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Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:39 pm
by Cicada
Both familiar names. 'D' was an empty suit, likable without being particularly interesting. Salem related, of course, but there were limits to how much being like someone made you actually enjoy them. Asymptotes, diminishing returns, so on. As for Roberta, she allegedly had a bit of a temper, Napoleon-complex type thing. Salem hadn't even known that was possible in women, but he hadn't really seen it himself.

Names and faces. Statistics for the algorithm- who was he going to pretend gave him chills thinking about how they were once alive but now they might have died. Many such cases.

"Roberta seems like the sort who might have a grudge against someone like D. Guess it was good you were there when you were." Operative word, guess. Salem didn't really know, it was hard to intuit, how he felt about acts of altruism on island. Maybe cool if they were directed his way. Maybe prolonging the suffering if they were for other people. Maybe he could be merciful to people. Maybe he was too much of a poser to be in a position to be the one giving out mercy in the first place. A lot of unproven hypotheticals.

"So the correctional on the map checks out? Actual cells and keys, no easy ways to escape? I mean, I can't guess how you could get someone in a cell without getting hurt in the process... and there's the whole 'if no one dies' thing to consider, but like. Maybe it's an option for some enterprising soul."

Phrasing so picked because Salem didn't want to commit to anything yet. He was pretty sure nobody was expecting him to accomplish anything except look pretty and die, not necessarily in that order.

"How many other folks do you think are going to turn killer? And before you say anything, Ash is a 50/50. I could see her going either way." He had his theories, but they wrestled with fonder memories of stupider shit like making out and long-form dunking on that jackass Aracelis. "I want to say peeps like Matty B., or Adam, the one with the shitty pink hairdo. But they almost seem too obvious, shrug." Onomatopoeia for what he actually did in reality, shrug his wispy little shoulders.

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:02 pm
by Deamon
"Yeah actual cell, actual key, if you can get it off of Daenerys." Darryl shrugged from where he sat. "There might be another one but I didn't look for it."

In his annoyance at Daenerys' attitude towards him, Darryl had utterly forgotten to look around the place, which in hindsight had been an oversight. He could have potentially been able to find a few useful tools, but instead, he'd walked off in a mood. It was what it was he supposed, although it certainly seemed like something he'd need to be more aware of in the future.

Salem's follow-up question didn't hold much interest for him. He wasn't going to debate hypotheticals as to who was looking to push his shit in when the safest answer was everyone, until proven otherwise they could all be opps. That was just smart business practices and as he was now in the business of staying alive he was going to follow them.

"Meh, like everyone," He replied with a dismissive wave, "Everyone needs to catch a body before they can leave."

His thoughts turned toward Big Dick, Chloé and Eden. All people he trusted to not immediately start putting bullets or blades into people. He wondered if building up a knowledge base of people they trusted not to turn psycho would be a better way. In fact...

"I think it might be better to figure out who we know we can trust." He said, "So we know people we can rely on y'know?"

He ran a hand through his hair as he looked over the other two.

"I got Dick, Chloé, and Eden who I feel like I can trust."

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:12 am
by Laurels
So the jail cell wasn't a good option, as Letitia learned that the girl with the dumb name had apparently taken the key for it. She remained in her seat as the boys spoke about who they thought they could trust and who they thought might start killing. Letitia rested her chin on her hand.

"I can't say for sure who would and who wouldn't kill," Letitia. "And I can't say for sure there's anyone I would seriously trust here. Honestly, I sort of figured I'd ditch town after graduation and never have to see anyone from it ever again. Not even for an ego flex at our 10-year reunion. Hard for me to say there's anyone I'd trust since I didn't find many of our classmates worth connecting to emotionally."

"Still, I think I can trust myself," she said. "I trust myself to not act a total fool here. That's what will keep me alive longer."

Letitia smirked.

"I do have to say, I at least enjoy this present company. Thought I'd be dealing with a lot of bullshit really quickly once we woke up here. If the TV wasn't busted, I'd be keen to suggest a VHS-and-chill night."

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:49 pm
by Cicada
Yep, good point. Maybe a bit too pessimistic, though again that was just a matter of practical consideration. Not like anyone on this island wouldn't be able to find an excuse to justify putting a bullet in a peer for the 'gram, Salem just presumed some of them wouldn't be capable of it. They'd catch a case of cowardice, or a case of dying of exposure before they ever got the balls to play for the win, or like... they'd catch a case of actual COVID, because that was probably still a thing going around even on this, the most socially isolated of places on earth because society wasn't coming to save them.

In time, anyways.

"I mean I would've gone to the reunion because I for sure peaked this year, but besides that."

A thoughtful bite of his lower lip. In theory he missed what the other two were up to, who was looking at who, because he was too lost in his own thoughts but. He wasn't so enthralled by his own admittedly excellent brain that he couldn't assume someone would pull out a gun and start shooting.

Maybe he'd even surprise himself and it'd be him. The gun was still heavy in his hand. Almost as heavy as his ass.

"Dick and Chloé both seem like good bets. Dunno about Letitia though." He also smirked, but also not caring if the jab was seen or acknowledged. "Honestly, no cap, I'd bet on my sis. Cali's probably not the sort who has it in her to fuck shit up. And, if I have to hot take... Bethany. She's so up her own ass there's no way she'll be able to violate her own moral code."

He'd adopted several seated and half-seated positions in the prior minute, the classic zoomer undiagnosed 'ADHD' in airquotes working it's magic. Now he took up a criss-cross, the applesauce being the barrel of his gun now comfortably nestled between calf and thigh.

"I'd take you up on that offer. At least it's warm in here and there's a lower chance we get ambushed. Ish. Sound carries inside here, if you guys didn't notice. I heard Letitia before I saw her."

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:52 pm
by Deamon
Letitia decided to tell them her entire life plan. Like okay shawty, he hadn't asked but go off.

Darryl also resisted the urge to roll his eyes when Letitia said she could trust herself. He wasn't in love with her answers but she had the gun and he didn't so he wasn't gonna make any comments. He was smarter than that. He nodded when she said she enjoyed the company she had though, made it seem like she had his attention. But hey, if the girl with the gun was happy to have him around he'd take that, no need to rock that boat.

Salem agreed with his suggestions of Dick and Chloe, which made sense, they were good picks. He didn't say them for no reason, you had to be realistic when your life was on the line. There was no space for sentimentality. Then he put forward his own sister and Darryl nodded along to that, for real, it was possible to tell because it was a more animated movement, less restrained. Darryl was fairly sure he knew which girl Salem's sister was, she'd only appeared in their class that year and all. Average height, slightly pudgy, had the gold jacket and face scar. Fair enough. Siblings seemed like a safe bet so Darryl couldn't argue with that.

"Yeah, pretty sure I know who she is," Darryl said, and was going to ask further questions but stopped himself when he realized Salem was continuing.

He was less sure about Bethany but he couldn't help seeing his point. If Bethany was one of the never compromise types then maybe she would end up being a safe option.

"For sure." He offered, in lieu of further analysis. He was happy with the suggestions, it was a good starting point for some kind of goal and having that to work towards was better than sitting around waiting for their classmates to die around them.

"Yeah," He said yeah a lot. "If there's space going in here and you'll have me I'll gladly take it." His vision turned towards the pool table, judging its floor clearance since he was sure Letitia wasn't going to give up the sofa seat. So if someone did burst in at least he'd be hard to see.

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:35 am
by Laurels
The boys had a few ideas of who was worth allying with. Letitia listened fondly, even if Salem had tried to sneak some shade in. Letitia merely smirked and pretended not to hear. She could let them be comfortable for now. Both were willing to hang out with her in the rec room. They had plenty of objects to use to defend the room and keep themselves safe.

"Alright," she said. "Guess we better settle in then. Now, who wants to move some furniture?"

Letitia was fine with how things were right now. All she had to was keep her rifle close to her and stay alive. Surely she could take Salem and Darryl out if the time came? Like she said before, she trusted herself, so she could surely trust herself to pull the trigger when the time came.

((Letitia May continued in 36 Chambers))

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 4:14 am
by Cicada
He was actually a bit surprised people knew California. She hadn't been the most outgoing person ever born. As far as he knew her closest set of friends was the Kitty belt, an orbital about as far from the central star of the JEM social solar system as the Kuiper.

He wasn't particularly keen on thinking about her. The more he did that the more he felt as mortal and pathetic as he actually was, rather than being the in-control badass he was pretending on styling himself to be with his carefully curated thoughts and tacticool edgelord evaluations of his peers. Cali was the weakness in his armor, most likely, and his armor was already toilet paper painted over to look like it had heft and weight.

"Yeah I guess I'm good for physical labor. Not guaranteeing I'll stay longer than another hour or how long it takes for me to be able to feel my feet. But let's chill out-" as if that were avoidable, "and pretend we're watching a movie."

Netflix and Chill minus the euphemism. Nothing against Letitia's looks but Salem was pretty sure Ash was going to be his last. So... probably three days prior. Maybe at some point on island. He wouldn't discount that premeditated murder wouldn't be a turn on for one or both of them.

- r/bigdickproblems enjoyer continued elsewhere -

Re: As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 10:29 pm
by Deamon
It was a shame about the TV being busted, they could have engaged in the classic American pastime of ignoring their problems by watching people on the magic box. Instead, they would all be stuck in the cold room wondering if someone was going to break in and try to make a crime scene out of them. Hopefully, Salem would be right in his assessment that they'd hear anyone coming.

Darryl stood up, stretched out then went to collect his coconut. He didn't want to forget his mascot after all. As he moved around the room his eyes scanned over again, in more detail on the second pass, looking for anything and everything that was of interest. But in truth, the room was largely what he would have expected from some common room in the arctic circle. Some ways to kill the time and reminders of the civilization that sat further away than seemed possible.

Instead of dwelling on the isolation Darryl instead focused on his company. Didn't want to go stir-crazy after all.

((Darryl Smith Jr. continued in 36 Chambers))