as he unraveled his arm from around her shoulders.  Next stop, video store.  Ali noted the light sigh that escaped her counterpart's lips as they traveled through the quickly emptying corridors of the mall.  A curious expression formulated across her features as she caught the unintentional noise.  Of course, Ali didn't stop to think for a second that his misery could be caused over something so simple as having to run down a few... dozen... flights of stairs to free his car from the pit of eternal damnation from which he had parked.  Ali habitually read further into things than need be, especially around Gregg, and this was no exception.

"Something wrong?" she inquired lightly.

Of course, her concerned thoughts were completely unfounded, but Ali was no mind-reader, and she was horrible at reading any sort of signal that her friend sent out.  It was that skill, or lack thereof, that had gotten her into such a mess of tangled webs and confused emotions in the first place, she imagined.  Thinking back, she couldn't really pinpoint the day when things had gone all topsy-turvy and she had first begun to see Gregg Archer as something far more than a friend.  It seemed like so long ago now that the event had occurred and sent Ali into a tailspin of sorts.  Before her mind could delve any further into the thoughts running through her head, she forced herself back into the present.  She had plenty of time to daydream, fantasize, and theorize about how this all came to be later.  Now, she should just enjoy what little time she was actually getting to spend with Gregg.

Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:24 am
by riserugu*
"You never know – I don't think a lot of the people that work in there are truly that observant to anything outside their own realm of thought." He mused a bit, moving his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he walked along the length of the mall that housed the restaurants and other food locations, before leading out to the above ground and, namely in his case, underground parking area. Musing a bit on the thoughts – would they really, could they, lock them in there for the rest of their young, innocent, fragile lives? Gregg sure hoped not because they would have to near with the flames of hell via Ali and his over-protective mother.

He was a bit surprised at the lack of people hanging around in the corridors of the mall, usually it was rather packed… though, then again – it was starting to get into the later hours of the day and people where probably starting to head home into around this time he supposed, that or they where all located in another part of the mall. More interested in gossip, and clothes and shoes shopping instead of eating… that worked, he supposed, least in the areas of most teenagers.

Though as they continued walking along toward the exit and into the parking area, the question from Ali caught his attention, he glancing toward his female companion with a light glance. "Hmm? No nothing's wrong, I'm just mentally preparing myself for my workout in that of stair jogging."

Musing again, he grinned brightly nonetheless, watching her lightly. Lately she seemed to be swimming in a world of her own thoughts, Gregg's own thoughts racing as too figure as if he had, had anything to with any of this deep thinking the other seemed to be in as of late. Frowning in a slight manner, though before he let his take of his current state of mind he simply shook his head, musing a smile again. Circling his arm about his friend's shoulders again, "Well, either way, jogging or not – it'll all be worth it. Least I hope – that whole being locked in the video store isn't a tempting a thought, but I'll make sure not to take to long picking a video, because I am looking forward to actually swimming in a pool, and not some temporary thing."

Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:24 am
by Megami*
The sheer fact that Gregg seemed to genuinely excited about heading back to the Grayston mansion to go swimming made Ali smile.  She had to admit that regardless of the tangled web of emotions she'd recently found herself emersed in, she still enjoyed spending time with Gregg.  It didn't happen quite as much these days as when they were younger -- more often than not Gregg was replaced by Sera because he was unavailable -- and truthfully, she hated that.

Her best friend's arm wrapped around her shoulders once again and she found herself leaning her head against his shoulder.  It was times like these that she couldn't control the thoughts that there might be more between them than meets the eye.  Of course, as she cast a sidelong glance at her companion, she subconsiously knew that most, if not all of Gregg's actions were completely innocent and devoid of any sort of ulterior motive.

She couldn't help but think to herself that that was the reason why she liked him -- and the reason she couldn't stand him -- all wrapped in one big tangle of hormones and emotions.  She once again forced the thoughts into the back of her mind, intent on not dwelling on what could, should, and might've been.  Live in the present, right?  She'd tell him everything one day, she'd promised herself that much... it was just a matter of finding the day that she could finally confess everything to him -- and finding the day when Gregg Archer could possibly understand something so complicated and inexplicable.

As they descended the first set of steps into the B1 floor of the parking garage, Ali spotted the bright red Corvette she'd heisted from the Grayston household earlier.  Turning to look at her companion, she embraced him once again, smiling to herself as she did so.  From here it was off to the video rental place, and from there, back to her own home to await her friend's arrival.  When they were younger, Gregg used to leave his swimming trunks and extra clothing over at the Graystons since he was always there.

Then again, she supposed, there was a big difference between a seven year old and a seventeen year old doing such things.

"I'll meet you at the Blockbuster down the street from your house, okay?" she stated simply.

Meandering over to the fiery red vehicle and hitting the autolock to unlock its doors before leaning up against it, she once again turned to her companion.  It never occurred to her that it might be a nice thing to do to offer Gregg a ride down into the depths of hell where he'd had to park his car.  In that regard, Ali was a pretty self-centered individual.  She rarely stopped to think about other people, even people she cared about deeply.

"So we'll head there, then you'll meet me at my house after you swing home and get your things, right?"

That seemed to be the general plan, and it was the best one she could come up with.  At least that way, he had a little time to prepare for the impromptu visit she was about to receive.  She hadn't planned on Gregg coming over that evening, and now she secretly worried that the house was a mess or something.  Of course, she had no such need to fret, that's why the Graystons paid people to keep the place spic and span.  After a moment she turned and opened the driver's side door to the vehicle before sliding into the front seat.  Next stop, Blockbuster.

((Continued in: Tranquility))

Re: A Side Lesser Shown

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:24 am
by riserugu*
Gregg continued along, following alongside Ali in her steps as they made their way outside of the mall and into the parking area, the bright red car that Ali had decided to drive sticking out like a sore thumb in the poorly lit parking garage. And he could only wonder, if the lights down here weren't that grand – one could only wonder how it went the further one descended into the pit of the parking garage, it would probably be must difficult to locate his little 1973 VW Bug – black in all the horrid glory, grand to try and find if what he figured to happen, would.

The sudden embrace from Ali brought him away from the worries of the soon run down into hell, and if lightly would be proper enough to locate his car long enough to return the hug. Going over the next plan of action lightly in his head, that being heading off to the video store before he'd swing by his house and grab some extra clothes – he wishing somewhere in his mind he still kept some over at Ali's house like he used to when they where younger – before meeting Ali back up at her house to do whatever planned; that just being swimming and watching the movie, whatever that might be.

He nodded when Ali pretty much spoke his thoughts into a voiced plan, "Oright then, I'll meet you over there when I can, how ever long it takes me to get out of here." Gregg mused, watching as she turned to start returning to her own car, voicing out the rest of the plans as she neared it.

Nodding once more in agreement she gave the girl a brief wave before turning and moving toward the entrance into the stairwell that would send him into his further trip downward into the hellish pits of underground parking, though as he figured before, least he wasn't running up this time. Shrugging somewhat at thoughts he began moving down the stairs, taking a flight at a time. He making a mental note as he did to make sure to try either getting here earlier, or trying to a bit harder to find decent parking instead of just taking the first thing he could get.

But then again – neither where likely to happen in the terms of Greggory Daniel Archer.

Shaking his head lightly, he really did need to get his act together – least in the terms of anything social… when it came to anything that wasn't school related, he was such the air head, for the lack of a better term on his part, making a note somewhere in his brain to find out when the homecoming walk was for Ali's school and make sure he came, the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint his friend… after Ali had been so kind to him when he first moved here, he should at least return the favor to some degree, no matter how little it was.

Reaching the floor Gregg remembered he had park in, he exited through the doorway, glancing about, and noting though the lighting wasn't any better where Ali had parked, it wasn't any worse and locating his car wasn't as hard as he had forced himself to believe. Removing the keys from his pocket, and unlocking the car door, he slid in, sighing a slight bit and he started up and started out of the parking garage spawned from the depths of hell and other such.

Next stop, Blockbuster - if he didn't get lost trying to get out here and then there - and then his house after a, hopefully, quick movie search and find.