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Re: taking character requests

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:17 am
by Yonagoda
Uriel, David
and mafia sakurako

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:06 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Said it on the Discord, but girls in suits are a fucking aesthetic that I just adore. So this is a fantastic piece.

Re: taking character requests

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 9:34 am
by Namira
someone's gon' die

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:50 am
by Yonagoda
More art up to the lion king meme!

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:54 am
by Yonagoda
Heres some more stuff u didnt ask for featuring marceline fucking dying
[+] aa bloody gorl

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:01 pm
by Grand Moff Hissa
I looovvveeeee the duo images and I think I've already told you that a few times now. I'm just blown away by how much personality and dynamic posing you're able to get into them.

I also just absolutely adore the duck pile. The way you went adult > kid > duck > rubber ducky is inspired, and the background, the ducks everywhere, it's just so cute! I also appreciate just how much mood you got in here, especially when the mood is "sleepy."

Mason looks great! I dig the way you've posed him, giving him some direction and a sense of confidence that makes him nice and distinct despite his being a pretty normal looking guy in a tank top. Speaking of, I like the way you drew that, just how it hangs, where it cuts off, I dunno, it just looks very nice.

Corin, too, looks very good. I appreciate that he's nice and friendly-looking, and that you got his sweater in frame. I'm especially into how you did his hair; all the layers and shading on it look really good and help convey that it's kind of a curly mess.

I'm so, so glad you decided to give Nick the knees-up treatment, because you get so much personality into him just through his posture. The slump, the hands in pockets, it's all great stuff. Nick's a character who has a really distinct vibe and you've done amazingly getting it down, especially how it looks like it's been a few days since he's had proper rest.

Compared to the last few, Maxwell is so nice and polished, which is great contrast, especially since you've managed to suggest pretty good posture for him even without too much below the neck. I think a lot of that is wrapped up in the tie, which suggests a trajectory for his body by continuing down (and which looks very sleek as well).

You picked a super nice angle to get Rebecca's earring in the shot, which is also nice and dynamic. I appreciate you trying out new poses, and also really like how you got her hair so layered and colorful while still being natural-looking.

With Vlad, I especially dig the stiffness of the collar he has. It makes him look formal in a way, but without crossing the line into exaggeration. I also appreciate the work you've done with color; his palette mostly plays in the same general pool of faint colors, but you bring them all to distinctness.

Derrick's outfit has a ton going on, but it looks great! You make all the different elements fit together nicely, and have done really well capturing the different textures of his shirt and jacket and how they lie against each other; this gives him some real depth, which I dig. I also like his hair a ton!

Mo's grin is great. He looks super relaxed and outgoing but with a deeper edge, which fits him well. I'm taken by how you did his facial structure; you always get the curve where nose meets eye socket just right, and it is so impressive to me because it's something I normally don't consciously register even in real people's faces.

Ace and Meilin look adorable together! I really dig how the cotton candy matches her shirt, and the fluffy texture almost evokes her ruffled dress; it ties the whole piece together nicely. I also think the way her hair colors blend and progress is really smooth. Your background here is minimal, but that's all it has to be; it puts in a ton of work and it's great to see them just enjoying a pleasant day.

I really dig Uriel, and you've done so nicely capturing his quirky V1ness while also making him look like somebody I could see being a real person (if perhaps one wearing a costume). Speaking of, you got the priestly witch-hinter getup down pat!

David, meanwhile, looks really nice and normal, but you've done well making him an engaging piece anyways. His blue eyes mesh well with the red of his hair. You're also good at ears, and I like how his is peeking out.

Mafia!Sakurako is of course absolutely incredible. I love that you gave her tattoos but also kept the exact same glasses she had in canon, and I also appreciate the way you've posed her, making her both relaxed and dangerous looking at the same time. She has that Sakurako mischievous edge, but with a little bit more oomph behind it.

Tiny looks great, and just in his facial shape you can tell that his name doesn't quite fit him. I really appreciate the way you handled his cheekbones and chin, which gives him a sort of width that speaks mostly to fitness.

Kian's hair is so neat and his hat is so slacker, and the contrast between them is wonderful. As always, the PV3 uniform looks snappy and nice in art, and you've done a great job making a bunch of kids who are mostly dressed the same still look distinct from each other!

I have no real idea who Clare is (deep deep cuts here!) but she looks nice. I especially like the way her scar is kind of understated, and how her hair looks like it was at one point almost neat but has come undone and she hasn't cared to fix it.

Nevera actually looks really slick and has good visual design; good job working with the oldschool descriptions (and also shoutout to Daemonic_Wulf for actually including an island outfit). Her braid looks great, and I dig that it's more neat and tidy than, say, Clare's hair. I also really like her jacket.

You pulled out all the stops on Hawley, and it shows! I super love the reflection on his glasses, which both plays down and highlights his heterochromia. You also exceptionally carried the lighting through the rest of the piece, which makes him look very dramatic. A fitting piece for one of the especially iconic oldschool characters!

The Lion King lift is amazing and I love the shirts, the poses, but most of all the faces. That one made me smile so much!

Finally, poor poor Marceline. ;-; You got all the details down so well, and it really brings home the tragedy seeing her laid out like that. You're actually quite talented at the grim and bloody side of things! I also am into you remembering the collar, which I forget an unfortunate amount of the time; it's a great reminder of the why to the whole thing.

You rock so hard for making these! Thank you for your hard work. :)

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:56 am
by Yonagoda
[+] lots of v8 girls
[+] whomst
Persy: Fenris
Tenshi: Blizzard
Natasha: Volt
Kitty: Volt
Gwen: Fenris
Gabrielle: mine
Destiny: Brackie
Ashlee: Kami
Mai: Slacker
and a karen
[+] hehe karen

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:01 am
by Yonagoda
More art you didnt ask for!
[+] i simp for paloma fbi pls im 14 i swear
And with that, I open my queue.

goshdarn her freckles are almost invisible what

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:07 am
by Maraoone
another tv3 childe pls
[+] Britnee Joyner
Appearance: Britnee is 5’5 and 110 lbs, with a slim frame maintained through regular dieting. Britnee’s face is lean in nature, with a wide forehead, thinly arched eyebrows, a somewhat puggish nose, and full-lips. Her most striking feature, however, are her slightly-almond shaped, light mocha eyes, which possess a slightly feline-esque quality. Of Jamaican-American descent, her dark brown skin possesses cool undertones. Her black hair is naturally kinky, but she straightens it regularly, leaving it to fall to her upper back. Typically, she ties it into low pigtails that hang forward for practicality. Both her ears are pierced, and she generally has a fondness for feathered earrings.

Britnee places much emphasis on her physical appearance, sticking to regular dental and skincare routines in order to keep things in order. Through the application of several creams, she has largely been able to stave off significant acne outbreaks, while regular brushing and occasional whitening have left her teeth pearly white. The same dedication applies to her makeup: while often not very noticeable, she applies foundation, mascara, neutral lipstick, eyeliner and concealer in order to produce a somewhat natural look, while still emphasizing her features. On more specific occasions, she tends to use more eye-catching shades, but on school days, she typically uses a fairly understated palette with the exception of her eyeshadow or lip gloss. Bright colors and low-cut tops are regular features in her ensemble. At school, however, she generally layers in order to avoid trouble with the clothing code.

On Casting Day, Britnee was wearing a crop-top she had made out of a pale-pink t-shirt over a white strapless undershirt, a denim miniskirt, thigh-high white socks, and knee-length brown faux-suede boots. Her hair was done in its usual pigtails, tied with white ribbons, and she was wearing her favorite pair of hot pink feather earrings. Around her neck was a silver necklace in the shape of her name, and around her left wrist were two gold bangles.

Britnee’s voice is relatively high-pitched and nasal, and she possesses a tendency to speak quite quickly.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:11 am
by Pippi
Benlo! Would I be able to get some lovely art of your friend and mine* Astrid Tate, please?

*Note: character is not your friend. Or anybody's, really.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:02 pm
by LeslieFranc
Hello, may you draw my v7 child please?
[+] Cecil
Cecil is a slender boy with Korean descent. He stands at a height of 6’0 and weighs 145 lbs. He has a swimmer’s body, with his long limbs, broad shoulders and lean but toned frame. He has a pale complexion, a wide forehead, and a pointed chin. He often slicks his short and thick black hair up with hair gel, putting it to a neat side part. His dark almond-shaped eyes are often puffy due to a lack of sleep, and his eyebrows are thin and feathery. He has a round-tipped nose and heart-shaped lips. He has difficulty in growing facial hair, and paired off with a baby face, it results to having a rather androgynous look to him.

Cecil projects an image of a good and obedient student. He holds himself in a self-assured manner when alone, and becomes deferential when with company, but there remains a detached atmosphere between him and the rest of his surroundings. He has a stiff posture, and tends to twitch involuntarily due to caffeine. He plasters the same serene smile to anyone willing to talk to him, his voice just above a whisper and his way of speaking gentle, but his delivery rather theatrical. However, he notably manages to look restless and exhausted at the same time when he thinks nobody is looking.

Cecil is a rich kid, and clearly dresses like one. His wardrobe leans on the preppier side, almost never too casual and always too expensive, with some occasional edgy additions that would fit more to a boy his age. He tends to wear button-up shirts, sweaters, and different jackets, all mostly in darker tones. He wears skinny jeans most of the time, paired with either leather shoes, lace-up boots or sneakers. One thing that clashes with his rather clean-cut style is his heavy accessorizing. He likes to wear several rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings, most of all the latter, rotating daily through a variety of different piercings. He has a total of eleven ear piercings: two lobe piercings on each side, a triple helix piercing and inner conch piercing on the left, and one cartilage piercing and two rook piercings on the right. Also, he’s always seen with a leather messenger bag that are generally filled with books.

On the day of the abduction, Cecil was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, a navy trench coat, dark skinny jeans and black lace-up boots. On each of his fingers are stacked silver rings and bands of various designs. On his ears are silver ear cuff chains and studs on the left, and hoops and a dangling earring on the right.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:09 pm
by Cactus
Might you be able to draw one of my late v7 childs, Claudeson Bademosi?
[+] Claudeson
Appearance: Standing at 6'0" and weighing 185 lbs, Claudeson is a sturdy individual, with his thick frame being a mix of natural musculature and a large bone structure. While not overly muscled, Claudeson is thick, by every definition of the word. He has large hands, large feet, and thick limbs that would allow him to excel at sports, were he so interested. This is not the case, and so his natural body fat tends to sit around the 12 - 18% range, not enough for him to be considered overweight, but enough for him to lack much definition.

Like the rest of him, Claudeson's head and face are well-proportioned to match his body and easily illustrate his Nigerian descent. His head is taller than it is thick, but is framed and widened by the thick black dreadlocks that he wears, which fall down to just below his shoulders. His brown eyes are spaced equidistantly apart from one another, and the whites of his eyes contrast with his dark mahogany skin tone, leaving them to stand out on his face. His nose is not overly large, but is wide, having a slight protrusion which avoids anyone from referring to it as flat. The corners of his mouth are constantly up-turned, and his natural resting expression is that of a smile, his white teeth often catching the eyes of the people he's conversing with. Claudeson has well-defined jaw and a squared chin, and has been said to have kind, open features.

As far as fashion is concerned, Claudeson tends to dress conservatively, not being a big proponent of displaying logos or sayings on his clothing. He dresses more for function rather than fashion, and favours bright colours and whites over darker shades. As he is constantly on the go and always walking around places, he is usually found in a light brown pair of hiking boots that he is very particular about.

On the day of the abduction, Claudeson was wearing a white t-shirt tucked in to a pair of black jeans. Overtop of the t-shirt, he was wearing a button-down shirt with a light blue and light green gridlock pattern that he left unbuttoned. He had his light brown boots on, as well as a silver watch. Around his neck, Claudeson wears a small gold cross on a golden chain that he can easily gain access to if need be.
Thanks in advance!

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:33 am
by Yonagoda
I'm closing things for now. I promise I'll get to it soon.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:14 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
I love the V8 grid! I totally see why folks thought it an alignment chart at first; it has that lovely geometric vibe to it. I like shapes. I really dig how much variety and character you're able to work into each of the girls, how laid out next to one another they draw the eye from one to the next because each has something different and fun going on! Also the row of kitty ears is pure art, especially because each set of ears is entirely different and thus conveys a unique vibe. Your attention to detail there is just stellar!

Karen looks amazing! Thank you so much for drawing her! I love how you got the little details of her coat and turtleneck down so well, and you've again done some really nice stuff with the highlighting on her hair; I'm always wowed by your knack for taking small, simple elements and using them to do so much heavy lifting in capturing a vibe.

Paloma's tiny hat is wonderful! The thicker outline here and the wave of her sweater gives this piece almost an impressionist painting vibe, which actually really fits her in my opinion. I also really dig how she looks super intense but it's hard to make out precisely what that intensity is turned towards; she's inscrutable in a cool way!

You've done awesome work once again, and you totally rock for sharing your considerable talents! :)

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:59 am
by Yonagoda
hawley and adam being bloodi bois together, takara v1 and her post apocalyptic punk outfit, cecil, claude, astrid and britnee!

requests open again