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Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:23 am
by VysePresident
Going to put off responding to Kermit's post because but it's late and I have to sleep

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:37 am
by Fenris
i keep saying im too tired to talk and then i say things anyway!!!!!

1. im a little uncomfortable w/ vyse basing things on stuff that toben said years ago but also
2. the math is pretty sound actually. you'd need more kills to counteract everyone having two lives, but four kills would still equal out to basically two nightkills, which would be... a lot, for an 8-man game. that said i still think 3 or even 4 is possible, assuming there are other factors in play, like protective roles and/or people with more than 2 lives.
3. i really need to hear from shade. particularly i wanna hear if he got shot last night. i'm assuming for the time being that everyone who's spoken besides dodd wasn't. i'll state up front that i wasn't.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:17 pm
by Cactus
Well, I read all of that, and wow.

But in my opinion there's one really troubling thing that got said that pushed me over the edge.

And that would be when Kermit claimed Communications Officer. Which I think would be a decent claim, and makes sense.

Except for one small problem.

I'm the communications officer.

I watched Fenris on night one and Fenris did not have any visitors. My standard def gear doesn't allow me to see who does what to the person, but just who visited them.

So unless we're doubling up on flavours and roles, which would be weird to me, I think the frog is a treasonous one.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:30 pm
by Fenris
... huh

okay, well, i said before that there are only 6 canon roles and 8 players, and i had doubts that role flavor was gonna be super relevant bc if toben wanted the odd roles out to be mafia he'd have to limit the game to 8 people, which he wasn't doing. then again it does seem odd to me that he'd just give two people the same role rather than like, making new ones up. That Being Said, having two communications officers w/ one being a tracker and one being a watcher makes a lot of sense, and actually it would be a pretty crazy coincidence if you were actually communications officer/watcher and kermit happened to lie about having the same role as a tracker.

so uh honestly i think most likely either you're both communications officers or you're lying, dodd. that bit of info doesn't clear kermit for me but logically speaking if you really are the watcher it actually makes kermit more likely to be what he says he is.

also noting for the record that that's So Much For My Theory and vyse isn't a pgo which is what i learned is the standard term for that thing i didnt remember the standard term for yesterday

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:31 pm
by Fenris
i dont have any clear information on how having more than 6 players is handled in an actual game of paranoia probs bc that doesnt happen much, but honestly there isnt any real reason non-team leader positions couldn't just be repeated. i just kinda assumed there wouldn't be for some reason

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:45 pm
by Cactus
Well, I'm not lying - I think it'd probably be easily super transparent if I was, and I don't have a reason to role claim what Kermit did otherwise. I wouldn't have role claimed had he not claimed the role that's sitting in my inbox.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:54 pm
by Fenris
it would be pretty pointless to lie about, yes. so i think the most likely explanation is you're both telling the truth.

that said, and i take back the thing about this clearing kermit even partially, because it has literally no bearing on whether or not either of yall are mafia. you can be a tracker or a watcher and also be scum. i don't think either of you are lying about your role, but that doesn't mean a whole lot and i have to go back to all the other arguments. >_>

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:57 pm
by jimmydalad
Hey! So thread blew up while I was asleep so now trying to catch up with it all. Immediate impressions of what I woke up to 8s that it looks like things blew up between Vyse and Kermit. I’m slightly leaning towards Vyse’s side cause Kermit seems to be trying to push his side hella hard to the point that it looks suspicious?

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:58 pm
by jimmydalad
I need to read through like 3 pages cause you guys got seriously busy and I’m just like “omg wtf happened to the thread”??.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:19 pm
by jimmydalad
Ok, so after reading through the effort posts, I’m more inclined to believe Vyse in comparison to Kermit. Like, the fact that Cactus, who has been pretty chill and town in my eyes, also claims the same role that Kermit is, I’m obliged to believe him because even if this is a bastard game, I very much doubt there is a doubling of rolls.

If Vyse’s maths is correct, then we have at least 2 people targeted him last night for the kill. But Dodd also lost a life? Was that due to being punished by the friend computer or was he also targeted at night? Fenris, when you tried to invoke yellow clearance, did you lose a life or were you just warned by Friend Computer?

Are we also assuming that a town vig targeted DM last night? If so, why would they target him? It wasn’t like they did anything overly suspicious yesterday or anything.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:54 pm
by Kermit
Adam what if I told you I think there's four comms officers.
My standard def gear doesn't allow me to see who does what to the person, but just who visited them.
same homie. Though Friend Computer has promised to give me high-def equipment some day.

So unless this game is completely Bastard, there literally can't be three killing roles, even with the BP mechanic - not without entirely destroying the game. That gives us potentially two phases of play, if it were true.
it would only be a two-phase game if each group somehow managed to kill someone each night.
I’m slightly leaning towards Vyse’s side cause Kermit seems to be trying to push his side hella hard to the point that it looks suspicious?
being emotionally invested does not equal scum.
If Vyse’s maths is correct, then we have at least 2 people targeted him last night for the kill. But Dodd also lost a life? Was that due to being punished by the friend computer or was he also targeted at night? Fenris, when you tried to invoke yellow clearance, did you lose a life or were you just warned by Friend Computer?

Are we also assuming that a town vig targeted DM last night? If so, why would they target him? It wasn’t like they did anything overly suspicious yesterday or anything.
and if kermit's math is correct we already have answers to all those questions.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:44 pm
by Cactus
The above really clears Kermit for me - the promise of high def equipment someday is in my flavour too.

Maybe we need to start looking at Shade or Jimmy.

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:50 pm
by Fenris
once again pointing out that you two are probably both the role you say you are and that doesn't mean one or both of you can't be mafia. :p

also once again i really really Really big really want to hear Something from shade because i'm this close to wanting to policy lynch out of frustration even though i know that isn't helpful

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:20 am
by Irina Ivanov
Soooo, I guess I'm not in the game, right? I've been busy, so Cactus had to work all by himself. I'm really sorry.

Oh my goodness, did the game start?

Re: Paranoia Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:24 am
by Irina Ivanov
Wiat, NVM I've been lynched.
