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Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:37 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Do as he says..Head out there acting nice and slow keep the gun trained on the centre of his chest though..Watch his hands,always watch his hands for a twitch or anything..anything that could give away his move" and then he was silent once again.His back pressed to the brick of the wall he was hiding behind and waiting.

How many seconds would it take for him to pop off and rip some bulletholes into the new person? Would Elise duck in time? So what if she didnt? More weapons for him and one less person to have to watch out for on this fucked up island of death.

The rain drizzle was starting again now in a thin showery mist,the roof above them would come to life with the sound of a couple raindrops splattering against the roof.Thank god for this shelter,maybe the sound of the nearby waterfall or the rain would cover his gunshots.

How could he have been so stupid? The gun whatever it was,was a big loud gun not only did they notice anyone in the area would have and come running.One person can be dealt with but three,four five could finish him off no problem. "Hurry it the fuck up"

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:39 pm
by Swoosh*
Elise widened her eyes. She had to go over to meet this guy now?? Could we say 'sacrificial lamb' much? Peri's advice made it seem like she was going to buy some milk, not going to meet a potential killer, armed and loaded. She gulped.

She had no choice. If she didn't go over there, he'd assume they were playing and shoot. If Peri went over, the boy would probably shoot him on sight, as it was her voice he heard. She steadied her gun, and turned to Peri.

"If you hear gunshots, get the hell out of here, yeah? And good luck with the rest of the game." She didn't think he needed telling, but he was a guy, she had to spell stuff out to him. Without waiting for him to reply, she walked off onto the open, spotting the boy as she did. Had he not been holding his gun over his head like he said, Elise would have put him down as a killer without a question. Her arm trembled slightly, but her voice remained firm.

"Put the gun on the floor. Slowly!" she added. "Then I'll come over."

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:39 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
stevan looked at his new 'friend'. Didnt look like much of a threat to him, apart from he handgun aiming at his chest.
"to be fair lady, I did put my weapon over my head just for you, now your aiming a gun into my rib cage and telling me to drop it, why dont you drop yours first and we can all be buddies?"
Stevan didnt want to sound cocky just reasonable, although he was pretty sure this wouldent work on a girl holding a gun.

Stevan grabbed the strap so to let the shot gun fall loose and dangle in the air infront of him. Nows theres no way he could be considered a real threat. Even if he did want to kill her he would have to take all that time and effort into grabbing his gun putting it in the right firing position and whatnot.

"So how about we do each other a favour and put both the guns down?"

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:39 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
What could he do? Fuck all except for sit and wait out and listen to the conversations floating from person to person.He simply hoped Elise would keep her bottle she seemed to be a little...twitchy? He was exspecting to hear her handgun exsplode into life and the shotgun in response.

Elise`s last couple of words before leaving him had barely been bothered to think about,he needed to be told to go on? What she was a hero now? Sacrifical lamb was a very good way of describing her.Bait was another useful phrase for where she was standing and why she was standing.He could pop her in the back and then him or more likely him and then her.

Whatever they chose to do they should do it soon as the rain was going to intensify but even in the drizzle you didnt want to be trampling around this island in wet clothes for god knows how long.Try and make youreself comfortable boys and girls were in for a long stay!

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:42 pm
by Swoosh*
"Look, I'm the one holding the gun to your chest, I'm the one in charge here, so how about not?" She hadn't meant it to sound snappy, she was just nervous and was in the position where she could potentially kill someone with the slip of a finger. It tended to make one snappy.

"I'm not going to shoot you unless you give me a reason to. Honestly. Please just put the gun down so I know I can trust you," she emplored him. How much longer was this going to be? No way was she going to put her weapon to the floor, she had let herself get into that position once, but no more. Her aim never wavered from his chest.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:42 pm
by Bloody_Fists*

Stevan snapped at the twitchy girl, he couldent bare this distust any longer, he had already put his own weapn practicly out of his general reach and she still wanted more. What happened to trusting a guy in need.
"Sorry about the shouting but im quite aggitated here, Im being pissed on, ive got a gun to my chest and im in a place where everyone wants to blow my brains all over the floor" The truth of the situation was told, maybe the girl would realise now and take a little trust in the poor freak.
"now im going to move very slowly towards the lookout, keep the gun on me all you like i just want to get out of the rain ok?"
Stevan slowly took short steps over the muddy ground towards the lookout, He flicked his wet hair out of his murky green eyes.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:43 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
Fingertips would be drumming silently on one of his knees as he sat there leaning and listening to the conversation the pace and weight of the rain upon the roof of the lookout point was getting heavier and heavier.Soon they would be wet and maybe soon one of them could be dead,while they stood there bickering someone could kill them both.Settle there diffrences or fight it out eitherway they needed to finish this and soon.The area around the lookout was good enough cover for more than one person,they could take them both out and then he would be left alone.Would that be such a bad thing?

He had been alone for a good period of time why should that stop now? Strength in youre self is what he always tried to keep in hsi mind to keep him alive and breathing and so far it had worked perfectly maybe not for some other people but they were all meaningless assholes.They deserved what they had gotten.

Maybe soon he would be able to find out about the kick to his hand cannon but for now it sat in his hand looking more like a toy.One of the cowboys guns he had played with as a kid,so smooth,so perfect and supposdly so deadly in the right hands but was it indeed in the right hands? He would show the answer soon enough.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:43 pm
by Swoosh*
It looked like she had no choice but to let him. She nodded slowly, and allowed him to walk past her, her gun now aimed at his back. She considered shouting to Peri to let him know that this boy was coming to where he was, but she decided against it. Let him find out for himself, Elise thought.

Now what would happen? Would Peri trust this guy as well? Or would they just shoot each other?

Elise wiped a strand of wet hair from her face and followed behind the boy's footsteps.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:43 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
What would he do? They needed to get out of the rain and the lookout seemed safe enough despite its armed occupants.The large grey clouds above would give off a loud roar as if warning the areas occupants of a oncoming storm the drizzle just a sign of things to conme.

Oncemore he would run his tongue over his sharp teeth as he would move to level his aim towards the small entrance to the lookoutpoint.Game time he thought silently to himself before the boy moved into the lookout,shotgun hanging in his hand.This disarmed stance was definetely not mirrored by him.

He had to lean back a little to aim that hand cannon at the head of the new guy "Drop the Gun,Fatboy ( Snatch quote ). Im not as friendly as my female counterpart so youd be smart to drop the gun..Youve got Shelter,If you really want you may even get a cigarette but you drop the gun or I Pull this trigger.This is no place for maybes" the hammer would be pulled back for emphasis with a satisfying metallic click.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:43 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan stopped and his hands were instantly raised in the air when the new gun carrying boy came into view. he stared straight into his mis matched eyes.
"Fat boy?" Stevan looked down at his sleek figure. "the only things fat here are the guns were both carying".
This new boy seemed very familiar, like he could be trusted on first sight.

"Ok, you lower you gun and ill lower mine? at the same time buddy i dont know how you work!"
Stevans knee's would lower towards the new dry floor, All the while his eyes stayed on his new adversary.
The gun hanging from its dark green strap slowly hit the floor.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:43 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Somehow I dont think Ill drop my gun but luckily for you I dont think Ill shoot you ethier...Kick the gun over to the wall beside me.You want to play nice and friendly then kick it over with and we will see what we can do.Kick it" he said,he was the only one holding the weapon levelled at the boys face now.He wasnt about to drop his weapon especially a big weapon like that which at close range could easily make mince meat of his intestines in seconds.

The rain pattered away above them on the cheap roofing slowely intesifiying and the raindrows exsploding on it getting louder and louder second by second.Elise was going to get soaked unless she hurried up inside.On the bright side the rain would give people climbing upto the lookoutpoint a hard time,the mud would be a bitch to try and climb.Another turn of luck,Maybe for the first time in his life he could win things.

"Kick it now..Before you think of going for the gun,Ill make a shiney black hole between youre eyes and my female accomplice will put one through youre stomache.At best you take one of us out,the point is you loose unless you kick the boomstick over towards me" his hand stood steady enough and all the while he wore that calm smile on his lips and held that hand cannon steadily at head level with the new boy.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
As the metal of the gun made a 'clanking' sound on the floor stevan let his body loose so to fall back against the wall, being a mirror image of his new 'friend' apart from the gun now.

The thoughts run through stevans head. What if these two were lovers and would do anything to protect one another? even kill a total stranger for love. Maybe they knew each other just aswell as they knew stevan, just going the bases that there chances of survival are greater with a partner to watch there back.

Stevan looked over to the new long haired kid while once again reaching into his pocket to find his beloved cancer. He would lightly hold the filter tip and slowly pull it from its cardboard casing.
As the cancer was laced between his pale lips the same quick flick of the wrist and thumb action would be made to open the metallic lid blossom the flames.
"So....ive dropped my gun but right now im up for some cancer, you want the gun? you get it its simple enough, what am i gonna do now singe you to death with my ciggy"
A small cocky grin would appear on his face as he cupped the flames on the zippo and brought it to the tobacco.
A quick flare would light it and smoked was quickly inhaled.

"smoke up?" Stevan said with his eyebrows raised as he offered the pack full of little white cancer to him. This is one way to make friends

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Ill Take one.." he said as he would lean over and with his free hand taking the top metallic piece of the weapon in his hand and pulling it over to him and dropping it beside him all the while his weapon would be aimed towards the newcomer.

"Elise!" he would yell out into the rainfilled ground that surrounded them on all sides.She had been taking a fair while to get here,no gunshots had been heard but there were such things as silencers aswell as knives.He would call her name again before he would hold out his palm towards the new boy for a cigarette.

She was taking along time to get in here,she would be soaked by now he just hoped that was all she was.Girls were bitches,Guys were Pricks.Pricks tended to make stupid moves and this game it might result with a blown off limb or even worse wounds.

Above them the clouds were gently crackle with yet another warning of the increasingly bad weather."Rain and Winds picking up,Poor girl is going to catch her death out there.." He said with a small smile at the Irony of it all.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by Swoosh*
Elise had watched the confrontation from outside the shelter. She figured she'd be safer out there, for the time being anyway, as if any shots were fired, she'd be well away from the firing line.

However, once it appeared that the new boy's weapon was no longer a threat, she ventured into the shelter slowly, almost timidly, as if any sudden movements would cause shooting to commence. Her glasses her soaked with raindrops and her hair, once curly and bouncy lay flat and stuck to her face. She didn't wish to speak up, and instead just watched the two boys face off to each other, hoping it didn't end badly, with her gun still firmly in her hand.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"You spent to much time out in the rain I guess Elise..Nothing like a cold shower to wake you up I guess.." he said as he would open and close that outstretched hand a couple of times as he motioned for a cigarette and a lighter to be placed in it.Yes he had his own cigarettes and his own lighter but the boy had offered and he would never turn down a free cigarette.

He was beginning to wish they had gone somewhere with a real roof not this crappy thing that was barely holding the rain out from them.He wished they had gone to the school or that house he had seen on the map,somewhere with real walls and real doors not this little hut on the top of a hill.The wind was whistling past the edges of the hut.

His eyes blinked occasionally and his aim would never faulter on this new person.Trust wasnt a thing he handed out easily,Elise hadnt manage to get that much of it yet so why should the new boy? One more thing for him to watch out for.One more person for him to watch out for."Either of you two have anything which we can burn in youre packs? We need Heat.."