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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by MooCow*
"You don't believe me..." Aiden whispered. "Oh well, let's get out of here... try to pull off the escape ourselves... we should head for the school."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by Sephy*
"Alright" Daisuke gathered his and Aiden's packs "you think you can carry this?" he said, offering Aiden's pack to him, he didn't want aiden to overexert himself.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by MooCow*
"I'd better not... we may wanna stop at the hospital on the way Dai..."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by Sephy*
"ok" Daisuke lifted Aiden's pack and put it on his back along with his own, he reached out and touched Aiden's cheek, concern written over his face "think you can walk that far?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by MooCow*
"Possibly die trying, or don't try at all and die anyway? I think I'll take what's behind door number one..."

(Continued in: Arrival)

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by Sephy*
"I see your point, lets get going before we attract any more unwanted guests" He watched Aiden carefully as they began to walk.

((Continued in: Arrival))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by MooCow*
OOC: Sephy there's nothing else to post here... lol.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by Sephy*
(OOC: then where should we continue you baka >_<)

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 pm
by MooCow*
OOC: I dunno what a baka is, so I'm gonna let that one slide lol, but why don't you pick a place... we're on our way to the clinic.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Sephy*
(OOC: umm, the bamboo coppice? *shrug* I forget which zones are danger zones)

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: The caves and the well.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
((Continued from: A Moment's Pause))

On there little journey he had managed to overtake jacob.His glasses slidign up and down his nose frantically as he looked between the map and the area ahead and then finally like an exsplorer he came on the location.The large sturdy looking warehouse seemed like the perfect haven.

"Ta-Da.." he said with a proud smile being given to Jacob as his pearly whites would be offered.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Continued from "A moment's pause": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=401
IC: Jacob had fallen behind for a few seconds when he saw the corpses of Aaron Redfield and Katherine Marks, but he decided not to tell Dorian that. Instead, he pulled out his gun and knife and slowly advanced to the door.

"We should see if anyone's in there. This place stinks of death, so there might be someone else who's playing." he told Dorian as he got to the side of the door, ready to shove it open.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
This was all to much like one of those SWAT scenes except for that Dorian didnt have a gun and even if he had he wouldnt know how to use it to well.Oh yes he had the basics..point it and pull the trigger but could he take another human life? He didnt have to find out thats why he had jacob.
Careful steps would take him over to oneside of the door opposite jacob.His messy hair pressed against the dark dank bricking of the warehouse.The Big Moment Came.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Slayer*
Jacob nodded to Dorian and pushed the door open, walking in with gun drawn and looking around the area. There didn't seem to be anyone there, but he had to be sure.

"Is anyone in here? I don't want trouble but there will be if whoever's here doesn't show themselves." he threatened, again glancing around the warehouse and seeing two female corpses at the stairs.

Looks like there was a battle of sorts, I'll have to be careful.
OOC: That whole post is assuming Aiden and Daisuke already left.