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Re: When The Moon Hits Your Eye

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:31 am
by Maraoone
"I mean in Emerson you'd probably be a legacy admission, so, would probably save you some hassle with the application process there."

June had meant that as a joke, of course, but being a legacy admission anywhere would've been nice. The end goal was always Culinary Institute of America, of course, just like how Laci's end goal would probably be an Ivy League school. But their program required you to get all your GE's finished somewhere else first, so first she had to look for a normal university of some sort, and first application deadlines were next month. Made her want to tear her hair out. But, that would be a problem for June tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, until it was a current problem, and it wasn't yet, so.

As for what flavor pizza she wanted, June had been craving pepperoni, actually. But K wanted cheese and Medea didn't want meat, and she didn't wanna get half and half because then there'd be an entire half just for her and a half that K and Medea would have to share.

So she scanned the menu for a moment, more surveying options for next dinner rather than this dinner, and then said, "Yeah cheese sounds good," even though it did not sound good for her.

She caught the eye of the waitress for the table, raised her hand.