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Re: A planning of a strategy

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:21 am
by Swoosh*
If he thought she was going to eat dog food, he had another thing coming. She wasn't that hungry... she wrinkled her nose as she saw him grab the tin. She went to say something, when he turned away from her and went into the cupboard.

Leaning against the wall, she watched him intently, hoping to get some form of clue as to what he was doing. This guy wasn't exactly Mr 'Here's What I Think', and she relied on observation to pick up any hints or clues as to what their plan was in the long run, or whether they actually had one at all. She'd never ruled out the possibility that he was just lying to her to kill her later on.

As he straightened up, she raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"So... dog food, huh?"

Re: A planning of a strategy

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:21 am
by JayneBrown*
"Of course we're not eating dog food," Duncan said, irritably. "That's all that was in that cupboard."

He went over to one that was just above the stove, finding a large tin of rice pudding, but all the time looking at the walls, hoping his judgment was right. "What if we shared this?"

It was then that he played the move. He stood right next to Angharad, being careful to have his back to the camera, blocking its view of what he was doing with her hands. Carefully he held the tin in front of them, with the label from the dog food held over it, its graffitied blank inside pointing outward, its message on show:
The other thing is they listen to us. There must be hidden microphones all over this island. If we are going to plan something, we have to be careful about what we say, otherwise we lose our necks
He realised that there was a pause lengthening between them, so Duncan chose to add some filling conversation.

"So we could eat this, yeah? Yeah?"

((Continued in: Optimism Killed the Cat))

Re: A planning of a strategy

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:21 am
by Swoosh*
Rice pudding? Ugh. Her dad liked rice pudding, she hated it. It was like eating slime. She went to say something in protest to the new menu idea, when he moved next to her.

What was he doing? In shock, she recoiled slightly, but her eyes caught sight of a tin in Duncan's hands. What? Why did he have to move closer to show her that? She could see it perfectly well from...

...she looked again, to see another label covering the rice pudding one. So that would explain what he'd been up to in the cupboard. Tilting her head slightly to get a better look at the script, she quickly read the writing on the label.

They were listening? Her hand automatically reached up to touch her neck. Well, I suppose anything is possible here... It made sense, of course they were bugged. How else could the viewers hear the exciting dialogue? She balled her fists in anger. They really were totally under the control of the people running this, it made her furious at the lengths some people would go to get good television.

"Mae'n wallgof..." (it's mad...) Angharad murmured to herself quietly. She was deep in her thoughts when Duncan's voice snapped her out of them.

"So we could eat this, yeah? Yeah?"

Of course! They had to act normally, otherwise game over... Angharad snapped out of her reverie and nodded, perhaps a little too enthusiatically, to compensate for not playing along sooner.

"Yeah, rice pudding's great! I mean, fine, it's fine. It'll do."

Re: A planning of a strategy

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:22 am
by Swoosh*
((...Angharad dies of boredom, THE END. angry.gif ))

Re: A planning of a strategy

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:22 am
by Swoosh*
((ACH. I can't wait anymore, I'm sat here with NOTHING else to do. I'm off! Toodles ^_^ Oh, and if you want me to kill you... I dunno. But she's gone for now.))

Angharad went to find a bowl to pour the rice pudding in. Keep it natural, keep it realistic. They'll never know. Smiling, she even let herself hum a little as she bent down to open cupboards in search.

As she stood back up, her sight caught glance of the camera Duncan was so keen to hide from. She stared at it for a few seconds. Someone was behind that camera watching her every move. Everything she did would be on tape somewhere. She stopped pretending to look for a bowl and thought.

So Duncan knows about what's going on. And he's going to plan something.

What can he possibly come up with? There are cameras everywhere. We're bugged. We can't do anything without Big Brother always on our backs, and then it's collar-go-boom.

She glanced over at where Duncan was stood. Fools. That's all they were. A pair of fools. There was no way they could escape. They were totally under the control of whoever was running this. What good would planning do? This was pointless.

There was nothing they could do... except play. Be a part of the game. Angharad saw no other way... it was only when Angharad thought it to herself did she realise how true it was. It almost made her laugh.

She was going to get off this island in one piece. She needed to see her friends, her family, her boyfriend. She needed to win. And if that meant killing everyone else, well, so be it.

Turning to face Duncan, she grasped for her cat claws. Don't think of him as the person who's trying to help you. Don't think of him as a person. Just think of him of something that's in the way, and you have to get rid of it. Like a fly, or something stupid like that.

But she couldn't bring herself to do it. She had a reputation for being violent, sure, but violence and mindless killing... there was a difference. Angharad wasn't a killer.

I'll have to get over that.

Aware that Duncan still hadn't noticed her potential attack, she lowered the cat claws sadly, and spoke up.

"Look... Duncan, what we're doing... it's not... it's not gonna work." She tried to phrase her words in a way that still wouldn't alert anyone of what they had tried to do. Who knew what grounds caused collar detonation?

"Thanks for everything you've done, and I hope you..." What? I hope you do well? I hope you survive? I hope you're still alive, and it's only me and you, and you kill me??

"Take care."

And with that, she walked out of the door, closing it behind her gently as she exited, without as much as a backward glance at Duncan.

((Continued elsewhere! Ooooh. See ya Rob :P ))

Re: A planning of a strategy

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:22 am
by Swoosh*
((Just to let y'all know, I have dibs on killing Duncan happy.gif))