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Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:27 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I was pretty sure you two were talking to each other before he showed up, but alright.
IC: "Jayne, stay down." he said to the girl behind him, slowly but calmly walking to another tree and leaning behind it for cover. He'd need to be careful if there were any armed players in that tree. Slowly, he raised his Uzi to just above the branch where he had seen the leg earlier, ready to fire if necessary.

"If you don't shot, I won't shoot, deal?"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:27 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
OOC: `s amazing how you saw a leg hanging down when both of us had our legs pulled up and there are alot of trees just like this one..Thank god for good luck eh?

"How about you drop the gun and I wont shred you with this weapon of mine? You toss it youre no longer a threat and me and my friends wont have to make some nasty bulletholes in that face of yours" he replied as his weapon was levelled down at the voice.

The Boy was visible through the branches of the tree as was his weapon and judging by his comment there was a female with him.Peace could be achieved but boys were violent,he had only met one so far on this hellhole of an island.

"Or if youre going to be really Bitchy eject the magazine and toss it into the bushes..Try youre luck if you wish but Ive got a feeling that you will regret it.How many people in how many of these trees,Hm?"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:28 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I thought you'd assume he saw Peri just as he finished climbing up into the tree the first time I mentioned it, and the second time, I meant he was aiming at the tree he saw earlier. Sorry for being confusing.
IC: "Fair enough." Jason nodded and put the Uzi over his shoulder again, still looking up into the tree.

"I'm not going to give up my ammo, but as long as you don't decide to attack, we can both get out of this encounter alive, whoever you are." he said, his voice implying that he wished to know the name that the voice belonged to, though he didn't say so.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:28 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Well nobody gets out of this alive..It is the game afterall I doubt even the winner will last longer than it takes for the media to swarm him.So Keep walking,Friend and dont turn back..Take youre girlfriend and go.We wouldnt want to ruin the serenity of the lookout would we?" He said as he would hold that automatic weapon down towards the boy.This could be exstremely exsplosive with the two automatic weapons along with the assortment of weapons he was carrying around not to mention the shotgun toting psychopath in the other tree.

OOC: Dont worry about it I just assumed that Jason found Peri instantly up a tree..Kinda followed on from seeing the leg thing.Will this turn out to be a repeat of the hospital I wonder.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:28 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Not if you don't shoot first. Remember that Jacob essentially paniced with the hospital incident, and Jason currently has a cooler head than him. Not to mention he has no intent on shooting anyway. I'll just have to post more carefully I guess.
IC: "The two of us just want to get past, I will not trouble you if you just let us go up this path to the lookout point." Jason said, refusing to address the "girlfriend" comment and waiting for the boy in the tree (as it was apparently a male voice) to agree to let him go through.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:28 pm
by ekim11*
Thom's eyes widened. "Oh my freaking gosh! It's the Sadako girl!!" It was the girl from those Ring movies. How she was here, Thom Chuck didn't have a clue. It didn't matter, since there were better things to worry about. Like, the fact that the girl was holding a gun. Sucking in a big, deep breath of air, Thom prepared himself for the ultimate stun attack.

"KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" It was an odd kind of scream attack, but most of the time it worked wonders during battle. It was am intimidating and scary yell, strong enough to stun even the best of fighters. Thom knew the power of the warrior's yell firsthand. The move had stopped his concentration completely during a fight, and caused his opponent to quickly gain the upperhand and win the sparring match. Hopefully, it would work on the Sadako kid.

"Run." Thom wheezed. Hoping Waldo would follow, Thom took off towards the hills. He stumbled, and fell down the rest of the way. It didn't matter, since it got him out of harm's way for the time being.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:29 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya saw one of the boys screech like a chimpanzee and attempt to run away like a coward, the Hair does do wonders for the intimedation factor.

"Gah, If you dont shut the fuck up, and stand still I wont shoot you"

Shinya said as he fired into the Dirt next to the Screeching wonder's left foot as he ran away.

"Understand now, jackasses?"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:29 pm
by JayneBrown*
Jayne was on the ground again... she seemed to be spending a lot of time down here, she reflected as the boys talked on ahead. Yeah, let the men do the talking. Settling things like men, that's what they were doing: with guns. Jayne wondered whether or not she should say anything. After all, there were others here (one of which, she noted, needed a hairbrush desperately), but as long as she stayed behind Jason, she should be fine. And if they killed him...

...she would be the closest to his gun.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:29 pm
by Slayer*
Jason sighed in frustration at the boy's silence, breifly looking up the path when he heard the screech and gunshot, and then looked back to the tree.

"Listen, we're going through whether you like it or not, so just agree to let us pass without shooting at us, and we'll all be better off, alright?"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Wander on through but I dont see the rush to get to the lookout...What could have been a scream and a gunshot.Why so eager to show youre girlfriend some twitching corpses? Youre call but its not what Id call a drem date" he said with a little smirk playing on his lips.What would he call a dream date? He hadnt been on enough to realy comment on the whole dating thing but the boy didnt know that.Infact his whole exsperience with the opposite gender had been less than knowledgeable.

Gunshot? Could he really handle yet another firearm well you could never have to many in a place like this.His grip remained tight on his Ingram as he would look down towards the uzi toting boy.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by Slayer*
"Thank you for letting me through, but she isn't my fucking girlfriend, and we're not on a date, she's just traveling with me for now." Jason replied, seemingly forgetting Jayne was there as he moved past the trees and further up the path.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
" No need to get bitchy because youre not getting any,buddy.Well good things come to those who wait I guess..She is just travelling with you in exschange for what? A Kind word with all of her girlfriends?" He said that smirk growing a couple of inches.

Some gentlemen the guy was leaving his "girlfriend" behind.If this was a date he was sure this would be a very good time for him to introduce himself.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya sighed at the screeching wonder's attempts to run away leaving his boyfreind behind.

"Hey you fucker dont forget your boyfreind!"

Shinya yelled as he walked off on a sub path* with the P250 in his right hand and his flashlight in his left hand.

After a while the path converged with the main path** continuing down the same direction he has beeen walking he saw a girl in the distance who was either a midget or sitting on the ground.

The girl was getting closer and closer as he walked down the path vaugely ignoring his surroundings.

(* I assume that Jason's on the main path
** I assume that Jason's past the conversion point

and will edit if needed in short I will.)

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by Slayer*
Jason did not notice the long haired boy running towards Jayne behind him as he went past the conversion point and up the main path, raising his Uzi slightly and ready to shoot if he needed to.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by JayneBrown*
There were reasons why Jayne had not moved along with Jason when he had advanced slightly. All this talk of girlfriend-boyfriend, was making her reminisce about live she once had, a life outside of this fucking island, a life she longed for again. She had been so happy then, with her family, her friends, and, yes, her boyfriend. Her thoughts returned to him once again, as they had been doing frequently. It was more favourable than letting this bullshit reality creep into her conscience.

Jayne was brought back to her senses by a rustling in the distance. it appeared to be a girl or something, someone with exceptionally long hair. The person who needed a brush. It was a boy.

Realising the distance between herself and her companion, she hastened forward in a canter, trying to stay close to her ally. The people here were giving her the creeps.