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Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:32 pm
by Primrosette
I am just going to request one V1 kid to make it not too heavy for you, Yona. So I will request for Kichiro Taka.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:32 pm
by Jilly
digs through his backlog of kids without art

Mind doing uh...... Lauren Rowe and Tessa Blackridge?

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:51 pm
by Catche Jagger
I'd like to request a couple V2 kids this time? Could you possibly handle Ali Grayston and Paris Persphone?

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:08 pm
by Brackie
continuing my pattern of 2s, I'd like to request my two adoptees Aston Bennett and Ma'afu "Maf" Tuigamala

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:02 pm
by Pippi
Hello! You did such a lovely job with Astrid last time, I was wondering if you could also draw Mia and Bryony?

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:46 pm
by Ohm
Going to request one for now, chat’s new favorite soft boi = Matthias Kovalenko.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:05 am
by KamiKaze
Hey, just wanted to say Chase is adorable and I love her. Thanks so much. <3

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:28 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Ugh this took way too long. My apologies!

Jeremy is great! I like how subtle yet defined his chin scar is; you do a good job of getting that sort of tight, healed skin look to it (in think in part with the double shading layer). Speaking of shading, I enjoy how you used it to give his face a sort of direction/tilt.

Peri looks quite dramatic. His hair is great; you got it kind of elegant yet also a bit messy, in this way that gives him some menace. I also appreciate the detail in his turtleneck, which is very recognizable even from just a tiny sliver.

I don't know anything about August, but your art makes me want to! I enjoy how you've juxtaposed a very normal, almost formal outfit/look in her clothes and glasses with more dramatic, island-y elements on the fringes like the bandages and the bat, sort of framing her. It's good composition!

Terry's messy hair is wonderful! You're good at taking a character who's fairly normal at a glance and giving them good personality and stand-out-ness anyways. He looks a little determined to me, mostly I think due to the angle of his chin and mouth.

Anna, meanwhile, has this sort of casually smug vibe to her that just has so much immediate oomph. I don't know, it's just one of my favorite pieces of expression work you've done and it's hard to put why entirely into words, but she is super distinct and it immediately intrigues me immensely.

Lulu looks great and it's super nice to finally see one of V3's standout favs! I love how you made her bangs a little unusual, with them coming almost to a soft point, and I also really like how you gave her the head tilt of attitude!

I don't know the LSD trip story but you've done a really wonderful job capturing the body language here, the uncertainty and light nervousness/awkwardness coupled with the uncertainty. We don't usually get to see feet in your work, but you use them to great effect here; the toe point and the missing sandal are both priceless. Also, while it's not the focus, you did a really nice job making that sofa look comfy.

Shameeca looks like she should be in an original ipod ad in the best way possible! You gave her this... sort of protagonist aura, almost, making her look like she's off for an adventure. I really dig the details on her pants, too; the belt loops and the little spot where the eyelet of the button isn't completely obscured are great, realistic touches.

Emma looks very friendly and dignified, nice and composed in a way that fits someone who loves knitting. The side angle works well here; it's like someone called her name and she's turning to look at the camera.

You've done a really really nice job with Tayli's hair! It's a perfect blend of neatly styled and oddball. It works really well with her earrings. I also like her kind of... uncertain expression, like she's sizing something up.

Whoa hey, Minase! Cool. You brought this sharp intensity to him, I think a lot of it in his eyebrows and how they're slightly furrowed/the wrinkles at the bridge of his nose. It's a great peace of subtle expression exploration and I love it.

The scar for Johnny is again really well done. You're great at dealing with the less conventional appearance elements of older characters while making them look totally believable and like they fit with the rest of the cast (yet never minimizing or removing them). It's cool!

You do a good Mimi impression! I'm impressed, especially for offhand!

The quickie Akeno sketch is also nice. I actually like the kind of choppy vibe to it; it gives her a certain strength that fits her martial artsyness.

You did an awesome job on these! I'm posting this batch of thoughts but I'm gonna get to everyone really soon. Thank you once again for sharing your talents with us! You rock! ;-;

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:19 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Okay, next batch!

Morgan has this softly dignified air about him that becomes immediately hilarious given his weapon situation. You did a good job giving him a fairly understated look that captures a certain quiet attitude nonetheless. I also like the highlighting in his hair; it looks particularly good.

Faye's matching overalls and hair clip are just precious! You did a nice job portraying her in this sort of innocent way; I think the pastel tones do a lot of the work, especially with the subtle yet present background tint.

Nanna-Fiora looks extremely cool. I dig her jacket; you brought out the sharp lines in a great way. You have a good thing going with the palette overall; there are a lot of nice darker earthy tones here that play well together, especially the faint brownish tinge to the highlight in her hair and jacket.

Cole's messy and disheveled in an excellent way! He looks mischievous. I like how his eyes are kinda narrow, and how their color matches his shirt; it draws emphasis to them.

Anya looks like she could be an evil princess in a Disney movie, in a good way! I like the framing of her hair, and how it parts on the side opposite the one she's looking at us from.

I think my favorite Fred details have to be the shirt; you've made the logos and designs really recognizable while also letting them blend softly into the fringes of the piece. It makes them unobtrusive, but adds so much character and charm to his outfit, so I figure they deserve a shout-out!

Moving on to Glen, I love that he and Fred are so clearly twins yet have such distinct vibes. He seems quieter and more somber somehow, but maybe also a little more introspective. I dig it!

Ooh, man, Brendan is looking intense here, and it's great. The hair colors you have really are nice here, deep and rich, and you've done really well with his eyebrows, making them strong and firm.

Clio's outfit is one of my favorites you've done! The colors are really, really good, and the whole thing fits together in an unexpected yet perfect way. She has such a warm, sunset/summer vibe to her, and yet something in her eyes is just a liiitttllleeee bit off in that menacing way.

You did well with Diego's wounds! He has this expression that's a great mix of battered and determined and angry, one that really gets at the heart of his conflicted vibes, and I love that you conveyed that he's nice and beat up without going over the top on the injuries and gore.

Aw, Trish looks great and it's so cool for me to see her in art because she's the first SOTF character I ever followed. ;-; I love particularly the shading on the right side of her face, and the way her hair hangs over her eye but only partially; it's very dynamic.

Lenny is another of my all-time favorites and you gave him the perfect mix of quiet calmness and serious menace. The softer touch you used for his eyes makes him look simultaneously a bit otherworldly and incredibly intense, which is perfect for him.

Alex's hat is very nice, and I really dig the way you got her faint scars along the hairline. Her hair in general looks very good, and I like the sort of ambivalent expression you gave her lips.

Redraw Ty is quite nice! I especially like the scar being on such vivid display this time, and the way his earrings peak out from within his hair.

Mariavel looks wonderful! I'm blown away by how normal you made her look, in the best possible way; she wouldn't be out of place at my high school back in the day. Your posture work is on point here, and I really like how you did her arms and visible hand; you made her fingers look really natural which can be super tough, especially for just a casually open hand.

You rock, and these are amazing! Thank you for making them! Posting now and more comments later. :)

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:46 am
by Primrosette
And I am back with V1 kids! I will request Edward Rommel, Mason Lucien and Jon Tognetti.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:12 am
by Catche Jagger
I would like to request just one this time: The sweaty rich boy

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:27 am
by Yonagoda

*Hands you some children*

Up to Matt

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 5:15 am
by Ohm
I'd like to request Amanda Jones and Madelaine Shirohara

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 5:50 am
by AnimeNerd
Jasper Suárez-King please, if you have the time.

Re: taking art requests

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:10 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
On to the batch that begins with Seth! I love how you've drawn his eyes, especially at the sort of partially-frontal-partially-tilted angle you've chosen. You get in a surprising amount of detail on his eyelids. I also dig how you conveyed information in the lay of his shirt just through the shape of the blue plaid square; it's a small detail that does a bunch of work.

Leo looks great too. You got the slicked-back hair down so nicely, and I appreciate the kind of subtle emphasis on his mole; it's good to see little marks in character descriptions and you're really good at integrating them into art.

Luanne looks super nice. I think you chose wisely in giving her a full-torso shot, because it draws attention to the length and flow of her hair, one of her most notable features. I don't know whether or not you took Kermit up on the art basis, but there's something very artsy about her, in that sort of mid-50s French way. It's a very nice vibe. ...and I just now notice the frame! That's brilliant.

Aww, it's good to see more of Chase. You do a great job capturing movement and energy through things like the flow of her hair and the swing of her cross necklace. I also appreciate that you made her makeup subtle yet distinct. Oh, and the shading on her buttons is nice too!

Feo looks wonderful! I think the centerpoint here is her eyes; their color is striking, and the way her glasses frame them and the lenses catch light and faintly reflect is such excellent stuff.

Bringing Samya's hand into frame is inspired and gives her so much personality. Hands can be tough to make look nice, but you do a really good job, and I especially like how her nails are detailed. And her little partial-smirk just fits so perfectly with the pose.

The suit shopping scene is very sweet! I like your color choices, the silver highlights for Vasily and the livid scar for Fisk drawing special attention too one unique feature for each of them. I also dig just how differently they hold themselves; Vasily looks more relaxed and easygoing but a bit goofy, while Fisk has this air of seriousness and (perhaps feigned) maturity about him.

Selene looks great, and I am blown away at how much you were able to pull out of an appearance section that is, let us gently say, a little dated. The best thing is that you honed in on her core feature—her devious smile—and just knocked it out of the park. I also dig that you put that bouncy curl in her hair. Great job on a really tough prompt!

The color on Venka is great, especially how you've pulled her makeup out as the primary shade for her background as well. I really dig how polished and together you made her look; the clean lines of how her scarf is tied and the very classic pearl earring do a lot of work here.

I don't know quite how to describe the change in shading on Paige, but it looks incredible. It's a very sunny, warm vibe that permeates the whole piece; even her cooler blue shirt has something of a summery air to it. It also brings some smoothness and softness even to features like her pronounced cheekbones. Really great work here!

As we come to Jacob, I'm struck once more by how well you handle facial hair; you're able to take a few little lines and shape them to just the right size and orientation to tell us so much about a character's style. The place where his hat meets his hairline is also especially good, as you navigate the difficulties of a front-on view of a baseball cap with style and grace.

I love the new Vasily. You just put so much attitude into his expression. It's amazing that we can see the tongue ring, and I realize now as I look that you also did a great job with another very difficult subject: teeth. You got them imperfect in that way that's so human. It's great. I also love the soft shading to indicate his knuckles under the glove. The detail here, it's all just so good.

Finally, I am once again wowed by your ability to borrow styles. It really showcases your range and your visual analysis abilities; you're able to pinpoint and replicate key pieces of other people's techniques, which impresses me a ton. You did good work in your own right here, too; the shirt pattern and spiked collar especially stand out to me as nice.

You rock, and these are amazing! Thank you, as always, for sharing your incredible talents with us. :)