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Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:58 pm
by RC~
As Piper stooped down Janice‘s hand jumped to catch Piper‘s hair. She used all her energy tryng to pull it in hopes of bringing her down with her.

Piper was not going to kill her with the knife.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 6:49 pm
by Namira
She never thought to tie up her hair. Had a million and one other things on her mind.

Piper's attacker had her by the strings, yanking her facefirst into the snow.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:11 pm
by RC~
Janice eyed the ulu knife while continuing to pull the hair like strings. With one of her hands, she touched Piper‘s forehead, digging into her wound with her fingers.

She could feel the blood on her fingers so she decoded to smear it across Piper‘s face in order to limit her vision.

So she moved her hand across Piper‘s face like winshield wipers.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:43 am
by Namira
Couldn't pull clear, couldn't twist around, couldn't fight.

Fingers jammed into her cut and she let out an earsplitting yell, rising higher and louder when they raked across her face, thrusting into her other eye too.

Half-blinded, Piper threw back a wild, haphazard elbow, then again, then again, violent and desperate.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:58 am
by RC~
Argh, damn it. Not the rib cage again! It already still was hurting from the last time.

Janice had trouble breathing after that area got kicked at and elbowed at. Tears were already swelling up her eyes.

Janice let go of the long hair of Pipers and lunged for the ulu knife lying around, coughing when she caught it.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:29 pm
by Namira
Another wild strike then suddenly the grip was gone.

Piper jerked forward, attempted to catch herself, and her hand sank deep into the snow. She fell the rest of the way, facefirst again.

Spluttering, blood filling her eyes, she scrambled to get back upright, floundering in the snow. Couldn't see, couldn't fucking see. She wiped her face, got vision back, where'd the girl—

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:56 pm
by RC~
Janice then proceeded by grabbing the ulu knife with both of her hands and hammering it down on the navy blue parka, pushing her own weight against it as well.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 8:24 pm
by Namira

In her back. was a blade. in her back.

she tried to catch her breath, and felt it grind against metal.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:54 pm
by RC~
Janice pulled the now-bloodied-again ulu knife out and repeatedly slashed it at the poor girl’s back in a rhythm only known by her.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:39 pm
by Namira
this- no, no no

with all she had left, Piper wrenched her whole body around and threw a haymaker straight into the girl's jaw.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:53 pm
by RC~
Janice didn't see that coming and had no chance of protecting herself from the fist. Janice dropped to the ground again, face lying on the cold snow.

She dropped her knife and and touched her nose.

Oh no.

Oh no, no, no, no.

Her nose was bleeding.

Janice slowly tried to get up, pushing herself up with her arms and in order to observe Piper.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:22 am
by Namira
Perfect connection. Reveberated the whole way back through her arm.

The girl dropped. keep going. get on her. stop her.

Piper tried to breathe and inhaled blood.


She made it one step, and then collapsed.

Couldn't bring up any more energy, any more fire, any more, anything.

Some protector. Some fighter.

It was so cold.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:07 am
by RC~
Her nose was bleeding in the cold, her chest hurt from the kicks. But at least it looked like Piper was knocked out or worse for now. There was no need to stand up, so she dropped herself down again.

Janice continued to lie in the snow for a couple of moments just to catch some well-needed breaths.

After she had recovered enough to stand up, she went back to the road to pick up her flashlight. Using it to look at Piper‘s body, she checked her pockets, but couldn‘t find her weapon. Checking the bag also resulted in no weapon.

She shook Piper‘s shoulders in case she was just knocked out.

„Hey, wake up. Where‘s your weapon?“

No response. Looked like she was dead just like Tana. Damn shame she didn‘t tell her where her weapon was before she bit the dust but what could you do about it?

This was definitely different to the thing with Tana. She had to actively hurt someone which was considerable harder, and she almost lost this fight, too. Really needed to get a good weapon, a gun, to defend herself.

Although her ulu knife did wonders here. She put the bloodied thing back into her windbreaker pocket. Yeah her jacket was ruined again, too. Maybe her next step would be to get clean, unbloodied clothes again.

She left Piper in the snow, put the rations in her own bag and went back to the road with the flashlight on.

Janice swiped her nose with the back of her hands. Nose still hurt.

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 9:09 am
by Fiori
A pair of flashlights pierced their way through the woods up ahead, and a distant voice could be heard.

"Hurry, this way! I heard the scream over here!"

The sound of distant hurried footsteps could be heard, twigs snapping underfoot and foliage being brushed aside. One of the beams of light pointed downwards, having spotted something near the road.

"Wait, I see..." the voice goes, before falling silent for a moment. "Oh my god, LIYA!"

The footsteps turn into a run, the lights flailing wildly before stopping not far from where the first body was found, a pair of hunched figures just barely visible in the distance.

Suddenly, one of the two lights pointed in Janice's direction.

"HEY! Whose there?!?" shouted...

((Lillian Larsen continued from A Girl's Feelings))

Re: Puppet Girl

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 11:24 am
by RC~
Aw, crap. Not again.

Now, there were two people on the way to her direction as well. She was outnumbered, had a bloodied windbreaker and murdered someone offroad. Yeah, she was gonna bolt. So Janice ran away from the lights.

((Janice Cresner continued els-

Janice stopped running and clutched her chest. It hurt. Shit. Janice needed a break to catch some breath. Breathing in through a nose where blood ran out wasn't comfortable either, let alone in the cold. So she took deep breaths through her mouth, eying the haze that came out of it.