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Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:19 pm
by Buko
1. Respect the decision of the Mods and Admins.
Dodd is a mod, he and several members decided that if you do not post in twenty days you’re dead, also regardless if it was unfair or not characters have reacted to it, live with it, Nevera is dead, enjoy the pre-game RP and peace out.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:19 pm
by Abel Nox*
((Sorry I just skimmed the pages of text and didn't notce that part. sorry for my inactivity and I wish to be more active in the future for V.2, thanks for letting me know and I do apologize!))

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:20 pm
by Slayer*
After spending the entire time after the grenade went off hiding behind the crate, Jack emerged a few minutes before the Ninth Announcement. He had heard everything thanks to the quickly thought out move of making sure his ears were covered. That everything included the final words of Jill and Martyn.
"God damnit..." he muttered, placing the gun down temporarily as he looked at the two former allies, both of whom he had been perfectly willing to kill just a few seconds before that grenade had come through the window. "I will, guys, I'll-" the Ninth Announcement started just as he started to say what he was about to say, the dawn of the tenth day creeping through the windows. Listening to the announcement as he looked for the computer among the two bodies, he chuckled slightly at the news of the dead, though he suddenly turned dead serious as he heard who threw that grenade: Terrorist Angelina Kaige. Before he could gather an opinion on it, he found the computer (it was completely destroyed. It didn't matter much to him though, even if he could no longer hack the system the virus he had uploaded a few hours previous should be getting to work around now.) and the announcement continued to state she also killed the last two other baseball players on the island. Clenching his free hand into a fist, he picked up the gun and pocketed it. He was fine with the revelation that Danya's promise was a lie, he had other motivations, and he surely wouldn't renege on his word of letting the winner go home.
Alright bitch, now it's personal. You killed my allies, you killed two teammates who were like brothers to me, and you tried to kill me! You better watch out... he thought. Hearing that, like almost every other part of Death Island (as he called it), the Warehouse was now a Danger Zone, but he had twenty minutes to get out, he placed the ruined computer on the ground and moved to the vending machine barricading the main entrance. Steeling his resolve, he placed his hands between the machine and a slight gap in the blocked space and started to pull, straining his muscles to move the heavy machine.
Come on, goddamnit! Push yourself! Do you want to die?! after a few minutes of struggling with the machine, he was able to open it wide enough for him to walk through with his things. Going back, he took Jill's bag (someone had gone through Martyn's bag, he wasn't willing to take any unnecessary risks now that he had gotten this far), and walked through the hole with his gun (with ammo in another pocket) and the supplies in his bag. It wasn't much, but it would have to do. He had taken longer than either he or Danya would've liked, and the collar started to beep as he headed towards the woods. Though startled, he managed to beat back the tides of panic with the assurance that he was almost in a safe area. True enough, a minute later the beeping faded into silence as he fully entered the wooded area. Turning around to face the left, he headed off for a new destination. The Helicopter Crash site. He was hoping he could rest there for a while, and he could wait there for the other nine contestants, depending on who arrived he could make an alliance or ambush and kill them (he now realized this would be necessary, even if he didn't like it). If all went right and according to the plans already weaving their webs in the battleground between genius and insanity people called his mind, he might well be the one survivor at the end of things, and might have taken down the system at last by the time all was said and done...

10 Contestants Remaining...

((Continued in: Gonna Stand Our Ground...))