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Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:51 pm
by Megami*
Sighing lightly, Jill shook her head somewhat, but forced a smile. Only thirty-six remain. The number was both a burden and a form of hope. If Adam was right, if there were over a hundred students on the island at the start of this... "game", then she had already survived the brunt of the massacre. Thing was, if she was going to get out, she would inevitably have to go through the very people around her to do it. Killing Luca, it had been a fluke. A bizarre, unnatural act done out of pure emotion. After all, it was Luca who had given Jill the only injuries she had sustained thus far on the island, though given, those injuries were rather severe.

But, to take on people you had been allied with throughout your entire stint on the island? That was the name of the game, kill or be killed. Jill could never imagine herself taking the lives of the people around her... Adam, Martyn, Jack, or even Michael, whom she had just met recently. But, for her to go home, they all had to be gone, and the very thought alone was almost enough to make her give up all hope.

As for the terrorists, Adam was probably right. Going up against one was like executing your own death sentence. But, to get home, they too would have to be gone. Right? As Adam spoke of his vigilante justice, of executing Cody Jenson for the wrongs he had committed against Madelaine Shirohara and Amanda Jones, Jill could only shake her head in what almost appeared to be mild amusement.

"I'm not going to stop you, Adam. I don't have that right. But... if you track down that boy, and you do manage to kill him... what will it accomplish? It won't bring them back... I wish it would, I really do. But they're gone... and you know something, they're probably watching all of this from a better place. But... I bet they're happy. You know, that they have a friend like you who cares for them so much that you'd risk your life to avenge them."

Jill shrugged nonchalantly. She certainly was not making an attempt to talk the boy out of his plans. In fact, she personally hoped he did kill Cody Jenson. It would be one less raving lunatic that posed a threat to herself and the remainder of the students on the island. That man, the one who killed Madelaine and Amanda, he was one of the ones who was completely beyond hope now. Even if Cody won, or another one of the major "players", even if Danya let them go home after this catastrophe, those people would never fit into a state of normalcy again.

But, it had been eight days since the terrorist attack that had brought them here in the first place, and now, most of her classmates were nothing more than shells of their former selves. The few who had managed to retain any sort of sanity through what had elapsed during what had to have been the longest week of their lives, well, they were few and far in between. The rest of them were dead, and those who were not dead seemed to be walking around like nothing more than living corpses.

And by the time it's all said and done, that's probably what every one of us will be, as well...

Returning from her state of thought, Jill cast another glance back at the warehouse, then back to Adam, who had declared he was about to set out to find Cody Jenson once again. Exercising his wish to join them if they did escape, but questioning whether or not he should be allowed to, brought Jill to a very crucial question for herself. If you shouldn't be allowed to escape, then... well, neither should I, right? One life, six lives, it doesn't matter. They're still gone, and one of the names on that list was done by my hand...

"If we figure something out... we won't leave without you. I promise."

Although she was hesitant in her words, they were sincere. If anyone deserved to leave this hellhole more than any other student, it had to be Adam. He had spent the past eight days trying to come to the aid of his friends, only to watch every single one of them slaughtered, most of them before his very eyes. After the torture that he had gone through and the things that he had endured, all the while managing to keep some sense of sanity in tact, he deserved to go home.

"Well, I wish you luck, Adam. And... if I don't see you again, just do one thing for me."

Internally, Jill knew Adam would outlast her on this island, as he had done so many others. He was so much stronger than her both physically and mentally, not to mention, he was armed to the teeth, whereas she had lost her only weapon, some useless nailgun, in the process of fighting Luca Donovan.

"If you're the only one left... make sure you kill that motherfucker."

The only other person who deserved to die around here was Danya. And, in the event that Jill was the one who survived until the end, as unlikely as it may have seemed, she would have gladly sacrificed her life to put a bullet in between Danya's eyes. Somehow, she thought every one of the remaining students probably felt the same way. And, alive or dead, she wanted to watch Danya suffer. Casting a weary smile at Adam, she turned and made her way inside the warehouse, where Martyn and Jack had presumably gone several minutes earlier.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:51 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Just so you guys know, I'm not inactive, I'm waiting for Riserugu.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:51 pm
by riserugu*
((Sorry, this week hasn't been the best and posting really hasn't been number one on my top things to do list. So don't mind that this isn't the best I can do, I really just don't care at the moment.))

Martyn paced the room lightly, finding a study table along the middle of the room, lifting his bag and placing it along the tabletop. Unzipping the bag, and digging through the contents until he came to grab his laptop, removing it and placing it atop the table’s wooden top, opening the screen and pressing the ‘on’ button. Other buttons flashing alive before the screen followed, he moving away somewhat to grab at a discarded chair and moving to sit down.

A quick glance around, and he couldn’t see any cameras in the general area… though by the way the warehouse looked, they could have already been taken care of by whoever was here before. Turning back to his laptop, he quickly entered the password needed watching lightly as everything loaded up. If he was lucky, and his guess was right, he might be able to make a connection to the web from here.

Of course, it was all lucky… he figured some kind of tower of sorts had to be set up somewhere so that Danya could make his daily announcements because as far as he figured, the terrorists themselves where located elsewhere and not on the island itself. So perhaps his computer could pick up on that tower or whatever wave length and use it and the access he got to his advantage.

Clicking on the small icon, he held his breath a bit and awaiting the home screen to come up sighed lightly when it did. Though he couldn’t help the smile that passed over his face at the sight of unread emails, most from friends seeming to be questioning him on his whereabouts. Looking over toward Jack lightly, he couldn’t to smile softly, “So… what first, mate?”

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by Slayer*
The beginning of the eighth day was bittersweet for Jack as the announcement went off. The sweet part was that he had lived to see another day, the bitter part was everything else. With only 36 or 35 students remaining, things were looking very grim, and Jack knew he had to initiate his plan soon. He had seen a few cameras and set about using the clothes of the dead and decomposing girls to cover them up.
"Sorry Danya," he had said with a mocking smile, "I don't want you and the rest of the world seeing this. Nothing personal, I just like my privacy." his mood turned serious when Martyn asked what they should do first. Walking over to the laptop, he brought a box over to it so he had a place to sit and took the computer.
"We initiate step one." he said cryptically, opening the word processor and typing.

"I'm going to try and see if I can put a virus in Danya's system, but I might have to access my computer back home to upload the necessary software. If you have any of that stuff, now's your time to say quickly deleting "say", he retyped write something about it. he wrote, wondering if Martyn had the kind of software needed on his laptop. Even if he didn't though, it wouldn't be too hard for him to access his computer and upload them.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn rose as brow as he watched Jack take control of the situtation and his computer. Leaning back in the chair a bit, watching the other work as he fit about fiddle with his hands, lightly clenching and unclenching them as he went over ideas in his mind.

Though as the notebook was pushed back toward him, he eyed it lightly through his glasses before taking the pencil in hand and writing back. There's not much on there, just the basics... for the smaller stuff like systems that schools and such use. Nothing big, but it's all I got on this thing.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by Megami*
Ducking underneath the semi-open garage door to the warehouse, Jill could not help but reminisce of the last time she had entered that doorway... and the hasty evacuation they were forced into several fleeting moments afterward. Coming back into the warehouse was almost a surreal experience after what had occured here the last time, but she shook the thoughts from her head. Inside the warehouse, she could catch a glimpse of Jack and Martyn, who seemed to already be at work.

Walking down the short corridor into the room with the other two, Jill glanced around slowly. Last time, she had not made it this far into the warehouse before Adam had rushed all of the occupants out. The last time she was here, Madelaine and Amanda had been trapped in this place and now... now, they were gone. Jill frowned at the thought, and it saddened her to relieve that experience. Nonetheless, she continued into the room, where the two boys were leaned over Martyn's laptop.

Clearing her throat quietly to let them know she was in the room, as if they had not heard her walk down the empty hallway, she simply leaned up against the cold wall of the building and folded her arms across her chest. Her shoulder, which she had done a rather shaddy job of wrapping outside, was in a massive amount of pain. In addition, her thigh was killing her. Trying to shrug off the pain, Jill slumped down into a sitting position on the floor and proceeded to rummage through her daypack, searching for some asprin or painkillers or something.

(Sorry it's short but there's not a lot I can really do with her at this point except post to ensure you all that she's still alive. Haha.)

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by Slayer*
Frowning, Jack adjusted his own glasses and typed again.
Damn, that's not good. he wrote, putting some thought into his next words, No matter though, I should be able to access my computer from this one. It isn't that hard, especially for me. putting the pencil down, he assumed command of the computer again and started opening menus and typing. Within a few keystrokes, he was viewing the documents page of his computer in his American home.
Home...will I ever see it again? he thought before downloading some of the more potent hacking programs and closing the window. Going back to the word processor, he quickly typed Alright, hope you don't mind me downloading that stuff. Don't worry, it's all safe, it'll just make it easier to crack the system. Oh, and that MP3 of "Walkin' on Sunshine" has a virus hidden on it. I originally did that for pranks, but now I can put this in the announcement system, blare an annoying song all over the island and infect Danya's system all at once. Not bad, huh? Oh, almost forgot, do you have a USB vcord or anything like that? Of we had one, I could hook the laptop up to one of those cameras to access Danya's computers faster. I could od it manually, but that would be a lot harder.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by riserugu*
Could care less what you put on that computer at this time, and about the cord... nope, sorry. Not something I usually take with me when I got to visit my auntie. Martyn wrote back, sighing somewhat as he leaned back again though frowned after a moment. Leaning forward once more and writing down against the paper.

I'm going out for a minute, this place is making me feel sick... smells like nothing but blood in here. I trust you to handle things for the moment, won't be long... just got to get some air.

Standing up, he moved away from the chair walking back toward where the only entrance to this place was left. Eyeing Jill as he passed, sighing a bit at the sight of her state as he continued along to the outside. Finding a small place alongside the wall as he exited the warehouse, moving into a crouched position as he removed the small carton of cigarettes from his pocket, pulling one of the last two out.

"'Ere's to this bleeding plan, and 'opes that it works." He muttered lightly, removing a lighter and lighting it. Dragging in a small amount, before one again relaxing against the side of the building.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by Megami*
Finally retrieving the contents of her daypack that she had been searching for, Jill popped a few asprin into her mouth and took a quick drink from one of the water bottles. Certainly, asprin was not going to help the fact that she had a gaping hole in her shoulder, but anything that could ease the pain even a little was worth at least an attempt. Jill's eyes closed momentarily as she listened to the ticking and tapping noises coming from the keyboard of Martyn's computer. Every once in a while, the typing noise was interrupted by the quiet scratching of lead from a pencil against a piece of paper. She assumed the two were conversing about the escape plan.

You know, Jill thought quietly, If we're too quiet, they'll suspect something is up.

It occurred to her to voice her opinion, but she simply was not in the state of mind to do so anymore. Despite the fact that the warehouse reaked of the bodies of the dead, the soft tickety-tack the keyboard made as Jack's fingers moved nimbly across it was an almost relaxing sound. The quiet noises echoing throughout the room had begun to lull Jill into a light slumber, but her eyes once again reopened as Martyn stood and left the room, casting a glance at her as he did so. Jill watched him leave, then cast a glance at Jack.

"You know... maybe someone should stand guard. In case, ya know, we have another incident like outside again," Jill suggested quietly.

And besides that, I don't need to sit in here and fall asleep. I may never wake up again. And you, Jack O'Connor, don't need any distractions. Because right now, you're our only hope.

Pushing herself up onto her feet, Jill disguarded her daypack in the floor of the warehouse. She would come back for it later. Besides, she hoped that people would be smart enough to move away from the sound of gunfire, and during the past few minutes, the warehouse had seen more than its fair share of gunfire. Jack would be fine by himself in the warehouse. There was no other way in than through the door she, Martyn, and Adam had been forced to pry open earlier. Somebody had certainly made sure of that. It had been a cruel intention to lock Madelaine and Amanda into the warehouse, but right now, Jill was almost thankful all of the doors had been shot closed.

Her footsteps echoed through the empty corridor as she headed out through the garage she had entered from just a little earlier. Against her better judgment, she did not go disturb Martyn, wherever she had gone. Instead, she leaned up against the side of the warehouse and folded her arms across her chest. The three of us... would we have ever been friends if not for this? If we were in a situation where we didn't have to rely on others for our own survival, would I have ever given either of them the time of day? I put my life in the hands of complete strangers. At least with Adam, it was different.

Jill smiled faintly, recalling days when she, Adam, and the rest of the crew had gone out and played pool, gone to the movies, watched hockey games. Back when things were normal. Now, things were everything but normal. In a sense, I was lucky. He was the first person I found in this place... someone I knew I could trust. And if it weren't for him... I'd have never found Jack and Martyn. And you know, right now, I wouldn't trade either of them for anyone else in the world. I believe in them, and I think they'll see this through... to the end. Her smile ceased after a moment. It was a nice thought, though it was only a fleeting one. However, it did remind her...

"Martyn?" Jill called softly, assuming he was somewhere in the near vicinity, "... Are you okay?"

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by riserugu*
The silence that had fallen over the area around the warehouse was almost unsettling to him, having remained in his sitting position with his back pressed into the cold metal walls of the warehouse as he quietly smoked. Thoughts finding this the perfect moment to invade his mind with questions and what ifs, questions he wished would be answered and what ifs that would probably never happen. ‘It’s odd…’ Martyn found himself musing in thought, ‘I 'ated everything to do with my family before coming 'ere… now the only thing I want in the world is to see them. Mum, Dad… hell even my brother and sister, I just want to be back 'ome. Worrying about grades, and 'ow the next rugby match is going to go. Anything… anything than worrying about 'ow I’m going to survive for another day.’

Making a sound in the back of his throat, he pushed his hands against the ground, forcing himself up into a standing position figuring he should start heading back in before Jack or Jill began worrying over what had happened to him. Though as he stood, he couldn’t help but eye the body of the Luca girl that Jill had killed not to long ago… she hardly any color left to her. Mostly just a pale, ghostly reminder of what she once was… alive. Though as he looked carefully about the body, something caught his attention near the surrounding brush. Blinking somewhat as he moved toward the object, passing by the body and bending down toward it.

Raising a brow, he lifted the gun on the ground into the air. Looking it over… figuring this most have been the weapon that had first belonged to Luca, and Jill had managed to get a hold in their fight and then used it as a murder weapon against the other girl. Though he had nothing to say in honor of Luca, hell he didn’t even no the girl… and further more she had been in the reason Jill had almost died. So, eyeing the dead body once more… he turned way, placing the new found weapon in the other front pocket of his school pants before heading back toward the entrance way into the warehouse. Cigarette carelessly held between his lips as he breathed in the last bits of it, before a voice and a question caught his attention.

Blinking a bit, he turned the corner that would lead him back inside the warehouse, blinking more at the sight of Jill. Who just a few moments ago look worse for ware… “I believe the question should be, are you okay.” He mused lightly, breathing in a final bit of the cigarette before throwing it to the ground, and stepping down on it. “I’m quite fine for the moment it seems… Jack ‘andling everything with the computer and I’m just… backup I suppose for the moment. Till ‘e needs me or something I suppose, but really… ‘ow are you ‘olding up with those wounds and all.”

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by Megami*
Watching lightly as Martyn took a final drag from his cigarette before tossing it aside, Jill found herself shaking her head. The act had caused a thought to pop into her head, and although it was terribly inappropriate given the circumstances, and eight days on the island had affected Jill, as well as the other students, drastically, the Jill Gatling she was before this entire ordeal was still somewhere deep within the shell of a girl who stood in front of the warehouse, and she found herself mouthing the words before she could really even figure out what she was saying.

"Those things are bad for you, you know," Jill mused quietly, "Though given the circumstances, you may not have to worry about it."

As inappropriate as the comment had been, Jill's lips formed into a half-smile and she laughed quietly, feeling almost amused by the situation. Before, she had always preached to others about how bad cigarettes were and how they were slowly killing themselves. On this island, however, dying from lung cancer was the least of any of their worries. As Martyn reiterated the question she had posed to him only seconds before, Jill's smile slowly faded away, and she rubbed her bandaged shoulder thoughtfully.

"I..." she started after a moment, "I'm fine, Martyn. As fine as someone with a hole in their shoulder and a bullet in their thigh can be, anyway."

Casting him a half-hearted smile, she shook her head quietly. That word, it was nowhere near what Jill was at this point. In all reality, the fact that she was even still alive was a miracle in itself. Fortunately, Luca's inexperience with a gun had turned out to benefit Jill. Had Luca been able to properly aim the gun, she would not be standing in front of Martyn right now, and she was fully aware of that thought, especially considering the fact that the corpse of Luca Donovan lay a few hundred feet away from where the two were standing.

"It's my fault, anyway. Rushing off, rushing out into the open, it was... it was stupid. If she'd had any clue how to fire that thing, I wouldn't be here right now, ya know? And it's a scary thought. It's a harsh thought but we may not live to see tomorrow. But in truth..."

Jill trailed off a moment, biting down on her lower lip slightly.

"I'm glad it was me. It could've been you. Or Jack. And I couldn't handle that. Right now, I need you two. This place is starting to get to me. I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep because I'm scared to death that if I fall asleep I won't wake up. It's been eight days, and... they aren't coming for us, Martyn. They'd have been here by now. But at least with you two here, I'm not alone."

Removing her hand from her bloodied shoulder, Jill brushed a few stray strands of hair away from her face. She hadn't meant to bust out into yet another rant, and she had probably already said far too much. But, there was one last thing she needed to say.

"I hope this works," she stated quietly, "But no matter what the outcome... thank you, Martyn. Thank you for staying with me, and thank you for seeing this through... till the end. It doesn't matter what happens after this, because I know you and Jack gave it your best shot."

And thank you... for caring when no one else did. For not leaving me when everyone else had already abandoned me. Thank you. The words never quite came to Jill. Instead, she found herself looking out into the unknown spaces of the island. She closed her eyes momentarily before looking back at Martyn. Satisfied that she had said all she needed to say, she cleared her throat and motioned back inside the warehouse.

"I mentioned to Jack inside but... someone should probably keep watch, don't you think? Just in case? Doesn't matter who, I don't mind. I doubt we'll have any problems but... better safe than sorry."

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:52 pm
by Slayer*
Jack got to work almost as soon as Martyn and Jill left, Jack got to work, typing relentlessly on Martyn's keyboard. If anyone spoke to him, if anything was happening around him, he ignored them. His concentration was at its highest peak as he worked tirelessly to get into Danya's system. He had both of the downloaded hacking programs up and several windows displayed as he tried to get in with marginal success (though he did stop to hack a few of the SOTF fansites). Minutes, hours, he didn't know or care how much time had past, for all he knew he just missed the next announcement, but the only thing he was focusing on was the battle between his hacking skills and Danya's security systems.
His security is pretty good, he thought, wiping his brow a bit, but it's nothing like my Spyware!
While Martyn and Jill conversed outside, Jack was getting closer and closer to his goal. He knew that in order for Danya to broadcast SOTF to America, he needed at least one sattelite, so he was trying to hack one of those first. After another unknown stretch of time, he was in. He grinned with the success of it, for not only did he have a great way to screw with the system, he had a direct link to Danyas computers. There was a full map of the island on the screen, with green and red dots all over and student numbers under each dot. The red dots signaled the dead (for example, the dot for G06 was red at the Makeshift Hospital), and the living (the dot for B77 was green and moving). This was apparently how Danya knew who was dead and who was alive when the cameras didn't catch the deaths. A new wave of knowledge hit Jack, with a wave of temptation as well. He could win the game with only a few keystrokes now, detonating everyone's collars, or he could ruin it by deactivating all the collars. It was too early to make such a move though, so he left it and only reviewed who was dead and alive. So far two more had died after the announcement, bringing the bodycount up to 87. Grinning, he started typing again and uploading. If Danya was monitoring that same part of the system, he'd notice a huge fluctuation, continual static, and finally a huge American flag covering the map and dots, with a scrolling marquee of the lyrics of "God Bless America" moving at incredibly high speed across the flag-covered screen. It wouldn't do any permanent damage, but it would probably make him swallow one of those ugly cigars he had on the plane. Maybe it was a bad move going for annoyance first, but it was the best initial strike he could do with the current security. Finally, he uploaded a video of Street Fighter 2 being played (Ken's stage) into the camera systems, so for a few minutes all broadcast of SOTF would be interrupted by an image of Ryu and Ken duking it out at full volume. That would do absolutely nothing other than annoy, but Jack couldn't do much more with the security of Danya's system. Jack severed the connection just as Ryu's famous shout of "SHORYUKEN!" sounded off for the first time, as to avoid being traced by the system security (which was still possible, but with no connection it would be harder). Letting out a sight of relief, he went to his two allies, taking the pencil and pad with him.

"Well, I've made a good first strike that'll probably raise a few hairs with Danya-I know it did so when I did it at school-, but his security was too good for me to do permanent damage that time. It was all I could do this time without risking them figuring out that it was me doing it." he wrote, looking apologetic about not destroying the system in one go.
"It seems like everything's ready, I just wish we didn't have to do this." he said out loud, trying to throw Danya off his tail by saying something completely irrelevant. He then wrote:
"Play along, I'm trying to shake off any suspicion he has of us, but it might not work, so I hope you guys are good actors."

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:53 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn almost couldn’t help the grin that worked across his features at the comment made his way by Jill, “I’d take lung cancer any day of the bleeding week if it get me off this blasted ‘ell ‘ole and back ‘ome.” He said in a musing tone, though a hint of bitterness was clear almost all the fun and mocking. After a moment a sigh pressed his lips as he leaned back, eyeing the girl as she talked, explaining she was fine… as fine as a person wounded to the degree she was could be. Which wasn’t that good really…

He continued to listen as she talked on… saying how it was her fault about what had happened, happening. And lightly frowning, he nodded a bit. “What you did was pretty stupid… I’m not going to say it wasn’t, then again, anything you do ‘ere is stupid in some way because danger is lurking every where you can think of.” Martyn said lightly, tilting his head to the side a bit. “But, you did what you had to survive in the end… if you ‘and’t done what you did, you, me, and Jack could all possible be dead right now.”

As she continued, he remained silent till even the chance to speak, a small laugh almost escaping him. “I came to that thought a couple of days ago now. Bloody ‘ell, a majority of you where all from one school… in America no less. If the bleeding Americans aren’t going to come and do anything about it, I know damn well I won’t be seeing head or tails of Scotland Yard, or the British government, or anyone coming for my arse. Let alone any of the other kids that are from over there, or any other country as well.

Though I can just thank God that I managed to find people… I came onto this island knowing no one. Not a soul because I was just some random kid they picked while ‘e was on ‘is way to visit ‘is auntie. I figured I’d be dead within a few hours, with no connections… no one would trust me… so of course in most cases lack of trust equals death on the other’s part. But I was lucky to have come across and met Adam I suppose – because in the end I ended up you… of course though we haven’t been in this alliance long… we sure have been through a hell of a lot of stuff.”

Sighing when finished, he glanced over toward the other, noting her distance look toward the surrounding areas. He turning his head forward again as well, pursing lips thoughtfully as he pulled arms above his head. Listening to the bones popping somewhat, relief from that spreading over a bit though he found himself listening to Jill again as she spoke out. “Watch? Suppose I could ‘andle that… Jack’s ‘andling the computer deal, and you’re not in the best condition… and oh. Now that I remember, ‘ere.” He said, fishing out his issued weapon from one of his front pockets. Holding it out to the girl, “I picked up Luca’s… so you can use this one, so we all ‘ave a firearm incase something ‘appens we can all protect ourselves pretty well.”

At that moment though, he glanced off to his side, eyeing the form of Jack as he wrote against the paper. He blinking behind his glasses as he read over it lightly, smiling lightly at the other boy at the look that passed over his face that he hadn’t done what he had been wanting to. Though as he spoke aloud, Martyn blinked again… this time in confusion. Though once everything was explained on paper, he nodded somewhat in agreement with it.

“I know what you mean mate, but ‘ey… we gotta do what we gotta do. You know?”

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:53 pm
by Slayer*
"Yeah, I guess. It still sucks though." Jack said, still keeping up the charade. On the paper, he wrote, "By the way, don't worry about the cameras. Unless we're in the background of Ken's stage* in Street Fighter 2, Danya can't see a thing we're doing right now.", grinning at the prospect and looking around. "Nope, we aren't." he added in jokingly while pushing up his glasses again and making sure the gun was still secure in his pocket.
"I mean, we started out saying we wouldn't play, and now we're practically preparing for a war against the whole island. It just doesn't make sense." he said out loud again, hopefully throwing anyone listening to the mics for a loop. "Same drill, don't say anything that'll make them catch on. We don't know if they know who did that yet." he wrote immediately, probably coming off as a bit nervous.
"But if we're really going to do this, I say we should go after the players first. They'd be the biggest threats and have good weapons, not to mention we'd be working up a nice bit of karma. Or we could stay here a while, since we have everything we need to defend it along with a certain person making it near impossible to get in." he finished, clearly trying to trick Danya into thinking they had decided to play.
OOC: Sorry for the shortness, but I didn't have a lot to work with this time.
OOC2:*= Image
Ken's stage, in case anyone who hasn't played Street Fighter is reading this.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:53 pm
by Megami*
After a moment of hesitation, Jill finally took the gun from Martyn's hand. After her last encounter with a firearm, especially considering that a fellow student ended up dead by her hand, she was a bit wary of hanging on to another gun. At least Martyn had chosen to keep THE gun for himself. In the end, it was probably a strategic move on Martyn's part, Jill was sure it probably had more ammunition than his, but at this point, she could not have possibly cared less. Casting him a small nod as she received the weapon, she turned her attention to Jack and his scribblings on the paper.

As the two boys muttered to one another in conversation, it took Jill a moment to catch on to what they were doing. Finally though, it clicked. If the name of the game was to make Danya think that they were playing, she could certainly deliver an act. In fact, the actions Luca Donovan had taken at the warehouse formulated in her mind, and had Luca not been so eager to kill those around her, her strategy was actually a rather good one. Wait and snipe out the enemy.

"We shouldn't rush into things," Jill stated matter-of-factly. "That girl, Luca, she had the right idea. We don't need to go to them. Let them come to us. We've got a prime spot right now, guys, we should use it to our advantage. We leave this place and we're out in the open. If we stay here, we have shelter, and this place is pretty well sealed. Wouldn't take much to fortify it. Anyone tries to crash the place, we put them out of our misery. We can sit back and conserve ammunition while the rest of them slaughter one another."

As disgusted as Jill was with what she was saying, in truth, it would be the plan she implemented into the game, that is, in the unlikely event that she would have ever played. It was a fool-proof strategy, on the outside, anyway. Pondering over the words to say next, she cast a smug grin at the two young men in her company as something else came to mind... and this one should be music to Danya's ears, Jill figured.

"My little chat with Dodd earlier was an interesting one. Found out some quite useful information. The boy's loaded to the teeth, and I think he's playing to win. He didn't say so, but he did tell me that he'd already killed six people here, and that he was on a personal mission to hunt down some kid named Cody. So, if Dodd wants to go on a manhunt, I say... let Dodd go on a manhunt. Once he's slaughtered the competition, I'll give him a call on the cell... if it still works, anyway. Tell him that we've got a foolproof plan to win, tell him to meet us at the warehouse. He comes here, the three of us take him out and take his weapons. Kills two birds with one stone. We get rid of more students, and we get our hands on some prime weaponry."

A cocky smile formed on her lips as she kicked herself internally for thinking such a thought. Of course, it was something Jill would never do, right? But, Danya didn't know that. Eight days trapped on an island where others were trying to kill you could affect the mental stability of anyone, herself included. Hoping the cameras were still out, Jill motioned for the notebook in Jack's hand and wrote out another one of her thoughts.

We need to keep this up for a while, draw suspicion off ourselves. Maybe we should express some kind of distrust for one another so he thinks the alliance is failing. Might draw his attention away from us.

She shrugged lightly at the thought. It was an idea, anyway. Up to this point, she had relied blindly on the two boys, and they had not failed her. But somewhere deep down inside, part of her wondered whether or not they had, or had ever had any bad intentions. It was a thought that had never occurred to her before, but bringing up the thought of distrust sparked it. Jill quickly shook away the thought. If Martyn had ever planned on killing her, he'd have done it when he followed her away from the river, while they were alone together. Come to think of it, he'd had many a chance to do so. And Jack... well, if Jack wanted to kill them, he could've detonated both of their collars a second ago, more than likely.