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Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:09 am
by OnceForgotten*
"We have a situation on our hands"

Cody's gleaming eyes watched the three way tussle from his vantage point in the relative saftey of a few still standing bamboo chutes and the foilage around them. The girl was in trouble, and Mr. knight in shining armor showed up to save her. Then the crazy fellow got ahold of the knight. It didn't seem as if there was going to be a happy ending to this story. Cody smiled.

There never was.

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:09 am
by Swoosh*
What the hell was this guy doing? Callum suddenly found himself on the floor. He wasn't in the most promising of situations, and Beth needed him...

Struggling against the boy's tight grip, he panted. He was still exhausted from all the running he had done, and his energy was fast wearing out.

"BETH!!" he shouted. "Let Me GO!"

He flailed his arms, but his fists couldn't reach the boy's body. It was hopeless.


Mallory cried out as the boy fell to the ground. Oh, God, he was going to die. He was aactually going to die, and it would be her fault. Holding her hand up to her mouth, she quickly scrambled to her feet, satisifed that the psycho was pre-occupied with the boy, and sprinted off...

...only to run straight into something on her exit. Gasping, she fell back from the impact of the collision.

It wasn't something. It was someone.

((haha, aaah, if only this was Elise, and then we could finish the little scene from Prolieum Reglium or whatever... sorry this was a little crappy, I'm at a friend's house at the moment.))

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:10 am
by OnceForgotten*
"Slow down, hun."
Cody cood to the girl, who seemed slightly delerious.

"Sit down with me for a sec"
Cody flashed his friendliest smile,
He led by example by slumping down on the ground, His eyes still focused on the battle in the clearing.

"So...Do you know him?"
Cody asked, gesturing towards the savior boy.

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:10 am
by Swoosh*
Her eyes widened. If she didn't have enough to worry about, she'd almost been killed by some psycho, just watched the guy who saved her get beaten to a pulp (and possibly eventually killed, but Mallory hoped that wouldn't be the case), now she had to put up with this guy... glancing him over quickly, she assesed what kind of guy he might be. He certainly didn't seem to be the genuinely caring type, although this impression was made purely from the numerous scars on his face. I can hardly judge him on that.... Mallory thought, guilty thinking back to the scars on her wrist. But he didn't seem like the kind of guy who would help. More like the kind of guy who, for all she knew, could be equally as dangerous as the psycho.

Sitting down is the last thing on my mind, boyo...

Her eyes darted about for a possible escape route. She wanted to get as far away from the situation as she could. But this boy could be packing some serious weaponry, any running she tried to do could result in her getting shot in the back. Biting her lip, she looked down at the boy on the floor.

"N-no..." He was just sitting there watching them... it was kind of disturbed, Mallory decided. This guy was obviously 'one of them'.

As with Cillian, Mallory began to slowly sidestep away from the boy, facing him at all times. However, seeing as the boy seemed to be focused on her, and her only, it would be a little less stealthy than before. But she didn't care. She needed to get out of there.

"Was there something you" she found himself not knowing his name.

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:10 am
by OnceForgotten*
Cody stood up and approached her.
"I wanted you..." Cody placed his hand on her shoulder and began forcing her downward "To sit the fuck down."
The smile was gone, and his gleaming eyes shone in the relative dimness of the foilage they were hiding in.


Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:10 am
by Swoosh*
Mallory's knees buckled under the force placed upon her shoulder and she fell to a kneeling position. Wincing slightly, she placed her hands on the floor in front of her to stop her from falling forward.

So he is 'one of them'. Not a great position to find yourself in here, Mal...

Panicking, she began to scramble off. It wasn't the fastest getaway plan she could make, but anything to get herself out of there... still on her hands and knees, she made a move to go forward. She didn't even bother to look back at the boy who had just saved her life.

Sorry, Mr Saviour, but if you're gonna play the hero, that's your problem. I've got a whole bunch of my own.

((Edit: Yeah, I got bored of waiting. ^_^))

Pushing herself to her feet, she ran off. She wasn't sure where she was going to go, but anywhere would be better than here. Not a hint of remorse was felt for the guy she potentially killed... she had better things to worry about. ((Continued elsewhere))

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:10 am
by OnceForgotten*
Cody stood, arms folded, his peircing eyes boring into the back of the girl who was now walking away from him. sometimes it was just better to let those things go. It did not matter anyways, he was much more interested in the two still battling in the coppace. He took up his spot in the foilage, continuing to watch the one sided battle, captivated.

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:10 am
by OnceForgotten*
Hours crawled off the clock in the SOTF headquarters. Men in uniform milled around several computers, some barking orders and some recieving them. On the large projection of the island which took up one entire wall of the facility, the students could be seen milling around the island, tagged by red dots that revealed only their student number. A red dot indicated that boy number 50 was on the move. The flashing red number slowly moved away from the coppace, blinking closer and closer to his new destination, the small house.

((Continued in: Cody finds Loretta))

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:11 am
by Swoosh*
((If you don't mind, Sephy, I'm gonna move Callum about a bit. He's still your property, I'm just really bored. And all my other characters are unplayable at the moment.))


Callum was filled with fury and regret as he watched her, the girl he was risking everything to save, run off into the distance. He had to save her, he had to protect her. She needed him...and this fucker was keeping him from doing that.

I'm coming, Beth.

Growling, Callum turned to look at his attacker, his chocolately brown eyes usually filled with a sleepy gleam were now filled with firey rage. Gripping at the boy's hands, which were clung to his throat, he raised his knees and kicked out at the boy's stomach. The boy recoiled, gasping in pain. Using this as his opportunity, Callum pushed himself away from the ground and sprinted off in the direction Beth had left. He felt a sharp pang of remorse at the fact that he had just left the killer on the floor, waiting for the next innocent soul to prey upon, but Callum had no concern for them.

He had to save Beth. Beth was all that mattered.

((continued elsewhere... I hope the stuff with Cillian was kosher. I was allowed to hurt him before ebony left, but... yeah. I didn't really have a lot of choice but to Godmod, or Callum would just be left there after the game had finished o__0))

((Continued in: Drifting))

Re: Girl #50- Let It Bleed

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:12 am
by MismatchedEyes*
((Coming from: Taking Stock))

The darkly clothed figure wearing all of those invisible blood stains alongside those invisible scarrs would push a wad of blackened bamboo from his path.He still carried that Ingram how could he not? This was life or death it was not as if he was going to put it down and light up a cigarette was it? Talking of cigarettes his Nicotine cravings were really getting to him like fingernails being scraped down the back of his throat every couple of seconds. Every second brought a intensified scrape to his throat.

The burnt bamboo would topple to the ground with a rustle of leaves.Someone had burnt all this bamboo why? maybe to try and trap someone..kill someone well it certianly was inventive although a little on the big side he thought to himself silently as he kicked some more bamboo from his path.

Bamboo would tumble out of his path as he moved as quietly as he could through the bamboo that seemed to creak with every step he would take.More and more bamboo was moved until there was a little parting and so up came the Ingram as he grew closer to it.

That odd smile creeping upon his red lips as he would grow closer to it and then finally he found the source of the parting in the bamboo.A Body.His pace would slowen to a single position a foot or so away with the barrel of the Ingram raised to the form. A student or a body of a student? The figure sucked into his lungs to further his unconcious sleep.

The moment this happened his finger squeezed the trigger of his weapon sending uot a short burst of hot lead into the back of the boy with a whumpfing sound.One thing brow would rise at the odd sound of the gunshots coming into contact with the body of the boy.

Something was wrong..he knew something was wrong when the boy let out a scream as he spun onto his feet a wad of metal in his hand become very visible very quickly, a meat cleaver? For the first time in the game Peri was actually scared.

The Ingram was brought up infront of him as one slash of the cleaver cut a nice thing crimson line down the side of the face. That scream was echoing continously in his head bouncing from one nerve to another.His mouth was a perfect O as the pain shot through his face so quickly that his brain struggled to register it.

A diagonal cut would be swiped towards the fumbling boy with the Ingram who toppled backwards holding the trigger of his weapon.The Ingram blaring out as it fired of round after round of hot lead although the sound of the gunfire was drowned out by the boys scream.

The bursts from the weapon slammed into the boys chest again and again to no avail, those same almost metallic sounds as the lead came in contact with the vest.An upward spread of rounds slammed into his chest before slamming into the throat of the screaming boy.

The thing that stopped the screams of the insane student was not the bullet to the throat although that did turn the scream into a gurgle it was the round to the right eye that tore through the pupil and out the
back of the boys head with a disgusting spray of brain matter.

The fear of all the students was finally dead.Metal cleaver raised and a hole the size of a baseball in the back of the head, it was done. Peri now sat upon his ass with thick crimson globules being pushed from the fresh wound. The weapon was in action until it ran out of ammo. There was an moment of "Oh..Fuck" on the inside of the long haired students head before the body of Cillian would finally hit the ground with a nasty wet sound as the exsposed matter was compressed between the head of the boy and the dirt.

Peri just lay there for a moment with the Ingram loosly gripped while his other hand touched at the fresh wound on his face.This wasnt a graze this was a cut that was for sure.

A Bottle of water was produced from his bag and unscrewed letting a little stream of water to wash the wound before being screwed and tossed back in with the rest.Next came the 9mm ammo and the magazine of the Ingram would oncemore be filled and put back into its place inside the head.

"Fucker..Fucking..Fucker" he said as he would give a couple kicks to the corpse aswell as the odd globule of saliva before crouching down and taking the blood drenched cleaver from the cold fingers of Cillian.The cleaver would be placed in his backpack and with eager fingers he would begin pulling at the buttons of the boys shirt.

Looting a corpse? well that was how he had so much in his backpack.So much food,ammo and of course weapons although this was the first time he had gotten so personal.Buttons popped open to reveal the navy blue of the kevlar.Pale fingertips prodded at the metal of the vest for a moment, checking it was what he belived it to be.

The grinn on his face elongated as he dropped his pack and undid the velcro at the sides of the vest.A few minutes later and a change of shirts and his flesh was covered by the cold protection of kevlar.Backpack was pulled oncemore onto his back and Ingram gripped tightly,loaded and ready to go.Ingram,Handguns,Bullet proof vest.He was becoming damn near invunerable.

Near invunerable.

((Continued in: Enter the Hero))