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Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Talk about a change of mood. Just shared the Frenchiest of kisses seconds ago, and now they were at making shitty-ass jokes all of a sudden. Kinda his fault, really -well, not only kinda. But what the heck, didn't really matter to him what kind of fun they had, trashy or dirty or both mixed - getting all drippy and excited by bad puns, there were some weirdos who were into that sorta thing, sure.

Hot damn, though. Chick was laughing more than he was when watching Kevin Hart. Didn't think she'd find his joke that funny, but fuck it, he'd take it. Had the best audience he could have wished for right here, eating right outta his palm. Really though, she did seem like a bit of a whacky-wacko, had way too much fun. Not that he minded, of course. Exactly what he was into. Trying to get into soon enough as well.

Chrissedi-Christ, how long was she plannin' to cackle like this? Right into his face, at that. Seemed like exactly the right time for Aiden to make a move, bitch loved surprises, didn't she? He'd give her one, alright. Steady, ready, strike!

In one swift motion, he broke his arms free from her grasp and threw his body at hers with momentum, grabbing both her shoulders. While lunging, he performed a sidestep and turned her body , so she was still face to face with him. As intended, they crashed into the wall to the left of them, with Aiden pinning his game partner slash prey against it. Had her right where he wanted her now, about time he gave the beat, couldn't just be a passive puss all day.

Sporting a grin that almost resorted into slasher smile, he went in even closer, body on body, all while maintaining eye contact. So what if he was looking up to her? They didn't tell peeps to beware of the small ones for nothing.
"Caught between a rock and a hard place, eh? Well, more wall than rock, but still seems appropriate, you with me?" He chuckled, letting his tongue slide over his upper lip, while reinforcing the pressure on her for emphasis.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Riki
Oh, there it was! Feisty! Naughty! A feeble attempt at a last resist, a last and glorious dance before the inevitable.

Aiden grabbed Fiyori's shoulder. He threw in all the might he had and he pinned her tight against the wall. He drew closer, and she could feel him pressing against her body. Good little boy, indeed. He presented her a smile, a mean one, a proud one, and Fiyori hummed something. Hummed to show approval, mostly because she couldn't whistle. Not with him pressing against her everything. Against her legs, and against her chest and against her hips. And yet, he still had to look up to her.

Fiyori tensed up. She welcomed his attack with a defense just as solid as Aiden was - oh yeah, she could feel everything about that. One hand took a firm hold of the back of his neck, another one slid down and slid behind. That is, into his behind. She slipped into his pants, getting a feel for his bare bottom before slowly massaging the place she imagined her never had a massage before.

Her head, on the meanwhile looked down to him, and she lunged and inserted her tongue into his mouth once again. The strain on her neck be damned.

The hand on his head loosened, it reached to the side and after a first and second and third attempt it managed to turn a knob. A wooden door opened, and Fiyori would've smiled.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:08 am
by Rorick Skyve*
He could see it in her eyes. Wild, manic, straight up savage, like he was getting down with a rabid Amazon or some shit. None of all that passive, "I-shouldn't-be-doing-this" bullshit the other chicks he'd been with put up. This one knew what she wanted and she wanted him right now, cravin' the Beaks, so she was.

He shuddered slightly when he felt her skinny hand grasp around his neck. Frosty, chilly, but that only made it all the better. Hot and cold mixin', hurricane incoming! He'd make it rain, alright. Make this chick into another twister victim.

Oh boy, there it was. Had her hand going down and dirty, going straight for - whoa! Holy smokin' shitnuggets, that! Slipped her digits down, alright, but not where he had expected them to go. Felt...kinda weird, unusual and all, no girl had ever done that to him before. Where chicks even supposed to do that? Hell if he knew. But really, this wasn't all that bad, no Sir.

Something exciting about it, added some spice to their feast, made him go new places. Something he could get into, sure as shit. Hoped she'd agree with him on that...

She was a hungry one, alright. Came in for close combat again, bringing in the tongue. Who was supposed to enter whom here? Slippery business, but fuck if he didn't love it. He wouldn't last as long as last time though. Was still a bit outta air from their last Frenchie. Still, he'd give her his all, wrestle hers with his till he dropped, savor that sweet, sweet taste until the end.

He heard something. Creaky sound. Wall caving in? Nah, couldn't be. Door. Had to be a door, yeah.

His mind still distracted with every little sensation of her body and muscles on his, he opened his eyes slightly, to spy what Fi was up to. Of course. This had to be it, gate to the dungeon, to the forbidden chamber - door to her bedroom. Open and ready as she'd be soon enough. Time to cross the border.

He broke the kiss, gasping for air, still tightly clinging to his lover. Had to do it, passin' out with her inside of his mouth was not the worst thing in the world, but still kinda shitty.

He gazed into her eyes once more, like it was a staring contest, performing subtle movements with his eyebrows. Eye of the Tiger. Muscles were strained and relaxed at the same time, heavy breathing,  heat everywhere. This was it. He couldn't wait no more.
"Goddamnit, Fi. Drivin' me all part hasn't even started yet."

Showed off another smirk, though different from usual, corners of his mouth all twitchy from excitement and exhaustion. With that, he gripped her even tighter, tried to hoist her up against the wall, all while making sure to rub against her in all the right places. Girl was tall as fuck, sure, but skinny. Course he could carry her into her room, no big dizzedi deal. A man had to earn his reward, after all.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Riki
That was wild man. He liked it, she did. He tightened his... everything on her and so did she. He grasped for air, Fiyori chuckled but by that point Aiden already got a completely new plan. He pressed her against the wall, and then with elan he pressed her up and the feel of the wall against her butt was exchanged with... obviously, a well-placed hand. Heh, nice.

She let it happen. He tried to hoist her over his shoulder, and she didn't mind it. Of course she didn't mind, unless she'd end up hitting her head on the floor. Guess that was an occupational hazard though. Fiyori giggled, and as Aiden lifted her, she tried to help him as well as she could do.

Fiyori liked the view though. She could feel him straining a bit. Trying to shift his own weight so as to not fall over. Amusing. She wasn't that heavy, but she guessed he was out of air anyway. He started to move, very carefully, very very carefully, towards the door. She could hear him gently opening the rest with a kick of the foot and she leaned in to pull his pants down and gently bite his ass.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Wow, that was...almost too easy, no lie. Chick was light. Take a featherweight and cut it in half, that level of light, like she was some kinda fancy-ass fairy or something. He'd teach her how to fly, alright. Startin' with a lesson about how to land right. Her bed seemed like a good enough place for that. Touchdown, baby.

He'd have to get there with her over his shoulder first, of course. His breathing was still sorta heavy, sure, he'd make an asthmatic blush, true as truth. Still, no problemo. Fi wasn't putting up resistance, surrendered to the Empire of Beaks. She liked it, of course she did. Probably liked the way he had a grip on her as well. Where he had a grip on her.

Stupid door though, blocking the way to happiness like that. Arrogant prick. Aiden didn't even ponder about any another possibility, just took a step closer to it and followed it up with a forceful kick. No frickedi-fucks given.

He felt a certain someone having way too much fun messing with his pants on his backside, followed by a carnivorous set of teeth going piranha on his ass. He yelped in response, taken by surprise first, then snickered again. Nice. Girl had ab-so-lutely no shame in her, zero, nada. Took what she wanted, plain and simple. He liked it. Liked what she was doing to his booty as well.

Oh, and he'd make sure she was gonna like him too. Fuck it, she was gonna love him, so she was. Ride the Beaks train once, you never wanna get off again. Wouldn't even have to get off to get off.

He snickered again. Thought it was clever. And then he finally crossed the line, the border to her room, went all-in. Game was on.


Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Riki
Fiyori opened her eyes. She saw nothing, except a few rays of early sunshine entering her room through a small window to the side of her. She saw her room, all the contours and colors, even if the light itself was dim. She saw all those, not because of the lighting, but because she has been there before. And before. And before, of course, as that was her room. Her habitation. Her place to sleep, and all the items and papers and trinkets that built mountains were her mountains after all. She would recognize them in total darkness, devoid of sound and mind.

Something was different, of course. A new trinket, she thought for a moment then decided it was inappropriate. A mass of flesh. Well, a tiny mess of flesh, laying peacefully beside her. Fiyori stared at it. Felt it. Felt her arm resting on it's chest and it's arms resting on her head. She could feel the heartbeat. She wondered, for a moment only, and came to remember.

Fiyori saw red marks and scratches, and she saw a hint of a smile on Aiden's face. Fiyori could not but smile as well, reaching out to touch his face. Her hand was stuck in places. She was careful not to wake him, as she gently traced her hand from his pelvis, up to his chest and to his cheeks. She watched him, wondered something once again and heard a noise. Not Aiden, but the door of her room, a tall woman - her mother, entering. Fiyori moved not, stroking her guest's face, only following Birikti with her trailing eyes.

Her mother brought a tablet. Two cups, the smell of black coffee emitting from it, and to the side two spoons, as well as a small fashionable cup of sugar and an equally fashionable cup of milk. Birikti placed the drink on the nightstand. She gave the boy to her side a quick look, noticed the stare of her daughter and locked onto it for a few moments. Eventually, she turned around and left, shaking her head.

A minute passed.

Fiyori reached for his nose, and pinched it.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Tickle. Some faint feeling, all of a sudden. It was black around him, foggy, like someone blindfolded him. Well, of course it was, his eyes were still closed. His nose, his beakedi beak, that was what was tickling. Tickling because someone had touched it. Mom? She trying to go wakie-wakie on him? Goddamnit, he didn't want to get up yet, not with all that softness around him, the sweet feeling of that pillow and the sheets and the blanket and...someone else next to him?

Oh, right.

Aiden slowly opened his eyes, blinking, fluttering his eyelashes and the first thing he saw was...a ceiling. Great fucking view, especially with his vision still blurry. Good thing he knew a more lovely sight was there as well, right next to him. Just had to turn his head, easy. Required effort though. He was feeling lay-zee, almost wanted to close his eyes and visit Snoozeville again. Ah, what the heck.

He shifted around slightly, cocking his head to the side and there she was. Tousled, kinda drowsy, but still the same chick he got laid with. Had that little smile going on, so she did. Almost made her seem all cute and stuff, adorable. Almost. His body told a different fucking story, looking like she tried turning him into the Human Lasagna last night. Feeling about the same as well. But hell, he wouldn't have still been there if he didn't like it.

Squinting, unable to lift his eyelids much further yet, he let out a small chuckle, followed by him showing off that good ol' grin. Straight up Jaws or...something. Fuck it, still too early for him to be clever.

"Guess I didn't just dream all that, hm? Almost seemed too good to be true." He barely repressed a yawn. Didn't want to ruin the moment, load of his foul-ass breath right in the face was the last thing Fi wanted, to be sure.

Still smirking, he lifted his head off the pillow slightly, just enough for him to be able to plant a small kiss on her forehead, followed by yet another satisfied chuckle. "Just making sure you're real, Fi. Sure am glad that you are." He leaned forward again, to give her a little more sugar. Small kiss directly above the eyebrow this time.

"Sleep as well as I did?"

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Riki

That was her answer. A long-drawn heartfelt 'm'. She did so, because she wasn't sure what she should answer. The truth would've been "not really", because even if Fiyori was the kind of lady to gladly share a bed to fuck someone, she still felt bothered by all the people occupying all of that precious bed space. Aiden was no exception. So, as she wasn't intending to... signal anything that could be understood falsely, she settled on a long-drawn 'm' and hoped that was suffice.

"Still... you're talking too much."

She slid down her hand again, covering his mouth. Which, she guessed, was also a great way to steer the conversation.


Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Talking too much, was he? Well, maybe he was. Still kinda early, brain all fuzzy-wuzzy and stuff, so he could sorta feel her there. But was he really gonna let her tell him what to do? Whole bonking session had gone that way, time to change it up now. If anything, he was going to talk all the more now, live the rebel life, show her who-

Ooorrr, maybe not. Chick didn't seem like she was gonna take "no" for an answer. Her hand on his mouth kinda send that vibe. He knew what she was capable of when playing with him. No need to find out what she was like when she got all mad like a hatter. Had to be the good boy, then, no choice. Coffee was a nice outlook though.

His mouth still forcefully shut, Aiden turned his head to where the flavor of dark lifeblood was coming from. There was the tray, sittin' right next to the bowl with the rubbers. Fun little potpourri. You come into a room and you see that bowl with that exact content next to a girl's bed, tells ya all you need to know. Didn't have to be some psycho-ass psychic to figure that story out.

He felt the urge to nibble or bite at the hand over his mouth, just a little fun, no harm done. Still, didn't seem like that good of an idea. He'd have done it with any other girl, but not that one. Had met his match, so he had. Eh, so what? Just a lil bit of humiliation. He had gotten to the bottom of her already, all worth it.

Still blinking, Aiden slowly nodded his head, while imitating her 'Mmmmm' as best as he could.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Riki
Fiyori gazed, if not lovingly, into his eyes for a few moments more, hand resting on his lips. She was expecting him to bite them, or at least lick them, but that wasn't the case. She smiled, removed herself off him, turned her body to the other side and with much grace and elegance fell out of the bed.

Obviously just as planned. Fiyori lifted herself up, drenched with dried-up sweat and all other kinds of liquids but bare naked otherwise. The room felt stuffy. Which was a given, she supposed. It smelled of sweat, and sex, too much carbon dioxide and a hint of coffee. Fiyori took a few steps, reaching for her window. The curtains pulled aside, she opened it just a tiny bit.

Then, she decided that wasn't enough, closed the window, and opened it again, this time completely. A fresh air of Arizona's morning breeze greeted her, but her mind was set on more important matters.

She turned around again, walking slowly, careful not to step into any of their clothes (some of which seriously needed washing before they could be presented to the public again).

"How do you like it? Your coffee, I mean?"

Fiyori asked, while she added a shot of milk to her own and seven spoons of sugar.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
And there she went. He saw her rollin', rollin' out of bed, but he sure wasn't hatin'. His eyes didn't love her body, or rather, certain parts of it as she strolled across the room. Shit, man. Nothing there he hadn't seen already, but still. Been too long since he'd last been with a chick, sure as shit. He musta looked like a googly-eyed goof right now.

She did have the right idea though. Well, almost. Opening the curtain: Not that nice. Letting that fucking sunlight invade, yikes! Dazzle to the max, made him close his eyes again, if only for a short moment. Opening the window, though: One hundred fucking percent Beaks Stamp of Approval.

Aiden audibly inhaled, soaking in that fresh, much needed breeze. He didn't mind the way the room smelled, not too much, at least. Natural odors and stuff, nothing to make your nose go all wrinkly. But some fresh air, that was some invigorating shit, he instantly felt at least half awake. Coffee would prolly do the rest of the trick.

Only had to choose how he wanted his coffee. Kinda tough, really. He never did that stuff the same way, depended on his mood and...other circumstances. Some that would come into play-ay here. Had to take his medication, so he did, and soon. Last time he gulped them was some time yesterday-ish...ah right, before he left the house, that was it. About time for another dosis, then. After the coffee obviously. Obviously, he wouldn't need sugar then. Combine that sweety-sweetums with ritalin, BOOM. Prolly not fucking good. Sounded crazy stupid, even for him.

He glanced back at Fi. Nah, he didn't need sugar, had enough of that right here. His impish gaze wandered all over her again, lingering for a bit, admiring that deliciously dark complexion of hers. Yeah, no doubt what he'd choose.

"Do you even have to ask?" His eyes met hers and he shot her a mischievous wink. "Black, of course."

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Riki
Oh dear. Fiyori looked up from her coffee, focusing on Aiden. She was sure to portray her disappointment realistically.

"Just like your woman, right?"

Ah, she couldn't help it. A single smile appeared on her lips. As if the joke became funny just because she said it. Or, well, finished it.

Anyway, as the sixth and seventh spoon of sugar drowned in her cup, the sheer mass of the sweetener threatening to overflow the container, she carefully took hold of both cups, one in her left and one in her right. It was still so hot. Hers, not that much, but that was a given.

Fiyori sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning to the side and giving Aiden his cup.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Aiden let out a chuckle. Not because the joke was funny or anything, but because Fi was right on the money. He had thought about saying it out loud - but decided it was too cheesy, low standard, even for him. Best to leave some things unspoken, fifty shades of smooth.

"Hey, you said that, not me." His tone was defensive for a second, almost sounding hurt, but he couldn't help but snicker halfway through. Mission 'Straight Face' failed. Whatever.

Finally, his black beauty made to hand him the cup, filled with even more dark delicacy. Dang, almost poetic there for a sec. His eyes glistening with excitement, he took hold of it, then rewarded Fi by thankfully nodding and blowing a kiss in her direction. Who was to say the Beaks was no gentleman? Damn suckers didn't know jack about him.

He set himself upright, getting into a more comfortable position, causing the sheet to slip off of him. Aiden slightly flinched when he felt the cloth brushing along his bruised skin, tiny pangs of pain emerging here and there. Yup, he looked like a mess, alright, like he took on a whole fucking squadron of savages or some shit.

He stared into his cup for another second or so, licking his lips in anticipation. If it was half as good as the scent, he'd be one happy motherfucker. He carefully brought it to his lips and took a sip - followed by him immediately taking a lusty gulp. Took him all but a short moment to empty it halfway. Hot damn, this was some good stuff! Almost felt like he didn't even need his lame-ass ritalin after this, but he damn well knew that was a lie.

With a deep, extremely satisfied inhale, he looked back at Fi, right at her face. Well, almost, he started a bit lower, but his eyes soon wandered up to hers.

Now that was fucking living, happy-go-lucky, path to fortune. His family was prolly worried as fuck about him, but he'd send them a phone message or something soon enough. Wasn't the first time this had happened, after all, they'd figure he was off doing his thing. Yeah, no dizzedi deal.

Grinning as smug and content as ever, he took another sip, eyes still on Fi. "Soooo...what now?"

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Riki
Fiyori raised the cup. Careful not to spill anything, as the cup was filled to the brim. She lowered her head, just slightly. Just a little bit, and her lips locked on to the edge of the cup. Her eyes were focused on nothing in particular, and her nose took in the scent. She took a sip. She took another. A bit of coffee fell to the side, on to her and on to her sheets. Her eyes mustered the light brown spot for a moment. Then she put the cup of coffee down on her lap. It was still warm. Warm enough for her hands. Warm enough for her legs.

Aiden was looking at her. He wasn't looking at her eyes, at first, but when he did, she watched him back.

"Then, what now?"

She wondered if she appeared tired. Probably. But her mind was... tired too! But that was why they invented coffee.

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Talk about a less than enthusiastic answer. Prolly just her being still a bit sleepy and all,  nothing deep there. Still, danger zone ahead: Nothing to kill any sort of mood like awkward silence. Seemed like it was on him to do something about it. Beaks to the rescue then.

"Like, I was wondering..." Alright for a start. Only he had no idea what to follow it up with. Couldn't just leave that hangin' in the room now, could he? Maybe just say anything that was on his mind? Eh, bad idea. Too much shit going on in there. Actually, wait. There was something he actually wanted to be resolved, ASAP. Might as well spill the beans right away.

"This was a lot of fun and all, yeah. But like, we will leave it at just that, right? Nothing deeper going on behind the scenes of our feels here, just some good old fashioned fucking, no strings attached." Yeah, right direction. He was nothing if not honest, anybody who said otherwise was talking more bull than a whole room full of KKK members.

"I mean, I sure wouldn't mind doing this - doing you again." Little wink. Always the charmer. "But at the same time, I'm also a-okay with this staying a one-timey thingie, you know? 'slong as you expect nothing more than what I already gave you from me, awesome. So what I'm saying is, I'm pretty much leaving this up to you." Damn, lotsa heavy talk. Coffee really did kick-start his brain, true as truth.

"Still bit early for me to be talkin' my ass off, I know, but I feel like that needed to be said, you with me?" Oh boy, this could go one of many directions. Could only hope she took this the right way. Or in fucking pepperonis.