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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by Swoosh*
((Where have you been young man?? :angry: You never called, you don't write... for all we knew, you were lying dead in a ditch somewhere. You TELL us before you leave the house!! :rolleyes: ))

Angharad gave Dorian a genuine smile of gratitude. Although she considered herself to be in a fairly volatile situation, she did appreciate the fact that he wanted to help her. She wasn't sure how 'safe' she considered herself to be at that moment, but she'd just roll with whatever punches were dealt to her. However literal that might be.

She glanced up at Dorian shyly as she spoke. Holding out her hand in front of her, gun still held loosely in it. "I got this..." she said.

Looking it up and down as if she was totally new to the idea of guns, she continued. "I have no idea how to shoot with it... I haven't used it yet..." she trailed off. In actual fact, she had a vague idea how to use it; true, she wasn't up to army standard, but she could shoot with it well enough. Of course, it wasn't like she had practised or anything... the single bullet was something precious to her.

Glancing up at the other boy (whose name she didn't know), she spoke.

"Are you going to look after me then?" She would have asked Dorian, but he didn't look like he was able to look after himself, let alone someone else.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by OnceForgotten*
((Continued from: Cody finds Loretta))


The loud grumble of a true 305 harley twin engine cut through the air and dust swirled as Cody pulled up to the door of the warehouse. He had been sucking on a cigar for a while, and flicked it away as he stared at the building. He continued to blip the throttle, keeping the bike in a high idle as he sat, wary of anyone who may be near. He decided that he was going to stop here. He pulled the bike over to a tree and cut the engine, swinging his leg off the seat. He looked at the beauty, and thought better of leaving it out in the open. He pulled it around to the side of the warehouse and leaned it up against a tree, which obscured its view from anyone that came out the front of the warehouse. He then walked back around to the front and entered through the large garage door. He saw several figures who seemed to be in some sort of standoff, and one was holding a gun. perfect.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I won't hurt you, I have no weapon, some dude took it."
'I got my finger shot off, and I think I am bleeding to death"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by Swoosh*
((bearing in mind we're all outside the warehouse... I think...))

The smile vanished from Angharad's face as a roaring sound could be clearly heard from beyond the warehouse.

What was that??

Her eyes darted about, desperately trying to find the source of the noise. What the hell could make that kind of sound? What have they given us to play with? She gripped her gun tightly. This was not how she had planned the situation to have been played out... she needed to get back in control...

Completely abandoning all pretences, she pushed herself to her feet, ignoring whatever reaction this may have gotten from the two boys. She scanned the area, turning around on the spot for any would be attacker, when she heard the voice.

Spinning on her heel, she saw a boy. Armed or not, she still saw him as somewhat of a threat... perhaps it was the emotional exhaustion that was making her act irrationally, either way she was now completely contradicting everything she'd acted out so beautifully to Dorian and his bodyguard friend.

This could actually turn out quite well for her, if she acted in the right way. She had blown any thoughts of forming an alliance with the guys now; her blatant lies had been exposed; now she was no longer just a weak, pathetic girl, she had to assert herself as someone not to be messed with.

Raising her gun, she aimed it at the boy.

"I can help you with the whole death thing if you want," she said calmly, gun still raised. "If not, you'd better stay right where you are. Think I'm exaggerating? Be my guest and call my bluff." She glanced at the two boys, raising her eyebrows as if daring them to challenge her authority.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Actually, I think we're inside, with Cody outside and Angarhad near the doorway.
Jacob did not seem to be amused or surprised (he was a little, but that was because he hadn't expected Cody to show up and the girl to go from defensless to a bitch), simply raising his gun to firing level.

"Drop it. You're armed, and that makes you a threat. I've killed before, so don't think I won't decorate this warehouse with your brains if you don't do as I say." he threatened, scowling at her. The situation could turn volatile easily, but Jacob hoped she'd comply, drop the weapon and leave along with the newcomer.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:36 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Something like greed flashed across Cody's features as he saw the girl raise her gun, but he quickly put the veneer back on.

"I...I...I don't want to hurt anyone..."
Cody's face was blank, and he was doing his best to look scared.

He then noticed the other boy raise his gun to point it at the girl. From the look of the boy, he had been through alot.

He most definatly has a gun, and he is hurt right now

Cody froze where he was. He did not want to turn back, but he tensed in case the girl shot at him.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Swoosh*
((*shrug* I've always been posting with the idea that Angharad was outside, and you two were about to go in when you saw her...))

Angharad narrowed her eyes in annoyance, her gun still raised.

"And why should I listen to you?" This boy thought he could tell her what to do? Who did he think he was? The whole killer thing was probably an act, she thought, eyeing him with distaste.

It wasn't like she was actually going to shoot this guy... she didn't see the problem in the boy's logic.

Her gun still aimed at the newcomer, she took her eyes off him and glared at Jacob. "And besides, you didn't hesitate to shove a gun in my face, yet with this guy... how quickly they forget!" Her voice got more and more angry as she ranted on. "I mean, if this is some macho testosterone thing that you need to get out of your system, and you want to point the gun at the would-be-killer over there, be my guest. I just don't want to find myself missing internal organs, if it's all the same to you. Now lower the fucking gun before I make you lower it."

She didn't fancy the odds of her being able to 'make him' lower the gun; although she was fairly strong from her rugby practice, she was still only a girl... and she knew next to nothing about martial arts or anything... but it seemed like the right thing to say. At this point, she was too angry to think rationally anyway.

If there was one thing she hated, it was being told what to do.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Slayer*
"Wrong choice. Now I'll give you one last chance, drop the fucking gun or die." Jacob snarled, angry at Angarhad's rudeness. As if to show the gun was fully loaded and he was perfectly willing to use it, he fired a round into the ceiling and pressed the still-hot barrel straight onto the flash of Angarhad's head.

"I have fourteen more bullets in this clip. You're the one who decides whether I have thirteen at the end of this event."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Cactus
((Amanda continued from "Though We May Not Survive It..."))

In her anger about the execution (that's really what it was) of Marcus Roddy, Amanda Jones had stormed off into the woods, marching towards where she thought the Warehouse was without a second glance behind her. She was angered that her companions, her boyfriend could think that such a matter was so trivial. Sure, maybe there wasn't much that could be done for poor Marcus, but damnit, it was worth a shot to at least make him comfortable, wasn't it? She had been left with a bitter taste in her mouth as she heard the gunshot that likely signified the end of Marcus Roddy, and that taste had only make her speed up. As she slowed a bit, seeing the large warehouse come into focus in the distance, she sighed slightly. She WAS quite angry at her companions for making the decision that they had, but that was really something that she would have to let simmer inside of her. Nothing was easy anymore, and no decision was going to come lightly...

...but WHY did they have to make that one!?

Amanda stopped in her tracks as her thoughts were interrupted by a pair of voices coming from down below her. As she looked down the relatively steep embankment, she thought she counted about four figures below. She couldn't really make out their features, but one of them looked enough like Jacob Starr, the gun he was pointing at one of the other girls only reinforcing the issue. Holding what had been Adam's shotgun in her hands, she watched to see what would happen. Unfortunately for her, she switched her position and moved her foot.

What happened next was something out of an action movie, where the hero steps on a piece of the embankment and it crumbles under their feet. This, of course, was exactly what happened, and with a yelp, Amanda tumbled down the slope, banging herself on a few small rocks as she tumbled down and landed (interestingly enough) right between Jacob and the girl that he had a gun pointed at. Taking a second to wince, she pointed the shotgun up at Jacob from the ground, and smiled a pained smile.

"Uh, hi Jacob..."

She knew her words'd have to be chosen very carefully, for she knew what Jacob was capable of, and the last time they had spoken, she had threatened to kill him.

"Can we...can we put the guns down for one second, please...?"

Amanda was obviously hurting, her body battered and bruised from her fall down the (surprisingly tall, now that she could see it) slope from whenst she had come.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Slayer*
Jacob jumped back in noticable surprise as Amanda crashed through the roof and landed painfully on the floor.

"What the fu-" his curse interrupted as Amanda pointed her shotgun at him and greeted him.

"Helo...I guess. What the hell were you doing on the roof?" he asked, lowering the gun and looking to the hole in the roof.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Cactus
Amanda winced in pain (and surprise) as Jacob lowered his weapon. Grimacing, she pulled herself to her feet, the weapon still pointed at Jacob, but not in such an obvious manner. Glancing around at the two other occupants of the warehouse, she sighed.

"I was actually coming this way, I heard voices, and...well, I basically fell off a ledge that was up there...damned ground..."

Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs out, she looked at the other two.

"Who are you guys, and what are you all doing here?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Slayer*
"Well, I don't know the girl's name or the name of the biker over there," Jacob said, gesturing to Cody and Angarhad. "But the shrimpy kid with the first aid kit is Dorian. He and I are working on a plan to...escape." Jacob cleared his throat, hoping Amanda wouldn't notice the breif pause he had made before saying "escape".

"Anyway, the girl showed up and scraped her hands, so Dorian was going to take care of her or something when the biker showed up and the girl raised her gun at him. I was trying to get her to lower her weapon when you literally dropped in."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody began to get nervous as yet another heavily armed person suddenly stormed on scene. He continued to hold the bloody rag that covered his sever finger, keeping the act up as well as he possibly could. The girl that had fallen down the hill was holding a shotgun. Cody realized how lucky he had actually been so far, never yet running into someone with that kind of firepower.

The closest I ever came was that long haired deuch bag with the gun

"Umm...I...does anyone have any peroxide or bandages or anything?
I really need to do something with this finger."

Cody hoped that the helplessness and fear in his voice would strike some kind of sympothy cord in one of the others. He knew that none of them were really players, or they would have tried to kill him already.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm
by Swoosh*
((Man! It always kicks off whenever I'm not here >_<))

Angharad jumped as the shot was fired. Ok, so it was obvious that he wasn't kidding either. As the gun was pressed against her forehead, she felt the hot metal tingle against her skin. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.

But what could she do? She could lower her gun... who was to say that the boy wouldn't shoot her regardless? She could keep the gun raised and risk losing her head... she could shoot the newcomer or shot the gun weilding one...

What should I do??

Her thoughts were interupted at the arrival of another girl, in a rather peculiar fashion. Had she not been in a life/death situation, she may have even found it funny. But right now... it was a welcome distraction. Looking at the girl keenly, she re-assesed her situation once more, barely listening as the girl spoke. Jacob had lowered his gun, now was her chance to do something. To get back in control...

Of course, she couldn't stay here. She was too much at risk now. She had been more or less exposed as a liar, no one would ever trust her.

So if you can't join them... beat them.

Spinning back around, her gun still aimed at the boy with the bike, she fired her gun. It was her first experience of using a gun, an experience Angharad wasn't used to, but found she mildly enjoyed as a bullet flew out of the barrel.

I guess I'm quite suited to this game, huh?

Not waiting to see the consequences of her actions, and not wanting to be around when Jacob and everyone else had realised what happened, and sprinted out of the door. Her rigorous rugby training meant she was pretty fast, and she was out of the door seconds after the shot was fired.

Sure, that may have been her only shot, but it was the only thing she felt she could have done.

((I honestly don't know if we're in or outside, I can edit if it's totally out of sync with everything else...and I'm not gone yet, I'm assuming y'all are gonna want to shoot me good XD))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Not bad, except Jacob was not on the floor, if you read the damn posts, you'd see he jumped back, not falling on the floor. Why you assume these things without checking is beyond me. I'll make an IC post when I'm less likely to curse at everything in sight.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by Swoosh*
((Why you assume it's OK to be rude to people is likewise beyond me. It was an accident, ok, I misread. So whatever it is that makes you so pissed off/aggressive all the time, I mean what, is it teen angst or something? Build a bridge and get the fuck over it.))