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Re: Yard Sard

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:04 am
by backslash
"Yeah, sure!" Mia's exuberance was sort of contagious, and Nathan barely took the time to mull her suggestion over before agreeing. "I've got dance practice after school most days, but we could grab an ice cream or something sometime!"

He deposited the money Mia handed him in the box they were using as an improvised cash register and ignored the sly, knowing look Michelle was giving him. Titan whined a bit as his new friends started to leave, but Nathan shushed him with some scratching behind the ears.

"You can let me know what you think of the books then, how about that?"

Re: Yard Sard

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:04 am
by Pippi
The implications of Nathan asking her out for ice cream were completely lost on Mia for the moment. She just smiled broadly at Nathan's suggestion, absentmindedly stroking Pepper's head thanks to the powers of suggestion.

"Sure, sounds great! I've got a pretty busy schedule too, uh, most days, but I'll make sure I find some time for that! And to read the books! Homework can wait a day, right?"

Mia grinned once more, before ruffling Pepper's head for a final time and patting his side.

"Alright, up you get, lazy butt! It's home time! I'll catch you later Nathan, hopefully soon!"

With one final wave goodbye, Mia strolled out of Nathan's yard, Pepper right beside her. The first thing she thought as she rounded the corner was that she really should have asked for a bag. It really wasn't easy carrying these books under her arm and trying to run.

The second thing was the sudden realisation of the potential meaning behind Nathan's offer, and Mia was left feeling very flustered and confused all the way home.

((Mia Rose continued in All in the Golden Afternoon))

Re: Yard Sard

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:04 am
by backslash
Nathan spent the rest of the afternoon greeting the occasional neighbor who came to investigate the yard sale and fending off Michelle's teasing questions.

((Nathan Lovegrove continued elsewhere))

Re: Yard Sard

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:04 am
by Slayer*
At some point in all that, Jane left.

((Jane Madison continued elsewhere - not much of a post, I know, but she's been in these two threads for months and I should get her moving!))