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Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:41 pm
by Zetsu
I have a suggestion, actually. Fen, watch me (assuming Ricky flips scum, I'm probably gonna be number one on scum's hitlist just on the basis of my power role). If Fen isn't scum, then scum have no choice but to let me live and continue making investigations without sacrificing a member. If fen is scum, then we'll know they're scum when I die and they're forced to lie about who killed me.

Potential Pitfalls of this strategy

If scum have a ninja and fen is town, we probably mislynch fen. That'd be pretty bad, but with massclaims rolling along and 3 all-but-confirmed townies in paige, boogie, and mw, it's not the end of the world. Also, if that happens, we'd at least know that scum have a ninja.

If fen is scum, the scum team can try the following strat: kill me, have fen rat out their scumbuddy, and fen gets "confirmed" town for the rest of the game due to that. Fen would have to last through 2 day phases and 3 night phases at that point, which is just about doable if we don't confirm more townies. This last point is another thing pointing me towards doing a massclaim.

Fen also provides multiple ways of checking things. We can check that fen is who they say they are by having them announce their investigation result, and then see if anyone contradicts them. Likewise, fen can check other people by being like 'hey, i saw you visited someone, can you tell to the chat who you visited.'

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:00 pm
by Fenris
i mean i could do that but consider scum is probably just gonna kill me instead lmao

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:01 pm
by Deamon
we’re in a good spot and have time to go so i’m game to discuss possibilities

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:03 pm
by Deamon
oh lol forgot the obvious question
MK Kilmarnock wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:51 am Wow. You are REALLY pushing for this.

Fine. I'm screwing myself over but like I said, idgaf. I'm a paladin.
what’s the actual role?

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:44 am
by Fenris
yeah i think we've proven that classes and roles are not necessarily obviously linked

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:43 am
by randomness
I'm going to claim as well, especially since I think using my power would be risky if we hit MyLo next phase, and a flavour claim would out me as some kind of vigilante anyways. I'm the ranger and the one-shot desperado. I can shoot someone in the day, and if they are scum they die, else I do. In essence, I can confirm one person this dayphase, whether that's me or the person I fail to kill.

Now, looking at Ricky real hard for my shot, so I'd like a full claim on that front. Boogie backing up Zetsu's claim for gunsmith checks out more than enough for me.

Alternatively, I shoot Fen, this gives quite a bit of immediate information, and if they come up as town, this confirms that Paige visted Toben, and soft-confirms Paige for me. Actually I think I've talked myself into doing this, because this also has a lower chance of ending up with town scrambling for a new target with just over a day to deadline. Still would like a full claim from Ricky if possible.

I don't have anything in my PM that seems to point to additional information beyond my role.

Also gonna dump my reads since I fully expect dying if I go through with the Fenris shot.

Zetsu, Murder and Boogie are basically confirmed town for me, outside of galaxy brain plays. On the other hand if Ricky flips town Zetsu and Boogie move to scummy for me, Zetsu more so than Boogie.

Fen and Paige are people who have interesting and verified/verifiable claims, and the claims have been helpful, but do not exclude them from being scum. I'd read Fen as more likely to be scum than Paige.

Deamon's claim seems useful but like Paige noted, that was all open information. Nothing that reads as particularly out of place though. This means that I'm looking vaguely at a potential scum team of Ricky, Jace and Decoy. Not fond of the fact that I'm scum reading two lurkers by process of elimination, but sometimes things be how they be?

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:24 am
by Fenris
ok random is basically confirmed town because that role is completely impossible to fake, holy shit

uh i feel like shooting ricky is probably a smarter usage of your time since if you succeed we won't lose a townie in the process and if you fail we'll have confirmed ricky and not fuck up our lynch. if you shoot not-scum and die and we mislynch we're gonna be at lylo tomorrow and im not super into that

if other people think clearing me is important enough to kill a confirmed townie for go for it i guess, i am somewhat biased in feeling like it isnt because im confirmed to myself lmao

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:34 am
by dmboogie
yeah absolutely shoot ricky

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:35 am
by Latin For Dragula
Shooting Ricky is absolutely the play in my book. If we trust Zetsu he's been caught lying about something that has no town value to obscure. He dies and we can pivot to another lunch with remaining time; you die and we lunch Zetsu for lying about Ricky.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:38 am
by Latin For Dragula
If Ricky flips scum I move we hit jace or decoy as the only unclaimed players left. Barring that we hit dea cuz his role has done all for us that it can while fen is still v useful as a watcher.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:13 am
by Zetsu
i second paige’s suggestion. I favor a decoy lynch over a jace one, as far as policy goes.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:59 am
by Zetsu
Also, I’m inclined to say shoot Ricky sooner rather than later. If I were in his shoes and scum, I would absolutely refuse to say anything in order to deny town further information, and also to stall out the day phase if possible .



Vote: decoy

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:00 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Unfortunately I must sleep. Don't blow shit up before I get back kapeesh? Kapeesh.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:06 am
by randomness
But I like blowing things up! Have a colourful post.

Shoot: Ricky

@Blizz, do votes from people who die count?

Agree that Jace/Decoy are the best alternates if Ricky flips scum and on Zetsu if he flips town.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:14 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Zetsu wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:41 pm I have a suggestion, actually. Fen, watch me (assuming Ricky flips scum, I'm probably gonna be number one on scum's hitlist just on the basis of my power role). If Fen isn't scum, then scum have no choice but to let me live and continue making investigations without sacrificing a member. If fen is scum, then we'll know they're scum when I die and they're forced to lie about who killed me.

Potential Pitfalls of this strategy

If scum have a ninja and fen is town, we probably mislynch fen. That'd be pretty bad, but with massclaims rolling along and 3 all-but-confirmed townies in paige, boogie, and mw, it's not the end of the world. Also, if that happens, we'd at least know that scum have a ninja.

If fen is scum, the scum team can try the following strat: kill me, have fen rat out their scumbuddy, and fen gets "confirmed" town for the rest of the game due to that. Fen would have to last through 2 day phases and 3 night phases at that point, which is just about doable if we don't confirm more townies. This last point is another thing pointing me towards doing a massclaim.

Fen also provides multiple ways of checking things. We can check that fen is who they say they are by having them announce their investigation result, and then see if anyone contradicts them. Likewise, fen can check other people by being like 'hey, i saw you visited someone, can you tell to the chat who you visited.'
Here's some counterplay to the pitfalls:

Tonight I'll flip a coin. Heads, I visit you. Tails, Boogie.

Boogie doesn't say whether or not he was visited until Fen confirms if I visited you. Thus, if they're lying, their gambit becomes a whole lot riskier and it doesn't cost town anything because my role is useless.