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Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:18 am
by RC~
"Thanks, Samuel", Jerry said while waiting for Samuel to give him his pen.
And the other people talked about Jeremy's writing. All focus was on him. That was nice, Jerry could just listen to the conversation and chill.
And he hoped that the teacher won't come in.
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:18 am
by Yugikun
And then people wanted more of what he was thinking of, which was a problem since Jeremy didn't have more of what he was thinking of. Like, come on, he had only come up with the idea literally two minutes ago, it wasn't like he'd have a whole plot summary of the story by then. He did have an audience though. Admittedly, it could be a better audience. Samuel was an ok dude, but what he was thinking of probably wasn't refined enough for Adelaide's tastes. Oh well, he'd just have to convince her. Who knows? Maybe she actually liked the things that a lowly commoner would.
"I kinda literally came up with this idea like, two minutes ago, so I don't really know anything about the plot so far; but I think I might make it a little deconstruction of the edgy teen novels that make up the mainstream nowadays. I dunno how, but that's a cool enough road to go down." How would he do that, though? He'd have to do a little bit of research on the topic to figure out how. He remembered Thirteen, how the main character was treated heroically despite basically being a mass murderer. That was something he could work with. There was also the issue that the author didn't know how teenagers spoke despite being a school principal, but he couldn't really twist that into anything good at all.
"Maybe I'll play with the idea of morality a little bit. The people in the books are considered heroes for killing people, but in the real world they'd be criminals. That's a direction we could go down."
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:18 am
by Aster
Jerry thanked him as Jeremy explained further. He only just thought of the idea, so he didn't anything else so far. He was toying with the concept of deconstructing edgy mainstream novels. Samuel wasn't familiar with the tropes and cliches of mainstream YA novels, but it was still a neat concept.
Especially that last bit Jeremy threw out.
"That last part's pretty interesting," Samuel replied. "Definitely not something you see much today."
Samuel would be willing to read the book. While the genre wasn't up his alley, the premise was compelling enough.
Besides, it'd be interesting to read a book written by a classmate.
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:18 am
by Yugikun
"Yeah. It'd certainly be nice to actually get something new out there." Samuel seemed to actually be a little bit more than an ok dude. Still didn't really know what his hobbies were but they didn't really need to match hobbies to be friends. So long as someone was pretty cool he could probably become friends with them.
And then another person came through the door. Another late person? Maybe, although-
aww man it's Miss Webber this conversation was actually pretty interesting. He frowned a bit. So much for making a new friend. Why was it that whenever he was getting close to it something had to interrupt him? His parents interrupted him with Ty and now the teacher was interrupting him with Samuel. Jerks. He turned his head back towards Samuel.
"We should probably talk about this after class. If you want to, anyway."
He turned his head back towards the front of the class, putting his notebook back in his bag to get ready for class. English with Adelaide. Fun.
((Jeremy Frasier continued in
Be Like The Bluebird))
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:18 am
by RC~
Sammy and Jeremy talked more about books and stories, so Jerry doozed off.
And guess what happened? Webber came. Aw. It would have been cooler if another teacher would've come into the room and would've said 'well, today Ms. Webber is not here, so you all you're free from school for an hour'.
Jerry was glad that he was in the class room before Webber was. Come to think of it, it reminded him of the time where he went to the toilet and when he returned to class, he realised that was in the wrong class, a class full of seniors in it. After he crashed the class awkwardly he just thought 'Damn', said 'Oh, sorry' and went away.
And when Ms. Webber began to teach, Jeremiah doozed off.
((Jeremiah Larkin continued in
Bring Sally Up. Bring Sally Down.))
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:18 am
by Aster
As the conversation was getting good, Ms. Webber walked through the door. The chattering died down as everyone took out their supplies and began the lesson. It was a damn shame, Samuel thought to himself, taking out his binder. It was a damn shame they had to cut it short.
Jeremy did want to talk about it later, though. Samuel nodded and smiled. "Sure, I'd be glad to." It was a little late to be making friends in high school, but Samuel shrugged that notion off. They could at least make an effort to stay in touch, and Jeremy might not be the type of high school friend you stopped seeing after graduation.
Samuel did miss the conversation, though. It was a lot more interesting than English class.
((Samuel Howard continued in
The Sweetest Things))