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Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:28 pm
by Megami*
As the two boys scribbled back and forth on a piece of paper from Martyn's notebook, Jill raised her head a bit, trying to read what the two had written on the paper. It was to no avail, however. She simply could not see the paper, and not being included in whatever the two were formulating had certainly left her feeling as though she were the odd (wo)man out.

As the two continued to scribble, Jill reached into her daypack, pulling one of the issued water bottles out and taking a sip. She still did not feel well, but it was not worth mentioning. Forcing a fake smile, Jill told herself she was fine. A sudden noise startled her, causing her to spill a bit of the water from the bottle. Quickly putting the cap back on, she shoved it down into her daypack and glanced around.

The voice was calling out to someone, anyone. It was the same thing Jill had done not long ago, before she had found Adam and Martyn. What startled Jill even more was when Jack O'Connor, who had apparently become their new ally, called back to the new voice. Was this one of Jack's friends?

As Michael Suarez, third baseman of the Barry Coleson High School baseball team, came into view and flashed a smile at Jill, she forced a half-hearted one back. No sense in being rude... Jill had never really taken the time to acquaint herself with any of the baseball boys, which would explain why she barely recognized Jack O'Connor, and the story was no different with Michael Suarez.

"Sounds like it," Jill replied quietly to Michael's comment about being lucky to find them. "I'm Jill... Jill Gatling."

Nodding toward her oldest ally, she smiled somewhat.

"That's Martyn. And... I guess you already know Jack, then."

Jill forced herself to stand, not wanting anything to appear wrong. However, as she did so, her legs started to feel wobbly. She swayed noticeably before finally regaining her balance. Running a hand through her dark hair, she sighed quietly and closed her eyes, trying to regain her composure. So... what now?

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:28 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Yeah I know jack although I wouldnt really want to admit it public" he said with a small smirk playing on his coloured features as he looked to the girl oncemore and the smirk turning into a smile.Jack sure did have good luck and Michael was definetly pleased he was around to witness it.

He turned to look at Martyn as he would stand for a mintue just seizing up the kid." Are these all youre friends jack? They dont look much like they are from school" that kakri knife was held in his hand just being waved along with his arm as if it were a toy.

In his mind yes they were in the game but this wouldnt last long.The goverment wouldnt just sit back and watch this happen would they? what if they didnt know? of course they knew with all there satellites and technology they were bound to know and send help.It was just a matter of time as long as he avoided the yuppies who were taking this seriously.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:28 pm
by Slayer*
"The girl's from our school, but I just met the boy a few minutes ago." Jack responded, rolling his eyes at Michael's jokes like he always did. Jack doubted Mike would play, even with a kukri knife.

Then again, I thought the same about Jason. he thought grimly.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:28 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"She is from our school?" he said motioning his thumb over towards her." You sure? somehow I thought I would have noticed" he just gave a shrugg of his shoulders as he would look towards the martyn guy once again.

Eyes moved away from the boy over to the waterfall just watching the freed water slam down into the pool below in that constant thundering pace.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:29 pm
by riserugu*
“Martyn Ferdinand from Scotland, actually.” He said, keeping his arms close to his side as he viewed over this new boy. Another of the Barry Coleson kids, they seemed to be everywhere on this island. It was starting to seem like he was the only one on this island that wasn’t from that school, though he knew that not to be true it sure seemed that way.

Sighing, a bit he looked toward Jill she was the one that went to school with these people, she’d be the one to really say if they where trustworthy or not in the end. But really, after five days could she even tell herself?

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:29 pm
by Megami*
Jill studied the two boys as they conversed among themselves. Somehow, she was starting to feel quite out of place. Worse yet, she was rather annoyed by the fact that they kept talking about her. After all, they obviously had not paid much attention to her in high school, but they were certainly becoming all buddy-buddy now that they were in a life or death situation. Speaking of their current predicament, words that Martyn had spoken much earlier, back in the open field, finally registered in Jill's mind.

Glancing over at the Scotsman that stood near her, he noticed him looking toward her. Smiling a bit, Jill glanced back toward the two boys who were conversing, then back to Martyn. Scooting a bit closer to him, she cleared her throat and spoke in a very quiet, hushed tone.

"Martyn... didn't you say something about there being a way out of here?"

Her face brightened slightly as she spoke, drowning out the pale appearance she had undertaken from lack of food.

"So... what are we waiting for? We're wasting time. If we keep this up, somebody here isn't going to make it home."

She silently hoped Martyn was more intelligent than to blurt out his entire plan here. Cameras were watching them, they were surely on microphones, it would be less than intelligent on his part. Glancing back at the other two young men, Jill silently contemplated whether or not they should be informed of the possible escape plan. After all, if too many people tried to leave, would it not be obvious? Then again... these were her classmates. Leaving them to die if indeed escape was possible was out of the question.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:29 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Nice to meet you Martyn..The names michael but most people just call me Mike or Klepto" he said flashing a nervous smile and offering his hand to the boy.He knew Jack and Jack seemed to vouch for the girl but this scotsman? Michael tried to push away this stupid thoughts. The guy looked average enough, he was working himself up over nothing. Was`nt he?

His ears seemed to perk a little bit at the sound of escape. Yeah, thatd be much better than being rescued they could escape the island and make headlines. "Teens escape Terrorist tormenter!" the girls would lap this up for sure and maybe he could sue the goverment for some sort of grievance pay? He turned towards Martyn and Jill with a smile on his face and that kakari blade still being loosely clutched in his hand.

"Escape? Im game so lets get moving but any ideas where to? This place has the scenery thats for sure but its a little lacking for protection? Not that you hear me complaining or anything" he said as he would give a glance towards the crashing waterfallin the distance.

He was still trying to recognise the jill girl from school..he knew everyone! Everyone who was worth knowing he knew so how is it he had not noticed her in all this time? maybe she was a exschange or something.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:29 pm
by Slayer*
"You guys are right. If we're going to make any sort of plan, we'll need to get going." Jack said, adjusting his glasses yet again and smoothing back his dyed hair with one hand. When he finished, he scribbled another note on Martyn's pad.

Seriously though, I told you my plan, what's yours? he wrote.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by riserugu*
Taking the his notebook, he slowly began writing; My idea is around the same as yours, finding someway onto their system and either figuring out the inner working of the collar and getting them off, or finding some way to crash their systems. Though before passing this over, to Jack he flipped the page quickly starting to write again though this time for Jill’s stake.

We can’t be too loud about this, if what I’ve been hearing about the place is right; there is a mic of some sort in these things. But what I was saying earlier, remember I mentioned my laptop back at the warehouse. Well I got the blasted thing working, and now I’m going to try and find a way off this place. Hopefully with your help…

Ripping this out he passed it over to Jill, holding the notebook still as he wrote yet another note this one to the last boy. And mate, hey let’s try not being so loud next time. I don’t quite think the people in China heard you. Finishing, he ripped the page out passing it off before handing the notebook over to Jack.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
The page would be taken and a blank stare aimed over at martyn before his middle finger would shoot out towards the boy. Smrtass,was that really needed? Why couldnt he just say be quiet? What was the kid a mute?

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn simply frowned in turn as he watched the other react to his note, and with a sigh, pulled his notebook back toward himself and wrote again. Perhaps I should rephrase myself, from what I’ve gathered and heard about this place there is a mic in our collars, do you really want the terrorists to hear us talking about escaping and blow us to bloody ‘ell and back, mate? That and all that yelling might attract someone, I’m sure I’m not the only one that doesn’t want one of those fucking loons finding us. Ripping the page out, passed it on to the other boy, the frown keeping.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He read it quickly before looking back to the constantly frowning male, he would give a nod of his head in agreement to his words although no apology would be given to the boy.Hey he deserved it right? a little politeness had never hurt anyone!

He gave a nod oncemore before turning to look back to the waterfall, yes they were in a life or death situation but he could still admire the scenery and besides it was only a matter of time till they got rescued. It was all about finding somewhere safe to camp out till the good ole US Marines showed the terrorists what for.

"Where to now guys?"

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by Slayer*
"Honestly, I don't know." Jack said out loud, grabbing the notepad and writing on it again. He had read the note Martyn had given him, but he wasn't all that sure.

Agreed. When should we do this? he wrote, pausing for a second before adding more.

Anyway, I think we should do it somewhere else. Sure, there aren't a lot of cameras here, but I can't be the only one who thinks those gunshots are getting uncomfortably close. If we stay too long, a player might find us, and we only have your gun.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by Megami*
Where to now? Jill frowned slightly, crossing her arms in front of her chest and leaning to one side slightly as she contemplated the answer to that question. No one else had spoken up or made any other kind of suggestion, and standing around here, out in the open, was not the brightest thing to do given their current situation. If indeed they were going to escape, sitting out in the open where their whereabouts were a dead giveaway was the wrong thing to be doing at present. They needed to find somewhere sheltered, secluded. Somewhere they could work in peace and get off of this hellhole as quickly as possible.

"We need to find shelter," she stated matter-of-factly.

Needless to say, that was the obvious answer. Despite that, no one had said it, or offered suggestions, so Jill had finally decided to take the initiative. While the thought of escaping thrilled her, in reality, it was probably impossible. When Martyn had mentioned his laptop back at the warehouse, where she first met him, she had not thought much of it. Could he even get some kind of access to the internet or any form of communication, way out here? The thought that Martyn could hack into the systems had never crossed her mind, and still did not. Frowning slightly, she cast a glance toward the trio of boys in her company.

It's nice to have hope, guys, but in reality, that's all it is. Just hope. It isn't feasible, isn't realistic. Even if one of you could hack into the systems, could get the collars off, how the hell do you plan on getting off this island? Are you going to swim? You don't even know if there's land out there. You don't know where we are... nobody does. Even if Danya couldn't hear us, couldn't blow our collars at will, do you really think we could ever get off this place? Do you? I hope you're right, I do, but... somehow... I just don't think it's going to happen.

Forcing a smile over her features, she removed the map from her duffle bag, casting a glance over it. So many locations, so many places. Everywhere they went, there was danger. Especially this far into the game. It had been six days... six days since their plane had been hijacked, since they had been thrown into this terrible place. The fact that there were even normal people here now was incredible in its own respect. Two buildings, places of shelter on the island, were currently off limits due to being danger zones. What that left them with was really not much.

"We should go to a building or something. Somewhere where we can barricade ourselves so that you two can..." Jill stopped herself from saying 'form an escape plan', knowing full well that announcing it would not have been a bright move. Reluctantly, she finished her sentence, "... so that you can, get started. In peace. Without distractions and the like. It's really your call, it seems I'm just along for the ride."

She nodded toward Martyn as she spoke the last sentence. He was the coordinator of this entire escape plan bit. He knew what he needed and what he could do without, and in reality, she had no clue. Shelter just seemed to ring out in her mind. At least if they barricaded a building, maybe then they would not have to worry about the threat of constant attackers. The many gunshots that had rang out over the island since the four had stood there were a sign that people were indeed out there and prepared to kill. That was a distraction that they simply could not afford to have if they really planned on getting into the systems back at Danya's headquarters. If, indeed, they could...

At that moment, the sixth announcement began to ring out from the public access systems. The names of the deceased fell upon deaf ears, as the only names Jill recognized, she had been present for the deaths of. However, as Danya announced that the danger zones had cleared, Jill perked up a bit. The warehouse was no longer a danger zone, and she personally knew from experience that it was not the easiest of places to enter at present. During their last visit to the warehouse, they had been promptly ushered out by Adam when the last announcement had dubbed the location a danger zone.

Turning to Martyn, she grinned slightly, tugging on his sleeve a bit. Perhaps that was the best of locations. Anyway, if any place on this island was bound to have something of assistance to the group, it would be there, in that warehouse. Glancing around at the boys in the group once more, she seemed to have made up her mind. Without hesitation, she quickly stated the idea.

"You guys... the warehouse. It's clear again, did you hear? Last time we were there, we didn't have time to look around, but... maybe there's something there! It's worth a try, don't you think? Why don't we head there?"

(Continued in Onslaught Redux.)

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:30 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn had for the moment removed his glasses, chewing lightly on one of the ends as he usually did when the lack of thought was high on him. Truth be told, he didn’t know what he could do… could he even attempt to hack into the SOTF computers without being caught and have his throat blown apart. And what chance did they even have in this working, if their governments hadn’t put some escape plan into motion what would make them think they even had a chance of doing anything? And what about if they did remove the collars, the what? Swim… They didn’t even know where they where, they could be hundreds or thousands of miles away from any form of land. Not to mention, from what the manual had said they had patrol all around the place.

Sighing in defeat, he found himself biting down a bit to hard on the wire framed glasses he owned. Regretting it quickly as a pain shot through the left side of his mouth, and he removed the glasses but kept from putting them back on and simply allowed them to hang in his hand as he wondered off into his stance of thinking. It was only when he heard Jill speak up that he listened on as she mentioned finding shelter would probably be their best option. And he had to admit it probably would be, doing this out in the open wouldn’t be the safest of bets… if someone came across them… well…

Thoughts were once more pushed back when that oh so familiar voice, not like he preferred to hear it, came alive over the placed speakers about the island. Reading off the deaths of the day, once again he not knowing a single name listed, though slowly he blinking though when he remembered the card that had been with the battery back when he had found the box in his bag;

Happy Birthday.

Martyn almost found himself laughing a loud when he noted what a grand birthday this had turned out to be in the end, sarcasm dripping from these thoughts mind you, after all who’d want to spend their seventeenth birthday risking their life? Shaking his head, he listened on in the silence surrounding the area until Jill spoke once more – suggesting they head back to the warehouse that they had been sent running away from the other day when the announcement had dubbed it a danger zone.

The place itself was better than anything in terms of shelter and nodded, watching lightly as Jill turned and starting her move back toward the way that led to the warehouse in question. Martyn sighing a bit, and reaching down took his bag into his hands, glancing back off to the others with a small sigh of sorts. “Away we go, it seems.”

{{ Continued at the Warehouse; Onslaught Redux. }}