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Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:33 pm
by JayneBrown*
It took a while, but Jayne could see what he was trying to do.

"Hey," she said, stepping even further away from Stevan's position, forcing eye contact with the kid with the Uzi. "I'm over here, man. If you don't want to use that gun, drop it. Please! It's fucking scary!"

She'd made the call, based on Stevan's orders. Stevan himself had led them both there. And now he was pissed off at her for leading him to a person with a machine gun? Fuck you doubly, fuckchop. But as she traced the arc in the sandy grass, she noticed two more bodies on the ground. A boy and a girl. Two more to join the swelling collection. God, this sucked.

A rattle from the Uzi. He'd fired towards the bushes. She didn't even want to know what had happened to Stevan; it was like her eyes had blinded with white at the sound of the firing. Perhaps it had hit him. Perhaps not. She was screaming "Stop!" over and over, and when it did, she'd braved a look there. Stevan seemed a little flustered, and was lying still, but seemingly, there was no blood. Time to continue.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" she shrieked at the guy with the gun. "Put it down! PLEASE!"

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:34 pm
by Slayer*
"You two are hostile. If you do not want to die, leave now." Jason said, switching the aim of his gun to Jayne while moving so she was between him and the bush.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:34 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
He heard the gun burst into life. He ducked down a little contracting his body into itself and rolling to the side. Most pf the bullets had hit the bush just beside where stevan was sitting although one or two shots misfired and flew over stevans head.

His anger rose, where ever he went people triedto fuck him over. but atleast for now he was fine...for now.

"Duck would called out to jayne as he fired a shot of at the boy, dead aimed at him, The gun would be cocked again as another flurry of bullets were sent to the boys direction, straight aim.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:34 pm
by JayneBrown*
Jayne heard the commandement, "Duck!" pierce the air, and obliged unthinkingly. Piggy in the middle, that's what she was. She was an obstruction, nothing more, nothing less.

Relexively, she dived to the ground, her athleticism pushing its limits. Her eyes were streaming in fear. Caught without a weapon in a gunfight.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:34 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan cocked the gun yet again and sprayed some more bullets at the boy. the last lot of bullets were a bit of course but that was because he was shocked, these bullets could not miss at all, the buck shot spread out enough even if he did try to move, Even if it was a small wound it was something.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:34 pm
by Slayer*
Jason's eyes widened in surprise as he heard Stevan shout and saw Jayne duck to the ground. As he followed suit, the shotgun fired, part of it's scattered shot shredding the arm of his jersey and causing several minor cuts along his arm. Getting up and strafing, Jason held down the Uzi's trigger, letting out a quick four round burst.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:34 pm
by JayneBrown*
More shots rode overhead. The last thing she wanted to do was be in the middle of this crossfire. Jayne scrambled across the floor, staying as low as she could, looking for cover in the treeline, fretting.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:35 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
((OOc: it would probally rip some flesh of never mind minor cuts, it would hurt likefuck))

IC: As stevan ran he heard the bullets of the uzi let rip, Most of them hitting the tree as he stopped behind it, He kneeled down to make the target of himself smaller as he turned slightly behind the tree he looked at jacob dead in the eye and a smile came to his face reluctuntly, Another spread of buck shot was launched at the boy.

As he turned back behinf the tree he called out "Got a name fucko?"

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:35 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I didn't say it didn't hurt, only that he got hit but not badly. Hurts, but something that can be ignored in the middle of an intense gun battle. Plus, you're fighting Jason, not Jacob. Jacob's at the house.
IC: "I'm Jason, who are you?" Jason replied as he dove behind the canoe, using it as a sort of cover as he looked around, trying to see where the shots came from.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:35 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
OC: i know where jacob is, but im still saying a shotgun wound wouldent just make a minor cut but would most likey rip some flesh off:

IC: "Freak" he shouted out before scrawling through the brush behind another tree. The shot gun was cocked and he saw jason dive behind the kanoe...ah an easy target, a wood object would not be able to hold of a shotgun.

He turned the tree slightly and let rip another buck shot into the kanoe, As he tured heheard the wood being teared appart. He put a couiple more shells in to his spas 12 and cocked it.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:35 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Well, cuts usually are the result of flesh being torn/ripped off, so it's basically a different wording. Besides, you can't just force someone into being hit, you have to allow them to RP a reaction. And how do you turn a tree?
IC: "So much for an escape vehicle." Jason muttered as the canoe's hull tore to pieces. Picking up his pack and standing up, Jason ran to the rock near the male corpse. It was large enough to take cover behind, and seemed tough enough to withstand a shotgun blast. Jason had seen where the person had shot at him from prior to splintering the canoe, so he leaned out breifly, fired a three round burst through the tree, and leaned back behind the rock.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:35 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
OOC turn a tree, i meant leans a little out from behinf the tree, you know? like just my gun and head peeping out

IC: He he put the last shell in He felt the tree vibrate after jasons gun fired into life yet again, bullets landing by his feet he instantly brought them in as close as possible. Where was jayne in all this? was she ok or had she already been shot?.

"You know jason, i didnt want to fight you. i wanted another ally and you were it but you fucked that up" He had been on this island what? 1...2 days and already he'd been in two gun fights, killed someone and had numerous people hold him up with a gun or blades of some sort...Why stevan? did he just have that feel about him whenever he came close? 'Oh look theres freak lets try and kill him'. "Just stop fucking shooting will you ive had enough of being shot at for one day"

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:35 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Understood. It just didn't make a lot of sense when I first read it.
IC: "Alright. You stop shooting and I'll stop shooting." Jason responded from behind his cover, still clutching his Uzi in case the negotiations turned sour. It did seem he wouldn't last long if he didn't fight to win. In a way, the recent battle had influenced his descision, but he'd wait for a calmer moment to make sure.

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:36 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
"We could be waiting here all dayfor someone to stop shooting first so lets just both walk out ok?", he slid himself up the tree and held his shotgun to his chest.

If this worked he would have an ally capable of fighting but also capable of betrayel, Stevan had witnessed to much of this in his short stay here and he would snap if it happened one more time.

"Ok....On the count of

OC: you walk out first rthen i will ok? just do not shoot or i will have to tear jasons face off XD

Re: Jason's Choice

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 5:39 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Likewise if Steven does.
IC: Jason stepped out from his cover, now in plain sight with his Uzi lowered and his bag slung over his shoulder. Looking around, he couldn't see the female that had been there earlier, but she didn't really matter, Jason was just hoping this wasn't a trap.