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Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Iceblock*
"You two act like kids, you know that?"

Christ. At least the godawful puns were taking his mind off of things. Wayne shook his head, and glanced over at the two additional juniors who had popped out of the woodwork. "Wayne. As you've heard."

Having spotted the skewers from another look at the table, he grabbed one and speared a hot dog, then handed it over to the junior guy who'd asked him his name.

Now, Raina. He was... probably imagining things based on how she was looking at him, but in any case, he didn't mind grabbing an extra beer with the rest. Wayne took two more skewered hot dogs with one hand and a beer with the other. There was a brief moment where he considered lobbing it at her underhanded after taking a few steps closer - it'd save him the trouble of carrying it over, at least - but then he decided against it. Sure, she'd told him to toss her one. If she'd actually wanted her alcohol shaken, though, she'd probably have asked.

Instead, he just headed over and plopped down on a log near her, offering her the beer. He'd get his own later. Fiyori had shown up at this point, too. Maybe she'd distract Darius for a while, stem the flow of puns that actually probably constituted valid punishment.

"You want a hot dog, too?" he said, shifting his grip on the skewers. "I didn't think I'd be serving everybody all of a sudden."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Primrosette
Jonathan wasn't the only one who thought that the puns were terrible. Normally he would just laugh them off. But it was really hard to when they didn't sound that good at all. Maybe his sense of humour had disappeared for today. Still Junko and Darius were his friends. He should at least try to laugh. He let out a small 'Ha!' and he scratched the back of his head a little. Oh, Raina just waved at him. So he gave her a friendly wave back.

He shifted his head slightly to see that Michael had come not that long after him. Jonathan had to try to not be awkward. Just act like normal, Jonathan. "Hey, man. Glad you could make it." He smiled warmly at Michael and then he noticed Fiyori coming over as well. "Hey, Fiyori!"

The hot dog guy named Wayne handed him a hot dog on a skewer and Jonathan immediately liked him. He thought that was nice of Wayne to do. "Thanks, Wayne. Nice to meet you. I'm Jonathan by the way. You can call me whatever you want. Johnny, Jon, etc." He stopped talking when he realised that he was getting a little too friendly. He didn't want to scare the guy off so he let Wayne go to Raina.

He turned to look around at everyone else and he listened to them talking to each other. Maybe he should sit down. But who next to? He couldn't believe that he was being indecisive about sitting beside a person. Whatever. He just moved over to one of the logs and sat down on it. He then held the skewered hot dog over the campfire.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by backslash
Raina took the beer that Wayne offered her with another, somewhat more genuine, smile. "Thanks." She cracked it open and and took a swig. Tasted cheap, but not terrible. Not that she'd been expecting expensive booze or anything; it was a bonfire hosted by high school students, not a wedding. "I can give you a hand with the hot dogs, if you want. The sooner they get cooked, the sooner we can eat, and I've got nothing better to do."

She made sure to say the last part loud and clear for everyone. For Wayne's benefit, she jerked her head in Darius's direction and rolled her eyes. Fiyori had the right idea. Ignore him and make it clear you're not interested, and maybe he'll go shrivel up in a corner somewhere and leave everyone in peace.

Speaking of which. "Hi, Fiyori." Raina didn't actually know Fiyori all that well or what kind of things she was into, but she was pretty sure she'd heard something about her pulling one over on Darius sometime, so props for that. Maybe she could be relegated to the Darius Wrangling Team tonight if nobody else was willing or able.

But anyway, back to the task at hand. Raina held her hands out to Wayne for some of the hot dog skewers. "Hand 'em over, we'll be less likely to drop them if they're divided up."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by ItzToxie
"Auuugh, please stop wit' the puns, you guys are killin' me!" Sometimes puns are okay. Sometimes, they're even funny. But name puns? That's just torture. Damn, poor some-guy. Well, now we know his name's Wayne, at least there's that. He nodded towards Wayne, flashing a quick grin.

He turned back to Junko and Darius. "In all seriousness though, this a good setup you got, Jay." There was a lot of people already here, and more coming on the way. It was definitely gonna be packed by the end of the night. Good thing it was outside, Michael didn't like enclosed spaces enough, let alone ones filled with large groups of people. "Can already tell it's gonna beat one of Darius' parties." Michael chuckled. Darius probably didn't like getting poked, but fuck it, he could take it. He can certainly dish it anyways."Ey Dee, don't feel bad man, 'least you won't be losin' your Nintendo this time!" Besides, it was punishment for the puns. Waiddaminute...  Michael gave his trademark hyena laugh. Michael, you fucking hypocrite... PUNishment...  He turned to Darius again. "Hey man, relax, I'm jus' bustin' your balls, right?"  

He saw Jonathan greet him. "Ayy-hey man! Glad you could make it too, Johnny!" Things were still somewhat awkward since their date happened, but Michael wouldn't let it show. He knew damn well it was his fault for messing it up, and he'd take responsibility for it. He just had to wait for the right time. He stood around the group exchanging greetings before he decided to find a seat. He wasn't really hungry or thirsty in the moment, the five hour energy still leaving a bad taste in his mouth, so he skipped the food for the time being. He decided to sit by Jonathan, maybe start a conversation. "Hey man..."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by KamiKaze
((post order's loose in here. Plus, RC is away. Feel free to skip over each other if you need to))

"Ooh, tough crowd."

Wayne had called them children, Jonathan gave out an awkward token laugh, and Michael had literally told them to stop. To be fair, even by Junko's standards her pun was horrible. She had to stretch sounds to make it work. Eh, she could come up with something better later. Wayne and cheese. Wait no, that stretched sounds a bit too. Bruce Wayne? Too easy. It and other puns she could make would come to her later in the evening. Later. She could focus on puns later.

Junko grinned at Michael. "Thanks. And it's a good thing there isn't a ton of electronics just floating around the campsite. If you people took my Pokemon games, well, there'd be no hope for you all."

She'd heard on the grapevine what happened with the DS. It was… actually pretty funny, though she'd probably murder whoever took it if it happened to her.

Speaking of which, Fiyori showed up. Was it her who took it? Her or someone else. Apparently Caedyn was also a candidate for taking it, but… Junko didn't want to give her credit for a damn thing. She'd more than enough Caedyn Miller for a lifetime.

Wayne seemed to have enlisted himself as hot dog server, and by the look of things, probably on accident. Raina had offered to help, though.

Junko slid over to the table. She might as well get one too. Bringing hot dogs was, after all, still a good idea.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Iceblock*
"Sure," he said, handing Raina one of the hot dog skewers. "Thanks. Could go get more, if you actually wanted to cook some for the jokesters."

"I think they've probably got it covered by now, though." Wayne took a glance over his shoulder at the host. He still couldn't remember her name, which was pretty dumb because his friend of a friend had almost definitely mentioned it in connection with the party, but she seemed to be heading towards the hot dogs as well. That left just Fiyori and Darius in the lurch.

Darius was probably keeping at his puns in the background sans accomplice - Wayne hadn't bothered to pay any more attention to him for now - but upon reconsideration, he wasn't that bad. Wayne figured no insinuations about his mom's private life had been made yet, which was more than could be said for the online multiplayer experience if he'd stayed home and played video games. A bit of an exaggeration there, but still occasionally all too valid. It was the worst during summer vacation. Too many kids with too much time on their hands. Just another thing to look forward to in the future aside from job-searching.

He didn't really want to think all that much about that, so he just shrugged and placed his hot dog on the grill, turning it using the skewer every now and then.

"You usually more of a fan of this kind of thing than dances?"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Primrosette
Jonathan would have helped out with the hot dogs but his lazy side was starting to kick in. Sometimes he hated being a bit of a slacker. But not everyone would have to be that helpful with things tonight. He and Michael were already sitting down so there was no point in them moving. He was sure that Darius was maybe drunk. Maybe? And he didn't even know what Fiyori was going to do. Fiyori was a bit of a mystery to him.

Jonathan was still a bit surprised when Michael actually did sit beside him. He thought that Michael would have sat somewhere else. But he was a little relieved that Michael was still talking to him. Jonathan had really missed his best friend. Michael had hurt his feelings but Jonathan was slowly getting over it. He had been too sensitive about it and now he just wanted the two of them to get along again. He wanted Michael back in his life.

"Hey, so you came here as well, huh? I'm sure that we're going to have such an awesome time, yeah?" Jonathan gave Michael a wink and he was waiting for his hot dog to get done soon. "....I'm sorry, you know. For what happened between us. I was just really upset and.... I was an idiot." He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have avoided you after what happened. I should have just talked to you. Like I am now. So I hope that we can have fun together, Michael."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Riki
Now, because she decided to ignore Darius. Or at least ignore him until he threw himself in front of her - no worries, Fiyori had a plan regarding that - she had time to focus on the really good stuff. The one thing that can make or break her entire mood.

She made a casual beeline towards the hot dogs. That means, she walked very fast and tried to look cool. Some guy was heating the hot dogs at the fire, and some other girl was beginning to help her. They probably knew her, but she wasn't completely sure what their names were again. She'd figure it out after a singe hint.

She reached out to pat Junko's shoulder softly.

"Heya Junko and..." Fiyori looked over to the other people and gave them a quick mock-salutation. "!"


Either way, a quick glance or two and she knew where the skewers were, where the hot dogs were, and where the beer was. Perfect.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by backslash
Raina followed Wayne's example in rotating her hot dog periodically; she always had trouble with getting distracted and burning her food at cookouts. "This is more my scene than school dances, yeah. They never seem to want to go for anything real exciting, you know? I was actually sort of down with the theme for this one, but it probably wouldn't live up to expectations, and I didn't feel like going stag."

Or trying to wrangle Crisanto into getting his butt in gear, but it wasn't like he'd want to stick around long even if she did manage that. Besides, they seemed to currently be in the "off-again" stage of the whole on-again, off-again thing.

She tossed a casual wave to Fiyori when the latter strode past before turning her attention back to Wayne. "What about you? Get tragically dumped just before the dance and turn up here to drown your sorrows with us, or were you planning to come all along?"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by ItzToxie
"Course I came here, where else would I'd have gone?" Michael shrugged. "Nah man, Ain't your fault. It was my fault for freakin' out." Externally Michael looked like nothing was wrong, but inside, well he felt like shit. Jonathan blamed himself for Michael's mistake. He had no idea that Jonathan took it so badly. All because he got a little spooked at the theater... "You know I didn't freak out because a' you or anythin' right?" Michael smiled as best as he could. "Just got paranoid of some shit, family matters, y'know?" He kept reminding himself, there's always next time, it's not over yet. "Fuck it, we're here to have a good time, yeah?"  Michael was pretty sure Jonathan didn't want his night ruined because of Michael's piss poor sob story, so he'd have to wait until later. He figured he'd change the subject, lighten the mood.

Michael had all the time in the world right now, he figured he might as well make the most of it. "How's everything been doing with you by the way? Haven't talked with you in a while, kinda been hopin' we'd go do something this week."  Michael smiled. "This party's gonna be great though,even if everyone 'cept me is gonna be shitfaced by the end of the night!" Michael laughed. It was kind of ironic how despite his reputation, he wouldn't touch a cigarette or a beer. While Michael absolutely abhorred cigarette smoke, he was fine with alcohol, it didn't stink up the place nearly as bad. He wouldn't drink it, but it wasn't on him to judge people. Everyone's got their vices. Some like a good smoke, some like a good drink. Michael liked a good fight in an old dirty bathroom. He wasn't sure if that was much better. Tomato-Tomoto he'd have guessed.

He'd wonder how the party turn out though once it gets really active. Hopefully some drinking games, anything to get a good show going. One of the positives of alcohol at a party was that you'd be able to treat it like a spectator sport as much as an actual sport. You didn't need to drink a beer or two to see something funny, let someone else do it. The shit you see is always entertaining. Certainly beats the school dance. Large crowd of people in a sorta small gym (the gym wasn't too small, but it certainly felt like it when you have a metric fuck ton of people filling it up.) with bad pop music blaring just wasn't too interesting to Michael. Not much to watch. Just a blur and some noise. Nothing worth seeing to him. Hated the loud music, with the bad bass speakers. The loud hum of people echoing over and over. He'd always disliked loud crowded places. Even more so when the area was louder than he was. When you're known for being the loudest kid in your class, you learn what too loud is very quickly. Specifically, a single decibel louder than you.

Michael turned to Jonathan again, his smile still far from faltering. "So uhh, whaddya plannin' on doin' here, tonight?" While he waited for the party to get going, he'd may as well catch up and keep the conversation rolling. He hadn't seen Jonathan in over a week after all.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by RC~
Puns were sometime lame. Especially when people who are not Darius do them.

That was different, when Darius was a bit drunk. Darius spent some time attempting stopping laughing from Junko's joke. It was so bad and unexpected that Darius had to continue giggling.

Other stuff happened as well, before Darius survived his sudden laugh attack. Fiyori came. That fucking bitch. He'll get her later. It did not help that Michael alluded to his beloved Nintendo.

Also, Michael pointed out a misconception. Darius, confused, was angry about Michael's ignorance. He'd never throw a bad party. But it turned into an inward smile. Darius never hosted a party. Ever. But he liked to pretend to be the host!

Hm, now if anybody else joins, he should also welcome them to 'his' party. Maybe, Dariush should try to trick Fiyori into thinking he was the host? And then tell her that she should fuck off from his anti-sadie-hawkins party? Hahaha. No, that would be too harmless for revenge.

But first to the hot dogs and ladies. Singular.

Darius wouldn't be able to eat multiple hot dogs.

Darius walked to Wayne and Miku, sitting down next to them.

"Hey, Schizo", as W saw double U. Fuck you, correct terminology. Fuck you, Bradley. He knew it was called bipolar disorder instead of schizophrenia, but who the fuck uses bipolar disorder? Schizo is easier. If anybody dares to correct him, he'd punch them straight into the face. But as Bradley wasn't here, he had no fear of getting corrected. "Can you reach me a hot dog as well?"

Looking at Raina instead, he showed of his very skillful skills he was skilled with of his skilled singing. Emphasise on kill. Darius began. Ievan Polkka, he began to sing with a moderate voice. Though he replaced every syllabus with a 'da'.

Dadada dadada da.

"You know this song? Sing along!", he stopped before continuing his artful Ievan Polkka solo.

Darius hoped he had not disturbed Raina's flirting with Wayne. /s

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by KamiKaze
Junko impaled her own hot dog on a skewer. Now, if there was anything at the party that could get stolen that'd piss her off, it'd be the skewers, now that she thought of it. Bonfire skewers weren't that expensive, she didn't think. But these were nice skewers that Sarah and Koharu let her pull out of storage. She'd like to be able to use them again sometime in the future. Though, what would someone do with skewers? And how would they smuggle it out?

Oh, and the DS thief decided to say hi.

"Hey Fiyori," Junko gave her greeting. "Sup?"

There was Michael and Jonathan, having a conversation. It was good that they were finally talking to each other. She'd heard about what happened between them, and… Jonathan was pretty upset. Couldn't blame him, really. But it was good that they were having a conversation. Hopefully things would turn out between them, y'know? Same went with Bruce Wayne and Raina. Erm, on the conversation part, not the being upset part. And… then there was Darius. Who was currently mangling the hell out of a Vocaloid song.

Junko had no idea what was Darius' strange obsession with Raina and Miku Hatsune this evening was about. But yeah, he was trying to lead her into some kind of campfire sing-a-long version of Ievan Polka. It wasn't great.

"Darius… how much did you drink before you got here?" she called out from her spot.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Iceblock*
Wayne furrowed his brow. "Space, right?"

Further thoughts about the theme of the dance were interrupted by him almost snorting at what Raina said next. As it was, he allowed himself a chuckle and refrained from accidentally burning his hot dog with an overenthusiastic response.

"Nah. Nothing like that. I just-"

Then Darius happened.

Wayne couldn't help but stare, silenced, one eyebrow lifted and frozen in place. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, not that the answers were likely to help. Where did "schizo" even come from? What in the world was Darius singing? Was Darius completely drunk off his ass already, like the host was implying? (Junko. What a time to remember her name.)

Was it legitimate to feel embarrassment for Darius when he clearly felt none for himself?

Wayne wasn't even annoyed. Baffled, more like. With some difficulty, he turned his attention back to Raina, incredulous expression still mostly stuck on his face. "...I just chose to come and deal with this, apparently."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by backslash
This was fine. Yep. No problems here. Raina could deal with this. Totally.

She plastered her smile back on, though it was obviously fake this time around, and very deliberately kept her focus on Wayne without turning to acknowledge Darius. "Well, that makes two of us, doesn't it?"

Yep. Handling this like a pro.

Raina couldn't stop herself from cringing when Darius attempted a particularly high note. Maybe Fiyori could be motivated to steal something else of his, so he'd leave her the hell alone. "Ignore him, his family usually only lets him out of his cage to go to school, so he doesn't know how to act around normal people." She emphasized normal with just the right amount of derision and annoyance, so that everyone, maybe even Darius himself, would be able to see just how fed up with his nonsense she was getting.

"And yeah, space. If they actually had a budget that was slightly bigger than my weekly allowance, they might be able to- crap!"

With her attention divided, Raina had lost track of her hot dog until it had gotten good and charred and tried to actually catch fire. She yanked it out of the campfire and blew the small flames out before holding the skewer up to try and judge if it was still edible. Damn it all, Darius ruined everything he touched.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:44 am
by Riki


She knew him. They have been knowing each other since years. And yet she saw him showing just another hideous, devious side of his. Did that man know no shame? ...was that beneficial for her plans? Maybe? Or would she need to switch saddles. She came to Junko's party to have fun, and attack people. Darius, especially. Hound him, insult him, make a fool out of him in front of everyone. Obviously not because she hated him or anything, but to show him that she was the one true ass at Cochise.

Petty ambitions, yes yes, she knew.

Still, there he was. And he made an ass out of himself just... by himself!

Her attention was quickly drawn by Raina, whose hot dog was apparently too hot damn. Fiyori let out a very sympathetic chuckle, and took out her own skewer to offer it to Raina.

"Here, take mine. You can use the charred one to sodomize his larynx."