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Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:19 pm
by RC~
Fuck, what was Spike doing? Hitting Bill with a VHS tape. What has he become?
Spike silently stared at Bill.
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:38 pm
by Ohm
Bill stood there dumbfounded. Dude just threw something at him, sure it was a vhs tape, but it was something nonetheless!
This wasn't like him, this wasn't like him at all. Spike used to help him with problems, not...create them. He clutched the dagger as tightly as he could with his left hand as his right hovered over where he was hit.
Bill stared back with wide eyes.
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 9:51 pm
by RC~
Spike almost wanted to say that he was sorry. But was he? For whom? Bill getting hit with a VHS? Was he feeling sorry for himself for being put in this situation? For Bill to be put into this situation? Was it his fault he was in this situation? This situation. This death. This death. This dying. This death. The Swedes.
Spike's emotions were swinging between anger at the Swedes and self-pity.
His head began to hurt again. From the thinking, from the stress, from hitting his head against the wall earlier. He rubbed his head.
"Do you have any Aspirin left?"
He already took one of the two given packets of aspirin earlier, but it didn't help.
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:31 pm
by Ohm
Bill kept up the staring contest between him and Spike, his left fingers etching into the dagger that he had been assigned like it was a security blanket. He was not sure what to do if Spike made another move or threw another VHS at him; if he did he might have to take the point before Bill gets barraged with more of the things. That would not be-
"Uh, yeah, I have some, so I'll just..." He mumbled as he dropped down on one knee, bag on the floor, and started looking through it, rifling past all of the items they had given him that he had not even checked until now and fished out the first aid kit.
It has to be in this thing, right? That makes the most sense to Bill unless they're messing with him, which was possible. He opened it and grasped a bag of aspirin, leaving the kit and bag on the floor.
"You want me to, uh, walk over or leave it so-somewhere or what?"
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:43 pm
by RC~
"Just throw it, I'll catch it," Spike said.
"Sorry for hitting you with the tape."
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:53 pm
by Ohm
"It's, uhm, it's alright?" He answered while trying to gauge his aim, he was not too confident in his ability to throw things, or physical activity in general, but no harm in trying, right?
He lifted his right arm behind like he was getting to pitch a fast ball, and tried to throw it to Spike.
It did not even land close.
That was his dominant hand, too.
This sucks.
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:51 pm
by RC~
"Wow, that was...uh. Don't worry about it."
Spike took some steps to where the bag landed to pick it up.
He opened it and swallowed it down his throat. He coughed, took water out of his bag and drank some to help him swallow it.
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:20 pm
by Ohm
"You, uh, should be careful with that." He said lamely as Spike guzzled down his water. The guy did not take the opportunity to make fun of him after that throw, so the same Spike that he knew was still there, even if he was... weirdly hostile to him.
His right hand crept up to where his heart was in his chest, open palmed pressed against it taking deep breaths. His heart was going nuts despite how everything was fine cause everything was fine! Spike was fine!
Everything was fine.
He moved his right leg a bit and bumped into the VHS in front of him; he stood stiff after that.
"G-got an-any plans? Spike?"
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:12 am
by RC~
Plans? Plans for what?
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:26 pm
by Ohm
"Ah," Bill said, struggling to unclench his left hand from the dagger. His right did the opposite, and clenched itself into a fist above his heart. It shook in its place.
Bill tried to smile, but the response from Spike put the sails down and what came out was more of a grimace than anything else.
"Me neither."
"Kind of, uh, got nothing."
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:46 pm
by RC~
"I want to leave this place. Do you want to come with me?"
Yeah, there was nothing to be done in this room and the atmosphere was bad and awkward.
"And be careful with that dagger."
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 5:30 pm
by Ohm
"Ah, yeah... thanks. I'd, uh, love to!" He said as his fingers finally unclenched from the fierce grip his left hand had garnered over the dagger. Spike was a bit more friendly, which made Bill a bit more relaxed. It was good for the heart.
It allowed the smile that showed to be a bit more genuine than before.
Now, this was more like it; the guy he recognized at school, the person who helped him, and not some weird nutjob. Well, it was weird, the sudden turnaround, but maybe he realized that this was pointless. This destruction?
And, hey! It meant Bill didn't need to figure it out on his own! Someone else had the brains to let him think along their lines, and two heads better than one, all that jazz.
"So, um, where to?" He asked as he dropped his right hand back down and left it hanging at his side.
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 5:56 pm
by RC~
"Hm, what about the town? We could occupy a house perhaps. Doesn't hurt to have a bed when night time comes."
Fuck, why was he strategising? He doesn't want to. He just wants to not think about this.
Well, at least he got company that could distract him from the situation.
((Spike Havighurst continued elsewhere))
Re: Bishop's Opening
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:41 pm
by Ohm
"That sounds like a plan!" He said a little bit too loudly in response. Bill couldn't help himself; his voice tended to jump like that when things went well. That's what he told himself, anyway.
So, there was a town nearby? Did that mean shops and the like? A house with a bed would be nice, but if they left any place like that behind that had anything useful... would that be worth a look?
He'd put that in the maybe category for now. All he had to do was follow Spike for now since it was the safest option as far as Bill could see. Aw, heck, maybe he'd find some more friendly faces along the way, people that he knew more closely and weren't...
No, it was better not to think of Spike like that. He was... dealing with stuff, much like anybody else. It's not an ordinary situation that any of them would have been prepared for, so he was dealing with it any way he could.
Yeah... anyway, they had a plan now and
a town to get to.