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Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:42 pm
by OnceForgotten*
"I would say, that your ready for evening tea."

Cody then began laughing, his form shaking in its prone position. This caused Madelaine's body to shake a bit, creating a surreal scene. He then stood up and zipped up his pants, wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand.

"She was good, a real spinner"

This brought another smile to his face, which was still covered with blood.

"I just figured I would enjoy myself, seeing as were all stuck here. Plus, she gave me this."

Cody gestured to the still bloody wound on the back of his head.

Thats it...Calm down a bit...start talking...give me enough kill you

"Sydney, my boy, what would you have done?"

Cody stood eyebrows raised, staring at his enemy, his arch nemesis.

We will have a grand battle, my friend, don't you worry...but not here...not now...

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:42 pm
by Cactus
Sidney's jaw dropped a little as he gawked at the blood-covered boy, fresh from raping and murdering a fellow student. This was more than he ever expected to see, especially from someone that he knew...somewhat. Struggling to keep his cool, Sidney shoved his hands into his pockets. He often did this when he was nervous, and now was definitely one of those times.

Keep him talking...keep him talking and then someone can come up and shoot him where he stands. Come on, there's more people RIGHT here...

As his right hand slid into his pocket, Sidney's eyes lit up. He had forgotten all about the pistol that he had put there, the one he had found on the ground a ways back. Perhaps it was fate, perhaps not, but now, Sidney had a way to stop the other boy, who was truly guilty of committing a sin.

Can I really do this? Can I really shoot him? And he's got a gun of his own...

Amidst all of the doubts, Sidney knew that no matter what, he'd have to try, or else he would die.


Amanda Jones, upon realizing that Madelaine had seemingly wandered off, set off in the direction that she remembered Madelaine to have been walking in, shotgun in hand. If something had happened to her close friend, she was going to be prepared for it, and she knew that no matter what, she'd be able to handle it. Madelaine was a survivor, that she knew, and no matter what kind of adversity was thrown at her, Amanda knew that she'd be able to work her way out of it. As she walked through the woods, she reflected upon the times that she had gone through during her time here on the island. She'd been with Madelaine and David from the beginning, and here she was, for the first time, on her own. Not even Adam was with her, for he was still back with the others, attempting to figure out a plan of action. They'd been her true friends, and Amanda knew that if anything were to happen to her friends, she likely wouldn't last all that much longer.

This is unbelievable. This whole thing. We've come so far, and now, who knows if we'll even make it out's been five days, and I think I'm starting to lose hope...

As she neared towards what seemed to be a clearing, she sighed. Today hadn't exactly started off as a great day. She hoped that it ended a lot better than it had began.


Removing the pistol quickly from his pocket, Sidney pointed it at Cody, a look of disgust, and a look of fear both showing themselves at once.

"Cody, I...I can't let you leave...not after what you've done! Cody, you raped someone! You're crazy!"

That was when Sidney made what some might consider a mistake - he made it personal.

"It's no wonder you never made the junior team, because all the coaches knew you were fucking bananas!"

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:42 pm
by OnceForgotten*
"You're crazy!"

"It's no wonder you never made the junior team, because all the coaches knew you were fucking bananas!"

Cody's eyes widened. He had...He had forgotten all about Hockey.

* * *

Cody sat in front of his television, really not thinking about what was going on. He was more nervous about the announcement of the Canada Junior team, which was going to take place any minute. He was home alone, as usual, his parents both on buisness trips back in the States.

Suddenly, his attention snapped back to the TV screen. They were announcing the names. First the wingers...Then the centers...Then the defensemen...Then the goalies...Cody was confused. He was a defenseman, and they didn't announce his name. Maybe it was a mistake? He got up from his seat and began pacing.

I...I led my team to the title game...Fucking Crosby...If we would have won...

Tears started flowing down his face. He was inferior again. He punched things. Broke a vase. Ripped apart the living room. He shreiked and fell to his knees, holding stuffing from the couch that he had been ripping into in both of his hands. Then he saw it. The cat lazily spread itself out on the living room floor and closed its eyes.

Fucking cat...Doesn't care...No one cares about all the work I put into this...No one...Fucking Cat...

Cody's mother did not know what to do when she came home and found the cat on the porch with a broken neck. They blamed the neighbors.

* * *

His eyes narrowed as he stared at Crosby.

"You peice of shit...I COULD FUCKING TEAR YOU APART!!

"How do you like that, you pompous peice of dog shit."

With that Cody fired two shots in Sydney's direction, not caring whether they hit him or not. He then turned and bolted, making his way through the trees, back to Loretta.

Not gonna kill that mother with a gun...No way hosea...Gonna think of something MUCH better for Sydney Crosby...Oh yeah boy...your right fucked....

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:42 pm
by Cactus
Sidney could see the gunshots coming from miles away, as soon as Cody was finished with the outburst that (admittedly) took Sidney off balance for its ferocity, he lept to his left, both bullets passing him by and hurtling into the woods behind him. Taking very careful aim at the running boy, and saying a small prayer to himself, he squeezed the trigger of the pistol three times, sending three bullets tearing through the air and at the angry, insane Cody Jensen. It was then that Sidney heard a loud 'THUD' behind him, and his eyes widened as he knew exactly what the noise was, without even having to guess.


Six days. Essentially six days, and nothing. I shouldn't be losing hope, I really shouldn't. My dad's one of the most powerful men in the world, he's probably doing everything that he possibly can to bring us all home. But...six days have passed. He can't just be sitting at home, watching all of this happen...he can't be...

Amanda Jones found it hard to admit to herself that she was losing hope, especially when it was her father that so many were counting on. The problem that she found for the whole situation was that if the rescue that the United States would inevitably be planning took much longer, there wouldn't be any kids left to rescue.

That's just wonderful. Time is the one thing that we don't have at all, here. Time is something that none of us have much of. I don't know what I'll do if I see Madelaine, or Adam...especially Adam die before I do. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. I'm just not-

Amanda Jones didn't have time to react to the event that interrupted her thoughts. In fact, she hardly even knew what was going on. As she reached forward to seperate the bush that was blocking her way into the small valley before her, two bullets came rushing out of the forest. The first one struck her directly between the eyes, going right through her cerebral cortex and essentially exploding out the back of her head. It lodged itself within a nearby tree. The second bullet found its way through one of her eye sockets, and basically did exactly the same thing to rest of her head that the first one had. Amanda hadn't had a single second at all to register the fact that she WAS going to die before Adam, and in fact, that time was right now. The second bullet tore away the back of her head, as well as most of her neck, and while Amanda was most certainly dead before she hit the ground, the little part that remained of her brain couldn't help but form a single imagine in her head, one that would be the last semblance of thought that would ever perforate through the destroyed mind of one Amanda Jones.

The image, of course, was an image that had never truly seen the light of day, but it was of six individuals, smiling, happy, and seeming as if nothing had ever happened.

For as far as things went, it was truly a shame that Amanda, Madelaine, David, Adam, Hawley, and Marcus had never been friends outside of the game, for it would likely have been a friendship that would have stayed intact for as long as each were alive.

Unfortunately for five of those six, death had seemingly decided that that friendship would no longer be required. Staggering a little, the body of Amanda Jones collapsed backwards, death having claimed yet another victim in the hellish warzone that had become the river.

It seemed that for Amanda Jones, the day would end undoubtedly a lot more abruptly for her than she had ever imagined.


Sidney crouched down in the valley, and listened. Around him, only silence reigned. In front of him, the desecrated body of Madelaine Shirohara, a girl whose name he didn't even know, lay, open to all the wild animals that might still inhabit the island. Behind him...he stood up and took a look back into the woods, his heart sinking. It was that other girl who'd been with the group who had taken at least one (or both, given the condition of her head) of the bullets fired from Cody's gun that was directed at him.

As his words rang loudly and clearly in his head, Sidney Crosby could not help but drop the pistol, and sink to his knees, shivering.

This was a most unpleasant situation, indeed.


Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:42 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody felt a bullet peirce his right arm and was thrown off balance. He won the struggle to stay standing, though, and kept right on running.

Get back to her...Get back to Loretta...

He threw a glance over his shoulder. A girl was lying on the ground behind Sydney, perhaps fainted at the grotesque site of his princess.

He finally reached the bike, hurdling himself on and kicking the starter in one fluid motion. The bike roared to life with a bark and a customary belch of grey smoke, and immediatly Cody kicked it into gear and popped the clutch.

Time to ge the HELL out of Dodge.

((RRRRRROOOOAAAAARing on to: Requiem))

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by asano*
((Continued from: Boy 121 - START))

Tobs had been staggering around for a while. He'd been afraid to yell for Sid, having lost him in the bushes. Had he yelled, he was sure that he'd be found. And the River seemed to be a warzone.

However, he caught the tailend of...something.

The loud snap of the gun seemed to echo around the entire area, and Tobs immediately flipped on the power switch to his drill. With just a pull of the trigger, he could turn someone's day from okay to something you shouldn't even have to THINK about, much less experience.

Dropping into a low crouch, he crept forward. And damn near got fucking run over by some maniac on a goddamned bike!

He dove to the side, landing just a few feet from Sid. And, oddly enough, his landing area gave him clear line-of-sight to the body.

His eyes shot wide open. This coming not long after hearing a Danya announcement, the shock was more like being shot after being SHOT. Actually, it was like being shot in the same place as you were just shot, but the second bullet was more personal. Larger. Closer.

His mouth opened, and shut. He didn't...couldn't...speak. Tobs was one of those kind of guys that realized that silence could be better than speech, at times. It was a rare thing to believe, he knew, but it was correct to him.

The drill thunked onto the ground, and he slowly got himself into a crouching position once more.

He was able to guess what had happened, having heard bits and pieces from Sid and ...that guy on the bike. He shook his head. If he had a say in the matter, whoever had done this would hurt.
<< >>

He stood, picking up the drill and turning it off, just in case he hit the trigger. He slipt it into his bag. Weighing the chances of another attack with comforting whoever saw that, he held the bag close just in case of such an attack.

He walked shakily to Sidney, purposefully not looking at the girl. He saw the pistol at his knees, and knelt down. Slowly, carefully, he picked it up, safetied it so it wouldn't go off, and set it in front of Sid again.
He almost put it in his bag, but didn't want Sid to think he was jacking his gun. x.x;

He put a hand on Sid's shaking shoulder, looking the other direction. He saw another body. A girl...missing a bit of her head.
Fuck, dude! He turned a bit, now looking at Sid, but still watching. What if some sick fucker decided to try to whack someone ELSE after chaos like this?

All Tobs knew, was that he was sincerely pissed. Whoever had done that to ...whoever the girl was... was in for hell, whenever they found him.

"Sid..." His voice finally came out in a choked whisper. "We should...bury her...or, at least...cover her..." Tobs was the kind of man who dealt with most things quickly; he hated being bogged down in things.

[awww, Tobs get to suggest something honorable and ...nice. >>]

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by kuroraishu*
As both Sidney and Chance had approached the auslanders, Takara remained where she was; tense and rigid. Almost every part of her mind told her to stay away, in fact, her gaze first fell on that of the girl Madelaine, and her blood ran cold.

All that she could really think about was the fact that something wasn't right, and after the announcements, well, needless to say she was thoroughly shooken up. Licking dry lips, she approached the group, only to see Sidney wander off. She didn't understand why he did it, nor could she, but she needed to know what was going on.

So, seeing as Takara's curiousity always gets the best of her, even if she is nearing her last thread before fear and panic, she walked in the direction she had seen Sid wander off in. Before she had even entered the brush, the loud bang of the shots echoed within her ears. Her mouth went dry, and her entire form began to shake.

"Oh god..."

Grasping her back, she felt the smooth hilt of something rather heavy and slowly opened the bag, pulling the object out just so she could catch a glimpse at it. Sunlight glimmered off the brightly polished blade of a newly sharpened butcher's knife. Slipping it back into her bag without a second thought, she jogged at a brisk pace to the source of the gun shots.

When she reached the small clearing, she had a few cuts from small twigs and branches, but what she saw brought a sinking feeling to her stomach. Bile rose in her throat, her body began to shake in utter fear and shock. Turning back to the woods, she doubled over in heaves, wanting to throw up, but with nothing to throw up.

"Oh shit... oh shit shit shit..."

Regaining her composure, she turned back, quickly scanning the area for Sidney, who she found, but with another as well; Tobs. Glancing back at the desecrated body of Madelaine, she could barely find the voice to speak.

"Good god... wh... what the fuck happened?"

In the distance, she heard the loud roar of some sort of bike as it tore off away from the scene of the crime. A shiver ran up her spine, and she felt as if everything else had turned to nothing. In her own fear and shock, her legs could barely hold her weight as she shook.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by LadyMakaze*
For a while, Chance found himself tracing Sid's path once he saw the other boy stray from the group, as though he had noticed something in the distance. For the first time, a feeling of worry and trouble fell over his mind, sending it into a state of preoccupation. He was worried about Madelaine.

He clutched the water-soaked book against his chest as he broke into a run, having suddenly heard gunshots in the distance and fearing the worst. He prayed silently to whoever was up there...

Please be merciful...

He held on tightly to the book whom he knew belonged to his casual friend and associate, Madelaine Shirohara. There was no way that she would willingly part with it...perhaps she had dropped it somewhere. But then again, where had she gone? Had someone found her?

He stopped dead in his tracks as he suddenly found the form of one of the other girls lying at his feet, missing the significant part of her head, most likely the work of a gunshot wound.

Chance blinked at the corpse. His expression and manner were both composed, both mild. Yet there was a slight ripple along the hues of his sea green eyes that gave him the appearance of someone deeply unsettled.

Unfortunate things happen when you least expect it. He thought to himself, almost remorsefully as he bowed his head down briefly in respectful silence, barely recognizing the girl as Amanda Jones. They barely associated with eachother back at Barry Coleson, never knowing one another. It was a shame, but that was all in the past now.

Without sparing another second, he turned and dashed towards the clearing ahead, where a crowd of familiars had gathered. Right now, he had to find Madelaine.

As it turned out, he didn't have to look far.

At this point, he now played a witness to the horrific scene that the others who had gathered had already taken in. As what he saw finally registered in his mind, he felt something in the back of his mind shudder. For the first time, his calm, water smooth surface seemed to churn, as though disturbed by a rising tide.

There, upon the filthy ground of the clearing, lay the now desecrated shell of his former friend and associate, Madelaine Shirohara. Part of her form was exposed, forcefully, no doubt, judging from the sight of her ripped and tattered clothes. Her arms seemed to twist round behind her back, as though locked in place for some reason.

Bruises, cuts and various marks of damage had been left upon her bare skin, now snow white. The paleness of her skin contrasted sharply with the giant smear of blood that covered her neck and chin to drip along her exposed collarbone. The blood seemed to be centralized around a gaping wound along the side of her neck, as though someone had torn the flesh of her neck apart.

Her blood-smeared chin tilted backwards, no longer proud, no longer a characteristic of the strong and confident Madelaine he once knew. Reddened eyes, cold and misty, looked upwards towards the sky above in a hollow expression upon her now marked face. Her lifeless gaze showed no sign of emotion, or pain in her current state. However, the wounds inflicted upon her told Chance more than enough. Someone had made her suffer under his own hands, and he had enjoyed it.

He gazed towards Madelaine, an ever calm expression adorning his face. However, the hand that held on tightly to the book suddenly clenched into a shaking fist against his lean chest. It was as though he was either trying to crush something in his hand, or hold onto something that threatened to leave him.

Why does the world allow something like this to happen?

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by Megami*
Ever since Jill had made her way over to the group that had been gathering near the river, she had become vaguely familiar with the fact that many of the members of their group had wandered off somewhere. Madelaine had wondered off quite some time ago, it seemed, but then again, was that not to be expected? After all, the announcement that Danya had made not so long ago had clearly stated that Madelaine Shirohara had shot down her own best friend. After being exposed as a sinner, perhaps Madelaine had needed some time alone to think. Jill knew she certainly would have desired it. Following her probably was not a good idea.

Still... she had been gone an unusually long time. Adam had wandered off earlier, but he had come back in a relatively quick amount of time, but Madelaine... where had she gone? In fact, many people from the little entourage that had gathered at the river appeared to be gone, she noticed. The Crosby boy had run off, and Amanda Jones had not been far behind. The newcomers had followed in pursuit of Sidney. That was when she heard it. Two gunshots rang out from some place very close to their current location. Shooting a worried glance at Adam and Martyn, Jill, against her better judgment, began heading for the noise.

Something was very wrong here. What if... what if those gunshots had been meant for Madelaine... or Amanda? What if they had been meant for this new Sidney kid who had appeared on the scene, or one of his friends? Jill had wished them all gone. The thought of a large group had worried her. But no! No! She did not want them to die! Jill picked up her pace from a jog into a run as she neared the location. She stopped suddenly, seeing the figures of all four of the newcomers standing in front of her. She breathed an audible sigh of relief. That is... until she further inspected the scene of the crime.

Scanning the area, she looked for the source of the gunshots. She saw nothing. However, something else caught the corner of her eye. Something more horrible, more grotesque than she could have ever imagined. It was something Jill had hoped she would never have to see, and it was something she was not prepared to see this soon. The corpse of a young girl lay on the ground, the better part of her head blown off. Had Jill not been collapsed in the grass just beside this girl only moments earlier, she would not have recognized her to be Amanda Jones.

Amanda's facial features had been completely destroyed. There was almost nothing left of her head. Apparently, she had been the victim to receive the gunshot wounds. This... this can't be happening... The impossible was indeed happening. In shock from the site of Amanda, Jill staggered slowly toward the group of people who, oddly enough, had seemed to avert their attention from the corpse of Amanda Jones. What Jill saw next would haunt her for the rest of her days...

Madelaine Shirohara had been a good girl. They had been on the swim team together, and Jill had regrettably not gotten to know her very well. Now, Madelaine's pale, lifeless corpse lay frozen on the ground. Her body had been exposed for all to see, and whatever had happened to her must have been brutal. It looked as if someone or something had literally ripped Madelaine Shirohara's veins from her neck. Maybe a wild animal had gotten ahold of her? Could a human... could a human really do THIS?

Jill's eyes opened even wider as hot tears began to stream down her cheeks. In a rage, she shot an almost evil glare at the four figures standing around the body. They were just letting her lie there, tortured, exposed... Madelaine would not want that. Jill's heart ached. She had just met her... and now, now she was gone. And she was never coming back. The tears continued to stream down her cheeks as Jill let out a few muffled sobs. She had never even seen a dead body before, let alone someone who had been so brutally and cruelly tortured and murdered. Feeling ill, Jill's knees buckled, and she fell into the dirt, landing in a somewhat awkward position. Covering her eyes with her hands, she continued to let out choked and held-back sobs.

She felt so helpless just then. There was nothing she could do. Madelaine was gone forever. Jill was the one who had almost wished their group would shrink in size, but she had never meant it to be by death, and she had certainly never meant Madelaine or Amanda. The hot water continued rolling down her face as she uncovered her eyes. She simply could not bring herself to look at Madelaine. The pain was just too much. Then another thought crossed her mind... Adam and Martyn would not be far behind her. How would Adam react? Finally, Jill managed to speak coherently, in between the sniffles and sobs she still emitted.

"Why aren't you doing anything?! You're just standing there... leaving her like that... leaving her exposed for the world to see! Somebody please... please don't leave her like that..."

Jill herself was in no position to stand up and cover up Madelaine's exposed body. She was barely in a position to stand up. Doubling over and holding her stomach, she continued to sob uncontrollably. Refusing to look up at the crew surrounding Madelaine, she instead looked at the ground, her face turning a beat red in color. She had never had to cope with death before, and she certainly was not handling it well. Paralyzed with shock, terror, and a wave of nausea that had struck her harder than a sack of potatoes, Jill simply sat there, tears rolling down her cheeks and soaking her white overshirt. Madelaine Shirohara and Amanda Jones were gone... and there was nothing that she could do.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by riserugu*
Watching lightly from where he sat, he saw as more members of the other group wondered over. Another seeming to be a member of the large group of school children that had been here… blinking he watched the exchange between Madelaine and Chance with a bit of interest as Madelaine explained he wasn’t a threat in anyway. Martyn wondering back to his own situation similar to that, with David and Adam, though…

‘Wait… that David boy…’ He found himself thinking randomly, he hadn’t seen any sign of the boy since he had used himself as bait to the one person at the warehouse. Odd that this was on his mind, he hadn’t even known the other too long but the noticed that not once had Adam, or the two girls that seemed to have been in a group with him had even mentioned the other boy since they had left the warehouse.

But that’ll be the first thing they’ll probably want to do when we leave ‘ere… fine ‘im.’ Martyn told himself with a small nod and a grin, as he watched as Jill settled done next to him as he shot her a worried look that she seemed to have not have noticed in the current moments of her worry. The group he had found himself welcomed into seemed to be six-men already, and with the new oncoming team he could only wonder what the numbers would be rose to.

Big teams where just walking for targets for the mad-man killers on the island, namely the one with the more powerful weapons such as shotguns and machine guns… both he had heard while here. As introductions went about, and people seemed to go off about the river on there own terms, he simply brought his hand up as a small introduction of sorts, not giving his name as he moved about and grabbing at the bag at his side. Bringing it before him, and opening the bag.

The contents of his carry-on where in here as well as the stuff they had been given at the start of this game, reaching his hand in he brought out his computer resting it atop his lap. Looking over it carefully as he frowned, now that the warehouse was a danger zone it would be longer till he found if the warehouse had anything he could use as a power-source for it, but maybe there would be another place.


Sighing he reached back in, digging through till he noticed something… a small box, though somewhat crushed, wrapped in blue wrapping paper. With brightly covered balloons all over it, a small yellow, and badly done, ribbon atop it. Cocking his head a little, he picked up the small card that rested atop it plainly reading over the words there;

Seeing as it seems you can’t do to well with the one you ‘ave, the boys and I have decided to chip in a bit and buy you another, so something like what ‘appened when you where writing the end-of-the-year paper doesn’t ‘appen. And maybe this time, you can help someone…

Instead of trying to beat them to death with a shoe.

Happy Early Birthday you Loser;
Year 10 Boys of Belenus Academy (though mainly Geoff)

Oddly enough the only emotion he felt come over himself was the light twitch he got as the read the note, almost feeling as if he was home… that he could look up from the card and his friends would all be sitting in front of him at Belenus. Laughing themselves silly as they made mentions of the birthday gift, a birthday… he had almost forgotten. It had been five days on this island… and a seventeenth birthday had been pushed far back into his mind.

Sighing a bit, he tore away at the paper as it showed off a simple plain white box… another confused expression finding his face as he thought over what the ‘ell could be in the bow. Popping the top of it open, and dumping the contents of the box into his open hand. A chunky black object falling out, Martyn placing the box back into his bag, and looking over the object with a curious expression before it hit him.

‘Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…’ His voice shook even in his thoughts, as he flipped his laptop onto it’s top, undoing the bottom of the area where the battery rested. Undoing it, and popping the current battery from its spot and all but throwing it from it and to the side of where he sat before placing the new one in, closing it up and flipping it upright. Bring the top up, he looked over the black screen before reaching down and pushing the power button.

At first nothing seemed to happen, as the screen remained black before everything slowly began to come to life. Buttons lighting up and the screen flashing gray before the welcome screen appeared as a wave of relief and happiness came over him as he looked to the screen as it began to load up. Turning his face to look at Jill, he opened his mouth to speak…

But at that very moment the sounds of gunfire stopped all form of words, as a silence seemed to fall over the river group. That gunfire had been much to close, and in the last moments he hadn’t been paying a attention the Sidney boy, and Amanda seemed to have wondered off… the relief and happiness leaving him to replaced only by panic and fear.

Noting this, he also noticed that Madelaine hadn’t returned from where she had wondered off. And watching the look that Jill had shot to him and Adam before taking off in the direction of the gunfire, Chance having taken off somewhere himself. And closing his laptop, took off where Jill had… as he reached the spot, he found Jill as she collapsed against the ground, and figuring the source for the gunfire still to be here he removed his own pistol from his blazer.

But stepping further out into the area, he all but found the killer. Jill’s collapse and tears, hadn’t been because she had been hurt…

Looking up from Jill he found himself looking at the now lifeless body of Madelaine… body pale, and open to the world. Her throat torn open as if a wild animal had to be the cause of the attack, but that had to be it; right? A wild animal, there was no way a person… a teenager their age could have done something like this. There was just no way…

Turning away to get away from the sight of Madelaine’s corpse, he only found himself looking on the another body… pale from blood loss caused by the bullet wounds that had destroyed the back of her head. Amanda Jones… he had known these girls all of ten minutes…

Ten minutes ago they where fine, walking around, talking and proving that they knew what they where doing as both took at aim at members of the other group. Now ten minutes later, both where dead. Not moving, talking… anything. Just… laying there…

Turning away fully he stood there a good few minutes, face drained of any color and sweating, as he tried to breathe to even think about facing the sight of the dead girls again. But as Jill spoke… but how they where standing there, not doing anything for the one girl, and he found his breathe hitching as he nodded a bit to himself.

Breathing in deeply once more, he replaced the pistol in the pocket of his pants as he turned back around. Shrugging off his jacket, he folded it over his arm as he moved toward Madelaine's body… standing over her and looking to her paling skin as blood still continued to soak the ground and her clothes.

Bending down onto one knee, he closed his eyes lightly… this wasn’t the first time he had seen a dead body, but it would the first time he had been ever been so close to one… or even thought about touching one. Placing the large jacket over her chest, he reached up to her face and closed her eyes before standing back up closing his eyes once again. But this time muttering a silent prayer to himself before and making the sign of the cross and moving toward the other body, of Amanda and feeling that nausea come over.

But dropping onto one knee once more, noting the damage fully from he was now not much of anything was left of the back of head… the same could be said of the front of her face. And pulling his tie loose and throwing it to the ground, he undid the long-sleeved white button shirt he wore from about his form to leave him in the short-sleeved white undershirt he wore under it and laying it over what remained of Amanda’s face…

Once again as he stood he repeated the prayer, and made the sign of the cross before moving back toward where Jill had dropped, not collapsing to the ground like he so wanted to but stood and bowed his head a bit as he looked to the ground. Unable to find his mind to focus on anything other than the images now burned into his mind of the fate that had befallen the two girls…

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by Cactus
Since their arrival at the River, Adam Dodd had been trying to sort out all of the new arrivals as best he could. More people had happened upon the group, and while all of the introductions had seemed to be friendly, Adam admitted to himself that travelling in such a large group was likely the way to get fucked. Not that he disliked the company, but rather, such a large group would inevitably make noise, and making noise would lead to getting found - which at this point, probably wasn't the best idea, especially if that person were unfriendly and had some form of formidable weapon, perhaps something like a machine gun.

That would complicate things a little. Of course, I've never heard as to when getting shot at isn't complicated...

As he left Martyn to talk to some of the new arrivals, he'd leisurely strolled over to where Hawley's grave lay on the ground, and sat on the big rock in front of it, his legs perched over, staring at the headboard that Madelaine had created for their late friend. It was odd, he reasoned, that someone would have such a profound impact upon him in so short of a time. Then again, Hawley Faust was never really one to do things in such a way that he'd be thought of as second-rate. At least, in the five days that he'd known him, he knew that to be true. As he sat upon the rock and reflected, his thoughts stretched again to the problem of the large group. Sighing to himself, he racked his mind as to how he was going to manage this. The one issue that he'd had ever since he'd found himself in his current situation had been the fact that nobody had come up with a decent escape plan: at all. It would be one thing if someone were to have some form of plan, and they were all together in trying to execute said plan, but...there was no plan. The group had simply been together for the sole reason that they were friends, or that they felt safe in one another's presence.

Heh, how about that one. Safety, there's a fucking original concept. As long as we're here and we have the collars around our necks, we're not safe no matter what we do. I think that it's a sad, pathetic fact that the only way off of this island, aside from getting the collars off and swimming away, is to play the game through to the end, and to be the last person left standing.

But in that case, do you really win? Do any of us really win in the end?

Sighing again, he looked at the grave of the boy who had become one of his closest friends. Hawley had been looking after everyone, it seemed, except for himself. Hawley had known the burden of taking care of people, for Adam himself had taken it upon himself to ensure the safety of the group. He had sworn, almost in this very spot, that he'd get everyone he could to safety. It was almost frightening that half of their original group of six had dwindled down to only three, as David had not been seen in quite some time, and while Adam hoped that he'd been able to escape the warehouse, he supposed that he wouldn't know until the next announcement came through as to whether or not he had. Looking up at the sky, Adam saw that it would likely be some time before he knew David's fate, something that had been bothering him since the two had split up. Again, he looked down at the grave of Hawley Faust. The declaration on the headboard read 'Gone, but never forgotten. EVER.', and Adam knew his own writing when he saw it. Strange that it seemed like so long ago that he'd mourned the death of his friend, when in reality it had only been hours. Also strange was the fact that he'd sworn to himself that he'd leave this place behind and never return, they were.

"Damnit, Hawley. I'm at a loss, man. I want to get everyone out okay, but I just don't know if it's possible, dude. I know I promised that I'd get out of here, that I'd find your mom. But I don't know if I can last, buddy. I don't know if I can be the one that's standing at the end...because I don't know of any other way out."

Adam found himself almost wishing that his deceased friend would reply back to him, mainly because at this point in time, he felt so alone. Sure, he had his friends with him. Amanda, Madelaine, Jill...even Martyn had warmed up to him a little, and yet...he still felt as if he were completely alone, and had been since Hawley had collapsed into his eternal sleep. Friendship was a very unique thing, especially that which seems to be forged through little or no effort at all. Those are the friendships that you keep, those are the ones that you have to hold on to. Adam knew this, and while he knew that Hawley was very, very dead, he also knew that he'd be a person that Adam counted among those who had influenced him the most, and somebody that he knew for certain that he'd never forget.

Speaking of forgetting...

Now there was another mystery that Adam held in the palm of his hands, and he felt that the answer was at the tip of his tongue. The mystery, of course, was the identity of the newer arrival that had literally stumbled into their group, being probably as shocked as they all had been, and looking like he couldn't hurt a fly as he shook in his boots. Adam had run a mental check of all of the students from Barry Coleson High School, but this boy was not among them. He had literally scavenged his brain for what seemed like hours (though it had only been mere minutes, really) and couldn't figure out as to where he knew the boy from. He couldn't shake the feeling that he should be getting this puzzle, and the answer was right in front of him. Figuring that it wouldn't hurt to take another stab at it, he refreshed his memory and began to think of where he might have recognized the boy from. He had short hair, was relatively tall but had a very good build on him, and had a friendly smile. He wore jeans and a Pittburgh Penguins jersey with some player's number on it. Perhaps it had been a Mark Recchi jersey, he thought that he'd seen an eight on the sleeve. But wait, no, that couldn't be it at all. Mark Recchi wore the number eight, and there was undoubtedly another number beside it. Running another mental check of all Penguins players whose numbers had an eight in them, he came up with only a few.

Wait, no...Palffy doesn't wear sixty-eight anymore, he wears thirty three. That means it has to be a...

The realization hit Adam so hard that he almost fell off of the rock he was sitting on. The kid who had stood before him, looking scared and confused was wearing a Sidney Crosby jersey, number eighty-seven. This might not have mattered all that much, except for the fact that Adam had finally placed where he knew the boy from. It wasn't so much that he knew the boy personally, but that he had seen his face on all kinds of papers, especially the past few years in Canada. His face was plastered on the sidebar of

The boy was Sidney Crosby himself.

Adam couldn't believe it. Sidney Crosby, the 'Next One' in the NHL, was here, on this island, a prisoner of Danya like all the others. Shaking his head, he registered his disbelief by shaking his head a few times.

Was nothing sacred? What in the blue hell does Sid Crosby have to do with SOTF? He doesn't goto BC High, he doesn't even live in New York! Fuck, the kid lives with Mario Lemieux and is eclipsing whatever measley paycheck I bring in with his ridiculously good hockey skills. How the hell does Danya manage to get his hands on someone like him? Fuck, he's basically a celebrity!

As two gunshots rang out over the area, followed by three more seemingly in retaliation to the original two, Adam's disbelief was shattered in one instant. They were under attack, again. Perhaps it was Jacob Starr, back for more. He knew Starr had a pistol, and if he'd finished David off, like Adam had the bad feeling that he might have, then he'd have two. Definitely not the opportune situation for whomever was being shot at. Standing from the rock, he looked in the direction of the gunshots. Most of his group had seemingly left the open area to which he'd been occupying before, leaving him by himself. Brushing some dirt off of his green Audioslave t-shirt and touching his wounded arm (garnering a slight wince from himself), he began to walk quickly in the direction of the gunshots.

If it is Starr, and he does have two guns, I guess I can take some solace in that...fuck him, I've got three. Hopefully it'll be enough.

As he began to push his way through the heavy undergrowth, he curiously wondered if anyone in the group needed medical attention. Adam himself wasn't much in the way of repairing anyone, and around blood was when he was at his worst, but if anyone were to be injured, their best bet for medical attention was lying in a poorly dug grave just meters away. Silently cursing to himself as he scratched his injured arm on a tree branch, Adam finally emerged in a small valley-like area. There was a motorcycle tread leading away from the area, and Adam saw that the path seemed to stretch out for miles. Frowning, he extracted two guns, one from each pocket, and slowly stepped towards the voices that he heard coming from the way that the tread had originated. As he glanced around a large tree, his heart seemed to stop as he saw unfamiliar faces, gathered around something that, due to another tree, he couldn't see. As he scanned the group, he saw Crosby, slunk down on his knees, looking as if he'd been floored. At the ground by his hands, he saw what looked to be a pistol.

Okay, check. That's where some of the rounds must have come from. So the others...?

Looking further, he saw Jill, curled up in what seemed to be a fetal position, shivering and, from what his ears told him, sobbing quietly. Adam knew that it was a likely reaction for someone who'd seen their first body, and, as he glanced back at Crosby, he saw a likely similar reaction to what he must have looked like after he killed Blaine Eno. Adam quickly surmised that the situation in front of him must be simple shock of the game. Sidney had likely stumbled upon someone who was playing, and as they attacked him, he must have shot and killed them, leaving their body to be stared at by what looked like everyone in the valley. Putting one gun back in his pocket, yet keeping the other pistol (Andrew Lipson's original weapon) in his right hand, he stepped around the tree, and walked towards the group.

"Guys, look...I know death's a part of the game, and I know that nobody's ever going to get used to it, bu-"

Adam Dodd immediately stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what the occupants of the river were REALLY staring at - the dead, humiliated corpse of Madelaine Shirohara. That would start a chain of events that would literally force Adam Dodd out of his body and into what seemed to be a position above himself, watching the events and actions happen. During this time, he couldn't speak, only stare in shock and in dead silence at what had become of one of his close friends.

Need more friends with wings
All the angels I know
Put concrete in my veins
I’d always walk home alone
So I became lifeless
Just like my telephone

Madelaine Shirohara: she'd been a friend of his since he'd met up with Amanda and David at the small house a few days back. Madelaine had been one to always keep hope on any situation, and it was in that that Adam took solace. Trying to survive in this environment was hard enough when you were surrounded by people who had given up all hope on surviving. But not Madelaine; never Madelaine. She had always smiled kindly and talked sense into anyone who was losing hope, Amanda, Adam, Hawley...whomever. And that smiling face, those insightful, cheery eyes were dull and lifeless. Adam's body felt so numb that his pistol clattered to the ground as he stepped towards Madelaine's body, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull. It would seem that Madelaine had died in a most painful way, and...

...the bile stuck to Adam's throat as his eyes scanned over the corpse of Madelaine. Her clothes were torn away, and her most private areas were exposed for the world to see. Madelaine Shirohara, one of the most positive and upbeat people he had ever known, had been raped, and then brutally murdered, it looked as if her throat had been torn out by a wolverine.

It would have to have been an animal...

There’s nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There’s nothing to gain
But the days don’t seem to change

Rape was one of the, if not the most inhuman act of dominance that one person could impose upon another. Adam was and always had been of the opinion that rapists and child molesters should be locked up and have the key tossed away. He wasn't overly conservative, but he despised both, and always knew that if he ever were to come across a rapist, especially that of someone he knew, that the results would likely be disasterous. Silently, he looked up from the corpse and examined the group again. He saw every single familiar face in the group, except for the one face that he was looking for. The one face that would take Madelaine's death the hardest of them all. Adam himself knew that once the shock wore off, he'd likely burst into tears at the horrible occurance, but he knew that Amanda and Madelaine had been such good friends while on the island that her death would be hitting Amanda the hardest of all. The problem he had now was that he couldn't find her, she wasn't amongst the upset teenagers gathered around.

The silence, aside from a few wracking sobs, was deafening, and it was broken by Adam's throaty question that nobody seemed to be able to answer, a question that no one seemed to want to reveal the answer to.

"Where's Amanda?"

There’s nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There’s nothing to gain
But the days don’t seem to change
There’s nothing to lose
My notebook will explain
There’s nothing to gain
And I can’t fight the pain

It was Martyn who finally gave away the answer to the question that nobody wanted to answer, and as a deep pain seemed to lodge itself in Adam's belly, it was indeed an answer that needed no words to express. Martyn moved towards the body of Madelaine and, using his jacket, covered up her desecrated remains, made the sign of the cross and said a small prayer before removing his tie and heavy-heartedly stepping off towards the foliage slighly behind and to the right of where Sidney was kneeling. His mouth dropping, slightly shaking his head to try and convince himself that the voice in the back of his mind that was telling him exactly what was going on was lying, Adam lurched off behind Martyn, where he nearly ran into the boy as he draped the tie over the head of another corpse, lying at the edge of the woods, shotgun at its side.

It was undoubtedly the corpse of Amanda Jones.

Teachers said "it's just a phase"
When I grow up my children
Will probably do the same
Kids just love to tease
Who'd know it put me underground at seventeen
At seventeen

At this discovery, Adam failed to lapse into the same sense of shock that the horrible discovery of Madelaine's body had given him. Instead, he was tossed full-force out of his previous shock and into a state of nearly unbearable agony. Hands shaking, tears running freely down his face, Adam gently shoved Martyn aside and cradled the dead body of the one person in the world who he had sworn to protect, the one person who he had promised that he'd let nothing happen to. The agony that was going through Adam's entire body was evident, and the screams of a broken heart echoed throughout the entire river area for all to hear.

"Oh, no, no, no...God NO...Jesus fucking Christ no..."

The tearful boy buried his face in the chest of his dead girlfriend and sobbed, his cries telling every single person in the valley that no amount of physical pain could amount to the suffering that was being endured by Adam Dodd.

There’s nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There’s nothing to gain
But the days don’t seem to change
There’s nothing to lose
My notebook will explain
There’s nothing to gain
And I can’t fight the pain
There’s nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There’s nothing to gain
But the days don’t seem to change
There’s nothing to lose
My notebook will explain

Fuck, she's dead. Amanda's dead. She's dead and she's dead and there's nothing that I can do about it she's dead I failed I didn't protect her oh my fucking god how could this have happened why did I let her out of my sight how did this happen sweet Jesus why now why did she have to die before I did there's no reason for it this can't be happening I can't deal with this oh my god oh my god no no no no no god fucking damnit why did you let this happen how could you possibly let this happen mother fuck Danya you are a fucking dead man oh god Amanda no no no no NO!

It was at that point that something within Adam Dodd snapped, and he knew that he would never be the same again.

Lifting his head from Amanda's prone form, his eyes were red from crying, and while tears still flowed freely down his face, the scowl that wore itself on the face of Adam Dodd was one that would have chilled even the most cruel men, it was the scowl of someone who has lost most everything that they have to live for, the scowl of someone who has been reduced to the bare essentials. The scowl and the look of a broken man. Looking at Amanda's ruined face, Adam bit his tongue. There was so much that he had wanted to say, and so few that he had actually gotten to say. So much remorse in such a tightly packed container. Adam barely took notice as blood dribbled down from the corner of his mouth, a result of his tongue-biting. Spitting into the foliage, he looked at the corpse of Amanda Jones, and shook his head, picked up the shotgun at her side, and sniffled.

"God damn, I love you, and I always will."

Emerging from the foliage, shotgun in hand, he looked up at the trees, and scanned the surrounding area carefully. Nobody made a single move, more than likely because they were all terrified of the expression on Dodd's face. Raising the shotgun, he strode towards one specific tree and unloaded into the upper half of the tree, causing the wreckage of a camera to fall to the ground. Repeating this with three more cameras, Adam shouldered the shotgun and then looked back towards the group. Finding the one boy he was looking for, he strode purposefully towards him and, surprising the living daylights out of the stunned Sidney Crosby, lifted him up by the collar of his shirt and slammed him back against a large tree. Crosby was at a loss for words, and the intense look Adam gave him probably would be a look he'd never forget.

"What the FUCK happened here? You're the one with the fucking gun, so you fucking explain this to me. So start talking, Crosby, because if I don't like this explaination, you will not leave this area alive."

Sidney gaped at Adam, and likely in fear for his own life, he began to speak, quickly and quietly, trying desperately to stick to the point.

"I, uhh...I was looking for one of the girls, and I uhh, I stumbled upon her being raped, and I froze up...he killed her and then he shot at me, and then I uhh dodged it and fired back at him. He, uhh, hit that girl with those two shots and then everyone heard the gunshots and came running. He tore off on some motorcycle..."

Adam looked at Crosby, his eyes still red from crying, which he still was, except that now these were tears of rage.

"Who the fuck was this sick son of a bitch? Who was he? Do you know his fucking name? Do you know what he looks like? Do you know what the fuck he's wearing? Talk to me here, Crosby! Fucking talk to me!"

"...his, his name was Cody Jensen...I played hockey against him in juniors..."

Adam stiffened up, and then took notice of the gun at his feet. His eyes widened as he realized that the gun that was at Adam's feet (having been dropped by Sidney when he attacked him) had belonged to another friend of his - David Jackson. Adam slammed Sidney up against the tree again.

"Where the FUCK did you get that gun!?"

Stammering, and confused, Sidney winced in pain as his lower back hit the tree again.

"I found it! I found it, Cody dropped it!"

At that, Adam's shoulders sagged, and he tossed Sidney to the side as he stepped back out towards the middle of the field. Glancing down at Madelaine's corpse, he realized that his worst fear had come true. He was now truly alone. The six that he had promised to lead to freedom, the six that he had told he would get out of this terrible game...Madelaine, Amanda, Marcus, Hawley, and David...all of them were dead. If David had lost his gun, then he had to have been dead. There could be no other way. So this was how it was going to go. Adam was by himself now. He was truly alone, and all of his friends were dead. Those six, River, Andrew Lipson...his friends were all dead. He literally had no one left to live for. The only one he had now was himself. It was down to one, and Adam Dodd realized that he never had known lonliness, not up until now.

Well it looks like I know exactly what I have to do, then...what the fuck else can I do...?

Sighing deeply, he turned to face the rest of the group, and looked each and every one of them square in the eyes.

"Well fuck this. That's it then. I got here, and I promised that I'd make sure six people made it out of here alive. Six people, that ain't too much, is it? Well fuck me, I didn't think so, and I honest-to-god thought that it could be done. Well, guess what, kiddos? Five of those six are dead. Five of them. That includes all of the people that I actually gave a damn about out here, as well as the one person that I cared about the most in this world. That sixth? That's me. That's fucking me. Adam fucking Dodd. I'm the only one left, guys. The only fucking person left standing. Last one, that's it. Last fucking call. There are, what...about fifty people left alive, and so far, in five days, not a single person has had a single good idea as to how the fuck to get off of this island without killing everyone else. Fucking eh, if it were that easy then we'd all be gone by now, right? Well fuck, guys, I hate to break this to you, but I don't even know if it's possible. I don't want to think that, I don't want to give up hope. But you tell me, after everyone you care about has been killed, after all of your friends are dead, and after every single time you move to a different place you see someone die, how would you feel? How the FUCK do you think you'd feel, huh? If you guys are still keen on staying alive and finding a way off of this hell-hole, then by all means, keep trying. Fuck, I'm with ya if you can figure something out. I really am. I don't intend to play this game any more than any of you do. I've been saying from the beginning, FUCK DANYA, and FUCK SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. But you know what, guys? I can't take this anymore. I can't take all of the killing, and I can't take all of the heartache. It's too fucking much. To those of you that are seeing a dead body for the first time, dont' expect that you won't see another. I guarantee before this day is out, likely a few of you will probably be dead, and if you haven't already, a few of you will already have killed someone. Fuck, look at me. People that I fucking knew probably didn't think I'd last past the first day. But fucking hell, man, I've outlasted everyone that I know so far, and the game isn't even half fucking over yet. We haven't gotten to the 3rd period, we're still lounging around the second somewhere. Not even at the halfway point yet, and I've killed two people myself. How's about that, huh? Fucking eh, man. This game brings out the worst in you all, I promise you that. I promise you that by the time your time has come, you'll probably be hating yourself for one reason or another. Fuck, I know I do. I dont' hate myself because I killed someone though, no. I hate myself because I couldn't protect the people that were most important to me. And guys, I hate to break it to you, but fuck, if you think that you're going to get out of here unscathed, you aren't. You won't, you can't. Everyone has their innocence ruined by this game, and that's not an opinion, that's a fact.

I'm leaving this place, and I'm never going to return. I've seen more of my friends die in this river that I thought that I ever would. If you want to find me, you'll be following the motorcycle sounds. I've got a new purpose on this island. I'm going to fucking murder Cody Jensen, and I'm going to do it in cold blood. You see, he took away my friends, their innocence, he took away my fucking soul, and for that, I've got a duty to fulfill: I've got to make sure that he rots in fucking hell, sitting next to the devil himself. You want to stop me, go ahead, give it a shot, but you get in my way, and you won't see the end of the day. Cody Jensen is one dead fuck, and I've got to go find him to speed up the process. And hey, it's been fun. It really has been. Some of you whose names I don't even know, fuck...good luck to you. Jill, I don't know if I'll ever see you again, because you're looking pretty haggard there, but fuck, man...keep cool. Martyn, you're one respectful motherfucker, and I hope that when death does come to claim you, if you haven't found a way off by then, that it's quick and painless, a luxury that wasn't afforded to many on this shithole of an island. Crosby, you fucker, you're one hell of a hockey player.


Adam spit in the dirt beside his shoes. In the eyes of anyone who'd been watching, Adam Dodd had certainly undergone a transformation, of sorts. The deaths of his friends had hit him harder than anyone could ever know, and in Adam's own eyes, right now, he had Nothing to Lose.

"Well meet again, gang. Of that, I'm sure."

And with that, Adam Dodd walked off, following the motorcycle tracks, shotgun raised in the air. He paused and scooped up his pistol as he walked by it, not looking back. This time, he truly knew that it would be a cold day in hell before he ever returned to this river, let alone ANY river EVER again.

There’s nothing to lose
When no one knows your name
There’s nothing to gain
And I just died today

((Continued in: Mortal Combat at the Gazebo))

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:43 pm
by asano*
Tobs watched everything happening. He seemed rather impassive, compared to ...the others. One had seemed to have broken down, even. But, then again, this was something rather extreme.

Tobs was one of those people who looked at rapists, and whole-heartedly agreed with the killing of such people. He would probably wish an award bestowed upon whoever shot a rapist in the genitals. Fuck, he'd gladly do it himself.
How the fuck could anyone do that? I, there was no reasoning. How?!

He forceably shoved these thoughts from his mind. He had the sense to know that he'd drive himself insane thinking like this. He'd probably snap if he kept thinking of how someone could do this. Thank GOD he didn't know the dead girl. He knew it was a horrible thing to think, but it was true. There was no telling what he'd do, how he'd react. He didn't even THINK what would happen if this had happened to someone he knew. I imagine he'd act somewhat like Dodd, actually.

But Dodd hadn't come in yet, because I still have to reply to those fucking monster posts above his. @@

Tobs watched as another boy covered the bodies, effectively beating him to the punch. He also did something that appeared religious. While Tobs himself was strictly atheist, he was perfectly fine with praying in certain situations. Atheists who said 'Don't pray!' at funerals...annoyed him. That's the kind of guy he was in that respect.

Anyway. He nodded as the boy did exactly what Tobs was goign to do, and then...he was thinking of what he himself could do. He didn't quite know, really. Dig a grave? That would take a shitload of time, which he didn't care about at the moment, and a shitload of effect. Once more, not caring. The real problem was, did anyone even HAVE anything to bury them with?

He shook his head. You should never have to think of this. This is for the old. Teens and burial? Danya, I'm going to fucking castrate you. Tobs was very, very against torture. Torture disgusted him. So far, the only things he thought of that deserved torture were rapists (especially rapist/murderers), and now, Danya. Talk about wanting to hurt someone.

And then, great Dodd burst onto the scene. Talk about fucking monster posts! Anyway.

He watched him carefully. He seemed to be ...heavily armed. How do I talk around him? Very carefully.
When Dodd emerged from the bushes, Tobs immediately caught on. Yeah, this guy definitely knew them. Shit, he may have known both of them...oh, my god.

He flinched heavily when the first camera was blown. By the last one, he was used to it. However, he was sweating a bit. Holy shit, what if I had taken the gun? He would have killed me... He thanked his luck that he had set the pistol back with Sid. However, Dodd's sudden ...explosion... freaked him out.

He was about to say 'hey, man, I sorta-know this guy...I doubt he'd do anything. Besides, he was with me.'
But. Here's the thing. Debating whether or not someone RAPED someone else is already disgusting. Doing it when the other party in said debate has large weapons is even worse.

His brow furrowed as he listened to Dodd's ...speech. While not terribly motivating, it showed him what this game did. Yeah, Danya was gonna get a nice surprise when one of the players found him.

Dodd's speech didn't surprise him incredibly much. However, the true, brutal reality of the situation was now hitting him. People were dying left and right, and Tobs could thank God (not literally >_>) that none of his friends were here. He was most likely in the minority for that. He knew no one here, and if he could get that attached to someone this quickly...that was doubtful.
Holy fuck, if only Tobs knew. ANYway. >>;

Dodd's final outburst...Tobs fully agreed. If Tobs ever slept here, he'd either have nightmares of the death or dreams of finding Danya. He stepped back a bit, even so, because ...well... a golden rule of life is 'don't piss off the dude with the fucking guns.' And Tobs followed it.

He watched as Dodd left, and looked at the bodies once more, now covered.
"...we should bury them." His voice was quiet, respectful...and there was just a hint of something else. Not quite sure what, but it was there.

"Yeah. We...we can't just leave them out, even covered. It's ...wrong."

You know, for someone so happy-go-lucky (and stupid at tiems, and other things >_>), Tobs had quite the sense of what to do at certain times. He ...well, he knew what to do now.

He moved from where he stood, walking to the desecrated corpse of the girl. Toby, in his movements, almost looked emotionless. He didn't know the girls...he shed no tears, no extra anything. Just did what he had to do. He looked to the side...good. The ground was soft.

"I don't...didn't...know these two, but I'm not about to leave them like this." His voice was the only indicator of emotion at this point. Only large indicator, at least. >>;

"Does...does anyone have something you can...dig with?" Even Tobs' characteristic uncomfortable grin was vanished from his face, replaced with a look of ...something between blank and utter disgust. Erring on the disgusted side now, as he thought of what he was proposing.

What the fuck is this...? You shouldn't ever...have to...bury a teen...

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:44 pm
by kuroraishu*
Seeing all the different reactions from those who knew the girl, Takara seemed mildly unaffected. Though she was shaking, and just one look at Madelaine gave her the heaves, she seemed rather uncaring, but that was most likely due to the fact that she didn't know the girl.

Folding her arms, she seemed to almost hug herself so much was her discomfort. It wasn't everyday she saw a raped and murdered girl, even if she was used to tragic deaths. Namely her own father, but that's a story for another time.

As the other boy, Martyn, covered up the violated girl, Takara still found it difficult to look at her. She had already seen the damage, and it was already burned into her mind, she'd never forget the sight. It'd be a long time before she managed to bury the memory deep within her mind's subconscious, never to see again.

Why...? No one deserves to die like that... no one.

And that's when Adam entered, her gaze immediately going to the weapon in his hand. She froze, the only movement from her being the steady rise and fall of her chest as she continued to breath in and out.

At the sound of the first gun shot, Takara jumped, a small squeak escaping her lips, and as Adam continued to shoot the cameras, she jumped each time, though she controlled her small squeaks of sound. By the last shot, she was ready to smack Adam, but knew better seeing as he had a gun.

Then, as Adam began to harrass Sidney for information, her eyes visibly widened and her arms dropped to her sides as her fists closed into tightly clenched fists. She wanted to say something, even do something to just get Adam off of Sidney's back, it wasn't his fault the girls were dead.

And then Adam began his big, long speech. Growling slightly, Takara held back the nerve to just smack the boy silly. He might have been in the game longer than herself, and he might have lost all of his friends, and the one person he really cared for, but that didn't excuse the fact that he was giving up on most everything.

Watching as he walked away from the clearing and into the wood, she resisted the urge to stomp after him and slap him silly. She also had to resist the urge not to interupt him when he was speaking, but it was mostly because of the power of his speech, and slight bit of fear for the guy with the gun.

Hearing Toby's quiet words, her attention immediately focused on him, and swallowed a bit nervously as she slowly walked over to him, looking down at the girl.

"Your right... they should be buried. Though, I doubt any of have any sort of shovel. Unless... somebody happens to have a trowl, but it'll take a long time to dig a grave. A real long time." Her voice was soft, a bit shaky even, but she stood tall, strong. After seeing this, she was determined to get home alive, and hoped to dear god she would never have to experience such pain.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:44 pm
by Megami*
Barely able to form any sort of coherent thought in her mind, Jill had uttered a plea only moments before, and upon coming onto the scene of chaos and destruction that had befallen this place, Martyn had finally been the one to oblige her. Watching him as he covered the desecrated and foresaken porcelain doll lying on that ground that was once Madelaine Shirohara, she cringed visibly. She was really gone. Somehow, Jill had hoped that when they tried to cover her up, Madelaine would simply spring back to life and ask them what they thought they were doing. Alas, it was not meant to be...

As the young man who had played knight in shining armor to many of the occupants of this island, one, Adam Dodd, strolled onto the scene, Jill felt a twinge of remorse at what the young man was about to go through. She did not know what all they had been through together, it was not as if Adam had been in a position to sit down and fill her in on the events of the past four days, and she had only partially been around for this one, but she did know that when she found Adam, he was desperately trying to save those two girls. They must have meant something to him... must have been special people.

Adam's reaction to the deaths of Madelaine and Amanda was almost priceless. Adam Dodd, the man everyone seemed to have leaned on throughout this terrible ordeal, everyone's rock, their sanctuary... had cracked. The rampage that had followed had broken any sort of mental stability that Jill might have retained. Finally, after being on this island for only one day, Jill had been broken. Adam's words rung through her head as he told her so nonchalantly that he may never see her again. Somehow, she bet those words hurt her a lot more than they hurt him.

She had not prepared herself for his reaction to the sudden demise of Amanda Jones. She had never known the two were an item. At least, they certainly did not appear to have been in school. He never really mentioned her, not to Jill, at least. Apparently, things had changed drastically on this island before she had ever arrived. At least, it seemed that way to her. The fact that Dodd had just professed his love to the mangled and mutilated corpse of Amanda Jones before he had addressed the group only seemed to strengthen Jill's conclusion.

With that, Adam Dodd vanished, off to murder the man who had apparently killed his beloved. It sounded like something from some trashy soap opera, the kind Jill's mom used to go rabid about on television. Under normal circumstances, this would have been the part where Jill had sat on the couch, laughing hysterically at the television because of the cheesiness of it all. Right now, though, the situation was not quite as funny. Dodd had just left them there. He had left her there. Simply gotten up and walked off, abandoning her. And here, she had thought that they were friends.

The whimsical thought that had graced Jill's mind suddenly came crashing back to reality as Toby suggested that the group bury the corpses of Madelaine and Amanda. No... if you bury them... then it means they're dead. It means they're dead and they aren't coming back, don't you understand that?! In Jill's mind, she shreiked the words in a silent agony. The pain that she felt at that moment was immeasurable. She had never seen a dead body, let alone that of people she had just been with only moments ago. Shaking her head, she forced herself onto her feet, grabbing her daypack by the strap.

"I can't do it," she choked in between sobs, "I just can't. I can't bury them. If we do... it means they're dead... they're not going to magically come back to life. They're... they're gone... I'm sorry... I can't."

With that, Jill had completely broken down. All the pent-up stress she had been under before was nothing like this new feeling that now enshrouded her. She could not bear to be in this place any longer. She had given the group at the river all the explanation she felt that she owed them, and with that, she was finished. There was nothing else to say, and there was nothing further that she could do. She simply could not take the agony that would be bestowed upon her by continuing to look at those corpses... they were really gone. Adam's friends. The people she had helped to save at the warehouse. The one worthwhile thing that she had done on this island. It was all for naught. Continuing to sob, Jill simply turned and left the area. She did not know where she was going. Hell, at this point, she did not care. She just needed to get far, far away from that place. Unable to take in the sight of those two corpses any longer, she simply walked away, and quite frankly, she did not care if anyone followed her or not.

(Continued in the Open Field.)

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:44 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn couldn’t do much of anything but stand there when Adam came onto the scene…

His reaction to Madelaine’s death was what he’d figured it to be, if he understood right those two had been grouped to together for a long while, while they had fought to stay alive on this island. He knew Amanda had been important to, he just wasn’t aware that she was as important as she had been.

When Adam had finally noticed where she body was, as he placed the shirt over her face, Martyn quickly found himself pushed aside. Tripping up a bit on his shoes, before steadying himself, and watching as the emotions came forth like some flood gate had been open. Adam had gone from the happy-go-lucky young man he had met at the warehouse, and turned into the anti-Adam that he had been around this whole time.

Listening as he began to carry on into a rant about all that had befallen him while on this island, Martyn couldn’t help as his head dropped and he listened on. He really had no idea what was going on, on this island at all. Everything had been great when he had seemed to be welcomed into the group with welcoming arms. He hadn’t felt safer… he knew no one on this island, to have people around destroyed that fear of loneliness. But now with Adam’s departing words to them, he felt that feeling of safety leave him as he left to find and kill that Cody boy.

As others from the second group began to appear on the scene, one suggesting burying the bodies of the girls he nodded to himself at the idea. It was right, wasn’t it? But when Jill began to speak, telling them she would be unable to because doing so would admit that they where dead…

And she was right – once they buried the girls that was it.

Blinking out of his thoughts as Jill stood and begun to walk away, Martyn frowned a bit before looking to the other group that they had met at this place. “I’m sorry as well – I’m going to follow ‘er, I can't let her run out in that state. If you must use something to dig the graves. Try the tins that the crackers they gave us came in. It isn’t much, but easier than using your ‘ands.”

With that, he turned and rushed back to where he had left his things. Gathering up his bag, and shutting off his laptop before rushing back and toward where he had remembered seeing Jill leave too. Passing the group and giving a nod of his head, "Luck to you all." He muttered, before pressing on.

‘There’s gotta be something I can do now that I have my laptop… there’s gotta be, I can get us off this ‘ellhole.’

((Continued in: Today's the Day, I Pray that we make it Through))