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Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:38 am
by Slam
Teddie Boyd votes for Teddie Boyd, because he's a big fan!
Lara 'Spuds' Bullock votes for Marshall West, because lacrosse buddies.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 8:04 pm
by Ruggahissy
Josh decides to vote for his friend and lacrosse teammate, Marshall West. He thinks he'll do a good job and knows him the best out of all the candidates.

Mal votes for Chloé Delacroix. She seems responsible. Mal likes the idea of using more social media to hear from students.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 8:38 pm
by Deamon
Aracelis Fuentes votes for Chloé Delacroix
California “Cali” Fox votes for Trinity Ashmore
Darryl Smith Jr. votes for Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero votes for Teddie Boyd

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:02 pm
by AnimeNerd
Tana Blanco Osuna votes for Natasha White because she wants to eat the rich and also liked the mental image of the principal getting sent to detention.

Kyoto Aizawa votes for Trinity Ashmore because that was the first name on the ballot and he doesn't really care about who's elected so long as it's not the guy that yelled into the mic and hurt his ears.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:48 pm
by DerArknight
Compared to the vote for the vice, Dawn Montogomery came to a decision pretty quickly.

As the president of the Student Health Association, she knew how terrible the budget-situation for some clubs was. And there had been one candidate talking about this topic in lenght.

So her vote went to Marshall West.

Ethan Kemp took some time deciding. After all, there had been many good speeches from people he knew a bit.

In the end, he settled on Chloé Delacroix, who he had only recently talked to.

Derek Caldwell didn't need to think at all about who to vote for.

After all, there was someone among the candidates he had met not too long ago.

So he voted for Trinity Ashmore.

For Daenerys Todd, the case was clear.

The three boys had been way too casual to convince her they were taking the election serious enough. Chloé had at first sounded good, but then revealed herself to be a woke sellout. And Trinity had sounded a bit too dramatic.

So her vote went to the only remaining candidate: Natasha White.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:05 pm
by Namira
Mabel knew that ultimately, there was only one true choice to address the needs of the academy.


Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:44 pm
by KamiKaze
Ashlee Donovan votes for Teddy Boyd.

Ty Hartley votes for Chloe Delacroix.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:58 pm
by Pippi
Robin Valenti votes for Darryl Smith Jr. Literally the only one who didn't sound like some kinda windup speech robot.
Poppy Fontaine votes for Natasha White. Solely for the contents of her speech, you understand. Absolutely no other reasons besides.
Trinity Ashmore votes for Trinity Ashmore. Despite the growing sense of dread inside of herself.
Beatrice Briggs votes for Chloé Delacroix. Everything she could have asked for was contained within her speech.
Jess Kawazoe votes for Teddie Boyd. Tough choice between the two guys who brought some actual energy to this thing, but heads-or-tails had never let her down so far.
Ada Bentley votes for Natasha White. Because she didn't give a fuck who won, so why not vote for the person who was threatening to guillotine the principal, or whatever?

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:48 pm
by Jan de Witt
Mateo de Guzman votes for Chloé Delacroix. The fact that she was the only one to make a proper speech illustrates the need for a safe, experienced pair of hands. And maybe MUN could benefit from having a friend in high office, too.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:02 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Dani Bird votes for Chloé Delacroix

Medea Parth votes for Trinity Ashmore

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:14 pm
by VoltTurtle
Lúcio Oliveira stepped into the booth sure as sunshine as to who he was voting for. He had zoned out when the actual speeches were happening, total no thoughts head empty mode, but that didn't matter. He had decided the moment he heard his best man had been in the running.

VOTE: Marshall West


Natasha White knew that petty electoralism would not bring about a revolution, no matter how small. Lenin had made that extremely clear in State & Revolution: incremental change would never bring about socialism or communism. It would, at best, appease the proletariat so that they wouldn't realize their true power as a class. She had no intention of behaving like an ordinary senior president, however, and taking any steps to see that future through, no matter how small, would be worth it.

VOTE: Natasha White


Katelyn Graves didn't know who she wanted to vote for when she stepped into the voting booth.

All of the speeches had been so good in their own ways.

Trinity had been a little awkward with her delivery, but that just made her more empathetic to Katelyn, just because of that shared awkwardness. The actual contents of her speech were nice, and she could tell that Trinity radiated a certain amount of kindness through all of that awkwardness. Trinity would make a kind president, Katelyn thought.

Teddie... his speech had been good, but doubt crept into the back of her mind. She thought back to that night, and what Ash had said to her, and thought about how she really needed to talk to Robin to get his side of the story, even if she was dreading that possibility. She couldn't shake that thought out of her head, thinking about Teddie as president.

Chloé had been the most professional of the bunch, that was for sure. She had the most well thought out speech, and Katelyn couldn't help but feel closer to her and valued when she said that she'd make sure to include everyone in the process. If Katelyn was placing a bet on who would go on to be the actual president one day, she would probably settle on Chloé. Chloé would make for an upstanding senior president, Katelyn thought.

Darryl was candid during his speech, and Katelyn felt a little charmed by that. He didn't know what to say to distinguish himself from everyone else, and she related to that. If she had been trying to write a speech for this, she definitely would've messed it up and sounded completely uninteresting. Darryl would make for an honest president, Katelyn thought.

Marshall had clearly come into his speech the least prepared of the bunch. He had stammered, and everything he had said had been really vague. Yet, Katelyn couldn't help but feel like he had done a great job in spite of that. She had been in his shoes before, rushing through a presentation last minute that she hadn't properly prepared for. She was sure most of the student body would feel the same way. Marshall would make for a relatable president, Katelyn thought.

Natasha had been the most passionate with her speech, and there was something magnetic to it that drew Katelyn in. That kind of confidence was intoxicating, and Katelyn herself felt some sympathies towards the other girl's plight about the evils of the free market. Katelyn wondered, if Natasha won, would they end up eating the rich like they so often talked about? Would Katelyn get a bite, if that were the case? Their meat would probably be extra nutritious, given that they had high quality diets. Now she was hungry. Natasha would make for an interesting president, Katelyn thought.

So Katelyn sat there for some time, unsure of what to do or who to vote for, until someone knocked on the door to the booth, asking if she were okay in there, and almost made her jump out of her skin. Without saying a word to whoever was knocking, she hastily wrote down the first name that came to mind.

Ultimately, Katelyn Graves fell victim to a common mental trap: recency bias.

VOTE: Natasha White

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:32 pm
by midnight_twelve
Chloé Delacroix votes for herself.

Fred Hobbes votes for Daryl Smith Jr. This fact will also be tactically mentioned to Big Dick.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:48 pm
by Gundham
Juanita Reid, unsure of who to vote for, decided eventually to cast her ballot for Natasha White. She strongly considered voting for Teddie Boyd as an apology for their past, but ultimately wasn't sure it'd do any good.

Rebekah Hayes, showing cheerleader solidarity, voted for Chloe Delacroix.

Re: Senior President Election

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:40 am
by backslash
The results:

a. Trinity Ashmore - 7
b. Teddie Boyd - 13
c. Chloé Delacroix - 17
d. Darryl Smith, Jr. - 5
e. Marshall West - 8
f. Natasha White - 15

Chloé Delacroix is your senior class president.