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Re: How do you kill all six people?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:16 pm
by Ruggahissy
The woman that Josh had fallen on tugged the cord above her head and within a moment the entire car came to a half, throwing Josh onto the floor. He scrambled up to the center aisle and could see someone angrily coming down to see what the commotion was.

"Let's just get to Spirit" he muttered, dazed and panicked.

Quickly, he grabbed Amos by the arm, scooped up his phone, and ran out the back exit, still trying to silence the thing and hoping maybe no one had noticed him.

((Continued in My God Is A Consuming Fire ))

Re: How do you kill all six people?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 4:47 pm
by Jilly
"Wha-?" was all Amos could utter before he was spirited away.

((continued elsewhere))

Re: How do you kill all six people?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 7:44 pm
by backslash
It usually took a lot to get Stormy into throw-down mode, but a whole lot had happened in the past like, two minutes. After shoving Amos away, he wasn't exactly primed to start throwing hands, but he was definitely ready to yell more. Fortunately or not, the trolley suddenly screeched to a halt instead, and Stormy, who hadn't been bracing himself, was flung to the floor. He fell onto his side, so it didn't particularly hurt, but it rattled him enough to interrupt the sudden spike of anger that had overtaken him.

A few of the stones he'd spilled slid past him with the trolley's remaining momentum, and he scrambled to catch them.

"What the hell d'yah kids think you're doing back here?"

All further thoughts of picking a fight were instantly chased away when Stormy picked himself up and found himself face to face with the heavyset trolley driver, who had possibly one of the thickest Boston accents he'd ever heard. Which was impressive!

"Nothing!" He blurted out, and then scooped up the rest of the spilled rocks off the trolley floor at record speed, uncaring for the moment that the trolley floor couldn't be sanitary.

"Uh, he didn't do anything," Stormy added, jerking his head in Hades's direction before squeezing around the driver and fleeing before he could start asking for names.

((Stormy Delacroix continued in The Albion Girl Always Gets Her Way!))

Re: How do you kill all six people?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:09 am
by Laurels
"Pricks!" Letitia screamed as everything went to hell and three of the boys ran off the trolley.

It looked like this trolley ride was a complete bust. Letitia lost her sunglasses and the culprits had escaped into the street.

She quickly grabbed her stuff and ran off the trolley before dealing with any more of this bullshit. She definitely didn't need a record because of some idiots.

She walked a few blocks away from the trolley, away from the direction the crazy boys ran.

That was when Letitia realized she still had the one boy's phone. The phone that started all this bullshit.

"Fuck you," she muttered to the phone.

Letitia saw a nearby trashcan and pulled down the hatch. She put the phone in the little basket and closed it, hearing the phone clanking down to the bottom of the trashcan.

"Well, now I feel better," she said.

Letitia walked away, ready to have a better lunch to make up for her trauma.

((Letitia May continued elsewhere))