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Re: Evolving

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 6:26 pm
by Primrosette
Drew was feeling a bit too out of it for a while as the others were talking and he felt like the words were getting distorted for a few seconds. He felt his feet starting to buck down slowly under him and he blinked a few times to force himself to straighten himself up. He didn't have the energy to respond to Camilla and he knew that he had to keep himself strong for Declyn. He didn't want to make Declyn worry about him too much and it was making his heart hurt. Just knowing that he wasn't long for this world....

He was scared of dying. He had to be brave for everyone. God, he hoped that Diego was safe. He wished that he could see him and say that everything was going to be okay. He couldn't even look Declyn in the eye without feeling numb and lost. So he just felt his eyes looking away from everyone and his tired eyes were gazing out at the lake, thinking about how beautiful it really did look.

"Gervais.... He... uh.... shot me on the first day...." That was all that he could say and then he covered his mouth as a violent coughing fit took over him. "U-Uuughh…"

He took some wobbly steps back over to the lake and he slowly sat back down, noticing that Declyn had never left his side. His warmth and love for Declyn was growing more and more and it also hurt to know that he had been too much of a coward to tell Declyn the truth. Maybe he could never be able to.

That thought just made him smile sadly and he glanced at the lake quietly.

Re: Evolving

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:11 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
"Thank you," Camilla murmured to Declyn. A small smile formed on her face, remaining even as he pulled his hand away.

He was mostly alright, it seemed. Lori, drugs, what could have happened there? Hopefully that incident on the first day didn't wear on Declyn too much.

But Drew, he- he got shot, and he was still reeling from it. The smile on Camilla's face vanished. Gervais, she'd remember that name. Gervais, he made Drew suffer. If only she had a face to put to that name.

One by one, they moved away. Camilla was left with the memory of warmth- no, memories, plural. Like the time in the caves. Was it bad that remembering how Declyn clung to her when they were lost made her just a bit more joyful in this moment? They needed her, and it was lovely to feel needed and Camilla was needed now, yes, but it didn't feel good now. And she couldn't lie to herself, she needed them just as much. They all needed each other.

Drew was further away, but with her eyes clearer she could see- She didn't like what she saw. If they were back at school she would scold Drew for not staying at home and getting rest, but it was worse than that wasn't it? Her eyes were drawn to his arm but her mind pulled her gaze away.

She needed Drew, too. They all did. When Camilla thought of him, she thought of laughter and smiling and just feeling happy to be alive and together, and for the first time not in a "lonely together" sort of way like with the couple of friends (?) she had before the gardening club. Drew was sunshine in human form.

And that sunlight was dimming. Coughing. A weakened smile. A slow gait.

Of course it would dim- this... terror operation, that's what it did to people. Camilla had to remember that, deep down, but seeing it before her expressed so viscerally just rubbed salt in the wound. It reminded her that someday-


No, no. Drew was sick, but Camilla could take care of him like he took care of her, whether he knew that or not. That's what friends were for, they took care of each other. Surely, some good would come of it if all of them cared for him, surrounded and protected him with love and warmth?

She looked to Theo, away from the two back by the lake.

"You weren't swimming before? Well, now's a good a time as any to talk."

She motioned to where the bags were, and started walking over to that place.

They'd stick together now, they'd said that much to each other with their group embrace. Stick together, find Diego and bring him into the fold, and protect one another.

Camilla decided she would to volunteer to guard that night. She wasn't planning on sleeping much, anyway. Maybe the others could make her feel safe enough to rest, but dreams were wild animals that Camilla didn't want to touch anymore. Besides, what was a little more lost sleep for their sake?

[Camilla Bell continued in Evanescent]

Re: Evolving

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:27 am
by Jan de Witt
Theo sighed resignedly as Camilla confirmed his suspicions, but he tried not to look too dispirited. "That's fine.", he said brightly. "That just means we can go look for him together, right?". Declyn went on to speak more about his first few days, and he started to feel sick as he realized the implications of what Lori had been doing. Had she really decided to simply drug people she had just met on the very first day? He tried to banish such thoughts from his head, but even at the back of his mind thoughts of sudden betrayal continued to bother him.

Thankfully, he was saved from having to respond by Drew's sudden decision to leave their side. Even as that happened, the other two responded with determined care, joining him and taking the opportunity to set the first watch. He, of course, joined neither of them, and a few seconds passed before he found the will to actually do something.

Sitting a short distance in between the others, Theo took a quick look at Drew's injuries, then turned away just as quickly when he saw their extent. Even without any medical knowledge, Theo could see that Drew's lethargy and lack of focus were unlikely to be signs of improvement. Even so, he wondered: would it make any sense to highlight this? Ignoring the situation wouldn't make it go away, but then again, calling attention to it wouldn't either, and would probably just worsen everyone else's mood anyways. Trying to sound optimistic, he tried to speak as lightly as he could without sounding indifferent. "Don't worry so much about it, Drew. You're safe with us, aren't you? Just rest, and you'll be feeling better in no time!" Even as he said them though, his words sounded hollow and unconvincing.

Feeling embarrassed by his obvious failure, he turned away from the others and tried to find a relatively soft place to lie down. All he could do now was hope for the best: he had no doubt that that would be just as unsuccessful.

(Theophilus "Theo" Walterson continued in Evanescent)

Re: Evolving

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:02 pm
by Kotorikun
Declyn was looking down at Drew as he stood beside him, acknowledging Theo's words. Well, that's all what it was: Words. Sometimes they held power, too.

He slowly stepped into the water, stopped, turned to look at Camilla as if making sure she was truly actually really frankly here. It felt good having her, Theo, Drew. But it was also difficult because he knew they shouldn't be here.

Two more steps and he shook his leg one by one to wash off the dirt, stepping into questionable nature that was not worth investigating in that moment.

There was an urge to just dive in and

"If a monster grabs me just yell," he shot a grin at Drew.

he followed said urge.

Might as well wash his clothes while wearing them.

[Declyn Grayson-Anthis contiuned in Evanescent]

Re: Evolving

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:15 pm
by Primrosette
Drew was feeling happier. Just a little bit with the others being there for him and he felt himself wanting to cry again. But he didn't and he was just sitting there while watching Declyn getting into the water with a weak smile on his face. He wondered how long this could last for the four of them and he blinked back the threatening tears that were trying to take over his vision.

"If you get hurt, I'll cast a healing spell on you, Declyn...!" He said in a joking way and he chuckled weakly as time was passing on for them.

How long will this last? I don't know...

((Drew Woods continued in Evanescent))