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Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:24 am
by backslash
Oh come on.

If Myles had believed in a higher power, he would have had to assume that somebody up there was scrambling to catch up on preventing him from breaking a few commandments. First Aurelien turned out to have an attached significant other (and Myles was not getting over the fact that it was Dante anytime soon, thanks), now apparently it was actually Myles who had been interrupting someone else's attempt. Of course, Axel had been gone and Tristan certainly hadn't hesitated in getting handsy, but still.

He accepted the cup that was offered to him anyway and didn't complain when Tristan jostled him around trying to get them all comfortable. He'd had more awkward conversations, and he didn't plan on vacating Tristan's lap anytime soon. Especially since Axel would probably just try to take his place if he did.

"What did you do?" He echoed once he'd taken a gulp. He hadn't decided yet if he was really interested or not, but it was enough to keep him from being fully annoyed at someone foiling him for the second time that night.

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:59 am
by Fenris
Seeing as his first reaction to Axel sliding back into position was to move both him and Myles closer, he was gonna guess Tristan at least wasn't salty about Axel blowing up his spot. Well, it'd be kind of shitty of him if he was, considering he'd definitely been here first. With the eyes the two of them were making at each other if he'd come back five minutes later they'd probably have disappeared into the bedroom, but hey, work faster next time if you really wanna. Myles seemed less immediately concerned with the whole "Tristan is drunk as balls" thing, but Axel was also increasingly unconcerned with that, which was probably because he was also pretty much drunk as balls.

No reason not to speed up on that front, though. His own bottle of mostly-just-Jack was where he'd left it, tucked behind Tristan, and he retrieved it and took a gulp. He eyed Myles, wondering what he was thinking. He, Axel guessed, was pretty damn salty. But that was his default state of being. So, like, sucks to suck.

His own thoughts were more complicated, which was to say half his brain was like you probably shouldn't try having a threesome while drunk in the middle of a party and the other half of his brain was like yeah but, hear me out on this one, what if... what if we did it anyway.

He was snapped out of his very deep thoughts by Tristan's melodramatic questioning and for a long second he genuinely though Tristan had picked up some psychic powers or some shit, because how the fuck would he know that he'd done anything, before he followed his gaze down to his own hand. Oh, hey. Whoops. Demetri had looked pretty bloody when he'd left him, stood to reason some of it had gotten on him. He shrugged and casually wiped it off on the inside of his jacket, which had been used for that purpose enough that adding a little more blood didn't change much.

"Nothin' big. No worries." He ruffled Tristan's hair with the hand that wasn't bloody a second ago, partially as a comforting gesture cause the boy sounded honestly worried, and partially cause Myles was still all over him and Axel felt compelled to make his presence a little more felt. "Ran into Demetri, he was being a prick. You know how it is. Livened up the party a little, yeah?"

"So, y'know, if y'all are having a shitty night, at least one person's having a worse one. And that's like... one way to measure success. Or something."

God he was drunk.

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:57 pm
by Sansa
Ugh, Demetri. Well, Tristan couldn’t really fault Axel for struggling to control his temper around him. Demetri had such a slimy attitude, and Tristan was glad the two of them ran in such completely different circles that the chances of having to endure more than the odd cursory conversation were few. Given how firey Axel could be, he doubted Demetri would be in a fit state to seek a round two, but with alcohol added to the mix, who knew what would happen? Tonight had proven more that capable of defying expectations. He certainly hadn’t gone to this party expecting to be entangled with two cute boys, and yet here he was.

Maybe it would be good to get them all out of the open. Just for safety’s sake, of course. He was about to voice as much when Axel reached forward and ruffled his hair; it was the perfect antidote, taking all the worry that had suddenly risen within him and tossing it to the side.

The desire for safety was now gone, but the wish to get to somewhere more private was stronger than ever.

Tristan took a hearty gulp from his drink, and gently sat it down beside him. He wondered if he'd had already had enough to drink.

“Well, if Demetri suddenly appears seeking vengeance, I got your back. So don’t worry about that.”

As if to emphasise his point, Tristan concluded his speech by leaning over and drawing Axel in for a kiss, long and deep. Not to leave Myles out, he jostled the other boy on his lap and hurriedly offered him a kiss too, just as deep and even longer. Just to reassure him.

Tristan was nothing if not generous.

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:50 am
by backslash
You know what, knowing that somebody else was suffering more than he was did actually make Myles feel a bit better. The offered drink wasn't half bad either, and Myles accepted it, opting to take a long gulp and let Tristan comment in his stead. He was a bit put off when they opted to get handsy right there, while he was literally sitting in Tristan's lap, but the kiss that Tristan followed up with nearly made up for it.

Of course, with things sorta-kinda back in balance, that still left Myles in an awkward position. Tristan and Axel seemed perfectly happy to just sit in the hallway and let whatever happened happen. Myles wasn't so into it. He didn't exactly want to move off of Tristan, just in case Axel got ideas and tried to claim his spot, but he wasn't feeling the hall. Too out in the open, too many people at this party, and there had been enough interruptions already.

"If we're worried about uninvited guests, we could always just... leave?" He offered. He wasn't drunk yet, and he wanted to be, but somebody had to be the brains of this operation, and apparently it had to be him. By "we", Myles mainly meant himself and Tristan, but if Axel really wanted to tag along, Myles wasn't going to fight him. Mainly because he couldn't. But also because he still saw a chance to turn his night around, and it never hurt to keep his options open.

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 5:17 am
by Fenris
Cool, so, this was happening now.

Not that he was gonna complain about Tristan's lips suddenly being locked on his. Mostly he was just lowkey regretting he couldn't simultaneously make out with Tristan and give Myles his best "fuck you, I win" smirk. Which was probably for the best, since the moment they were done Tristan was all up on Myles, so he didn't really win shit. Getting to go first was a victory? Maybe? Kinda petty thinking of it that way. But like, you play with Myles, you play petty. Shit really just was like that sometimes. Couldn't really complain that much, all things considered.

Besides, Myles wasn't wrong. Wasn't much of a reason to stay here. Parties had a pretty basic structure. You get wasted, you get in a fight, you get laid. He'd hit two, which had made it a pretty successful night already, but hey, he was real down for going three for three. Getting Tristan out of here would be a good start.

Complications, though.

Number one was where the fuck they were going, because the only one of them that was maybe sober enough to drive was Myles and Axel was pretty damn sure he couldn't. None of them were rich fucks so none of them lived anywhere near here, so walking somewhere was gonna be a no-go. He was gonna crash here himself, if he hadn't found something more fun to do, since he was never gonna end this night in any shape to drive. He figured he could just spend the night in his truck if Forrest or Mikki kicked him o—hey. That was a thought. His truck. He had a mattress in the truck bed and shit. Figured he might as well get comfortable with all the nights he spent living out of it. He'd parked it far enough to be unobtrusive but not so far that they couldn't walk there. Well, he could. Tristan was another story.

Number two was Myles. But that didn't have to be a complication, did it? Kinda depended if he was gonna be a possessive dick. Cause if he was real intent on keeping Tristan all to himself Axel could go ahead with that whole "throw him off the balcony" plan which would probably not make Tristan super happy but hey, he'd still count himself as the winner on that one. But if he was willing to share? Cause he'd been kinda drunk texting with his own brain on that possibility, that was mostly just him fucking around, but like... like?

You miss 100% of the baskets you don't kick. Or something.

"I mean, we ain't gonna be drivin' anywhere, but my truck's parked, like... someways. Y'all're familiar."

They were super familiar. Intimate, you might say. If you wanted to be weird about it.

"If you wanna get out of here."

He'd been looking at Tristan, but he glanced at Myles then with his eyebrows raised.

"If you're game."

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 10:42 pm
by Sansa

So indulging in a bit of boy-gluttony had managed to pay off. Neither Axel nor Myles seemed entirely put off that Tristan had chosen to mack on both of them, though he could sense Myles would prefer it be just the two of them. It felt good to be his first choice.

But if Tristan had to pick, which one would he go with? Axel, who had been there first and was always down to get dirty, or Myles, who was just… Myles. Two boys, both so different and yet both of them, in their own ways, managed to send little sparks through his body every time they were around. Tristan didn’t like being faced with a choice like that, and so he wasn’t going to pick. Both of them would do.

Axel’s truck was comfy, and had done little to detract from the times the two of them had ventured out there. And he’d gotten with people in much less glamorous places at parties. He still remembered the time he’d had to spend a hungover Saturday pulling prickles out of his back and telling his parents it was because “a friend had fallen over into a rose bush and taken me with him”. Which wasn’t a lie, really. Just an… unusual interpretation of the truth.

And frankly? Tristan needed to get laid. It had been a couple weeks, and the last person he’d pounced upon and had his way with was—

Okay. Well, Tristan had promised himself he wouldn’t think of that person anymore, and now that he’d broken that, he needed the distraction and attention and enjoyment of entangled bodies even more than before.

Well, no time like the present.

Tristan gave Myles another kiss and gently plopped him to the side, trying to stand up with as much poise as he could muster. A tiny voice in the back of his head told him he probably looked as graceful as a fish flopping about on dry land, but he was having fun and in this moment, that mattered more than looking put-together.

“Ya, I mean I’m down. Let’s go bishes.”

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:41 pm
by backslash
Myles could have pouted a bit at finally being set aside, but Tristan was swaying dangerously, so he instead scrambled to his feet to put a steadying hand on Tristan's back. The drink Myles was still holding sloshed threateningly, and he quickly drained the rest of it. He made a face as the alcohol burned a little going down.

"Yeah, okay." What, exactly, was he agreeing to? He wasn't sure, but he also didn't care. Leaving sounded good, because this entire party had been lame, and leaving in the company of two people he didn't hate right now and also kind of wanted to see undressed was even better. Sit on that, Aurelien and Dante.

Axel's truck wasn't the most comfortable, but it wasn't the worst. He seemed pretty intent on all of them piling in there, and there were a few logistical questions Myles could have asked, but it wasn't like Axel was in a state to answer him properly. Anyway, it was probably better not to think too hard about this kind of thing. Myles was tired of thinking about stuff.

"I'm down for whatever. Let's go."

Re: The History of Wrong Guys

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 5:00 am
by Fenris
Y'know, Axel hadn't actually thought it would be that easy? Well, okay, Tristan, yeah. Tristan was drunk as hell and even if he hadn't been he was pretty much always down for a good time anytime anywhere. Myles was the primadonna here, but he didn't seem to have any complaints, either. Dude really seemed like he'd been having a shitty night. Maybe one of those times when anything was an improvement. Or maybe it was just his drink kicking in. Whatever worked. Axel took a gulp of his own mostly-empty drink and left what was left of it behind as he got real slowly to his feet. And hey, Myles was the gentleman for helping Tristan and all, but Axel wasn't any more steady, so he wasn't gonna be much help there, anyway. Besides, he had to lead the way.

To... his truck. Wherever that was. He'd figure it out. He was pretty sure he'd taken a picture of the cross street on his phone, or something? He checked. Yeah, he had. Didn't know where that was either, though. He'd plug it into Google Maps, it'd be fine.

"Let's get outta here, then."

He waved for them to follow him. Whoa, these stairs were steep. Still. Still steep. He was real fucking drunk, huh? That was fine too. Probably for the best, actually.

So, the truck. How were they all gonna fit in the truck? Well, they'd all fit, yeah, but it was gonna be a bit of a crunch, especially considering what they were gonna do, and then, what, were they just gonna crash there? Didn't have anywhere else to go. Except back here, and there was no way they'd be in any shape to make the trip back. So yeah, they'd kinda have to crash in the truck, and then probably come morning some neighbor would spot them and call the cops or something. Bunch of sketchy kids like them in a nice neighborhood—okay, Myles and Tristan didn't actually look sketchy, that one was all on him, him and his ragged-ass pickup. Still though—

What the fuck, was he really out here trying to talk himself out of this? All of those were problems for future Axel, and the defining trait of future Axel was that he wasn't him. He could deal with whatever happened. This was a once in a lifetime sorta shot, and he was taking it.

Hey, whatever. What was the worst that could happen?

>> Axel Fontaine continued chronologically in baby, you're the highlight of my lowlife