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Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:13 pm
by Cactus
Adam chuckled. Hawley was right, it would probably take a lot to get Adam to kill someone, although he had a feeling that by the time this was said and done, he probably would end up doing so.

"Well, yeah, you've got to admit, we didn't exactly get off on the right foot. And well, me shooting at you...yeah, it takes a lot to forgive someone of that. But like you would take a lot for me to kill someone. You didn't think my aim was that bad, eh? I wasn't aiming to kill you before, mainly just...hell, I don't even know. Probably more to knock you down, or whatever. I was scared, and let's be honest, after seeing what you did to Helena...can you blame me?"

He laughed again at the ease with which he discussed assault with a deadly weapon. In another place, another time, this might be funny.

"I'm still one hundred percent on what I said before though, eh? I know what it's like to hate people who just seem to have it out for you for no reason. Like I said's happened to me. But you are right, again...I'm a remorseful person. I have a feeling that by the time this is all over with, if ...hell, WHEN we get out of this, we're probably going to have a few dead bodies on our consciences,'s all about survival. We do what we can do stay alive."

As he discussed Edward, Adam shook his head and shrugged. "Beats me. Guy always seemed like a nice enough kid, if not a little weird. When I saw him he didn't really seem to stay long, he seemed to be looking for someone. I kinda wish he'd have stayed with us, just because, well...he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that'd be a cold-blooded killer."

At the mention of the sports teams, he chuckled again. In his mind, he couldn't help but thinking that he was coming off a little jolly with all of his chuckling. Then again, he was concussed, so who cared? In their situation, levity could be key.

"Yeah, we weren't all that good, as far as the team went. We didn't have anyone on the team who really sucked or anything, but we just didn't play as a team all that well. River was the kind of guy who lost his temper at times and took a couple needless penalties to show off, talk to the girls in the timekeepers box and whatnot. Although I admit, I took my fair share of penalties too. I've got pretty awesome self control, but hey, even fails me sometimes. Although I still led the team in assists, so that was cool. I just wish we could have won a little more. I guess it was fun though, and that's what counted."

A thought came to mind as he thought about his season.

"I guess a lot of the guys on the team kind of looked at me a little differently than a lot of the other guys. Sure I was committed to the team and all, but I wasn't the kind of guy who was like, die-hard, 100%, breathe, live, and die sports, you know? I mean, I had other committments, I was in the school play too...heh. How many guys d'you know who did the sports AND the drama stuff, eh? I must say, I had more fun in the play than I did on the team though. You could just be yourself while acting, if that makes any sense at all."

He remembered some more as he took another sip from his waterbottle.

"I remember it was kind of funny, because at one point, the school paper did a feature on the hockey team. The guy they sent out to interview us...guy named Cole Hudson, who I'm sure you've probably heard of, he was the same guy who was assigned to cover the play. I remember he came up to me and he kinda looks at me with this funny expression and he goes "what gives, Dodd, are you everywhere?" I couldn't help but laugh, just because...hell, the day before he'd interviewed me at that summer carnival that they held a while back. Three days and the guy runs into me three times. Heh."

As he brings up Cole, Adam shakes his head.

"Now there's a guy who had a hard time with some of the people in the school. Remember he wrote those columns about the cheerleaders and the student council and he basically trashed them left and right? I don't know if you read our school's paper, but man...this guy just ripped them apart. I mean, with people like Helena on the student council I can understand why, but, I remember seeing this kid get picked on day in and day out by these people. Saw a couple of 'em put him in a garbage can and shit some day."

He shook his head.

"The poor bastard, he took a lot of abuse, but he just fired it right back in his paper. I guess that was how he dealt with shit. A couple times I tried to stop them and stuff, and they'd lay off him...he'd write something and like the next day they'd be right back at him, just like wild dogs...I wonder if that kid's here, he'd be a guy I'd watch out for, that's for sure."

((OOC: I'm off to bed, now...night!))

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:14 pm
by Slayer*
Alan had come down during Hawley and Adam's conversation, and was about to make a coment when the announcement came on. To say he was surprised that the lighthouse was a DZ would be an understatement.

"Oh, shit! Guys, we have to get out of here!" without as much as waiting to see if they followed (just like last time), he darted away from the lighthouse, not sure where he'd go next.

(Continued in: Resting & Suffering)

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:14 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley opened his mouth to comment when the announcements began… eight people had already met an end, meaning since the last announcement that total had risen by six. Though as he listened on, taking note that this time they where mentioned by their names and not their numbers, though Hawley much preferred if the bastard man didn’t refer to him as Faust… suppose he couldn’t do to much about that half. Hardly noticing that Alan had even stepped in the room…

Though as the new danger zones where announced, Hawley found himself shooting curses as he jumped onto his feet quickly rushing upstairs and grabbing a hold of his daypack. Skidding into a halt before August’s and Terry’s quickly moving anything useful from their bags into his own, food, water… anything that could need later.

Standing to his feet, he glanced about having hardly taken notice that Alan had ran off till now. Noticing the now open front door, running off again. “Damn it all.” He hissed stepping out of the house, looking over both bodies there and their weapons. A stun gun and a bat… nothing useful on fighting terms, pausing in his steps he glanced back into the lighthouse. Unlike Alan, deciding to wait for their other ally before taking off. “Come on Adam, we need to go now.”

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:14 pm
by Cactus
As he listened to the announcement, Adam found himself shocked at how many people had bitten the dust already. His spine chilled when the lighthouse was then announced as a danger zone. Alan sped past and left without a second thought, and as Hawley sprang into action as well, Adam decided that now would probably be a good time to make a quick exit. As Hawley urged him that they needed to go, he nodded, and then bolted upstairs on wobbly legs to retrieve his knapsack, which contained his food, water, and other items inside. Grabbing a hold of it, he jumped over the small pile of vomit outside of the door. He too, glanced at the bodies, but instead of passing on the weapons, Adam decided that he would take them both, just to be safer than sorry. Still holding the shotgun, he stuffed the baseball bat and taser into his bag, and after shooting Hawley a glance and a nod, he began to quickly move away from the area.

"Alright man, let's jet...where we headed?"

OOC: in your next post feel free to take 'em both along to wherever we're headed.

((Continued in: Resting & Suffering))

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:14 pm
by riserugu*
At Adam’s question Hawley lifted the map that had been hanging about his neck lightly, remembering that the past danger zones had been lifted when the new ones had been placed. “The coppice, we’ll head there. Think of something more when we get there… and anyway it’s close. And I don’t think neither of us can run to far in our conditions…”

Allowing the map to drop against his chest as he adjusted his daypack on his shoulder, and took off as fast as his legs would allow; though he forced them to do somewhat more begin the current situation at hand. Glancing back briefly to insure that Adam was indeed following.

Though his mind did wonder briefly to where Alan had ran off to… and somewhere in the back of his mind he figuring it best if they separated from the other for the moment. Seeing that neither trusted him much…

((Continued in: Resting & Suffering))