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Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:15 am
by Slam
"Yeah, Scott Walker, Witch Mountain, go knock yourself out with that." Vanessa muttered without really paying attention, already heading towards Cams. She briefly tapped towards her arm to get her attention, thumbing over to the other side of the room where the two could talk mano a mano.

Once they were out of earshot, Vanessa turned off the friendly face she'd put on for Coleen, making her confusion at what Cams was going for shine through.

"So she seems great and all, but we already have a singer? As in, me?"

And a damn fine singer she was. She was a great frontwoman, in her opinion, and probably the most upfront person in the band. She got the crowd hyped, got the room jumping, really set the stage for Coyote's music to rock the house. So what was Cams thinking?

"Like, I don't think we need a full time backup singer? Maybe you wanted to try out one? But we can do way better than someone who's come from the backstage of Shakespeare or something. I mean I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, I'm just thinking of her and if she'd be a good fit for what we're doing here."

Cams had good taste, sure. Didn't mean she always thought everything through.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
"You might like him," BB said to Coleen. "He's this singer from the Sixties, started off with stuff sorta like the early Beatles, then got weirder and weirder. He inspired David Bowie, and now he's collaborating with this pretty great drone doom group."

Hopefully The Beatles and David Bowie were accessible enough touchstones for this conversation to build off of. Otherwise, there might be some trouble. Of course, if Coleen really was utterly ignorant of the classics that might have potential too; some pretty interesting stuff had come out of artists trapped in their own insular little worlds, free from the musical innovations of everyone else. Like, The Shaggs weren't exactly BB's jam, but they had legitimate influence.

"And all that other stuff's good too," BB said, waving her hand at the table. She wasn't trying to be dismissive; the stuff the rest of the band listened to was awesome enough for sure, just with a few more compromises for broad appeal than BB's all-time favorites. "I mean, except our demo. That's the best.

"You know," she continued, "you should stockpile a few copies, so one day when we're famous you can flip 'em on eBay for some cash. I mean, assuming we don't reissue it or tweak it a bit for our debut or whatever. But it's a really limited collector's item at the moment.

"How many demos did we press again?" she called over in the direction of the others. She couldn't quite remember, though technically speaking they could just run more off whenever they wanted to. Still, the idea of it being limited was appealing. Especially since that meant they could actually run out of their first edition.

BB hoped this wasn't all too much for Coleen to take in. The band had sort of spun off into their own corners working on stuff or whatever Vanessa and Cameron and Brady were doing, but that wasn't really that unusual. All part of the creative process. She gave her bass a few more plucks and realized the amp was still tuned way down.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Deamon
Cameron allowed Vanessa to take her over to a different corner of her basement. Her best friends face changed when they were out of the way, she looked bemused. Vanessa whispered questions about why they needed a backup singer and why they needed Coleen specifically.

Ah...that was awkward.

Cameron scratched around her eye. "I was kinda thinking she could be lead. Her voice is amazing." She trailed off. "You can still do backup vocals and if this doesn't work out we can drop her. Give her a chance to prove herself though."

It didn't sound like an unfair deal, give Coleen a chance to show what she could do if it worked out awesome they had an amazing singer to go with their instrumental awesomeness. The hardest part was going to be selling it. Vanessa would understand eventually and it'd be cool. Then they could go on to conquer the local scene.

"We can provide the energy and she'll blow them away with pure singing talent. Which we kinda need."

Cameron paused for a second as the words played back through her head.



Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"I'll probably take it home and listen to it," Coleen admitted. "It's an awfully high stack of music. Plus I wanted to talk to all of, uh..."

Coleen looked from the corner of her eye to where Cameron and Vanessa had stalked off to. It looked like a sorta heated discussion. Cam had brought her here, so maybe Vanessa took issue with her being here? Coleen chewed on the inside of her cheek as she mulled it over and resumed looking at BB, even if the bassist no longer had her full attention. She didn't want to cause any problems, but Cameron thought she'd be a good fit, and this band seemed like it could be a lot of fun. Something to do with her time that wasn't school or theatre... according to at least two of her friends and one of her parents, she needed that.

"Uh, something about demos..." Coleen apologetically smiled and ran her fingers through the right side of her hair to push it behind her ear. The left could stay exactly where it was; she had grown accustomed to not seeing very well in her left eye anyway. "Sorry, I guess I should listen to those first to get a good idea of what you guys are all about." Coleen stepped to the coffee table and rummaged, picking up one of the CDs that seemed to have a less-than-professional labeling job, but a pretty one considering what she was looking at. The design on the cover was a floral, even slightly trippy design with a green wolf-like figure howling. The title, above and below, read 'Peyote Coyote'. Right, that was the name, duh.

"Yeah, we could pop this in?"

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Slam
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?!"

When Cameron spoke without thinking, her true thoughts were usually what came out, and this wasn't the first time Cameron had pissed Vanessa off in this manner. But this particular thoughtlessly barbed comment had stabbed her right in a sensitive nerve with merciless accuracy.

Vanessa was proud of her singing. She liked being a frontwoman, and she was confident in her skills as the face of the band. The fact that it was now coming to light that her best friend disagreed, and felt so strongly about this that she considered the unholy lovechild of the bride of Frankenstein and Shakespeare to be the perfect replacement for her?

Fuck that!

"You got a problem with my singing Cams, then come right out and say it. Don't fuck around with this whole replacement singer cutesy bullshit!"

She had been shouting this whole time, so of course everyone could hear her. Didn't matter right now, didn't matter that Coleen could hear; this had to be settled before anything else, and Cams could be straight with her for once without having to go braindead for half a second to do it.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
"Yeah, uh, maybe in a sec," BB said, as Coleen's suggestion was quickly followed up by some shouting from off in the corner. That wasn't a good sign. She glanced over at Brady, then back towards the other two girls. Vanessa was a good person, but she was definitely making progress on cultivating a true rock star attitude; if they ever hit it big, BB wouldn't be at all surprised if she mastered the entire suite of prima donna tantrums: storming out of the studio, feuding with producers, firing session musicians on the spot, and so forth.

Peyote Coyote was pretty important to BB, and what was bubbling off to the side had "irreconcilable creative differences" written all over it, which meant some intervention was probably in order. She turned back to Coleen and gave her an apologetic smile.

"Guitar players," she said, and shrugged. "Don't worry about them. Do you want something to drink?"

She was thinking maybe she could get Coleen out of the immediate vicinity, both for her own good and to remove one of the objects of dispute, and then run some interference between the others. Without knowing the start of the argument, she could still guess roughly what it was about and what the trajectory had been. She was already trying to figure out how to spin this to get everyone on the same page again, to pacify Vanessa and include Coleen and encourage Cameron.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Deamon
Things were suddenly going badly. Trust her stupid mouth to cause an incident. Vanessa was shouting at her. Cameron hated shouting.

She raised her hands in a placating gesture.

"Woah, woah, calm down Vans." She hated herself for causing the situation. She hated the idea that Vans would hate her. She hated that there was a chance Peyote Coyote could end because of it. She was going to do everything in her power to make things right.

Cameron had always wanted Peyote Coyote to succeed. It was their band, between her and Vanessa they had been Peyote Coyote since the first day of high school. They had added BB and Brady later, and now Coleen but the very first instance had been when they'd first met. Ever since that day Cameron had known she had her friend and not one of those best friends some girls could have where it changed with the wind,  she meant her one true best friend. Vanessa had been there for her recently when she needed it most.

It almost felt like she was betraying all that based on her reaction. It made her feel sick.

"Just give Coleen a chance, trust me she's a good singer. We can do some songs with her..." Cameron really didn't want an argument. "I just thought it would be good. You can focus more on your playing if Coleen is singing." She was running out of things to say. "I'm not trying to..." She rubbed her arm where the scars were.

Everything was going fucking wrong.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Serpico*
Brady probably should have been paying more attention to what was going on, but he ducked out of the conversation ages ago to text his significant other. Snapchatting was pretty important until Vanessa started yelling. Brady's nose crinkled as he started to think about what to do, he wasn't really interested in confrontation, and like Cam he thought they needed something a little different with vocals. Not that he'd ever tell Vanessa if anyone was technically superior to her, especially based on the reaction she just had, but he thought it.

But Brady liked the set up the band had, and he didn't really want it to crumble.

He briefly thought that he wouldn't give up on the band thing, even if it wasn't the same band name or the same folk, he was just happy to have a band and a stage.

No wait, actually fuck that, he wanted Peyote Coyote.

He bit the inside of his cheek as he stood up, approaching the pair as he stuck his hands in his pocket. Not really sure what to do, he didn't stand too close, didn't want to be imposing and it took him a moment until he actually opened his mouth. He glanced briefly at BB and Coleen, a slight feeling of pity came over him since it was the first time meeting the band and it was kind of crummy. He wouldn't blame her if she just didn't come back after today.

Well, he supposed it was time to push in head first and interject.

"Vanessa," He said, his tone fairly firm, "She probably didn't mean it like that."

He followed that up statement with a silent Jesus Christ. He wanted to tell her that she was overreacting, but he knew that would probably produce the opposite effect to what he wanted. Not that he knew what Cam had said exactly in the first place.

"You're yelling," his tone implying a certain unpleasantness, "And that's not fair on anyone here right now."

Especially the new girl, since at that point Brady thinks she's owed an apology. Cameron looked like they weren't doing too well in handling it, and at the least he hoped he was able to provide some sort of reprieve.

"Give it a rest for a second, both of you. We can sort this after we piece ourselves back together."

He was starting to feel stressed out just watching this, even more so throwing himself in the middle of this whole affair. If this unfolded badly even after he interjected he'd hope that some merciful god would just strike him down with a bolt of lightning where he stood in the basement.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by MK Kilmarnock
When Coleen thought things couldn't get any more awkward, fate had to go and prove her wrong. BB tried to pull her aside and distract her with something, but Vanessa and Cameron weren't exactly whispering. It was clear as day what their argument was about, and it appeared that perhaps Cam hadn't put everybody on board with this whole singing thing as much as Coleen assumed she had. Her better judgement was telling her to book it. She could run, see Cameron at school tomorrow and tell her that the 'rock and roll life' just wasn't for her, thanks but no thanks, she'd stick to Broadway.

That was her better judgement anyhow. Coleen was currently going against it to try and ride out the wave. "A... drink sounds lovely," she murmured to BB, hugging her chest. "Things aren't always like this... are they?"

Brady, who had been quietly chilling on the couch before, decided enough was enough and was trying to douse the fire blazing in the corner. It was the cover Coleen and BB could use to get upstairs and catch some fresh air, an opportunity which Coleen took, gingerly taking the first few steps up.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Slam
Suddenly the room had gotten heavier than a ten tonne anvil, as half the people tried to leave and the other half were telling her to calm down.

And that was supposed to be her fault?

‘Hey Vanessa, we know you like being the singer, but you're a really bad singer so we brought in this random theatre geek you barely know to replace you. That cool with you?'

Cause yeah, everyone and anyone would react well to that. Fuckin' tactile as fuck.

That said, Brady was right about the yelling not getting anything done. She didn't calm down, but she did fold her arms in with an aggressive huff, putting on a juvenile pout for good measure. She was pissed off, but that didn't mean she didn't give a shit or that she wanted everyone to be pissed at her. She didn't want to look stupid, either, so once in a while it was better to just pause.

"…fine." She muttered between gritted teeth. "Hey, Coleen." She called across the room, spotting her trying to head off before they were done here. "If you're a good singer then let's hear you sing."

And no crap stage songs either. If she was going to do what P.C. did then she was going to show that she could sing P.C. style.

"Sing…" she lingered, looking around the room for an idea. A Deep Purple album, lying amongst a dozen others, caught her eye.

"…Smoke on the Water. Sing Smoke on the Water."

Because everyone had to at least know how that one went, unless they really were just completely out of touch with good music. Hell, she'd even play along if Coleen needed that kind of hand holding.

And if she happened to fuck up or not know the song, then that would just make this that much quicker for everyone.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
"Things usually aren't like this," BB said, keeping her voice down. Brady leapt into the fray, seemingly trying to calm the founding members down, while BB moved towards the staircase with Coleen. "We're just really passionate about music, and every so often there are little disagreements about which artistic direction is best for the band."

Maybe she wasn't being entirely forthright and honest here, but it was probably for the best. The band was usually pretty harmonious, that much was true, but she was getting the distinct impression that this wasn't actually about the artistic merits of a new vocalist—it couldn't be, given that most of the band had no idea what Coleen even sounded like.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Vanessa came to the same realization at about the same time, and she called out before BB and Coleen could make their escape. BB paused, her left foot on the bottom step, and glanced between Coleen and Vanessa.

"I can get Coleen a glass of water or a Coke or something first if she wants," BB said. "Important to, you know, stay hydrated if you're gonna sing."

Her gaze flickered to her feet, then back to the corner where the rest of the band was assembled.

"Hey, you all know what 'Smoke on the Water' is actually about, right? Maybe it's, um, not the most auspicious project to work on. Have I told you this story?"

For once, BB's trivia was mostly a diversion—though she sort of doubted everyone present really did know what the song was about—intended both to buy Coleen a little time to decide what felt comfortable for her and to distract the others just a little and maybe calm the mood or at least redirect a bit of the exasperation.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:16 am
by Deamon
Luckily Brady stepped in to bring Vanessa back from the brink of a shouting fit. It was a momentary reprieve but Cameron was thankful for it. She hadn't wanted to start a massive bit of drama but it seemed like that was the way things were going. As it turned out Vanessa managed to be the one to come up with the best solution to the problem...well the best solution as far as Cameron was concerned. The solution that would allow everyone to hear Coleen in action. Cameron knew Coleen could and would ace the song. It was a guarantee. The only issue would be if Coleen decided not to sing the song or in an even worse scenario, messed it up. There would be no coming back from that. Hell Cameron was fairly sure some people didn't know the verses at all, only the chorus and riff. But the chorus, Coleen could do major work on the chorus.

She scratched her arm as she thought over the scenario, eventually deciding that it was worth the risk.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Cameron said. "She can have a drink and then sing it."

She waved off BB's question.

"Doesn't matter. It's recognizable enough. I can play the rhythm if you want Coleen. So that you have something to go off."

If Cameron could help things along she was going to take any opportunity that presented itself. She felt like she owed Coleen that based on how things were going.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:17 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Coleen could almost feel the spotlight on her face. Wasn't much of a secret around the theatre kids and her teachers that she had some pretty nasty stage fright despite her interests and possible career choices. The crowd was much smaller here in Cam's basement to the tune of four, yet it felt like four thousand after all that ruckus from Vanessa. So this was it; she was being put to the test for her singing ability and if she screwed up, even just a little bit, that was probably the end of it for her.

"A drink to start..." Coleen nervously said, already wracking her brain for whatever she could dig up on 'Smoke on the Water'. She knew the song, of course. Anybody who had ever listened to rock music or a radio station playing anything between '69 and '85 would know at least the riff and probably the words to the chorus. The only problem was anything else. She frowned and furrowed her brow as she thought, pulling a few more strands of hair over her left eye and cheek.

If she had to be terribly honest, she wished Cameron hadn't spoken for her just then. She meant well, but Coleen was going to insist herself that she sing, disregarding BB's equally sweet attempts to get her out of this sticky situation. Now, she feared it looked like she was searching for a way out when all she really wanted was for an opportunity to prove herself. Her one uncovered eye stayed locked on Vanessa's feet. Loathe as Coleen was to admit it, right now that girl had her intimidated like 'woah'.

"Ah, um, alright. I think I've got this," Coleen said as she slid her smartphone out of her bag. She'd use the phone to search for the lyrics so she could get all the specifics. As for the rest of of the vocals, like melody, inflection and tone...

Coleen thought back. Her little brother Ronnie was pretty into the first two Guitar Hero games, and when he took up the living room TV to play it, she got to listen to him struggle to play a cover of Smoke on the Water over and over again. It wasn't enough to drill the words into her head, but she had a good enough idea to imitate their vocalist on highs and lows, when to hang onto a note and let it dangle. "Yeah, alright..." she muttered, mostly to herself. Psyching herself up came before any good performance, and this would be a performance as fine as any other.

Coleen lifted her head and walked around the couch so Brady and BB were the closest, leaving Cam and Vanessa further away. That kept people at a good comfort zone for her. "So while I'm waiting for that water," she said, looking at a nice neutral point between everybody, "do you want this as accurate as possible? Like, am I shooting for a low tenor or am I allowed to take this as high as I want while sticking the melody and key?"

Keep talking. Keep out of your shell.

You're gonna kill this.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:17 am
by Slam
Vanessa wore a smug smirk as Coleen whipped out her phone, desperately scrambling for the words to the song. Of course she didn't know the words to the song; she was probably wiki'ing it right now to get half an idea what they were even talking about.

Christ Cams, you really knew how to pick ‘em.

"You just do you, Coleen. You do you." She replied in regards to the range of vocals, the sardonic bitterness being as subtle as Vanessa ever had been. How Coleen would choose to do the song would in itself be revealing, but Vanessa was pretty sure it would wind up being some cheesy opera recreation or overly dramatic Broadway bullshit, rather than how the song should've sounded: deep, smokey, and with that low bass that was perfect for chilling out to in the evening light.

Looking around the room, the tangible tension was still present, and she couldn't help but feel that some eyes were on her when they weren't on Coleen. This was their band, P.C., full of people she would go to war with at the drop of a hat, and because of that she knew when she was getting a dirty look from them. That shit stung, but it did give her pause.

So, did that make it her fault? After all, she was the one who was getting stabbed in the back here, she was the one who was being kicked out of one of her favourite gigs without so much as a consultation first, and by her best friend no less. She was the one getting the shit end of the stick.

Did that justify her being a total btich to Coleen though? Maybe. But then again, maybe not.

"...just do it how you think would sound good." she repeated, trying her hardest to sound sincere this time, if still not entirely diplomatic or patient. She had to avoid actually looking at Coleen to pull it off.

This was still pretty fucking stupid.

Re: Smoke On Her Face

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:17 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
"That's great," BB said, abandoning her objections about the song's provenance in the face of overwhelming apathy towards musical history. "That sounds like a really great idea. I'll go get that water."

Then she darted up the stairs and out of sight of everything going on in the practice room. She'd done her level best to avert, divert, and subvert the brewing conflict, so now all that there was really left to do was get Coleen her water and hope she blew the song out of the park. It wasn't like BB even had that much reason to think Coleen was going to be excellent. Vanessa's vocals weren't amazing—that much was pretty evident to most anyone who listened to Peyote Coyote—but more pertinently the damage from bringing a newcomer on board had already been done so now it was best to hope for some payoff.

So BB fetched a glass from the cupboard and filled it up with water from a pitcher in the fridge and drank it all down, then rinsed it out and got a new glass and filled that up for Coleen. This all took a little while but she thought it was probably best to stall just a bit because it had sort of looked like Coleen didn't actually know Smoke on the Water. This way, the new girl at least had time to review it. Also, okay, BB was sort of trying to distance herself from some of the stress and conflict going on down below.

But the time came, so she made her way back down the stairs.

"Here's your water," she said, holding it out towards Coleen while glancing around at everyone else. She really hoped this was going to turn out well.