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Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
"Come out come out whereever you are. Mr. bear really wants to see your blood, and so did I. It's the only thing that brings me happiness. Makes me feel like im really alive. If you come out i'll show you the pretty little pictures i carved into myself. There fun. No one has ever seen all of them, and then afterwards you can die. I promise to not make it painful."

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by Chase*
Cillian slipped out from the rock as the girl's back was turned to him. He jumped on her back and brought the cleaver down on her hand with the gun.

Haddy took over and brought a hand down the girls back, nails digging in.

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
"MMMM.. kinda hurts. Maybe the scar will be sexy though." she said bringing her elbow back hitting his nose. Getting up she ran to get her gun again.

Kill youself. Why are you goin to let this insolent fool do it for you.

"Shut up," she yelled pausing. "cant you see im in the middleof something?'

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by Chase*
Cillian whimpered, but quickly grasped the girl's leg. With his other hand he brought down the blade, aiming for her upper thigh. He twisted around and his foot kicked the gun away.

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:17 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
When she felt his arm touch her leg that all to familar feeling came back. It felt how her uncle touched her whenever he came home drunk.

"Please not again. I..i dont wanna. Don't make me again." Devi started crying, and kicked his arm with her other foot.

"PLease dont..."

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:17 pm
by Chase*
Cillian moved up and hacked at Devi with the cleaver, cutting her lower back in the middle. If it hit her spinal cord, she wouldn't be able to run away.

Haddy was taking control, and Cillian was so tired from the adrenaline drain from the first that Haddy had no trouble with commanding his body.

He brought his foot down on her arm, and grasped her wrist, pulling it back hard hoping to hear a snap.

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:17 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
Screaming, Devi took her other hand and grabbed a chunk full of hair on his head and ripped it out. The chunk that came off in her hand was bloody and she could see that it also took of some skin. NOt alot but just to hurt him. After hearing a snap in her other wrist she yelled,

"Im sorry uncle. I wont be bad anymore. I'll be good. If you want to again go ahead. I should have known better then to disobey you."

Taking her free hand which was now bloody, she grapped his other hand and started leading it up her skirt.

"I'm sorry uncle. Please forgive me."

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:17 pm
by Chase*
Cillian pulled away from the girl's grip, and howled from the pain that she caused ripping out his hair.

In one last swift movement, he brought the blade down hard against her neck. Scrunching his nose up in disgust, he muttered "You're dirty."

((Continued in: The Home Away from Home))

Re: Dead Man's Party

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:18 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
Girl #13 Devi Satome-DEAD