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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I admit it was a bit harsh, but just because you're a mod now doesn't mean you can act like Queen of the Bitches towards me. I had one bad day, nothing to bite my head off about. Now that we've settled that, I think we should wait for d0ddi0slave, but that's just my opinion.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by LadyMakaze*
((OOC: *blinks* Seems like Elise posted that BEFORE she became mod, which is ENTIRELY beside the point.

That aside, and you guys probably realize this, end of OOC discussion.))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by Cactus

Amanda had very little time to react before the other girl in the group she had just dropped in on (for lack of a better term) took a shot at the kid with the motorcycle, and bolted from the room before a second glance or return fire could be issued. Amanda hardly had time to blink as she spun around, bracing herself against the wall, in case anyone started to fire, her shotgun aimed at the room, carefully looking everyone over.

This is ridiculous...I'm standing in a room with Jacob Starr and for once he isn't the one doing the shooting...damnit, what the hell have I gotten myself into?

((Sorry for the short post, guys...I'm really not sure what the hell to do at this point...? Don't know why you guys were waiting for was Cody that got shot at.))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Meanwhile Madelaine had been wandering along with the group, unable to help noticing how detached Amanda had become towards the rest of them as of late. No doubt she was still upset about what had happened back at the River, and it wasn't as though Madelaine could blame her. So much had happened there only a few seconds before.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she saw Amanda tumble down a ledge, disappearing out of sight just before the warehouse. Worried, Madelaine picked up the pace, approaching the door of the warehouse, looking about to see if her friend was alright.

"Hey, Amanda..." she started, when suddenly she froze at the sound of a thunderous gunshot splitting through the air. Next thing she knew, another girl had shot past her, not paying Madelaine any attention whatsoever after breaking into mad dash at full speed out of the warehouse. Wondering what in the world was going on, Madelaine cautiously peeked into the warehouse. By this time, the Smith&Wesson was in her hand. Though it was pointed to the ground, she was ready to aim and shoot should the need arise.

As she looked past the doorway, she saw Amanda, shotgun aimed to no one in particular, along with a few other people in the warehouse, one of which she recognized as Jacob Starr, whom they had met earlier back at the river.

Looking back briefly to see if David and Adam had caught up, she cleared her voice, looking out cautiously. "...What's going on?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by Slayer*
Jacob looked noticably confused as Angarhad fired at Cody and ran off into the trees. Putting his gun away, he looked at Amanda, who still had the shotgun in firing position.

"You might want to get going, I don't want any trouble with Adam yet. And that's exactly what I'd get if he found you with me." Then he heard Madelaine's voice and looked to see the girl in the doorway, her gun also raised.

"Well, Amanda literally dropped in on me and my ally as we were trying to defuse a little situation that popped up with that girl who just ran off. Then you arrive all of a sudden, and here we are now." he replied a bit sarcastically, putting his hand back on his gun and getting ready to jump out of the way if she decided to take a few potshots at him.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:38 pm
by Swoosh*
((Ok, I was expecting one of y'all to run out after me and shoot... *shrug* XD))

Had she done the right thing? Sure, she had been convincing herself that playing the game was the only thing she could do; the only way of getting off this island... but still. Why wasn't everyone playing? Were they just optimistic, or foolish?

She continued to run past the trees and free of the warehouse.

((Continued in Optimism killed the cat- Lighthouse. I've actually written my death post with the impression that Jacob's shot me... haha, I have to go edit leik woah.))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I would've, but I forgot to ask permission so I dropped the idea and had him let her go.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by Cactus
Amanda felt a surge of relief as Madelaine walked through the door, and then immediately after felt a surge of panic as she realized that Jacob was probably getting a little antsy at the amount of people that were about to come through the door. If David and Adam were behind Madelaine, then things might be about to get ugly real fast.

"'re right. It might not be the best idea to hang around, especially if Adam's coming here soon. I mean...from what I understand, you were one of the ones with the molotovs, right? And since it was a burn that eventually killed Hawley..."

Amanda trailed off, realizing that since there had been a lack of announcements, nobody outside of the four of her group knew about the demise of Hawley.

"...well, it might not be best for you to stay around here. You should probably go..."

Amanda looked at Madelaine and sighed deeply. She was still upset over the action the rest of them had taken on Marcus, and yet she knew that dealing with that would have to come at another time.

"Are you okay, Madelaine?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by Slayer*
Jacob was a bit stunned at what he heard Amanda say. To be honest, he was very surprised that Faust had survived the burn wound (along with the other wounds) so long just to die suddenly. He also realized what Amanda said about Adam was true, if Adam found him here, there would most likely be bloodshed. Nodding slightly, he started to walk out the door.

"Understood. Please don't tell David or Adam I was here. Dorian and I will be going now." he said, the last part finished with a glare to Dorian (who hadn't even moved since Angarhad arrived) as he walked away.

(Continued in: Showdown at the Woods)

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Madelaine moved aside to let Jacob by, lowering her gun, though eyeing him cautiously as he passed. As soon as he had gone, she looked over her shoulder to see if David and Adam were just about to catch up, and moved into the warehouse with a sigh.

Somehow she felt less vulnerable than she had while outdoors, what with walls here and there, all around to protect her back. That was a slight improvement over all. A very slight one, indeed...

She looked towards Amanda and shrugged, smiling a bit, though wearily.

"I'm fine... Just a lot on my mind is all," she replied quietly, stretching her arms out a bit to ease her nerves. She winced slightly at the strain of the wounds along her chest, deciding to move around a bit more carefully. It was hard to believe that she had manage to stay alive this long, even while wounded...shot at least three times. Compared to others...she was lucky, indeed, though she wondered vaguely how long this luck would last.

She leaned against the wall, casting a cautious glance towards the stranger who had decided to linger within the warehouse with them.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by Slayer*
((Continued from: "Though We May Not Survive It..."))

David walked slightly ahead of Adam, trying to keep up with the quick pace Amanda and Madelaine had made. He was trying to move as fast as possible, worried about the familiar sound of a gunshot that rang through the air in the direction of the warehouse (but it was a good thing in a way, the volume of the sound told him he was close). Adding even more to his concern was the smell of blood that was getting stronger with every step.
Fuck, if she's dead, it'll be all my fault! Please don't be dead...
Finally, as he was near the small bend on the path to the warehouse, he saw the corpses. There were two of them, one male and one female, and both showing the beginning stages of decomposition. Curious as to who they were, he moved closer. When he was about a meter from them, he could clearly make out their identities. The girl was Katherine Marks, she had several wounds all over her body and one bleeding hole in her eye. The male was...

"Aaron?" caught off guard, he moved even closer, seemingly in a sort of daze. His P99 was dropped to the ground as he saw it really was Aaron Redifield's corpse. There was blood all over him and the surrounding area (in fact, David was currently standing in some of his dried blood), and there seemed to be a large slash down the front of his body, with his neck blown out (whatever slashed him apparently snagged on the collar) and the large slash ending near his heart. Surprised, he fell to his knees (scraping one slightly on a rock, but he wouldn't notice until later), his expression both blank and seemingly on the verge of tears (both of sadness and shock) as he looked down on Aaron's body, the dead boy's eyes and open mouth betraying the fear he must have felt in his final moments. Anyone who knew David knew Aaron was one of his best friends, so to suddenly find him dead like this was understandably upsetting. Even though his back was to Adam, he couldn't find the strength to cry over the loss of his friend. Even though he was shaken by it, the game had simply taken all the strength he had to cry, he just couldn't.

"Aaron..." he muttered, his expression just as blank as it had been earlier. He wouldn't know how long he had just sat there in front of his dead friend, but finally he shook visibly and a solitary tear fell down his face and onto the blood-soaked ground.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by Cactus
((Continued from: "Though we may not survive it..."))

Adam Dodd couldn't help but admit that the long trek from the River to the Warehouse had been exactly that: long. His feet had begun to hurt a little from the constant walking, but in the long run, that may not matter at all.

Fuckin' right it won't matter at all. Your feet won't hurt if you're dead...or will they? Maybe if I die and my feet are killing me, maybe they'll hurt for all eternity? Wow, what a fucking morbid thought...

As he came up to the warehouse, he wrestled with the emotions that had been stirring inside of him for quite some time, ever since he had pulled the trigger that had killed Marcus Roddy. It had hardly seemed like killing someone, for Marcus was simply a shell that was in pain every second that it breathed, and for that, Adam knew that he should have looked at it as though he were doing the poor boy a favour. But sadly, Adam knew that if he got out of this game, that action would be something he'd never be able to forgive himself for.

Yeah, seriously...

As he rounded the bend, realizing that he had fallen quite far behind his group, he came upon what seemed to be David Jackson, quivering over what appeared to be the body of a male, throat having been slit. Adam stopped in his tracks and looked at his companion, who appeared to be showing some emotion for the first time in what must have been ages. Not really knowing what to do, Adam stood in his place, and scratched the back of his neck.

" all right, man?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:39 pm
by riserugu*
((Continued from Open Field; Big Open Spaces))

Placing a shaking hand against the bark of a large tree, Martyn allowed his form to follow falling against the tree as he fought to catch his breath after having ran from the field which had been quite some time before now. He had, had only one thought in mind and that had been getting away from whomever he had encountered in the field.

His large daypack stuffed with not only the supplies the people of SOTF had given him, but also the stuff he had brought along with him in his carry-on bag. Fully resting his back against the hard bark, he reached his hands done undoing the zipper of the side bag undoing the zipper and digging his hand in.

After a moment he removed the pack of cigarettes, looking into it and letting out a sigh; “Only three left… gotta save these the rest of them for when I need them.” He admitted, pulling one out and placing it between his lips, as he replaced the pack and now removed a small lighter. Lighting the white stick, and breathing in deeply…

Letting out a shaking breath, he allowed a smile to cross his features as he replaced the lighter and re-zipped the bag, now removing his map from his pocket and overlooking it. He had even thought of looking to this to see where he was going; and instead had just took a quick peek and took off like a man with hell licking at his heels.

“Hot damn.” He muttered, discovering that he indeed had no idea where the hell he was, and glancing about trying to look and guess didn’t help much either.

Replacing his map, and adjusting his bag he pushed off the tree, taking another long drag of the cigarette in his mouth and continued moving. Though at a much slower pace than he had been going before… rounding another bend in the small path located amongst the trees, and finding the path taking a down-hill curve he started down.

Though as he reached the bottom, Martyn found himself standing in shadow of a rather large building of sorts: a warehouse. If his plan worked out like he wanted… there could be something in there he could us to power his laptop, and if he could get his laptop working maybe he could find a way off this island… this hell…

But as he made his way toward one of the visible doors, he paused ears catching something:

" all right, man?"

“Bloody, fuckin’, ‘ell in a handbasket.” He found himself muttering in a low voice, as he stepped forward a little peering a bit off to where two other males sat, about the body of another male… though his one was dead. Blood… now dry, and dark spilled about the ground.

Pursing his lips, he only lightly brushed his hand against the pistol in his uniform’s blazer before dropping his hand. He couldn’t fight even if he wanted to, and by the looks of it, one of the males was armed with at least three guns. ‘You can only wonder how he got those weapons… just think what he could do to you Ferdinand.’

Stepping back, he figured that maybe finding another way into a warehouse, but as he took that stepped… he paused when his foot came down:


Lifting his shoe, he could only stare blankly at the broken stick under his foot. Body trembling a little in thought of what could happen next…

‘Well, damn…’

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody continued standing, still clutching his hand, as the girl fired the shot at him. The bullet did not even come close to hitting him, and he didn't even wince. He heard the girl, Amanda, discuss the possible arrival of more people, which increased Cody's anxiety. He really did not know what to do now, as he had never yet run into nearly as many people as were now meandering around. He clenched his teeth and began walking towards the clustered group, the group that the girl she shot at me, that bitch shot at me! had just ran away from. The boy Jacob, the girl Amanda, and several others were conversing, and he caught bits and peices of conversation as he approached.

Someone named Adam is coming...

Why does that seem like a big deal?

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
( Apologies to all for my disepperance and boy did I miss the party! I Hope my post doesnt screw things up to much..)

Dorian had just frozen oncemore when it had come to the deciding moment.The girl had drawn her gun and she was in his arms reach he could have pounced on her or tried to calm her but as per usual he simply froze in his place and his mouth opened and shut a couple times as soundless words would escape his mouth.What was there to say? What could the bookworm do? He did what he always did when it came to it and he would simply be glued to the spot.

The Girl would move off into the distance and so with a thump the boy would tumble to the ground,passed out.The contents of the small green plastic box in his hands being strewn over the ground as he hit the floor.

This was all to much for the boy all he wanted was a good book and somewhere to read in.Some kids desired action and adrenaline pulsating through their veins.Some kids wanted to find someone and screw till they were red raw but Dorian, all dorian desired was a good book.

( If Ive screwed up please tell me and Ill edit.Im back now so hopefully I can join the lil group..)