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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Swoosh*
((coming from... wherever these guys come from, yeah??))

Good job, girl. You've made it this far.

Taking a deep breath, Angharad stepped out from the bushes, a little way back from where Jacob and Dorian were stood. She observed them for a while. Everything was going to plan...

That's right. Go inside. I'll be in a minute, I've just got something to take care of out here...

She bit her lip as she looked up to the heavens. She needed to get this right, or it could result in her demise. There was no room for faults or errors. She had to get it together.

Her cheek still stung from where Hawley had shot at her earlier. I should be glad it was only the smallest of scrapes, and not my whole head exploding... she scolded herself inwardly. But that would leave a lasting reminder of this game once she left the island; it would obviously scar. She didn't want to have to think back everytime she looked in the mirror... she just wanted to forget.

She waited as Dorian stood outside the door.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Mismatched, please post.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
( I havent posted in what one day and Im being MSN messaged to post already? Damn )

He would very slowely creep inside after Jacob had called out into the shadowed confines of the warehouse.Before he entered his back had been pressed to the wall as if he was exspecting to hear some gunshots and a scream or two but these things never came and so the tensed mucles in his body went to waste.

Eyes peeked into the shadows before he fully moved inside carrying his bag full of diposable razors with him.One hand at his side free while the other held the strap over his right shoulder.

No Fighting..Big stout place with thick brick walls.It was all going well till he noticed those two female corpses and his mouth opened and shut a couple of times,bullet ridden bodies were not the easiest sight for anyone let alone the bookworm.

The hand that had been free swung to press his palm into his lips as he moved back outside.The other boy had been kiled oh yes but his mind had stopped him watching at certain points but these two girls were messed up.Bullet holes in every place not to mention one of them had what seemed to be brain matter leaking from a nasty hole on the side of her head.

What little food he had managed to hold down throughout this game rose up from him with a vengance and splattered down onto the dirtfloor of the great outdoors.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by Slayer*
"Yeah, I agree with you. You never really get used to corpses and the smell of death, you just learn to ignore it." Jacob said as he looked at Dorian throwing up and moving up the stairs. Kneeling down, he seemed to check the area around the two girls, nodding in disappointment.

"Damn, someone already took the weapons. Anything that messed up these girls as much as they did would be really powerful." he said, walking down and noticably reeling from the stench.

"I'd say those two have been dead for at least an hour, judging by the smell." he told Dorian.

"So, now that we're here what do you think we should do?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:34 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
His nose kept scrunching up at the foul odour that was running up it over and over,corpses were never a pleasent thing especially not to a sensative nose like his.The events would be pondered over for a few seconds before he spat out a reasonable adjustment "We take whatever is useful from here and then leave there is no point in cleaning this place up just so someone can use it as their centre of information?...We we we..We get what we can use and then we head off somewhere else..Maybe there is some transport now? can you hotwire a car? " He asked Jacob never for a second turning to look back inside of the door.

"I Should have asked can you drive" he mumbled to himself quietly outside of the door,why was it assumed Jacob was likely to know how to hotwire a car? A Bad call on his part one that could cost him dearly.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:35 pm
by Slayer*
Jacob rolled his eyes at Dorian when he was asked if he knew how to hotwire a car.

"My father was a cop, do you think he'd teach me something illegal? Besides, I doubt there are any cars here." he said, putting the gun away and searching through the shelves of the warehouse for anything that could be used to build a glider.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:35 pm
by Swoosh*
Assured that she was ready, Angharad took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she nodded, as if to reassure herself.

I have to get this right. I mess up, and it's not just a broken jaw I get...

Her cold blue eyes now fixed firmly on Dorian, she deliberately fell to the floor, scraping her palms as she did so. That'll give off a good effect. Battle scars. she thought with mild amusement.

Gripping her gun, she tried to make a face indicating fatigue and pain. Satisfied she had perfected the look, she let out a cry of pain and called out.

"Hey!! HEY!! You by the door...."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:35 pm
by Slayer*
Alerted by the shout, Jacob drew his gun again and moved so he was at an angle with the door and could just barely see the girl's head. Leveling his Browning with what of the girl he could see, he slowly walked towards her.

"Dorian, wait." he told the other boy as he got closer.

"Who are you and are you playing?" he asked, addressing the girl.
OOC: Before you say anything about how you think that's a godmod, if you shout at someone in a room and there's someone else in said room, it's only logical that said other person would hear you.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:35 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
His head would turn towards the yell as he tried to suprress the urge to oncemore empty what little food the first throwing up had missed.A Few steps had maanged to be taken towards the girl noticing the bleeding plams but Jacobs call would bring him back into line and he would stop.

"Jacob its a girl..Look she is bleeding...She is no threat..Ill go look for a medical Kit" he said before giving the girl a hopeful smile and turning to move through the warehouse.Oncemore he would re-adjust his glasses and such in a few breaths of air,He had to stay sane.He had to keep it together for his and Jacobs sake.

His eyes would be downcast as he moved around he already had enough corpses in his head without adding to it.He had always been a sensitive boy and he had always heard it was a good thing but right now it was playing against him that was for sure.

Cuboards would be opened and the contents thrown around even if it was just mostly snackfoods and even some coffee.On the third corridor he found it the small green box with the white Cross."I Found it!" he would yell his voice bouncing from blood soaked wall to blood soaked wall.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:35 pm
by Swoosh*
Her eyes widened as the other boy's gun was pointed at her. She'd hoped that their little encounter would be as friendly as it could get in this kind of situation. She tried to withdraw as the other boy drew nearer, but she had been a little overenthusiatic in her falling, and her knees stung as she tried to move them. Glancing down, Angharad noticed that her knees had been scraped as well. She really did look a mess.

I guess that's better...

At the boy's question, she shook her head vigorously.

"No! No, I'm not playing..." she loosened her grip on her gun. "I was just walking around, and this guy... he came at me with a knife..." she reached up to touch her cheek, where her cut was clearly visible.

That's right. I'm the damsel in distress.

Picking up on Dorian's hopeful smile, she felt a little confused. This was the same boy who had given her the brush off before, the same guy she'd tried to kill... and he was looking for a medical kit? Angharad wasn't quite sure why he'd come down with a sudden case of amnesia, but she was grateful for it anyway. She watched as he went back inside the warehouse. In her mind, she smiled a little. Divide and conquer... that's always the way...

She tried to look as shaken as she could muster, but acting wasn't something she considered herself to be brilliant at. Before the other boy could pick up on anything, she pressed on.

"I screamed for help, but it was just us. So I ran... and now I'm here I guess." She glanced up at the boy. It looked like she wouldn't have to use her single bullet for now.

((Reaaaally not trying to do a Mitsuko here, just to let you know...))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:35 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: If Mismatched would just post we could get out of this state of inactivity.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by Swoosh*
((He told me he was waiting for you to post first... he actually said he'd PMed you. *shrug*))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I never got one about that.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by Swoosh*
((seeing as he's not gonna post until you do anyway, maybe you should post? Knowing Peri, he won't be on here for ages yet...))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
( Speak of the devil and he shall appear )

He moved swiftly through the blood soaked hallways of the warehouse before he came back to jacob and the girl,one hand clutching at the first aid kit while the other ran his palm over the top of his head to try and smooth down his hair.He was sweating nto because of the damsel but because of the female corpses that were playing on the inside of his head..Would she join them soon enough? Would jacob shoot her? Could he shoot her? He had killed but ....guys were diffrent,guys fought and died no big deal but girls were something softer.It was like in war you never killed women or children and jacob should have at least kept to that rule?

He would step forward past jacob in the way of the gun as he would move towards the girl as he opened the small plastic box revealing some bandaids and an assortment of other minor medical devices.

"Youre safe here for now with us..Wheres youre weapon?" he asked as he would unwravel the bandaid from the first aid kit.The bookworm was in striking distance but it was a very big lie to stay Dorians sanity was at its highest.