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Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:28 pm
by Slam
I didn't quietly drop it. I didn't like the lynch in the first place and I didn't change my mind. But if I had sufficient reason to go whole ham on Fen, I would've done a vote.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:34 pm
by Deamon
true you did just never bring it up again after people didn’t agree with you

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:39 pm
by Slam
And what would digging my heels in and gunning after my finger have accomplished?

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:50 pm
by Deamon
looking less suspicious mostly

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:06 pm
by General Goose
Honestly I quite like that Slam is sticking by his guns on this? Like it strikes me that if Slam was scum the safer play would be to back down and hope his public resistance to the decoy lynch gets sorta forgotten?

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:12 pm
by Slam
Actually the safer thing to do would've been to not try to chainsaw defend Decoy in the first place.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:18 pm
by General Goose
valid point

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 7:27 pm
by Slam
Time for some ANALYSIS!
[+] Decoy Lynch Step by Step
Fen - Started it off. Not Not Suspicious by itself, but considering they also had the option for Jace (whose status is unconfirmed but we know Decoys), earns some town points to me.
Zetsu - Jumped on despite thinking lynching inactives was a waste of time. Bit iffy.
Emprexx Plush - Lolcorpse
MethodicalSlacker - Same as above basically. Also iffy.
dmboogie - Didn't even say how they felt about it, just that they didn't want every lunch to be a lurker lunch. Iffier still!
Cactus - Comes along and says let Decoy defend themselves. Not an inherently scummy thing to do.
Irina Ivanov - Flip flopped on whether lynching inactives was a good idea but also wanted to give Decoy a chance to read. My jimmies are actually a bit rustled here.
Dmboogie - Later reiterated that inactivity is bad and should be punished, but kind of pointless after the vote rather than during.
MethodicalSlacker - Pushes the vote after decoy says what was going on and FingerSuspects Fen. I consider this a town move, as the scum option would be to just stay silent let it ride out.
Yugikun - Defends decoy on the basis that decoy's name was picked out of a hat. Suggests focusing on shitposters instead. He's not wrong, but it feels a bit like a distraction tactic to me. Some scumreading.
Yugi - then starts flinging suspicion at MS
Goose - Says to lay off decoy cause he did what was asked. Reasonable action, I take it neutrally.
Fenris - Swaps to Jace (the other inactive)
dmboogie - Immediately swaps to Jace without much comment.
Yugi - Then also says he'd vote for Jace without actually voting for Jace, because apparently his joke vote hackled him.
Fen - does a bit of analysis and points out dea was trying to distract by joking about apathy which dea does anyway
kermit - defends deamon (but he's not wrong)
Irina - Swaps to Jace and is again wishy washy about the pros and cons of policy lynches. It reads quite bandwagony to me, but it could just be inexperience.
Dea - Says policy lynches are necessary to pressure inactives.
Me!! - Makes a very wise and valid input.
Emprexx Plush - Lol still a corpse
General Goosgle - Disagrees with me in an understandable but foolhardy error.
MS - Swaps to the Jace wagon, FingerSuspects me and Decoy. I read this neutrally again.
Dea - Casually slips in the idea of a bomb. I think he's just trolling.
Cactus - Admits to just repeating what others say by saying let's pressure Jace and Decoy, without voting again.
Zetsu - Says they're inclined to keep the pressure on decoy if they don't say more. Somewhat towny since they didn't immediately hop to Jace, but nothing solid.
Emprexx PLush - Lol I'm gonna keep saying it
Jace - Votes for MS without actually really saying why until Paige pushes, at which point it's because he thought MS was being haughty. Apologises for inactivity.
Kermit - softcommits to Jace cause he thinks his move was newbietownish but is happy to kill if no better alternative
MS - starts the bandwagon back to Decoy. I read this as a town power move.
Polybius - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Agrees to policy lynch lurkers without actually voting. A bit suspicious.
Cactus - Finally votes after Fen points out Decoy responded faster than Jace. Kind of not concrete reasoning, but I have a hard time distrusting Fen right now. Dodd on the other hand...
Fen - Swaps back to Decoy. Again Decoy was evil so this is a good sign for me.
dmboogie - Again swaps back to Decoy. There's some serious follow the leader going on here.
decoy - Tries to shift things to Jace. Gives Jace some townie points to me, but I'm not going to hold onto it too much.
dmboogie - tells Decoy to try harder
Poly - Puts a vote on decoy with 'sure why not'.
zetsu - asks Decoy for analysis. Kind of townie.
Jace - Hops on the decoy wagon without much commentary. I'm reading this neutral again.
Blame it on a Goose - Hammers with Paige's permission.
Irina - Hammers harder. Could just be a miscount but could be last minute joining on.
This makes my reads, from towniest to scummiest:

Goodie Two Shoes
MethodicalSlacker - Gets big points for not letting the Decoy ship die when he could've walked away
Fen - Gets big points for starting on Decoy in the first place, but I'm not against it being something that grew out of their control/they threw decoy under the bus. Still, seems unlikely.
Jace - Didn't really say enough to get a hard read, but decoy trying to put the hurt on him gives some points.
Goose - Is making reasonable points and seems to be posting based on his own reasoning rather than appearances, which reads town to me.
Zetsu - A bit of early hopping on the wagon, but not unreasonable. Willing to give decoy a chance to defend himself, which I don't consider scummy by itself.
Irina Ivanov - Reads more as a newcomer making typical mistakes than suspicious. Still, could be fooling me.
kermit - Doing a bit of a smokescreen, but Kermit is by nature good at obsfuscating.
MurderWeasel - Said nothing during the Decoy lynch. I know Tobe likes to write novels for posts, but his staying out of it entirely is just a little bit eyebrow raising.
Cactus -Felt like he was trying to stay off the Decoy wagon without actually joining it, but then he joined it without much fuss. A prickly customer.
Polybius - Hopped on a bandwagon with momentum without much justification. Could easily be read as trying to cover their tracks by throwing Decoy under the bus.
dmboogie - Looked like he was joining whatever wagon had momentum behind it. Town or scum, this isn't helpful.
Dea - Seems pretty keen to spin his own narrative and avoided actually voting for Decoy.
Yugikun - Defended Decoy, tried to move attention to a relatively meaningless area (who was hesistant to stop memeing), and then tried to divert to MS and later Jace.
Eats Babies

So, based on that
Vote: Yugikun

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:52 pm
by dmboogie
of course i was joining the bandwagon with the most momentum, i wanted to kill a lurker

also did you forget that toben didn’t post at all last phase

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:55 pm
by Fenris
"im just cranky cause its late, ill get some sleep and then ill be better in the morning", i say to myself

then i wake up and immediately puke


(i need to eat some toast and tea to settle my stomach and then i will try to do some actual thoughts)

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:09 pm
by Slam
dmboogie wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:52 pm of course i was joining the bandwagon with the most momentum, i wanted to kill a lurker

also did you forget that toben didn’t post at all last phase
well no that's why I said he said nothing during the Decoy lynch.

And flipping onto the bandwagon just to get the lurker gone is still pretty tagging along for the ride. Or did I miss some analysis from yourself in my step-through up there?

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:17 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
I do want an explanation for MW's silence. His was a noticeable absence in the first day and I think we all took it as a given that he'd have some kind of thing keeping him from posting and once he came back he'd have a novel length take, but I don't really see that yet? It could be he's just catching up. But idk it's a little worrying. MW's playstyle and constant presence has become meta-defining, even with a year's gap between games, so much so that we effectively decided to declare him an illegible target during the last day-phase. I don't like the future implications of this.

So I'm going to FoS: Murderweasel so that he might want to explain that.

I like Slam's reads, on another note, especially because it's consistent with my own view on Deamon. Dea struck me as sort of weird earlier. It's very Dea-playstyle, but it's deflection and disruption based. I'm especially side-eyeing Dea's somewhat snide introduction of Slam's FoS on Fen. He does this thing where he brings up this piece of evidence, suggests there might be something going on, and then retreats, likely waiting for others to jump in. Nobody did, however, so after Slam's defense he responds somewhat confusingly (Mafia is a game about communication) and snappily, again not committing to his own FoS or vote but trying to get something out there. I don't really see the whole case for the vote on Yugi, though, and would appreciate a bit of clarification.

Until then I'm tentatively placing a vote:

Vote: Deamon

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:44 pm
by Slam
What about Yugi?

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:44 pm
by Slam
Not that I'm against Dea getting made fun of and voted for.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:01 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
I see that Yugi defended Decoy, and I see that he tried to deflect stuff onto Jace and I, but right now idk things just aren't lining up for me.