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Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:07 pm
by Primrosette
I dunno MS sounds more suspicious by saying that he doesn't have a role and that makes me think that something is up. But yes, we have to get a lynch, I guess. So I'm gonna go with my gut feeling for now and hope that it doesn't bite me in the butt.


Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:12 pm
by dmboogie
tbf that probably just means he's claiming vanilla townie

of course, that doesn't really help him because it's the go-to scum claim + town doesn't lose too much by losing one

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:55 am
by MethodicalSlacker
boogie is right!!!!!

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:55 am
by MethodicalSlacker
it doesn't help me but it also really doesnt hurt me as much as claiming something else does and i feel really pushed to make a claim and that's just the way it goes!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:06 am
by Fenris
The current vote total is as follows:

MethodicalSlacker - 6 (Emprexx Plush, Jilly, dmboogie, blastinus, Riki, Primrosette)
dmboogie - 3 (Polybius, MethodicalSlacker, Irina Ivanov)
Emprexx Plush - 1 (Riki)
KamiKaze - 1 (MurderWeasel)
Grim Wolf - 1 (Polybius)
Polybius - 1 (Grim Wolf)

18 alive means 10 to lynch. Three days remain. The plot, perhaps, thickens.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:05 am
by Ruggahissy
I was about to vote for MS just because he's using the board's supply of exclamation points.

I know this is against all conventional mafia logic about how it's bad to do this and such, but I'm always hesitant to vote for someone on day 1 unless someone really really screwed it up/ reveals more than they should. I know the whole point is to see who voted where after the person is revealed to provide more clues, but the chances of us hitting a townsfolk are so high and there's not much to guide our choice at the moment.

So basically this is to say why I'm not pushing for anyone in particular and why I'm not good at day 1 at this game.

IDK. Who wants more gifs?

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:10 am
by Ruggahissy
Oh I missed the claim.

Vanilla townie is a go-to for scum, it's true, because it can't be proven. However, it would also be the claim of someone with a power role who doesn't want to be hit come night. It could also be the truth.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:21 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Oh boy twelve pages to read.

Catching up, thoughts as I go, may not do the whole thing tonight.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:29 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Irina Ivanov wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:02 am There's no reason for MS to fake having a posting restriction right? Unless post restricted scum don't exist or something.

But unless Fenris is lying (which they could be because DIRECT lying is prohibited), then MS is trolling. But then like, if Fenris is lying, then what else can not having posting restrictions mean?
I'm 95% sure this has been settled in the like eight pages I have to read, but wanted to chime in that a. I don't really read anything MS did as sounding like post-restrictionish stuff and b. it's been (quite) a while since I watched Madoka but I don't think super! excited! exclamation! points! really fits anyone in the show anyways. I think it's just a weird voice for the game. That doesn't mean it's not worthy of consideration or potential suspicion, but at least my read is the post restriction angle's not really going anywhere given that we know there are none and if one was being faked it'd be a pretty baffling choice because it's not even a remotely decent job.

Also I may be missing the joke but Dodd definitely just sounds like himself.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:30 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Irina Ivanov wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:40 pm Oh yeah I forgot Mafia's sometimes played rp-like
*flashbacks to the first, fully-IC SOTF mafia (in which Dodd killed us all) intensify*

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:35 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Ruggahissy wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:37 am OK I'm all caught up but like, I don't think I actually learned much from being caught up.
Yeah this is where I'd typically point suspicion at the people drowning out quality discussion with noise, but there's been no quality discussion to drown out so /shrug.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:42 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
So because I've been directly called out:

Any dead/ignored phase benefits only scum and anyone advocating for it is working in scum's favor. That is math. If you don't like it that doesn't change it.

What's important is getting data, discussion, and votes on the table. Yeah, it often amount to little, but if the choice is between "maybe nothing" and "definitely nothing" why shrug and go "Probably gonna lose anyways, so let's throw away our chances?"

The difference between Day One and Day Two is:

1. power roles get to do their stuff any maybe find out some info (but cannot act on it without condemning themselves to certain death)


2. a townie is dead (or several players of potentially varying allegiance, if multiball/a vig shot/whatever)

This is useful in the following ways:

1. the power roles can cookie crumb what they learned/try to steer discourse while pretending it's just their brilliant deduction skills. This is unreliable at best.

2. the track record and interactions of the dead player(s) can be used to suss things out. This is where spending Day One randomly memeing shoots town in the foot--no meaningful discussion/no record of votes = nothing of merit off the dead to discuss = Day Two is Day One II: Electric Boogaloo unless power roles are super duper on-point.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:46 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Emprexx Plush wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:17 pm Yeah, there can be up to two mafia of no less than two each, and no more than one serial killer. If i was gonna bet i would say either 4 mafia or 3 maf one SK, with fringe possibility in 2/2 mafs. 2/2 mafs and an SK or 4 mafs and an SK feels imbalanced
Traditional game balance as I've seen it is actually 25%-33% scum--rounding down would slant balance notably towards town, which traditional SOTF mafia already does by virtue of power role density. Not impossible for town to have a leg up, but I'd say dismissing five scum as unlikely based on balance is very risky when it's actually more in line with the recommended distribution.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:54 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Oh boy, roleclaims!

So, my take:

Right now, I'm looking askance at Goose if MS flips town (also, his vote seems to have been mistakenly attributed to Riki). The specific nature of the post is kinda iffy/wiggly, the timing comes before the really good reasons to pile on, and it doesn't fit what I know of his pattern. If MS flips scum, Goose looks nice and town until/unless we learn the game is multiball, at which case he returns to a scummy neutral.

Prim is looking good right now due to the call on VTs (very expendable).

My take is fake-claiming VT when you're a useful power role is a bad decision, even early on. VT is basically a freebie test lynch, doesn't hurt town much, and if you claim a power role you get into the land of playing WIFOM with the potential doctor. VTs are just... expendable. And that's true here as well. The claim feels a bit rushed to me, but I've just dredged twelve pages and am too tired to really parse.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:01 am
by Fenris
MurderWeasel wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:54 am Right now, I'm looking askance at Goose if MS flips town (also, his vote seems to have been mistakenly attributed to Riki).
I am occasionally theoretically capable of errors.

MethodicalSlacker - 6 (Emprexx Plush, Jilly, dmboogie, blastinus, General Goose, Primrosette)
dmboogie - 3 (Polybius, MethodicalSlacker, Irina Ivanov)
Emprexx Plush - 1 (Riki)
KamiKaze - 1 (MurderWeasel)
Grim Wolf - 1 (Polybius)
Polybius - 1 (Grim Wolf)