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Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:54 pm
by Tonyksin
Yes please

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:01 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Sounds like a blast! In!

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:10 am
by Shiola
I'm in.

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:50 am
by Cactus

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:23 am
by Kotorikun

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:50 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Yes, please!

They'll be kind to Lucas, right? They like him, right? :P

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:30 am
by LeslieFranc
Ooh, I’m in!

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:38 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
This is gonna be great, count me in and hope that Ivy doesn't say much about Camilla's plainness. (or Meilin's sparkles)

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:35 pm
by Sansa

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:53 pm
by Fenris
Arizona Butler wrote: On the day of her abduction, Arizona was wearing a black t-shirt of the film They Live featuring one of the aliens from the movie standing in front of a sign saying 'Obey.' She was also wearing black basketball shorts, her sleeveless gymshark hoodie and her pair of black Reeboks, with black socks.
Myles: Hey, that's a good movie! Athletic wear as casual clothes is one of the worst things to happen to fashion since the 90's though, so I have to subtract points for literally everything else.
Ivy: Monochrome can work as a stylistic choice. Emphasis on choice. Implying that any thought was put into any of this whatsoever.
Myles: She'd look fine if you cut her legs off.
Ivy: Hon, your nerd bias is showing.
Forrest Quin wrote:On the day of the abduction, Forrest was wearing a white tank-top with the words 'Drugs Saved My Life' printed on it in black block capitals, a pair of black denim distressed shorts and a pair of low Chuck Taylor All Star Pride Geostar trainers. She also had her cast on her arm.
Ivy: The hair is a look. I mean, I know that isn't technically under our jurisdiction here, but it needs be said, especially since there isn't anything else worth complimenting.
Myles: Yeah, "lol I'm a stoner" fashion stopped being funny five minutes after weed was invented, and there's not a lot to say when it's obvious you only put in effort from the neck up.
Ivy: It's a bit of an issue when the closest thing you've managed to accessorizing is breaking your arm.
Bret Carter wrote:On the day of the abduction, Bret was wearing a grey v-neck t-shirt and black skinny jeans along with his Hanford sneakers and silver aviators.
Myles: Ugh.
Ivy: Don't listen to him. No one else is complaining. Especially not me.
Myles: The aura of douchebag is so thick that it qualifies as an environmental hazard.
Ivy: Believe me, darling, if you thought he looked good he'd probably take it as an insult.
Myles: It's not my fault that he doesn't have taste.
Ivy: And it's not my fault that you're blind.
Myles: Whatever, next.
Aliya Kimia Nemati wrote:On the day of her abduction, Aliya was wearing a SPLX womens logo t-shirt in black with light orange lettering along with two Defend Indy Wrestling wristbands, one in light blue and one in red. She was also wearing grey slim fit jeans and her Nike LunarEpic's with black socks.
Ivy: Remember what I said about monochrome being a choice? Orange, blue and red isn't a choice. It's a mistake.
Myles: I can forgive them because they're just accents, and if you're going to advertise that you're sporty, this is the better way to do it. It's basic, but it could be worse.
Ivy: You're setting your standards terribly low, but all things considered I suppose we don't have much of a choice.

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:12 pm
by Fenris
MK Kilmarnock:
Wyatt Carter wrote:Wyatt has a plain style of dress as he feels he doesn't need fancy clothes to fit in. He prefers to wear shorts as opposed to long pants for practical reasons for most of the year, and tends to favor wearing khakis or black slacks rather than blue jeans, though the latter is not entirely unseen for him to wear. Wyatt likes tight-fitting shirts that let him show off as much of his muscle as possible, often buying packs of plain white tagless shirts. Out of school, he protects his head from the sun with a baseball cap, usually of camouflage print or red with a 'Make America Great Again' slogan. He wears tan work boots that give him nearly an extra inch to his already considerably imposing height, and his only fashion item of any real vanity is a black belt with a large, silver Tennessee Titans buckle that he just about always wears.
Ivy: I stopped at "tight-fitting shirts" and I'm perfectly happy to stay there.
Myles: Gross.
Myles: Though I guess that's where you should stop, before it gets any worse.
Ivy: Listen. I'm not out here to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Myles: Ew.
Ivy: Next!
Cheridene Williams wrote: On the day of the abduction, Cheridene was wearing a light-wash denim button down with a blue and white ikat print camisole, black jeans, and burgundy Monterey sneakers.
Myles: It's fine, I guess? She avoided the denim on denim plague, so there's that, but the color coordination just isn't there. You're all blue on top and then black and burgundy on bottom.
Ivy: It has potential. I actually rather like the camisole. But yes, pick a color palette and stick to it, or at least just have one piece stick out. Even just swapping the jacket for something in black would do a lot. Maybe a scarf or something to go with those shoes.
Myles: It's actually really easy to avoid these things! Why doesn't anybody consult us?
Ivy: I mean, I think it has been thoroughly established that most everyone in this school is an idiot.
Myles: Well, obviously.
Nathan Coleman wrote:On the day of the abduction, Nathan was wearing black sneakers, blue jeans, a Memphis Grizzlies t-shirt, and his beloved blazer.
Ivy: You know, I really feel like his mom could have tried a little harder.
Myles: I was going to say, not to go full Lucas B or anything, but do you think he dresses himself or does his mom pick it all out for him?
Ivy: Shhh. We've said too much already.
Myles: Blazer with jeans, though. That's a pass. You're not 40 with three kids.
Ivy: If you're going to make an effort, don't wait until you're already dressed to start.

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:46 pm
by Fenris
Paloma Salt wrote:On the day of the abduction, Paloma was wearing a dark blue turtleneck sweater and a black pleated skirt. She has on red lip gloss and a bit of dark brown eyeshadow, and is wearing a violet porkpie doll hat with a black ribbon laced around it, offset to the left side of her head.
Myles: It's a look. Shame about the person.
Ivy: True. I absolutely need that hat, it's adorable. And would look significantly better on me.
Myles: And your hair isn't twice the volume of your head, so you wouldn't risk losing it.
Johnny Silva Ruiz wrote:On the day of the abduction, Johnny was wearing a light gray, Nylon windbreaker over a black muscle shirt, a pair of distressed carpenter jeans, and white ankle socks with black steel-toe boots. He is also wearing a light blue knit cap.
Ivy: I mean, it's fine, as far as clothing for the fashionably challenged goes. It's not a look or anything, but there isn't anything super wrong, either.
Myles: Hey, they say to dress for the job you want, but Johnny is one step ahead and has dressed for the job he's destined to have as either a construction worker or bum.
Ivy: Oof. I was trying to be nice.
Myles: It doesn't work for you, babe.
Ivy: I'll take that under advisement.
Toby Underwood wrote:Toby has a simple style of dress, one which he rarely deviates from, not wanting to spend time or money on new clothes. He is usually seen in solid-color t-shirts and jeans with a few different overcoat pairings, depending on the weather. Most of the time he will pick between a neutral-color windbreaker, a heavy, dark brown leather jacket, or an unbuttoned plaid shirt in red or brown, depending on if it is cool, cold, or warm out. He usually wears plain ankle socks, and favors comfortable running shoes in almost all cases. Toby recently turned 18 and so his mother treated him to getting his ears pierced and get a tattoo. As a result, Toby now has two black stud earrings, one in each earlobe, as well as a stenciled tattoo on his left ankle featuring a depiction of the Magic: The Gathering color wheel, with the five-pronged Planeswalker symbol in the center.
Myles: Well the actual outfit is as basic as you get, but the earrings and tattoo are kind of working for me.
Ivy: I'm banning you from judging geeky shit effective immediately. Your judgment is obviously clouded.
Myles: You can't censor me, we're a joint act.
Ivy: Watch me.
Rhonda Lawson wrote:Being knowledgeable about styles and trends, Rhonda’s fashion choices are intended to give her a clean-cut but casual image. Though she occasionally dresses in casual outfits like jean shorts with a tank top, there have been very few occasions where she has attended school or public events in such attire. More often, Rhonda mostly wears simple monochromatic blouses and tees, usually in warm colors like dark red or orange. She prefers mostly straight-legged pants, but also wears knee-length skirts in dark colors in warmer weather. For footwear, she usually wears brown Venetian loafers. She likes the style of headscarves but wears them very infrequently and only in private settings with her friends or other people she is comfortable with for fear of drawing attention.
Ivy: It's a look. But like, in the boring, "if I make a mistake I'll just die so I'd rather not take any risks at all" sort of way. Somehow that's still better than 90% of the student body, so I suppose if I'm grading on a curve here she gets an A. C for effort, though. Could do better.
Myles: Yeah, my main problem is that she's trying not to attract attention. Look, you're 6'3". People are going to notice you. You know how to look good, so you should actually, you know, try.

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:47 pm
by Fenris
Violet Schmidt wrote: On the day of the abduction, Violet was wearing a red plaid flannel shirt with a white undershirt, her green scarf, navy blue skinny jeans, and brown boots, as well as her heliotrope necklace.
Myles: Portland is on the other side of the country, babe.
Ivy: Somehow it's more offensive just because she's huge. Like, I can't not look at her. And when I do it's just like... giant Christmas elf. I can't with this.
Myles: What's up with all the flannel lately anyway? When did "lumberjack" become an acceptable look to go for?
Ivy: Someone tell them that grunge died before we were born.
Lucas Diaz wrote:On the day of the abduction, Lucas was wearing a maroon v-neck t-shirt, beige knee length cargo shorts, and brown close-toed sandals without socks. He had tied around his waist a black hoodie.
Ivy: Those sure are clothes.
Myles: At least he didn't wear socks.
Ivy: I can't believe we're at a point where that's a legitimate concern.
Myles: He's only like, 75% dad fashion without them.
Ivy: Maroon is an interesting color choice, at least?
Myles: Sure, I guess.
Ivy: It's kind of a fun challenge, looking for something nice to say, you know? Not that any of these people deserve it.
Myles: Neither this Lucas nor his outfit deserve that kind of brainpower from us. People really don't appreciate what we do.
Ivy: We appreciate us, darling. That's what really matters.
Liberty "Bert" Wren wrote:On the day of the abduction, Liberty was wearing white sneakers, black knee high socks, a cherry red skirt, and a pastel pink wool button down shirt.
Myles: A redhead, wearing both pink and red. She deserves the guillotine. (Get it, because she's French.)
Ivy: I accept the pink on red. Pastel and cherry are fine. The hair, though, that's unacceptable. You've had eighteen years to learn how to color coordinate with it and this what you come up with?
Ivy: ... Do I look this tiny in pictures?
Myles: It depends on who you're with.
Ivy: I can't believe we're the same height. She looks like a doll. A doll dressed by a colorblind child.
Myles: Remember when we used to put your dolls on trial and then execute them? That's what we're doing here. It's justice.
Ivy: Truly we were training for the highest possible purpose.
Max Rudolph wrote:On the day of the abduction, Max was wearing a combination of his activewear and his more casual attire. He wore a light gray dress shirt with a light blue t-shirt underneath, his cross necklace, grey jogging pants with white stripes going down the sides, black socks and white sneakers.
Ivy: I know full well that Max has the money to do better than "tired yacht dad".
Myles: Again with the athleticwear. He has all that money and he chooses track pants?
Ivy: Sadly you can't buy taste. I'm reminded every time I visit the country club.
Myles: Why does the country club even exist besides to make everyone around it miserable? It's doing its job.
Ivy: Oh, that's not fair. They have a pool.
Myles: The city has a pool, and you don't have to pay to get in. Your house also has a pool and I don't have to pay to go there either and I can drink without getting carded. And I don't have to think about Max being there in a swimsuit.
Ivy: Pffft. Okay, you win. Cannot argue with that.

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:17 am
by Fenris
Ace "Beats" Ortega wrote:On the day of the abduction Ace was wearing brown cargo shorts, a navy blue t-shirt and his usual Adidas, a Memphis Tigers baseball cap on his head with the bill facing backwards.
Ivy: You know, he could do without the shirt.
Myles: Yeah, it's... ugly? Let's go with that. Get rid of it.
Ivy: Don't replace it, either. Some people just can't pull off... shirts.
Myles: Just not a shirt person. That's your cross to bear.
Ivy: Very tragic.
Myles: But we'll stay strong for you.

Re: Myles and Ivy's Fashion Corner

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:36 am
by Kermit
me please (m frozzle and larry fuck idk if larry even has an island outfit I should really get around to submitting her)