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Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:31 am
by Cactus
Amanda looked at David, then looked over at the injured girl sitting on the porch. Something didn't make any sense to her. Not in the slightest.

"Hey David? Can I talk with you for a minute? Over here?" Amanda motioned her head to the other side of the building, out of range of hearing from the other members of their group. Walking over, she waited for him to come over that way.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:32 am
by Slayer*
David decided to ignore Madelaine's comments and holstered his gun when the girl stumbled out. When he heard Amanda call to him, he immediately went to her.

"What is it Amanda? Is something wrong?"

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:32 am
by Cactus
Amanda nodded and grimaced a little.

"Yeah, somewhat. Look...I'm personally quite thankful for your help and the fact that you're looking for us here. Really, I am. And as much as I know that this is a serious situation...would it kill you to lighten up a little? I mean, this girl...she's no threat. She's bleeding and basically can't walk around properly. So know? The least we can do is give her a hand to get back on her feet, and send her on her way...I understand that you're probably worried sick, probably scared out of your wits, but David...we're all a little on edge. Would it kill you to lighten up a little...? Maybe regail us with stories about your baseball team, or something like that?"

Amanda sighed, and clapped him on the shoulder.

"It's just that we're all uptight as it is, and that while I think we do need to stay on our guard, I just...I don't know, I think we'd all get along better if we kind of lightened the air a little, you follow?"

She shrugged.

"I'll understand if you still feel the need to keep on your stoic face. For all I know, it's how you're dealing with things, and it's unfair of me to ask you to try and change it. But just...try and be a little nicer, all right?"

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:32 am
by Slayer*
"To be honest, there's not much to be told about my baseball experience, besides the whole going three seasons straight undefeated thing. But I'll try to lighten up if it makes you feel better, I'm just trying not to go crazy by not letting anything affect me." David said with a shrug, exhaling slightly. "Being perfectly honest, I'm just as scared as everyone else. I'm just trying to keep it in and let all of this pass by. I guess I'm kinda like Andrew Klock-you know, the kid I shot back at the field?- I just want to get off this place alive. I don't want to die at sixteen, though I would to stop it from happening to you when push comes to shove. I'm just trying to ignore my fear, that's all."

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:32 am
by Cactus
Amanda smiled at David. For the first time, it seemed, David was actually letting his guard down a little. Perhaps in the game of surviving when there could be psychotics roaming around, that wasn't a good move, but she figured that for the sanity of the other two members of her group, David really needed to lighten up.

"I understand that...we're all scared. But there's no use ignoring it. If you do that it just comes back deeper and more intense the next time around. I've found that with fear..." She sighed. "More or less you just have to accept it, use it as a motivation for yourself."

Amanda shrugged, and reached out and gave David a hug. Oddly enough how she was giving a lot of them out as of late - just like they were candy. Releasing him, she patted him on the shoulder, and guestured to the others with her head.

"What do you say we go help this girl get patched up, okay?"

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:33 am
by Slayer*
David shrugged, still a bit surprised at the sudden hug. "Why not? I won't be of much help though, never knew much about that medical stuff."

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:33 am
by Cactus
Amanda smiled, rolling her eyes.

"You think I know anything about that stuff at all? Hell, as far as I'm concerned, Hawley's the expert. I'll just hand him things. I do think we should head inside though...standing outside we're definitely a good target."

As she began to walk back over to the others, her mind floated back onto Adam. She couldn't help but wonder if he was okay, what he was doing...if he was with anyone. Silently, she prayed. Normally, she wasn't too religious, but in this instance, she hoped that if there were a God, that whatever being there was would reunite them. At least for a bit.

As they stepped back over to the others, she looked at the girl on the ground.

"How're you holding up?"

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:34 am
by LadyMakaze*
Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Madelaine watched quietly as Amanda and David went off on their own and out of sight to the other side of the building. She wondered briefly what Amanda was up to, but shrugged slightly as she placed her gun back inside her pocket. Madelaine trusted her, for sure Amanda knew what she was doing.

She looked towards Hawley and the strange girl, who had settled themselves on the interior of the building.

"That's useful," she remarked at Hawley's comment at having some knowledge in the medical field. She supposed that explained how he knew what he was doing when he helped her with the penicillin injection. "Take care of her then, I think I'll go look around the place."

She was about to exit the building, when she turned back to look at the two corpses lying on the ground somewhat farther off. Hesitating slightly, she walked towards the nearest one.

The boy's eyes were faded and glazed over, almost bulging out of their sockets in a wide-eyed expression that seemed as though it were staring through the ceiling, into the distance. His head had lolled to the side limply, and Madelaine could make out the dark imprints around his neck. Ignoring these, she gently held the boy's face with one hand. The coolness of his skin seemed somehow damp, sending a chill through her fingers.

Using her other hand, she gently pressed her fingertips to close his eyes. She felt better now, despite having handled a corpse. At least he looked more peaceful now.

She went over to near the other entrance, to do the same with the late Van Garret, only to find that someone had already done so. She somehow felt relieved....although...

Her eyes darted towards the figure known as Hawley for the briefest moment, but then she looked away.

"I-I'm gonna go have a look outside, maybe keep watch," she said awkwardly, getting up to exit the building.

Stepping outside, she took a deep breath of fresh air, then started coughing slightly. The scent of the dead had overwhelming...

She let herself sink to the ground, sitting against the wall near the doorway, waving a hand of acknowledgement as Amanda and David stepped inside. Then, remembering what she had just done only moments before, she quickly grabbed for the unsealed water bottle inside her kit, using a bit of the water and the handkerchief to rub vigorously at her hands. Her mind seemed to numb over as she did so.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:34 am
by Swoosh*
Elise looked up at the boy. She was offering his help? Should she trust him?

To be honest, she didn't care about trusting him. He offered to help her with her leg and that was important right now, even though accepting help from a boy was nothing short of humiliating.

"Thanks," she muttered. "I'm fairly certain he did try and mess me up, it was returning a personal favour. I wouldn't be surprised if you had to chop them off completely." Elise sighed bitterly. She was sure Peri would be pleased if it came to that, wherever he was now.

These guys seemed normal. They didn't seem the type to stab her in the back, anyway. Elise figured if they wanted her dead, she would have known from the not being alive.

"Not bad, but not good," she said, replying to the girl, shaking herself out of her thoughts. "I'm pretty much buggered- I mean, screwed now," She reminded herself she was talking to Americans. She had to stop using English slang. She smiled inwardly.

Her sight drifted to the boy and the girl stood slightly further back. They were hugging. Were they going out? She concluded that the boy was the one who had forced her to crawl outside, as the boy offering to help had a slightly different voice. Should she feel bitter? Mostly she felt the pain in her legs.

"What do you need me to do?" she asked the boy who had offered to help her.

((argh, so much to catch up on! Damn my being English and different time zones!!))

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:34 am
by Cactus
Amanda stepped forward and extended a hand to the girl.

"The first thing we should do is get you inside. It's suicide to stay out here in the open, at least the clinic will give us some protection. Maybe after that David can move the bodies outside while Hawley fixes you up."

Extending her hand, she intended to pull the bleeding girl up, to try and help her into the clinic. She wished Adam was here, however. As big a group as they had, he'd probably be able ot help out with the morale portion of things.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:35 am
by Swoosh*
Elise smiled. Maybe suicide would be preferable. Her situation wasn't the most promising. ((OOC: and then Peri would never have the satisfaction of seeing me die, BEH))

"Thanks," she said, raising her hand and grasping the other girl's. "I'm Elise, by the way."

She nodded her head in some sort of greeting. "I would ask what all your names were, but I neither have the brain capacity to remember, or the effort to care. So yeah." She looked around at the group. It was a little intimidating, them all towering over her, strangers, armed and loaded, while she lay crippled on the floor. Time to get to her feet then.

She managed to haul herself up, but she felt her legs buckling. Damn Peri. She would get her revenge on him.

So, Hawley was the doctor. David was the guy who didn't like her much. Figures as much, Elise thought. And the two girls. This could be OK. As long as nothing bad happens now. Hawley can fix up my leg, and I can be on my way again. Maybe I can even steal a weapon off them.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:55 am
by Bloody_Fists*
((Continued from: Travelling Circus))

Stevan finally arrived at the hospital, after about 25 minutes walk he had gotten their. He stood there looking down at his mud covered trainers "Fuck sake" would be whispered to himself as he tried to scrape some of the mud of while he waited for his allies.

He was standing behind some tree's and bushes a few metres away from the hospital. His view of it was crystal clear. He could hear voices coming from inside but couldent see the bodies they were coming from. His shotgun would be aimed up through the bushes at the building.

As a un awaring person moved past the slightly open door stevan smiled "I can see you! heh....heh" a small quiet noise that mimicked a gun firing would be made as stevan lay in wait for his murder buddies.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:56 am
by Slayer*
"Did any one of you hear that?" David said back to the rest of the group behind him as he gripped his P99. He could've sworn he heard a voice not too far from him.

(Jacob continued from: Travelling Circus)

Jacob turned the corner of the thicket of trees he had to walk through to get to the hospital after a few minutes of quick walking. He had gotten ahead of Peri, but saw Stevan a bit in front of him, aiming his shotgun. I won't let him kill anyone until we have to. he thought, walking up to his ally.

"Put down the shotgun, we aren't going to shoot unless they do." he told him, fishing out the gun from his belt.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:57 am
by MismatchedEyes*
((Continued from: Travelling Circus))

"Most kids will..Why are you suddenly playing the saint jacob? You have a better idea than playing..This will end up with us all having our throats blown out,these dog collars arent there just for effect" he would whisper,he had given the guy his word he wouldnt kill except in self defense and so he would keep to that as much as possible but that didnt change the fact he thought that it was a stupid idea.

"We should spread out around the hospital,One of us make contact.Appear alone...They turn hostile on the one the others open fire.Diffrent sides so it makes our numbers seem more,that sound fair to you too?" He said as he would crouch down behind a tree.

The voices were continuing but one,one he remembered.Elise.Elise`s blood on his shirt too.Well seems like everyone wanted to play the saint today.

Re: G19- Stings like a bitch

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:57 am
by Slayer*
"I'm 'playing the saint', as you call it, because there's a better way. There always is." Jacob answered, then shaking his head at Peri's idea.

"We'll appear less hostile if we don't resort to deception. Also having our firepower all in one place will be a strategic advantage." then without another word, he stepped into view of the hospital.

David, who had been keeping watch outside, saw the bushes parting as a person stepped out (hearing the conversation didn't hurt either) and went in through the door. "Heads up everyone! We have company, they might be players so arm yourselves before you come out." he said, trying to warn them. Then he looked to the injured girl.

"Will you be alright? We may not have time right away to take care of those gunshot wounds."