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Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 12:09 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
I bear a message from the shadow realm:

I sorta spaced on this but Slayer was never super comfortable with his old stuff being highlighted so for future reference I think we should put a moratorium on asking for any of his kids without direct permission. I know nobody meant any harm and y'all rock, just figured I should drop a line!

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:26 am
by Yonagoda
wait who were slayer's kids? since his profile didnt link them

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:53 am
by Yonagoda

A big art batch. Requests are still open, hit me with those v1 deepcuts with no eye color and v8 kids you want to see fleshed out if u want i guess

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:51 pm
by Catche Jagger
I am here to request The Best Boy in V1 and the this Gay Bond Villain

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:02 pm
by Ohm
Adding to that is more of Hawley's victims, August Masbeth and Terry Woodard

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 4:06 pm
by Jilly
Mind doing some v3 rep and drawing Anna Kateridge and Lulu Altaire?

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:24 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
as i said I might do in chat

i am requesting these two ijits post-Utena LSD trip
[+] Raven as described by Prim
Raven is of Caucasian descent and his skin is a lighter tone of color. He is pretty tall at the height of 6'5" and his weight is that of 190Ibs. He has blond hair that is styled messily around his head and his hair is just slightly pass his shoulders and he keeps it loosen or up in an messy ponytail sometimes. He has several tips of his hair dyed the shade of a light blue color and his fringe is covering up his left eye. His eyes are the color of green with a slight blue in the irises and his blond-brown eyebrows are trimmed out neatly. Raven's body is quite muscular due to keeping up his exercises daily and his legs are pretty tall and lanky. His chin is of a heart-shaped circle and he has some sharp-looking cheekbones. His nose is of a thin, short length and his lips are of a normal size with a calming smile present most of the time.

Raven doesn't wear any makeup. He wears a diamond-studded earring on his right ear and he has a silver tongue piercing. Raven's clothing is more of what he wants to wear casually and he is not fussy about appearances. He can be seen mostly wearing turtlenecks in a lot of different colors, black and white long-sleeved shirts are underneath his turtlenecks and dark blue or grey jeans. On Blah blah Day, he was wearing his two pieces of jewelry, a dark green turtleneck, a white long-sleeved shirt, dark blue jeans, black sneakers and his hair was tied back in a ponytail.
[+] Daniel as described by Moi
Daniel stands at five foot nine, and is rather light for his height, with a lean build. His complexion is olive-toned. He has an oval-shaped face with a pointed chin, a pointed nose, somewhat thin lips on a moderately wide mouth, and high cheekbones. His eyes are upturned and narrow in shape, and green in colour. Daniel does wear very light makeup on a regular basis, generally sticking to foundation and lip gloss. As for his hair, it is coloured a reddish brown, is fairly thin, and very wavy. It's currently cut just above the shoulders, and Daniel generally leaves it hanging in a rather scruffy, unkempt manner, though he occasionally pulls it into a loose ponytail.

Daniel dresses casually, and typically in muted or dark colours. Generally speaking, he wears simple t-shirts, jeans, and a jacket or sweater over them, with either sneakers or boots. In addition, he is almost always wearing glasses. On the day of the abduction, Daniel was wearing a loose, black t-shirt, a muted red varsity jacket over it, faded blue jeans, white ankle-socks, and black sneakers. He also wore narrow rectangular glasses with thin red frames.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 6:18 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
They look super nice!

Tori has those excellent glasses effects going on again. I love them a lot! You also have some especially nice shading going on this one; I like how you've used the subtle shadows to draw out the details of her nose and neck.

Heather looks great! I really dig her photography vest, and you've done a nice job working with her unconventional hairstyle and making it look really slick. The implied breeze adds some great dynamism to the piece, making it work as a good island shot.

Helena looks so polished! You did a nice job with her collarbones, and I also like how her hair is mostly really carefully styled but there's that one loose strand that looks almost intentional on her part too.

I enjoy the more minimal glasses on Jake. You gave him kind of sharp features, which pair nicely with his spiky hair. I also like the way you did his hoodie; the colors compliment each other quite well.

Speaking of colors, Jill's background it so fun and dynamic! Something about her also just has so much attitude. I think it's the side-eye she's giving. I like how clearly defined the lines on her are, especially with her kind of polished look on the whole. The slight upwards tilt of her head is also a great perspective, especially with how you've captured her nose.

Murdoc looks so quietly smug, though not in a malicious way! I really like the way you've done his hair, with all the different shades of the ginger. His clothes also look so snappy! You've done a great job with the lapels, and the high collar of his undershirt also is quite nice.

Mina is great! I really like her freckles, and also how you got her hair nice and wild; it makes her look really distinct and dynamic! Similarly, I greatly appreciate how you've captured her vibe of, like, surly unhappiness. It fits her amazingly, and I think it's mostly pulled out with the subtle details around her eyes and the corners of her mouth.

Sydney looks all happy! I love it! I also love that we finally see Syd getting some love and respect, given his status in the lore. I totally forgot how young he was, but you actually did a great job honing in on that and making him look notably a couple years younger than the V3-onwards characters. And the green palette is looking good!

I don't know anything at all about Niniko but just from this piece I can make a few guesses. You got that classic manga villain look down pat which fits the V1 tone beautifully. I also dig the greater detail on his eyes; it makes him come off as really intense.

I like the Peri/Dorian, especially how cute and gentle you made it (especially given my general impression of them is they're maybe kinda edgy? I dunno, I actually don't know much about them besides that their thread links make me sad by not using names). You put a lot of good attention into perspective and anatomy here, with Peri leaning over just a little. I like Dorian's ruffled shirt, and also his shy little smile. Very wholesome.

Ivan munching on his turkey leg or drumstick is great! The prop and the attention you put into how his cheeks are done just makes it so evocative. He looks like he's at the county fair they used to put on near where I grew up. The sketchier style also works really well with it.

Post-apocalyptic C girl looks like she's been through a lot! I appreciate how you made the bloodstains impactful but understated, and how much effort you clearly put into making her clothes ragged. At the same time, she wears it really well, and has an aura of determination about her, and I super dig how the bandages kind of morph from medical aid to accessory in places.

Prom Sierra is incredibly nice! She's so dapper! I'm very wowed by the vest, and also the color-coordination between shirt and hair; you really sold all the little details and made her extremely charming. And those buttons are great!

Alas, poor Amelia! The accessories and background here are great, but her expression really steals the show. I like how you've done the rare completely-from-the-front angle, which almost gives her a moony face. This couples with her eyelids and hair to make her just so polished as a piece. I love it!

I don't think Yuka's bad at all! She's a little less detailed, but you got her core features down in a very recognizable, iconic way—it's almost like a pop art version of Yuka. It's a good fit for her, too, since she has a few really standout features to funnel focus to (especially the hat and the hair).

Blood Boy is wonderful. I think the best thing here is that you got that sort of sad, misunderstood vibe, and while that's not necessarily what we remember Blood Boy for, it's absolutely a big part of his concept/narrative DNA. And the muffled word bubble is beautiful.

Finally, you managed to give Viktor a really interesting aesthetic that captures his injuries without entirely dwelling on them. I like the plaid shirt, and I like the way his hair partially obscures his face. There's almost something Phantom of the Opera about it. You do a great job bringing sympathy to some of the more infamous faces of past versions, which is super cool.

You have once again knocked it out of the park with these! I am incredibly wowed by your talent and speed, and you are super generous to make these. You rock!

Also, I don't know if you're taking requests for the super charming emojis you've been making in chat, but if you are, can I ask for something for Karen and Jewel? Jewel's vibe is kinda scheming, smug, and sarcastic, while Karen's is more reserved, nervous, and quiet. No worries if you're not doing those right now. I love your stuff and am thrilled to see all your work either way! :)

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:28 pm
by Brackie
I'd like to request some more underrated v3 and go with Shameeca Mitchell and Emma Babineaux

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:31 am
by Primrosette
I have to request more V1 kids such as Tayli E. Vreeland and Gabrielle Minase.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:09 am
by Maraoone
more v3 chirren (also an sc2 childe)
[+] Badass Johnny
Appearance: Jonathan is a very heavyset boy, standing at 6’4” and weighing 240 lbs. He has an athletes body, and the majority of this excess weight is spent on muscle all over his body, sporting a wide chest, broad shoulders, and lean muscle across both his arms and legs. The first thing you’d notice upon looking at him is the left side of his face, which has been scarred and disfigured due to an incident that happened when Jonathan was ten years old. The scars go from the top of his chin up to the top of his forehead, and show themselves through a mix of red gashes and grey skin. If it weren’t for his scars, he could be considered conventionally attractive, with a slightly pointed nose, a strong jawline, and sky blue eyes, although the left is a glass replacement due to the incident that gave him his scars. He carries an eyepatch on his person at all times, in the case that he is playing football or otherwise needs to take out his glass eye. His hair is brown, and fairly short, going down to the nape of his neck and bangs going to his forehead. He is Caucasian.

Jonathan doesn’t really care much for how he dresses, and this shows through the clothes he wears. Plain t-shirts dominate his wardrobe, and these don’t tend to have any logos or images on them, Jonathan not really being able to find any ones that interest him all that much. He also has items such as undershirts or athletic tops, which he tends to use whenever he needs to train or whenever he is doing exercise. There is variance in what type of pants he wears, but what he chooses to wear ultimately comes down to whatever happens to be on top of his wardrobe at the time. He doesn’t tend to wear any accessories, except for wristwatches, which he uses only because of the practicality they bring. On the day of the abduction, Jonathan was wearing a plain white t-shirt, an Under-Armour undershirt, blue denim jeans, black running shoes, and a black wristwatch, worn on his right arm.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:32 pm
by Pippi
i know they're not v1 deepcuts or v8 thots, but i would love love love to see your take on my PV3P childes, Nanna-Fiora, Morgan, and Faye!

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:59 am
by Yonagoda

A bunch of art, up to johnny

I'm pumped to make as much Art as possible before school smacks me in the face

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:49 am
by Primrosette
I'm gonna do more early V1 kids for you, Yona. This time I request Cole Hudson and Anya Vendvmagli

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:01 am
by Ohm
The V1 train ain't over yet! Requesting Fredrik and Glenn Hughes.