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Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:12 pm
by randomness
Grace was rather sure that she had heard a faraway sound amongst the constant background of rustling leaves. Were there any wild animals on the island? The fact that she couldn't make out where the noise had come from made her slightly fidgety.

Leona made a comment about taking the gun, which felt a little unusual to Grace, but she did have a point. There was no real point in Matt holding on to a gun that he didn't seem able to hold, let alone use.

"So what weapon did you get anyway?" she asked Leona, noticing that she was still playing with the finger trap. "I sorta already have a pistol of my own." Grace tried to make the announcement sound casual, but realised that it wasn't going to happen.    

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:13 pm
by Aura
Magician girl wanted to know if he wanted to give away his gun.  He thought about it for a moment.  He could get it off his hands, which would be a plus, but then he thought about the consequences.  Whoever got his gun could use it to kill pretty much anyone they wanted.  Heck, even the girls in front of him at that moment, could flip out and go on a shooting spree.  That wasn't what he wanted.  Not at all.

He zipped up his daypack, once again concealing the gun within, and turned to her.  "No.  I'm taking it to a cliff, or a lake, or something.  I'm going to get rid of it.  Make sure that no one uses it."

At the same time, Grace began talking to the girl, asking what weapon she had been assigned, mentioning that she had gotten a pistol.

Great.  More guns.  Just what I needed.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:16 pm
by Riki
Joachim was a tiny bit irritated. Yes, he made a rather clumsy entrance to the scene, and yes, he should have been more careful. Yet, Jaquilyn's tone did not really please Joachim. He made a mistake, but he won't do it again. There was no need to get grumpy. He did not say anything though. Argueing was not something Joachim would do in such a situation, and only a fool would think that it'd be a good idea.

He also did not really like the gun part. Joachim never experienced how it feels to be shot, but it was an experience he would rather avoid. There were three people though, who seemed to stay rather civil. Which was a good sign. Civil people were less likely going to shoot people. Plus, Joachim concluded that they were stupid, or partially deaf, since they did not notice that there were two people in the wood nearby. Not that Joachim minded much.

He recovered and assumed a stance similar to Jaquilyn. He noticed that one of the boys wanted to throw away his gun, so that it does not harm anyone. Which meant that he was likely not a player. He mentioned throwing it off a cliff or into a lake. Joachim himself was not really interested in this whole "killed or be killed" situation, nor did he really feel the urge to have a very potent weapon, but going out to throw a weapon away seemed unlogical to him. Especially that someone could still retrieve it if the boy was not careful enough.

"Or throw it into the bushes," he silently snarked. Jaquilyn would love to see that happen, Joachim was sure of that.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:16 pm
by Outfoxd
Grace was asking Leona what her weapon was.  She answered simply by tapping her temple with the fingertrap and smiling.  She figured the hint would be obvious.

Leona raised an eyebrow at the boy's resolve.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"  She glanced down at the now-closed bag.  "You don't have to load it.  An empty gun is just as intimidating, as long as other people don't know it's empty.  Misdirection's a great weapon."

Leona almost shook her head.  She felt like she was gearing up for a show, and not trying to decide how not to get killed in a game of potentially imminent death.

"Anyway, that's my sense of the matter.  Grace?"  She looked over at the new arrival.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:17 pm
by randomness
(Skipping with permission from Nuggets)

Leona had a smug look on her face. Grace didn't quite like that, given that she had finally puzzled out the weapon. The fingertrap wasn't going to help them out at all, but seemed to be an interesting diversion for Leona.

She hadn't expected Matt to want to throw his weapon away in such a drastic manner. Hide it in his pack, maybe or tossing in the woods, but throwing it off a cliff seemed a little overboard.

She pondered for a second. "Uh, well, I think it'd be a good idea to keep the gun, but I guess it's still Matt's choice in the end, right?

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:18 pm
by Aura
The girls seemed a little skeptical of Matt's decision to get rid of his weapon so early, especially such a powerful one.  But he had made up his mind.  He didn't want the gun, and he wasn't going to carry it around any longer than necessary.  The first chance he got to get rid of it, he was going to take.

He sighed and picked up the daypack, along with his backpack that was lying beside it, and got to his feet.  It was at this point that he realized he absolutely towered above the two girls.  He informed them of his decision.  "Alright, I'll carry it around for now, but as soon as I get a chance to throw it away, I'm getting rid of it.  Besides, I'm pretty sure that I could just find a big stick or something if I wanted to intimidate people."

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:19 pm
by umop-ap!sdn*
Jaq smiled. Joachim had recovered and had his head back in the game, even if it was jokingly.

"Yeah I know, right? They have two guns."

And the guy didn't even want his. She knew his voice, where did she know it from? They had a mutual friend or...

Cassidy's boyfriend! She'd talked about him at cheer and Jaq had seen them together at one time or another. That included outside of prom where they ate each other's faces on a bench. She hadn't thought either of them were the aggressive type, but the excitement of prom must have stirred something up in that perky cheerleader.

"The kid's name is Matt. I don't know the others just by their voices."

She wanted a gun. Fuck the hypothetical golf club, there were two guns here, one of which was going to be discarded. One man's trash was a another man's salvation. Jaq became very aware of her own standing still. Her entire body willed for her to rush forward, grab the gun, hold it up to the other girl and demand her gun too. That would be ideal, but it was more realistic that her rushing out would result in her getting shot, or tackled by Big Matt.

She turned to Joachim, now crouched right by her side, she felt like she had a teammate. She smiled.

"We need that gun. How do we play this?"

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:19 pm
by Riki
[GMing approved]

Joachim tilted his head back and looked at the sky. Jaquilyn wanted the gun. Joachim not so much, but if she wanted it, he figured that he should make himself useful. There were problems though. From the purely physical perspective, Matt and the other girls were at a massive advantage. Matt was strong, and the other girl did not seem to have doubts about using a gun. Joachim first wondered if he and Jaquilyn could enter that scene and manage to manipulate one of them to join his and Jaquilyn's side. Then he got another idea. Stealth. If he managed to get close to Matt or the girl, he could take them as hostages and demand their gun. Joachim was not enterly sure if he managed to sneak up on them, so he thought of another plan.

"I have an idea," He whispered to Jaquilyn. "We reveal ourself, but we have to pretend that we are not hostile. Additionally, I will hide the fire button of my knife. That way, we can get closer without them thinking that we are dangerous. Then, you have to circle around the girl with the gun, so that when she is focusing on you, I can dash to her and hold my blade to her throat."

Joachim and Jaquilyn now emerged slowly from the bushes. It was weird for Joachim. He knew that he was planning to assault his class mates, but planning it, and the thought of executing that plan was strangely... well, what was it for a feeling? It was a good one, definetely. One that made him feel alive.

"Good Morning. I see you have better luck than us both." Joachim pointed at the ground with his knife, his voice was deep and slow, and there was even a faint smile on his face. His heartbeat became faster, though.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:19 pm
by Outfoxd
Grace was right, of course.  It was Matt's choice.  And it seemed like Matt had already made up his mind about said choice.

Leona did her best to keep the disappointment from coming across her face.  She didn't know about the rest of them, but any advantage possible at this moment was a great comfort.  She didn't like the idea of deliberately tossing one away.

"Matt, we may need more than a stick, just so you know."  She said to the big kid.

Then people came out of the bushes, in the area where Leona had made a mental note to be more vigilant about.  A mental note she had already ignored.  They were just lucky these kids were more of the talking sort.

The boy she didn't know so much.  The girl Leona recognized as Jaquilyn Locke.  Cheerleader.  DId some sort of kung-fu or something.  If she remembered correctly, a mite abrasive.  Not a great person to run into, as far she knew.  But neither of the pair was openly hostile, so she'd live.

At least she hoped.

"I'd say 'luck' is a strong word in this situation."  Leona didn't notice her hand dip into her pocket to extract her quarters and start rolling them around her knuckles again.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:19 pm
by Aura
The magician wasn't too keen on Matt's plan to find a stick or something similar to defend himself with until he gets something decent that isn't, well... a gun.

"I know a stick isn't much, but it's the best thing that I can think of right now."

At that moment, they were interrupted by two people coming out of the bushes.  He recognized one quickly, Jaquilyn Locke, one of the cheerleaders.  The other one... he was admittedly less familiar with, but was holding what seemed to be a knife.  His fears were confirmed when the new boy pointed his blade at the ground, leaving no doubt in Matt's mind that it was, in fact, a knife.  The guy talked about how "lucky" Matt, Grace, and the magician were.  Matt was pretty sure they had heard about either him or Grace having a gun, and was getting pretty nervous about the newcomer's intentions.

He put his hands up and took a step back, attempting to prevent a conflict.  "Hey guys, there's no reason to start trouble.  We don't mean any harm here."

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:20 pm
by umop-ap!sdn*
"Luckier than the bitch with a bag of skittles."

There was Matt. Jaquilyn quickly jumped into action, she had a goal in mind, and was only getting closer and closer to being able to protect herself. Here was the next step, not part of Joachim's plan, but every opportunity had to be taken.

"Matt!! Oh my God!!!" She ran over towards him, dropping her bag on top of his, and then wrapping her arms around him. She didn't know him well at all, but a mutual acquaintance between them and Cassidy might be enough to justify her seeming so happy to see him.

She moved away soon after. The embrace was meant to be surprising, not awkward. "Have you seen Cassidy or the other girls?!"

Though she'd never been particularly close, or even really friends, with any of the cheerleaders, she wasn't of poor terms with any of them. Stacy was awful, but they didn't interact enough for there to have been a real issue.

She looked down, letting her hair fall over her face to hide her glance at the bags next to them. The closer one had a light cake of dirt in one spot., it must be hers, given her recent fall. She looked back up at Matt, way up at Matt, and brushed her hair out of her face.

She stepped over the bags and turned the other girls. So close to the gun, she just needed an opportunity now.

"Are you guys all okay?"

She opened her mouth to say more, thinking it might be cute to ask if Matt was protecting them. The big sweetheart probably was, and she'd probably earn points for asking, but somebody might mention his gun. Drawing attention to it would rule out the possibility of taking it away sneakily. Without breaking eye contact with any of the new faces, she carefully turned her foot towards Matt's bag. It turned up on it's heel, and lowered twice in a slow, silent "tap". She put her hands behind her back and straightened her posture as she did so. Hopefully, Joachim would see what she'd done and reconsider his plan. Her feet then quickly turned to a more regular stance, she rocked up on her toes before planting her heels.

She thought of her mother for a moment. The woman had always been a master at projecting the perfect emotion to get exactly what she'd wanted, and it had always driven Jaq insane how manipulative she could be. Now Jaq found herself using the same tactics.

She felt no shame, she felt no regret, and not even the disgust she'd always figured a moment like this would inspire. For the first time in a long time, Jaquilyn Locke was able to identify with her mother. She wasn't an evil woman, and though her desires may have been petty, she was ambitious. She was a successful supermodel, she got discounts and special service everywhere she went, her agent was pushing her towards an  acting career before getting pregnant. But... ultimately she'd decided that a family was infinitely more important than... Anything...

Jaquilyn's face was hot. Her brief, blank stare was hopefully unnoticed as she waited for the girls to answer her question. She needed to live. She needed to go home and make amends with her family. She needed to hug her mom and apologize for having been so rude for so long. She needed to show her father that she could, and that she wanted to have a healthy relationship with them again. She needed to tell Don that she understood why he'd always defend them when Jaquilyn complained about them too brutally.

She looked up at the girls. Her eyebrows rose slightly in the middle, and her head rotated a few degrees to the side. Her mouth was slightly open, ready to react to whatever they said to show she cared, she was ready to nod to show she understood. She listened to the sharpest detail of every word, she needed to react to everything perfectly.

Not her pride, not her reputation, none of her own values mattered. She needed to survive long enough to see home again.

Nothing was more important than family.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:20 pm
by Riki
The plan seemed to go down well for a second. One of the girls, the one who began playing with the coins, did not appear to think that Joachim and Jaquilyn were hostile. Good. Matt, however, was a bit more concerned, and threw his hands up in the air. Joachim was about to say something to reassure him, when suddenly Jaquilyn ran into Matt's arms, dropping her bag on his one. That was not exactly what Joachim thought would happen, but still, he saw no reason to worry. Joachim was confident in his abilites to improvise.

Joachim observed Jaquilyn's movements. He knew that she planned something, and expected Joachim to react properly. She asked about Cassidy, and then asked whether everyone was okay. He noticed how she straightened her posture, and that she put her hands behind her back. Certainly, Joachim had to react to that. Jaquilyn was close to the gun, but she needed an opportunity to take it. Yet, Joachim wondered what he exactly could do to give her this opportunity.

Eventually, he simply let himself fall on his knees, and then the rest of the body fell aswell. Joachim made sure to make it look genuine, even if it hurt now a bit. Either way, he was sure that this would attract attention, and if they did not pay attention to Jaquilyn this way, she could have the chance to grab the gun. His left hand, the free one, was pressed against his belly. Joachim thought that this would be a good way to simulate sickness. Sudden sickness out of nowhere. Well, not that they had to believe him in the end, they just had to divert their attention to him.

"Oh... damn."

Let's hope this is enough, Jaquilyn.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:21 pm
by Outfoxd
Jaquilyn, for all negativity Leona knew about her, seemed harmless enough.  The excited hug on Matt only served to reinforce it.

But something about her still wasn't sitting right.

Leona intended to make a career out of a profession built on misdirection, deception, and illusion.  All of these could be created through any number of things.  But especially body language.  One could draw the eye with one hand while the other was performing any number of tricks.

Leona was still an amateur, if a practiced one with the potential to be a professional.  That was why she was only mildly...unsettled by the odd way Jaquilyn rocked on her feet.  The business drew the eye; at least hers.

Leona found herself moving a closer to Matt and Jaquilyn, acting on a gut feeling.  She wasn't in the least sure why.

Then Joachim was moaning, and Leona stopped, attention drawn.

"You alright?"  She asked.

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:21 pm
by Aura
All of a sudden, Jaquilyn ran up and hugged Matt like an old friend she hadn't seen in years.  This caught Matt off guard, and honestly made him a bit uncomfortable.  He didn't really know her very well at all.  Pretty much all he knew about her was that she had been on the cheerleading squad with Cassidy, and-

Oh God, I forgot about Cassidy!

In that moment, Matt realized that Cassidy had been on the plane as well.  That meant that she was on the island too.  He had been awake for the past few minutes, and he had totally forgotten about his girlfriend.  He had spent his time freaking out about his own weapon and holding conversations with near-strangers rather than looking for her.  He felt like he had let her down in some way by not remembering right away, and the feeling got even worse when Jaq asked if he had seen her.  He was too shocked at his own forgetfulnesss to reply.

While Jaq started asking if everyone was OK, the other guy dropped to the ground all of a sudden.  Matt wasn't sure what the cause was, but if he dropped that quickly, then it might have been something serious.  He walked over to the guy, but a bag caught his foot as he did so.  He looked down to see that he had kicked a duffel bag of the same design that the terrorists had given him.  He looked back to see another bag where he had been previously, so clearly one of the two had to be his.  He pointed to the bags and called out to Jaquilyn.

"Hey Jaq, did you drop your bag?"

Re: This Ain't No Make Believe

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:21 pm
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joachim was playing sick, and it was perfect.

"Oh no, do you think you're gonna puke again?"

The girl moved over to make sure he was alright, and even Matt started to move towards-


She almost lost her composure. She choked the feelings of panic and summoned up some more false ones of concern.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry!" She looked down at the two bags on the ground. She picked up the one she knew to be his, her entire body tense with nervousness as she did so. It felt so heavy, she'd never been so concentrated on picking something up in her life before. The bag lifted off the ground, dangling from the strap. Jaq swiftly pulled the strap over her shoulder, knowing that the assigned number would be facing her body She could feel the rectangles pressing into her hip, she was uncomfortable focused, it was like she was high.

She looked down at the bag, pulling it away from her hip for a moment to look at the numbers.


"Yepp this one's mine."

Jaq smiled and gave a slight eye roll, pretending she was just picking up her bag of Grade E food. She let Matt's bag fall back against her body, the numbers concealing themselves once again. Hopefully nobody felt the urge to go and look at the bag on the ground now.

"Can you walk Jo? We've got to get that golf club still!"

She walked over towards him, keeping one hand on top of the bag to make sure it didn't somehow escape her. She could only hope that the more attention she brought over there took more of it away from her candy bag. Come to think of it, there were some stale chips and a can of tuna in there too.

She reached out her hand to Joachim to help him up. It took all her willpower to fight the smile into a frown. She tried to look concerned.

Forest... soon... in any direction... I'll even kick Matt in the nuts so he can't chase us...