Made My Decision to Test My Limits

Day 6, a bit after noon. PM for entry.

The bay is where boats would have come in to dock when they arrived at the island. The first thing they would have seen is a large ‘Welcome’ sign painted in rainbow colours. There is a thin strip of seaweed-covered sand running the length of the bay that acts as as the ‘beach’ area, although it was rarely used when compared to the larger beach on the island.
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Post by KamiKaze »

“Miami. I see,” Roxie said thoughtfully.

She’d never been to Miami. She never was in Florida at all. Come to think of it, the most she knew about it was from pop culture? Serial killers, Heats, abducted dolphins, and animal mask massacres. She wondered if the stereotypes held up.

“Um, I went to the beach once, too. You know Tybee Island, right? Down in southeast Georgia? I have an aunt and uncle living down there. I’ve been to a few water holes, too.”

She had another aunt and uncle, and cousins. She thought about the Lake Winnie trip again, the same one from when she was twelve.

Roxie knew she’d never get to see Miami, or go back to Lake Winnie, or see her family at Tybee Island, or visit another water hole. She’d accepted it, of course, but it was still kind of odd to think she’d die here sometimes.

“Is Miami like how it’s portrayed in movies and stuff?”
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Post by Laurels »

"Um, I guess," Katrina said.

"I mean, I don't think I was in the Scarface or Moonlight parts of town, but it was nice. Mostly spent time at my hotel's beach area."

Katrina brushed some hair back.

"Oh, and we also used that time to go to the Keys. Key West is pretty cool."

Katrina glanced over to the sea. It was a different ocean, but it was definitely reminding her of that trip.

"If I get to go home, I think I just want to go spend a month on a beach somewhere. Just me, my parents, my brother, no internet, no phone, no worries. I think I deserve it."
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Sierra realized she said something wrong. Sierra knew Willow was flirting with her, and she tried to downplay it. That seemed to be a mistake given how Willow suddenly changed her mind and the emotional tinge to her voice. Sierra frowned and shifted awkwardly, glancing around unsure.

She didn't want to upset Willow. For some reason, the idea of making her sad made Sierra feel bad. When exactly did that start? Perhaps it was a combination of attraction and several days of close proximity with one another that brought about this. In a way, she had come to care about Willow — and not because of the possibility of her pregnancy — even if she wasn't great at showing it for the most part. She considered it a very real possibility that if they were to ever get off this island that perhaps they could be friends.

Or perhaps something more.

There was definitely some level of attraction Sierra felt towards her partner of convenience and it seemed the feeling was mutual as Willow made the first move.


Sierra slowly reached over and took Willow's hand in her's, giving her a concerned looked and squeezing her hand.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I... uh... Well... You know..."

The words awkwardly fumbled out of her mouth. Why was this so hard for her? She couldn't think of another time she had it this hard to salvage this kind of situation. But then again, she had never been in this kind of situation. Fucking Julien at Swift's party? Goddamn easy. Trying to make things between her and Willow after the later hit on her and she downplayed it? It almost felt herculean.

She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I've been kind of a bitch to you the whole time we've been together."

Good place to start she felt.
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Post by Melusine »

Willow squeezed Sierra's hand back.

She preferred the stun gun than Sierra's actual hand, though. It made her feel safe. Sierra's actual hand made her feel vulnerable. She didn't know if she were supposed to enjoy that. Maybe she was, but it sounded counterintuitive.

Wasn't the goal of pursuing human relationship to create a safe environment? Then why did she feel so exposed to the world? Her experiences on SOTF was a symptom of a bigger issue that her therapists and her doctors never really figured out on their own. Though, slowly, Willow started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She didn't know if she was supposed to enjoy that either. She enjoyed the darkness. It made her feel safe. If she were hidden from sight, nobody could hurt her.

Quietly, she started sobbing.

"It's okay." She shook her head, "it's not like I was nice to you either."

She didn't apologize. There wasn't any point to say 'I'm sorry' because none of her actions were worth these words.

"I just," she took a breath. "I just wish we could have met under different circumstances, you know? Better circumstances."

Willow didn't really care about anyone on the island, she noticed. Sierra was an exception. She did remotely care about her, but not in a person-who-wants-a-relationship type of way. It was more like paying a service rather than actually volunteering to be with her. Willow would be lying to herself if she said that it didn't hurt her, but she would be even more lying if she said it wasn't for the best. Bonds were made to be used and abused and destroyed.

Sierra and Willow were just another relationship bound to implode. It made her feel good to know this was temporary.

"Shit's sucks." She shrugged. "Though, it's not like any of this matters so it could be worse."
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Post by KamiKaze »

Roxie smiled.

Katrina still had some hope left in her that they’d one day make it home. She couldn’t blame her, to think there was something after all this. That there’d be another beach, another place to go. Another chance.

Roxie didn’t want to pop that. But she did think. Maybe, in another life, Katrina would go to the beach, and spend the rest of eternity just swimming and tanning and sipping coconut juice. Spring Break Forever, in a way, just not the one Harmony Korrine portrayed probably. Maybe her family would join her one day too.

“That sound lovely,” Roxie said aloud.

Maybe Roxie would get to create more monster designs. Maybe Roxie would have a notebook again, to fill up with all sorts of creatures and ghoulies. Maybe the afterlife had its own YouTube that she could post to. There was all kinds of debates about whether there was something after and what it was like, but the whole idea of spending eternity in the most blissful state imaginable seemed… nice.

“I want to be able to make more stuff,” Roxie said, closing her eyes for a moment. “They took my notebook, and all my monster designs were in there. I’m still mad. The worst part is that I still get ideas but I can’t write them down or draw them. Maybe I’ll get another… but… well, I’d have to start over.”
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Post by Laurels »

((Moving everyone out with permission from all))

"Yeah, that's a sad loss," Katrina said, hearing about Roxie's lost journal. "They took my ukulele and a notebook I had written some lyrics down in. I hope I can remember them when I get home."

Katrina looked back out into the sea. She hoped Willow and Sierra would come back soon, just so they could regroup and figure out where to go next. Still, it was nice to have this moment to enjoy the sea and its tranquility. So much that Katrina found herself naturally singing to herself.

"La mer, qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs," she began. "A des reflets d'argent, la mer, des reflets changeants sous la pluie."

It was one of the few songs Katrina bothered to learn that wasn't English, but it was one of her favorites. It made her feel calm.

"La mer, au ciel d'été confond ses blancs moutons avec les anges si purs, la mer bergère d'azur infinie," she continued.

She hoped Roxie liked it, and she hoped it made her feel calm too.

((Katrina Lavell, Willow O'Neal, Sierra Cook, and Roxie Borowski continued in Party Like It's 1999))

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